Disclaimer: I owe nothing, apart from a few OC's mentioned in here.

Authors Note: Hey guys! I'm back for a short story. It's going to have 6 chapters and is a prequel to an existing one. You might notice which one it is soon, if you do write me what it is and once someone does, I'll tell everyone in the next chapter (I assume though that some might get it after this first chapter, if they read the right story.) Anyway, if no one writes to what story this is a prequel, I will write it under the last chapter. There will also be an extra chapter for the other story, which will include Mimi and some of her angel friends.

Mimi's big day

„Holy sh…, I'm late." Mimi screamed and rushed to get ready for her day at the Angelic college of love.

And it wasn't just any day for Mimi, it was her big day, the day of her exams. If she managed to pas,s she would become a full angel and not just a kid spirit. She would finally earn her wings.

Well, some would call her an angel, it really depended on the believe, those, in her opinion slightly silly, humans had. Some of them would call her a positive energy which Mimi didn't mind, even though it made her sound like she wasn't alive. Some might call her a god. A weaker or lesser god that might not even have a name but she didn't really mind that either, even if it made her sound like so much more than she thought she was. Angel was one of the names she personally preferred. But what did it matter what name someone gave her? The only thing that did matter to her was love in every form of it's existence.

She was one of the spiritual beings that were created by the one god that in some believes of silly humans was divided into multiple ones but that didn't really bother anyone either. The only thing that did bother an angel was when someone of those silly but lovable humans was unhappy or causes another human a great deal of unhappiness.

Mimi didn't really need those wings to fly, considering that neither she nor the wings really were materialised. It was more like a mental image of them. Every angel looked to the others the way they liked to look. But the wings are the same as a status symbol in the human world. Like if someone just passed college, some other school or managed to get a drivers licence. And no angel can show them to others unless they earned them. They are a sign of accomplishment and she really wanted to earn that. Especially since this particular accomplishment brought her some sweet benefits.

Her parents both had managed to get wings, at a different angelic college, and were all grown up doing their part for the community. Her parents did jobs in heaven, minding and helping their fellow angels. And they loved their job up here in heaven. Which by the way isn't anything like what humans believe it to be. I mean really, who would want to live on a boring cloud and laze around all day? Mimi would be bored out of her mind in no time. Haven was much better and incredibly busy but no human had the imaginary ability to get it and there were no words in their world to describe it appropriately either. But since Mimi was a kid she listened to the stories about the human world, about how they lived together and fought each other as well. She didn't really like the war stories but she loved the romantic love stories of their world. The true ones that had stood out enough to be talked about in heaven for years to come, long after the persons had passed away and moved on. To where they moved on, well that's the punch line, no human will ever find out until the very end or rather, after said one.

Mimi had started to love the humans with a passion and wanted to work hard to bring as much love into that world as she could, and prevent as much fighting as possible in the process. She had leaned a lot on how to do that but as up to this moment she only had that knowledge in theory.

But today that would change. Today she could go down to earth to do a mission and if she got it done, she would finally be a full love angel just like Hathor, who is a powerful and old angel, the Egyptian goddess of love beauty and a whole lot of other stuff, was named after her. Well technically, she is her and the humans just thought of her as a goddess rather than an angel or a spirit. She is something like a mentor to every other love angel and a bit above them but that doesn't mean that she bullied them around, it meant she had the responsibility for them all, she had taught Mimi everything about the humans that she could and had to make sure that every angel was assigned to the job that would suit to their individual abilities. If you compare heaven to the human world though, she would definitely be the big boss of love.

Mimi's father wouldn't get a good part in that comparison though. He's a transport angel which aren't very well known on earth and would be sort of like a post man which a lot of humans didn't think too much of, especially when high up he power chain themselves, but here in heaven it was different. It was just as important to have someone who would deliver important things, as it was on earth and every angel appreciated that. No matter how small a job was, it was important. After all, have you ever tried to get some book or toy, that you ordered online, mailed to you through a telephone line? Not the easiest thing to accomplish, even for an angel. Calling Mimi's dad was much easier for the other angels and he got the job done within less than a second, just like the other transport angels, it hardly mattered how many deliveries they had to do, they would get it organised because that's what they've learned..

