Chapter 12: News

Thanks for the reviews: RaffielHeartfilia14, Akane, XxFairy-chanxX, PATDFan, PrincessVideogame, 1fairytaillover, Mimichan55, SkyFairies, lylian and all the other guests!

Lucy and Natsu were in his bedroom. Books were sprawled everywhere, with worksheets that were helter-skelter as well. It always ended up like this during their study sessions. Natsu had shown a lot of progress since the first time Lucy attempted to teach him. Right now, Lucy was helping Natsu review for the next test coming up, all the while studying the chapter herself.

"Ok, Natsu." Lucy said. "The force created when the court pushes LeBron James upwards is equal to which force? A, the force LeBron James used to dunk the ball. B, the force LeBron James drives into the court when he jumps. C, the force LeBron James uses to throw the ball or D, the force LeBron James drives into the court when he lands after jumping."

Predictably, Natsu didn't want to study, so he immediately tried to distract her. "Why are you asking me about LeBron James? This is not about how he plays, it's supposed to be about electricity and waves and stuff."

Lucy bought into his time-consuming act. "It's just to help you visualize the questions. If I relate it to things you like most, then you should be able to get the question" She explained.

Happy also wanted to help his master in this scheme "Gee Lucy." Happy piped up from his tiny bed. "You'd make a great teacher one day!"

"Thank you, Happy!" Lucy said, picking up the cat from his bed and petting him. "So, Natsu. What's the answer?"

Natsu instead stated. "Why can't I ever distract you for a long time? You never fall for my tricks anymore."

"I'm not as gullible as you think I am. It used to work on me, but not anymore." Lucy smiled and put a fist on her chest, feeling quite proud of that fact.

"Time's up, Lucy!" Natsu yelled out, quickly cleaning up the mess they made during their study session. Lucy tries to stop him by taking the books back from him. "But you haven't answered the question yet!"

Suddenly, the beginning of Umbrella Beach started ringing through the paper mess. Lucy was confused until Natsu found his phone, which was still ringing. Natsu looked irritated when he looked at the caller id, but nonetheless accepted the call.

"What is it, Ice Block?"

The caller must've been Gray; considering Natsu didn't call anyone else ice related names other than him. After listening for a while, Natsu was smirking and said "Why would I have her number?" He was clearly enjoying the reply Gray was giving.

Lucy didn't know that she was watching him intently until Natsu looked up. Embarrassed for being caught staring, she timidly looked down and began packing up by herself. Natsu heaved an exaggerated sigh and said "Well, she is here at my house right now. Here, talk to her."

Lucy gaped as Natsu handed her his phone. She took it and warily said "Hey Gray. What do you need?"

"What are you doing at Flamebrain's house?" Gray's irritated voice came from the phone. Lucy could just imagine the interrogating look he would be giving right about now.

"None of your business." Lucy replied, "Now, what did you need?"

"Well, first of all. I need your number."

"You called Natsu of all people for my number? You could've asked Ultear, she has it too."

Lucy could hear some mumbling from the other side of the phone. "Anyways, I got news from the association. We got our new uniforms and also the whereabouts for the next match. I want everyone to gather now, preferably at your place. That ok with you?"

"Sure." Lucy shrugged, but she knew he could not see that. "When do we meet?"

"Right now."

"Right now?" Lucy sputtered. If she were drinking something right now, she would be doing a spit-take. "But I'm not at home right now."

"Obviously," Gray snapped at her. Lucy could not understand why he was being snappy. "Just get here, and I'll call the others too. Be here in fifteen minutes." He ordered. Lucy started to say something, but Gray promptly hung up on her.

"What's got his boxers in a bunch?" Natsu smirked. He couldn't hear very clearly, but he could definitely make out the sharpness with which he kept yelling at Lucy.

"I don't know." Lucy replied as she handed the phone back to Natsu. "As far as I'm concerned, he wants to use my house as a meeting place. Come on, let's pack up. He set us a time limit to get to my house."

"He ain't my boss." Natsu crossed his arms. "And neither is he yours."

"He said we got the uniforms." Lucy offered as she tried to persuade him. That did the trick. "Why didn't you say so? Come on!" Natsu said as he rushed out the door.

