Yupina: Ok! First story well kinda a first story for Shugo Chara

Amu: Yay!

Ikuto: *Stays silent*

Yupina: -_- Well here enjoy! :)

Chapter 1: Sorrow

"Ami ssh.. don't say anything be quite.. everything will be okay."

The young women with beautiful golden eyes held her child tightly in her arms as her husband tried to protect them against some kinda of evil the mother tryed to conformt her little daughter as she cired in her arms, the door was smashed open as a group of men dragged her husband coverd in blood and cuts all over his body and dropped him to the ground Ami screamed, to find her father full of blood and men looked up at Ami and her mother as there eyes turned bloody red, they started to walk towards them as Ami's mother hugged her tighter in her arms. The father tried to get up, but he felt to weak and was in to much pain but he tried anyway, he gripped the ground and clenched his teeth together as he looked up and glared at the men as they laughed at him.

"Don't hurt them.."

The men turned and looked at him as he tried to get up, but they kicked him in the rib the might of the kick was so strong that he went flying to the wall. As he fell dead to the ground.


Ami yelled as the men with the red eyes smirked revealing there fangs at Ami and her mother there eyes widen in shock, as Ami's eyes where filling up with tears. She clinged into her mother's dress.

"Mama... i-im s-scared *hic*

"All of you men are vampires aren't you?"

They looked at the women and smirked at her.

"What are you going to do to us?"

Haha.. "What all vampires do.. drink your blood."

The vampires walked closer to Ami and her mother in a circle form as Ami and her mother screamed into the night.

Ohh.. "That's werid, the necklace my parents gave me came off?"

"I think it's a bad omen.."

Ohh no something must have happened to them and Ami?

Amu looked at the necklace as she held it in the palm of her hand, and felt a slight pain in her chest. She hears a knock on her door and grips the necklace in her hand as she looks up at the door.

"You may come in"

Amu finds Tadase, and Nagahiko walk into her room. Amu looks at them, as she looks at Tadase and Nagahiko with a sad look in their face. Tadase and Nagahiko look at each other before they look back at Amu. Tadase clears his throat and steps forward. Amu thought to herself.

I think their going to tell me some really terrible news.

"A-Amu umm.. Yours parents and your sister..."

Amu's eyes widen and walked up towards Tadase as her eyes started to get watery.

W-what happend to them to t-them, do you know something about them?

Amu grabbed Tadase by his clothing, as he looked at her with a sad painful look in his face.


Tadase opened his mouth and yelled at Amu the words she would've never want to hear.


Amu's eyes widen as the words were settling into her brain, then tears started to pour out of her eyes as the images of her parents and Ami's sweet smile came into her mind.

"No this can't be, they can't be dead!"

Tadase grabbed a hold of Amu's wrist, as she looked up at his red-ruby eyes, then she looked at Nagahiko and he had the same look in his face as Tadase. Then Amu knew that it was true that they weren't lying. Amu collapsed to the floor crying her eyes out. Amu felt someone walk up to her she looked up and noticed that it was Nagahiko he looked back at Tadase and gave him a nod as Tadase did the same he walked towards the door and left.

Nagahiko walked towards Amu and she got up and ran towards him as she cried into his shoulder Nagahiko sat her on her bed as he hugged tightly.

"Why did they have to take them away from me?" "This isn't fair" *hic*

"Amu please clam down" (A/NI chose Nagahiko to stay with her well because he has words of wisdom lol)

"I just can't Negi" *hic*

Nagihiko patted Amu in the back of her head trying to clam her down.

"Amu there in a better place now and you know it."

"Your right Negi.." but I want them to be here with me."

"There going to watch you from above, they will protect you. But all they really want to see is your beautiful smiling face and that your happy. Even though there not here with you." Ohh.. and you must make them proud by you trying to protect this kingdom and become into the next new queen. (Amu is 19) But first you need to get your mind straight, so take your time well be here to help you threw this."

At first Nagahiko had a serious look in his face but it soften after awhile, he got up and patted Amu on the top of her head and left out the door. Amu just looked at the door blankly and decided to lay back on her bed as she looked up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes as she remembered her morning with her parents and Ami.


"Amu- chan where going to go form alittle trip, do you want to come!"

"No mother, I'll stay her

"Ohh okay dear, we might be back maybe by tonight or tomorrow and we will be taking Ami with us."

"Ohh okay mother byee, have a safe trip"

"Bye- bye Onee- san"

Amu was coming down the stairs as she saw her parents and Ami, give her a big smile as Ami ran towards her to give her hug one last hug as they walked out the door.

*End Of Flashback*

Amu curled up into a little ball as tears streamed down her face and soon enough, it wasn't long enough before sleep engulfed her. Later as Amu was sleeping Tadase walked into her room and saw her thrashing around in her sleep and screaming.

"No please don't go, stay with me please I need you guy's"

In Amu's dream she was engulfed in darkness until a bright light flashed out of nowhere blurring her vision out, she blocked the light with her hand. The light dimmed alittle Amu brought her hand down from her eyes, Amu eyes widen to see Ami in her mothers arms and her father next to them smiling at her. Ami and her parents at the same time said...

"We love you Onee- san, Amu- chan" Please take care of your self"

Her parents and Ami smiled at her as Amu was reaching out towards them with tears in her eyes, but they started walking away from her into the light Amu opened her mouth and yelled.

"No please don't go, stay with me please I need you guy's in my life"

"Amu-chan don't worry we will always be with you in your heart and we will protect you"

" NOO! Please don't leave me alone!"

"Good-byee Amu- chan"

Ami and her parents walked threw the light and disappeared, as Amu eyes slowly closed and she collapsed into the ground with tears streaming down her face and fell unconscious.

Amu's eyes widen with tears in her eyes as they streamed down her cheek Tadase was holding her in his arms, he saw her eyes open and a sad smile drew over his face.

"Amu- chan your awake"

"Tadase- kun?"

Amu started to cry harder and placed her head in Tadase's chest as he comforted her.

"Amu- chan don't cry anymore, im here for you"

"Tadase I saw my parents and Ami in my dream, they told me that they love and that I need to take care of myself..."

"Amu- chan its true you need to take care of yourself for now on.."

"And then they told me good-bye and they disappeared, I didn't want them to leave me. I need them with me"

"Amu there going to be with you the whole time, even though you won't be able to see them and they want you to be happy." "Okay Amu- chan"

Amu looked at Tadase and nodded her head, Tadase leaned towards Amu and kissed her forehead

"Amu you should go to sleep now"

Tadase got up for Amu's bed and started to walk away until he felt a tug in the back of his shirt, Tadase turned around and saw Amu with pleading.

"Tadase please don't go stay with me please?"

"Okay Amu- chan"

Tadase got on Amu's bed and laid down next to her as she snuggled next to him, it wasn't long before sleep engulfed her. Tadase looked at Amu's face as he smiled.

She looks okay now, Amu your so beautiful I wish you knew my true feelings. We been together since we where little and I have always liked you but I never told you *Sigh*

Tadase leaned towards Amu and whispered into her ear.

"I Love You Amu and I promise that I will be here to protect you"

Tadase closed his eyes and soon enough sleep took over.

Yupina: And done!

Ikuto: Damn

Amu: That was pretty sad

Yupina: Umm I guess.. Well then please review!

A/N: Sorry if the story is a bit sloppy. Please Review and tell me what you think. See you soon! Thanks :)
