Chapter Five

"Caroline!" She distantly heard Klaus cry weakly from where he still layed on the floor, but she ignored it. Nothing anyone could say would stop her from embedding that stake into Mikaels heart, because right now she was not Caroline, she was the monster that lived inside Caroline.

Snarling she lept towards Mikael, stake aimed directly at his heart, and it hit it's mark perfectly. She smiled, standing victoriously as the flames consuming him reflected in her eyes.

"Caroline!" There was his voice again, bringing her back from her trance, turning around he was bringing himself to his feet and watching her carefully, almost warily. "Caroline are you alright?" He asked quickly pulling the blond vampire into his arms.

"I-" She stopped looking up at him innocently, as if she hadn't just killed a man. Though honestly it didn't feel like it was her doing it. "I killed him." She said with a horrified expression. He thought it was a little funny how guilty she felt, even after all this time, for killing. It was in their nature it's what they were made for yet for some reason he felt like it wasn't in her nature. Her nature was kinda and caring, and all over good. He would never understand that.

Quickly he pulled her closer to him, letting her bury her face in his chest as tears started forming in her eyes. He rubbed soothing circles on her back. "It's okay, sweetheart." He whispered in her ear, feeling her relax into him he couldn't help but smile. Klaus couldn't for the life of him remember the last time Caroline was relaxed around him.

It was a short lived moment though, because the next second she was pushing him away, looking at him with a shocked expression before bolting toward her bedroom. "Caroline." He called after her desperately. Why couldn't they skip this, he knew one day she would love him again, she just had to. So why couldn't they just skip to their? Because she was still denying him, claiming she didn't care for him, something which she had made painful obvious that wasn't true.

Caroline slammed her door shut, curling up on her bed, wrapping her arms around her knees, closing her eyes, and reminding herself again and again why she was angry at him. one hundred years, she said again and again, one hundred years he had you locked in a coffin enduring unending pain, missing all your last moments with your loved ones. He does not deserve forgivness, she told her self, he's a monster.

Just then the door flung open and there was the monster himself, standing there with this heartbroken expression on his face that almost made her want to just give into him, almost.
"What?" She spat burying her head in her arms.

Klaus took a deep breath to calm himself. "Caroline why do you insist on playing these games?" He asked exasperatedly.

Glaring up at him she spoke clearly, though her voice was close to cracking. "They're not games, it's my life, and you destroyed it."

Suddenly he was right there in front of her, his hands gripped her shoulders tightly pushing her back into the wall. "You were going to leave me!" He growled as his nails dug into her shoulders. Yes he felt that little voice in the back of his head that told him he would regret this. It would only make her more angry, it would only hurt her more, but, as always, he ignored it.

Then she said something he had not expected. "I wasn't going to leave!" She cried back at him, and he could tell she was telling the truth, he could always tell when Caroline was lying. His grip loosened slightly as he just stared at her in bewilderment. "Why would I leave? Yeah you compelled me and I was pissed, but I wasn't going to leave." She scoffed looking over at his hands, wanting him to let her go, and to get as far as possible from him. At the same time though she wanted him to wrap his arms around her and kiss her. Of course she would feel the need to get angry at him if he did.

He let go of her shoulders, to wrap his hands around her waist, and as if reading her mind he leaned towards her, pressing his lips to hers, pulling her closer to him.

'But she didn't get angry, she knew she should've, she should've pushed him away, screamed at him, but she couldn't deny what she felt anymore. Not when he was touching her like that. So instead she pulled him closer to her. wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, and her legs around his waist.

He had thought she would push him, away scream at him, do something, but to his surprise, and delight, she pulled him closer. She wanted him, and that was all he really needed. His lips made their way down her throat, as he took and relished in every sound that escaped her mouth.


He looked over the sleeping beauty that was sprawled across his chest, running his hands over the smooth skin of her back. Caroline stirred, moaning softly into his neck where her face was buried.

"My Caroline." He whispered, kissing the top of her head softly.


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