"Clean up your room first! And you never answered the question!"

Natsu popped his head back in. "It's B. Now hurry up!"

Lucy and Natsu soon arrived in front of the pale blue apartment. They got up the elevator, where Natsu was impatiently tapping his foot, until the soft ding of the elevator rang and the door slowly opened. Lucy unlocked the door and stood appalled at the scene in front of her while Natsu quickly entered the flat.

The guys had already made themselves at home. Gildarts was reclining in her armchair, snoozing away while Gajeel and Elfman raided Lucy's fridge. Lyon and Siegrain were playing Mario Cart on her Wii set, with Jellal, Loke and Gray were watching, entranced with the race in front of them. When Siegrain's Mario crossed the finish line, he jumped up in victory while Lyon was angrily challenging him for a rematch. Gray then looked up to see Lucy still standing in the doorway, and said. "Hey guys, she's here."

Lyon abruptly paused the rematch, making Siegrain shoot him a death glare until he noticed who came in. He quickly waved at her and resumed the match again, throwing Lyon off guard. Lucy slowly walked in and locked the door. By now, the guys were cautious. Lucy had not said a word since she came in, and it was really starting to scare them. Sensing the sudden silence, Gildarts woke up as well. Lucy glared at them with such a menacing look that some of them became pale. Lucy softly threatened "If you guys don't clean up this mess soon, you will find yourselves being hunted down by the toughest people in the world," she stopped and gauged their reaction. She added the last tidbit for fun. "Including Erza."

The guys jumped up and started picking up after their mess. Soon, bits and pieces of the crackers Gajeel was eating were swept away, and the Wii CDs were in their catalogue. The tablecloths were back on their respective tables and the chairs were perfectly aligned. After checking everything, Lucy smiled and said, "Well done. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were professional servants."

None of them said anything, for fear of invoking her anger again. Gray then picked up a bag behind the sofa and pulled it out. He unpacked it, revealing the uniforms. There were two sets for each member, along with a jersey. The uniforms were red with gold lining, and a number and a name were imprinted in gold at the back of the vest. The jerseys were also in the same color scheme. Finally when everyone got their's, Gray told everyone about their opponent. "Our first match is with Twilight Ogre's Academy's Ogres. They shouldn't be very difficult, but don't underestimate them too much. Their star player is Teebo, so be a bit wary of him. The match'll be on Thursday, which is two days from now. Lyon, Natsu and I will be on offense for this match, and Loke, Jellal and Elfman will be on defense. Depending on how the game goes, I'll see who we'll switch in for the second part."

"Why do I have to sit out?" Gajeel asked, miffed at the arrangement.

"It's just for this match, and like I said, if I feel the need to put you in, I will." Gray explained. "Any more questions?"

Gildarts raised a hand. "Why do I have to be here?"

"Because you're our coach," Jellal pointed out. "And you have to advise us in our strategies."

Gildarts stayed in deep thought until he raised his hand again. Gajeel groaned. "We're not in school, old man. And neither are you a student."

Gildarts then put his hand down and said "I think you should switch Loke with Lucy."

"Why?" Lucy asked, genuinely curious.

"Because I think you would be better in defense, and Loke should be in offense."

"No offense, old man." Loke said, clearly enjoying the little pun. "But you haven't seen us play enough times to know who is better at what."

"Fine then." Gildarts pouted. "You're the ones who wanted advice. I gave you one. Take it or leave it. And I'm not an old man."

"I'll think about it, Gildarts." Gray said. "But for now, I'd like to go with the current plan. Meeting's over, so you all can go home."

Slowly, everyone left, leaving Lucy and Gray behind. Lucy asked "Why are you still here?"

"You forgot? We have to go to the pizza place."

"Right. You brought your stuff?"

"It's in the locker."

"Ok. Wait here until I change."

After she changes into the yellow polo tee with black three-quarter leggings, she grabbed her tote bag, which had her purple apron. "Let's go." She said to Gray.

When they reached downstairs, Gray gestured her to get in his car. Lucy obliged, but couldn't help but think it would have been better to just walk there.