Her mother´s work was nicer, even though her work was a lot like the work in a factory. She crafted energy that would make the flowers and a lot of other things grow and brought warmth and light to the world. Because that's what all sun angels did. Everyone who knows the basics of the old Egyptian faith must know the name of her boss, after all Ra was very well known down there at that time.

"Mimi." The little angel with long golden hair and pink highlights heard Hathor's voice. "You're late…again. Honestly, what are you thinking…and today of all days?"

"I'm sorry. I was just so exited that I couldn't calm myself until early this morning and then I simply didn't wake up like planned." Mimi said trying to look guilty but her smile ended up a little sheepish like always.

"Well, you'll still get your chance." Hathor said and smiled a little. She really liked Mimi because she was full of love for the humans just like herself. But it could get exhausting to handle all of her energy at times. "You'll get a mission that will be perfect for a talented little thing like you."

"You think I'm talented?" Mimi asked excitedly. Hearing that from Hathor was the best thing that ever happened to her.

"Oh yes. That's why you won't just get a mission to make siblings love each other enough again to stop a fight or something easy like that. I give you a mission worth of your talent." Hathor said and Mimi felt prouder than ever, "I'll assign you a couple and you need to give them true and everlasting love for each other. Well, let's say if you get them to at least fall in love and admit their own feelings to themselves, will be enough to pass but the rest has to happen too at some point but the destiny angel said that if both at least love the other and know about their own feelings for each other, they'll most likely end up together eventually. The names of the couple are Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler."

Mimi was extremely proud, usually only experienced angels got such an assignment. To bring true love needed some careful planning. But something seemed a little fishy to her, "Haven't I heard of them somewhere?" Mimi asked after a moment of thought. She was sure to have heard those names before but simply couldn't remember where.

"I knew you'd forget. You are too unorganised. If you could remedy that fact you'd be the perfect love angel, even better than me. You can feel love in the air around you like no other and have the gift to make other feel it too just by loving it yourself." Hathor chided gently while looking proud of her little charge. "But you forget things and are constantly late. Well it can't be helped, I better remind you then little one. Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler both live in Domino City. The destiny angels informed me that they want them to adopt a kid, so this kid can have the perfect upbringing, helping him to do great things with his life, and to protect his sister who also has to play a big role in keeping the world in balance. It is important for the greater good and will prevent enormous disasters from ever happening. But you know the free will part is making it troublesome to get them together. Of course we mustn't complain about it, after all we don't want to sacrifice their happiness for anything, that wouldn't be fair. Either way, I told you about them once to show how the free will worked and to show you what you need to be aware of if a job gets too troublesome and the hate between humans is too much for you to handle."

"NO" Mimi said shocked, she suddenly remembered. "You're sending me to the demon maker?"

"The what?" Hathor asked.

"The demon maker. The others called them that because the last three love angels, that tried to make them love each other totally lost it and started to hate every human, believing they were all as stubborn and hopeless of loving each other as they were and turned into demons." Mimi looked terrified. "Please don't do this to me, I know I'm late but please don't give me a mission that I'm sure to fail."

"What makes you think you'll fail?" Hathor asked amused, "Do you fear to become a demon?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Mimi answered, "I would love to be a demon, because demons have to live on earth and I love it there." Mimi actually looked dreamy when she said that, shortly imagining herself lazing around on earth and spend all day watching the silly little humans fall in fight and make up with each other again, before she added with a pout, "But I love humans way too much to ever turn into a demon. The only problem is that I'll never make them love each other within a day and that's all the time I have for my exam."

"If it was a normal one, yes." Hathor said, "But this one isn't normal. It is a special case you're given to prove that you're the best of your class and with special cases you have as much time as you want to. You never fail if you never give up. You just can't return until the mission is done or you'll fail."

