Captain Victoria "Iron Gates" Gates was still in her office. It had been a long day with Castle's temporary partnership with Detective Slaughter. She'd wondered why the writer had stuck with it after all of the warnings and first-hand experiences he'd had. The man was an idiot.

The Captain was about to leave her office when she saw Castle stalking down the hallway with Slaughter trailing behind him, practically pleading. Gates hid herself out of their lines of sight and listened in.

"Listen, Cap'n… I didn't know she was your kid." Cap'n? Why would Detective Slaughter of all people call Castle 'Captain?' She watched as Castle forewent the definition of personal space and stood face-to-face with the other man.

"Listen Jayne." Jayne? That's not Slaughter's name. The Captain was getting even more confused. What was going on?

"We're stuck here, and while we're stuck here, we got roles to play. But don't think for a moment I won't put you in your place if there's a need for it, dong ma?"

Dong ma? Why would Castle speak in Chinese? And put him in his place? She could barely keep him in line (some sort of line, anyway) and she was "Iron Gates!"



The two started walking away from each other when Castle spoke once more.

"Oh, and Slaughter? Punch me in the gut again…" As Castle's voice drifted off, Gates knew she wasn't the only one who got his message.


After the two men walked their separate ways, the Captain entered into her office, her mind racing. Victoria Gates sat, suspicions confirmed and even more questions raised.