When they reached there, they quickly fell into routine. There weren't very many people, so Lucy could also chat with some of the customers. While Lucy was bringing back the empty dishes, Gray asked Macao if he could help clean up for closing too. Macao allowed him, and soon they cleaned it up. While packing up, Lucy asked "Gray, what do we do if one of the matches ends up in a Tuesday, Wednesday or Sunday?"

Gray shrugged. "We would have to asked Macao or Wakaba about not being there at that day. They'll manage." And he left it at that.

Lucy wasn't satisfied with that answer, so while Gray was changing, Lucy took the opportunity to confront either owner about this. She found them near the entrance, and went up to them. "Macao, we have the tournament coming soon, and there might be matches that would happen at this time."

"So you were wondering if you could skip out on those days. Got it." Macao nodded.

"We'll have Gray take over your shift." Wakaba said.

"That's not it." Lucy said. "Gray will also have to go to the matches. It's impossible for both of us."

Wakaba cast a worried glance to Macao, but Macao didn't notice. After a moment, he agreed. "So long as you tell us when it is, alright?"

"Ok." Lucy nodded and smiled. She went back to the staff room, where Gray was waiting for her. As they headed out, Gray asked her. "So, what were you talking about with Macao and Wakaba?"

"Just giving them the heads-up if we needed to skip work for a while."

"That's a vague way of putting it. But good job." Gray said as they got in his car. "You have my approval."

"I don't need your approval." Lucy retorted. "I was doing the responsible thing."

"Don't act like my approval is a bad thing. You know you like it." Gray teased.

"As much as I like you having a cold. Which you will have if you don't get a shirt on soon."

"I must have packed it in with the other clothes. It's ok though."

"No it's not." Lucy huffed and reached behind to get his bag. "What are you doing?" Gray asked, turning around.

"Eyes on the road, mister." Lucy said as she forced his face in front. "Got it."

Back comfortably on her seat, she started going through his bag. "There's a thing called privacy, Lucy."

"I'm doing you a favor. Geez, where did you put it? Ah! Found it!" She took out a white shirt and threw at him. "Wear it."

"I'm driving, Lucy. Can't you see that?"

"I've seen you change while driving before, so it can't be that hard." Lucy then found Gray's phone in the bag, and started toying around with it.

"What are you doing in my bag now? You already gave me the shirt."

When they finally reached in front of Lucy's apartment, neither of them moved from their spot. "You did the right thing Lucy. I wouldn't have thought to ask them ahead of time. Thanks." Gray mumbled, not meeting Lucy's eyes directly.

Lucy smiled at him, "It was no problem Gray. Good night."


Gray then reached his own house. Lyon and Ultear ambushed him near his room. "Where were you?" Ultear asked.

"You know where." Gray shrugged as he tried to make his way through the two. The effort was fruitless though.

"You missed dinner, and Mom had to throw it out. So I hope you already ate." Lyon said as he let him through.

"I did. Thanks."

He tiredly shuffled to his room, and flopped down his bed. He then stripped down to his boxers and was going to fall asleep until he heard a ding from his bag. Tiredly, he got up and checked his phone. He smiled at the new message.

From: Lucy

You should keep your phone locked Gray. You never know when you will lose it and someone will go through your phone. You are too arrogant for your own good. Delete some of those photos, save some for other people.

He had to reply to that. Gray had a lot of pictures of himself, but half of those were taken by Ultear. Most of them were of him shirtless too. He thought back to when Lucy could have seen them, and her sneaking around his bag popped up in his mind.

From: Gray

Maybe that should teach you to stay away from other people's phones, and bags. Ever heard of privacy?

He sent it, and it wasn't long before Lucy answered back.

From: Lucy

I could ask you the same question

From: Gray

You are so nosy and annoying, you know? I need to sleep. -_-

Gray then left the phone in his bag, as if wanting to prove it. The phone dinged again, but Gray didn't feel like answering. He fell on his bed and quickly fell asleep.

From: Lucy

Aww. Little miss Gray needs her beauty sleep :3 Alright then, goodnight.

I know, this is pretty lame. I was going to update two chapters but the next one is proving to be difficult. Please review any comments, opinions and ideas!