Mimi looked up at Hathor, unable to believe her ears, she could stay on earth forever if she just didn't bother with them, unfortunately that could make a lot of humans unhappy, so she would have to return once she had made them fall in love. But just until the next job. "Alright. I´ll do what you want and will make them love each other. I'll make them love each other so much they'll turn all twinkle eyed and sparkly." Mimi started to fly a triple looping in the air. But Hathor wondered if that goal could ever be achieved. Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler…no they never could get THAT lovey dovey.

"Calm down, Mimi." Hathor said, "Like I said, it will be enough to make them fall in love and notice their own feelings for now and maybe admitting to their feelings to the others but that is unlikely to happen just yet. The rest will be up to them to choose eventually, even though it'd be great if you could help with that too, in given time."

"Oh, I´ll simply make them get drunk and marry in Vegas." Mimi said excited about her idea.

"Won't work," Hathor said.

"Why not?" Mimi asked curious.

"Joey's guardian angel is Jay and he's really good and protects him from such things." Hathor said, "By the way, his specialty is luck."

"Does Seto have a guardian angel?" She asked, remembering that a guardian angel wasn't trained in school but on earth because they got born with their human and that every human soul had his or her own angel who would stay with him no matter what and that they would be on earth whenever the human needed them to grow and learn with time and experience.

"Yes but he's useless." Hathor said. "Seto doesn't believe in angels and never wants help from anyone either. He only trusts himself. Which ended with the fact that Sara has about the same experience as she had when Seto was born."

"What do you mean, wants help, I tought a guardian angel always helps?" Mimi asked.

"No, a human has a free will, remember?" She explained to her, starting to feel ever so slightly annoyed with the fact that she had to give her a short run through the most important lessons of all. "That means for us that we can't make them feel something they don't want to. We only can make their heart beat a little faster but what they'll make of it, or if they ignore it, is up to them. It's to protect them from demons as well as us and ensure that they can live life the way they'll enjoy it. But to a guardian angel this free will thing has even more meaning. A guardian angel can't interfere until the human he or she protects wishes that someone will help them."

"So this angel can't help him?" Mimi asked happy about that turn of event she'd just focus on him.

"No, he can't, a human needs to want help. It doesn't matter if he believes in us but he needs to want the help anyway. To long for some help is enough, even if he would never believe that anyone will help. It is more effective if he actually asks for help but a guardian angel can consider that longing as being asked. And since Joey is always hoping for some luck, Jay's got a lot of experience with that." Hathor explained. "But don't take Seto lightly either, he's stubborn and logical and doesn't always listen to his own emotions. Be careful Mimi, you have a hard test but I believe that if anyone can do it, it's you."

"I won't disappoint you, I promise, Hathor." And with that she was off to find her two charges. She didn't hear Hathor call out to wait a moment and so she never heard the last warning she wanted to give to her. The warning that one of the former love angels was still with Seto. Whispering to him and manipulating him as good as he could. A love angel who now was what humans might call a demon, an evil spirit or negative energy. He wanted nothing more than to use Seto to bring as much destruction into the humans as he could. To destroy the human race and end it once and for all in his blind anger.

And he definitely would try to turn Mimi too, telling her only the bad things about humans and the wars that had been on earth. Things far worse than anything the innocent and happy little thing had heard of so far. Things that might be too much for a kid like her. Hathor really hoped that she had done the right thing by giving her that mission, she knew that it was a risk but the time was running out. The children would need the parents and a relationship could only be rushed that much, especially since the destiny angels assume that they won't see each other for some years after Joey will lose his father, the only parent to ever care for him.

They needed to fall in love, and soon, before they would be so far apart that they could forget one another and fall for someone else. And Mimi truly was talented and maybe their last chance. If she couldn't do the job, the poor children that could become essential in keeping the balance, and doing countless of helpful things for humanity with his interlaced that rivalled Seto Kaiba and her loyal love and compassion that matched Joey Wheeler. But to do that they needed parents that could understand them and help them improve their better qualities, instead of him hating the people around them that abandoned and ignored him and his sister and her to loose her brother to the darkness within his very soul.

Only Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler together were capable of that. Only they could help him fight the shadows and her to control her innocent trusting nature that couldn't bare to see anyone in pain. Mimi simply had to win this fight or god knows what might become of those children if their souls gets too many scars to recover from.