Dylan Saunders' eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light streaming through his window. Yawning, he rubbed his eyes and stretched. He walked to the kitchen and made himself a steaming cup of coffee. As Dylan sipped his hot beverage, his eyes slid to the calendar hanging on the refrigerator. He grinned and set his empty mug on the counter. He was beyond pumped for the Starkid's second tour, Apocalyptour, which was starting rehearsals that day. As Dylan showered and pulled on his clothes, his mind wandered to the other Starkids.

"God knows what they're doing right now," he pondered, smiling to himself, "Knowing them, making mischief and wreaking havoc on the city…" Little did he know, his assessment was right on the mark.

"RISE AND SHINE JULIA!" Lauren Lopez yelled in her roommate's ear, causing her to topple off her bed in shock, "APOCALYPTOUR REHEARSAL STARTS TODAY!"

"Do think that for once you could have woken me up the normal way?" Julia Albain groaned from the floor of the girls' apartment, rubbing her head, "A nice, 'Time to wake up Julia,' or maybe a nudge on the shoulder?"

"Maybe," the petite girl grinned evilly, "But it wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining to watch..."

"Really? Why don't you watch THIS?" Julia grabbed her abandoned pillow gave her friend a hearty thwack on the head. Giggling, Lauren grabbed a second pillow and the two continued to beat each other until they both fell on the floor laughing.

"And as for rehearsal starting today," Julia said breathlessly, "I should know, I'M THE DIRECTOR! Practice won't start without me, whether everyone likes it or not."

"Well then, Miss Director," Lauren replied with mock seriousness, "We should get going unless you want to be late! I made us a gourmet meal to start the day, Raisin Bran a la Lopez."

"Ah yes," Julia snickered, "Cereal, the breakfast of kings! Race you to the kitchen!" She took off towards the table, Lauren following close behind.

On the other side of the city, Brian Rosenthal awoke in his and his two friends' hotel room. He and Jim Povolo had picked up their friend from the airport the night before and were offered an invitation to spend the night. A mischievous grin spread over his face and he tiptoed to the bathroom. He filled a cup of water as quietly as he could and crept back into the main room. He passed Jim, who was curled in an almost cat-like position, sleeping peacefully.

"He's almost cute when he sleeps," Brian mused. His gaze slid over to the bed next to Jim's. There, sound asleep, was Joey Richter. With a smirk, he tossed the cold water on to his friend's neck.

"WAKE UP JOEY!" he shouted as Joey woke with a start. Brian made a break for the door as soon as the words had left his lips, knowing he was in for it.

"BRIAN, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Joey yelled, scrambling out of bed after him. Jim didn't stir until the door slammed shut. The tall boy jolted awake, slowly got out of bed, and carefully peeked out into the hallway. He witnessed Joey running down the hall, chasing after Brian. Jim shook his head and shut the door once again.

"Well," he shrugged, "I should probably shower before someone calls the manager…"

Across town, Jaime Lyn Beatty lightly knocked on the door of her friend's apartment. After a few seconds had passed with no answer, she fished through her purse and pulled out a key. She quietly unlocked the door and slipped into the back bedroom. There she found Meredith Stepien, still fast asleep underneath her warm covers.

"Mere," Jaime smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed and giving the girl a gentle shake, "Time to get up, Apocalyptour rehearsals start today."

"Five more minutes," Meredith mumbled, her voice muffled. Jaime rolled her eyes and yanked back the blankets as hard as she could.

"We're going to be late if you don't get up soon," she reminded her friend, keeping a tight grip on the sheets.

"Remind me why I gave you the key to my apartment again?" Meredith groaned, her face still buried in the pillow.

"Because you love me dearly?" Jaime singsonged.

"No, I don't think that's it…" the girl grumbled, turning over to the other side of the bed, "Don't expect me to get up anytime soon."

"Well that's too bad," her friend smirked, starting to get up, "Because I just so happened to have brought you Starbucks…"

"I'M UP, I'M UP!" Meredith shouted, practically jumping out of bed.

In yet another part of the city, Joe Walker silently crept towards his friend's bed with his Nerf gun in hand.

"I'll sneak up on him when he's unarmed and vulnerable;" Walker thought sinisterly, "Then I will claim my prize of calling dibs on my bunk on the tour bus first, inevitably picking the one closest to the air conditioner, leaving the rest of them to sleep in discomfort and agonizing heat."

He gazed on to his sleeping opponent, pointing directly at his forehead. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Brian Holden woke quickly and yanked another Nerf gun twice the size of his from underneath the pillow, aiming directly between Joe's eyes.

"Drop the gun," he commanded, "Or there will be a little accident involving your head and my Nerf gun. I'm not afraid to let this dart fly."

"But you-" Walker protested angrily.

"Were asleep?" Brian finished. "I can see as how your one-track mind would believe that you could sneak up on me while I was unarmed and vulnerable. Then you would claim your prize of calling dibs on your bunk on the tour bus first, inevitably picking the one closest to the air conditioner, leaving the rest of us to sleep in discomfort and agonizing heat." Brian gave a cold laugh as Walker's jaw dropped in disbelief. "Poor, predictable Joseph."

"Alright, you've had your gloating time," Joe grumbled, "We'd better get going though."

An hour later, the group slowly trickled into the rehearsal room. Dylan cheerfully strode in, glancing around at his friends

"How was everyone's morning?" he asked jauntily. Julia, Joey, Meredith, and Walker all glared at Dylan menacingly, condoning his perky attitude. "Actually, scratch that. I don't even want to know…"