This fic is discontinued

My Lonely Friend

"Do you feel lonely" asks a boy.

"Y-Yes…I feel so lonely…" replied a girl, sniffling.

"Maybe you need a friend." The boy bent down and stroked the girl's short hair out of her face.

"I don't need a friend… T-They will only h-hurt m-me!" The girl stared at the boy.

"I need a friend..." The boy said, standing up. "Let's be friends." The boy held out a hand and smiled.

The girl looked at the offered hand, then back up to the boy's face shrouded in shadow. The girl felt like she could trust him, maybe…

"O-Ok… But are you g-going to h-hurt m-me?" The girl weakly rasped, innocent eyes shining like moon stones.

"Why would I hurt you? We're friends now remember? You don't have to be sad to me." The boy moved closer in front of the girl, and his milky features were made known to her moist eyes. They gently touched foreheads, and the girl's lips finally broke out in a smile.

"I'll protect you so you don't have to be lonely anymore."


Hinata's right arm was useless; it was cut from her elbow right down to her wrist. It was bleeding, and green foam seeped out from the alcohol solution she threw haphazardly into the open wound.

Her pursuers would not stop as they threw more poisonous kunai knives in her direction. Hopefully, that alcohol solution she brewed would do the trick from cleansing the poison out – but it was too late. Her legs felt weak and her vision was dizzily shaking. This was the end.

She tripped in a tree branch in front of her, and felt herself fall down. The impact wracked her bones and her flesh grew tender and weak. More blood came out and flowed to the soil. Her pursuers looked like black ghosts as they loomed in front of her, having caught up in a matter of seconds.

"She is a criminal. She killed her own cousin, and almost succeeded in killing her own clan."

"I don't understand why she would have done so… Shall I finish her off?"

The deep voices blearily made it in her senses. This was not the end.

The other nodded, and she saw the figure bring about a kunai – firmly gripped and glinting in the shaded sun.

Just before it successfully pierced her body, a Demonic purple spirit shielded her from the offending weapon.

"I didn't remember telling you my approval for my demise." Hinata arrogantly stated, lifting herself off the ground.

"Or did, in your own hallucinating minds, think I would let you finish me off?" Hinata watched as the Konoha shinobi step back and watch with horror as Susanoo flamed with anger around her.

"S-Susanoo, b-but how…she does not possess the Sharingan…" One man muttered, kunai dropped and forgotten in the ground.

"You fool, you do not understand…" With one blink, a great black fire consumed the surrounding area, eating the bodies with one swoop. Terrible cries and blood spilled into the forest floor, and Hinata's body dropped down as well with a soft thump.

"Hinata… Are you ok?" A man, with whom she trusted, lifted her and carried her in his arms.

"I think I will be ok, thank you. I really didn't want them to die you know. You didn't have to…"

"Don't be an idiot! You would have died!" Her friend buried his face in her shaking chest. She felt hot tears in her skin.

"Are you crying?" She asked, bringing her right hand to touch his head.

She didn't get an answer, and she didn't anticipated one.

"Get some rest… I'll tend to your wounds…" He replied.

"Ok… Thank you Sasuke." Hinata whispered.


When Hinata woke up, she was in a hut tucked somewhere safely in the forest.

She saw him cooking something and she laughed.

"Don't burn the carrots."

"And don't spend your energy carelessly. I can handle this myself."

Hinata shrugged and felt warm and happy.

"It's not carrots anyway…" He mumbled quietly.

"Thank you" the words came out easily from Hinata's lips.

"Don't mention it."

When Sasuke finished the soup, he insisted on spoon-feeding Hinata. Having not the spirit to argue, Hinata had no choice but to agree...

"I made it with some of the forest's local greens. It's not fancy, but it will do."

The broth warmed Hinata's mouth and it tasted pretty good.

"Thank you Sasuke… I-I h-had a n-nightmare…" Hinata wrapped the blanket around her tightly, gripping the sheets with her fingertips.

"About what" Sasuke put the empty bowl on a wooden table, and placed a hand on Hinata's trembling shoulders.

"A-About the c-clan… A-About w-what I did to Neji-niisan…" Hinata looked up to Sasuke, her eyes the same teary moon spheres he'd witnessed 12 years ago.

"He was a bastard. He deserved everything. You shouldn't suffer because of his crimes to you."

"B-But it doesn't m-matter anymore. Because h-he is d-dead, and it's b-because of me."

Sasuke grew silent, his hand slipping away from Hinata. "Are you regretting it all now, Hinata? Being my friend…"

"N-No Sasuke, I-I, you've always been my friend!" Hinata threw her arms around him and held him tightly – like a scared child. "You have helped me through everything! Without you I won't be anything…" Hinata shakily drew her breaths at the thought of losing Sasuke.

"Hinata you're everything to me, let's always be like this." Sasuke held Hinata closer and smelled her hair – burnt and bloody.

"First, how about you take a bath?" Sasuke suggested teasingly. Hinata let go of Sasuke and frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"


Unfortunately Hinata didn't thought of bringing any soap upon her defection from Konoha. She lay on the springs as she scrubbed her hair clean of grime and blood. The water was clean and cool, little pond fishes swam past her skin and she giggled.

Everything that she did now was because of Sasuke. He is the only thing keeping her from dying from the inside – he had always been there for her, coaxing her and comforting her. Giving her powers…

She hasn't done anything to repay him back, but she had nothing to offer him. All she ever did was cry and be weak. But now, a few things will have to change. She will get stronger.

Drying herself, she went towards her clothes and put them on. She walked back to the hut and Hinata rested her head on the small cot.

After facing the wall for many hours with restless thoughts eating at her mind, a long sleep overtook her finally…


"Hinata-sama is not doing well Hiashi-sama. Her fever is rising and she's begun hallucinating; kept murmuring to herself and imagining…things."

Hiashi silently growled.

The doctor was dismissed and Hiashi threw the table in front of him in a fit of anger. The 20th doctor paid and the answer was still the same.

"She needs a psychologist to be hypnotized out of that fantasy she's conjured up. No doctor will ever heal that kind of illness." Neji coldly stated from the door, "My most pleasant greetings Hiashi-sama."

"What? And use that black magic they use on my daughter? If you can't suggest anything of the slightest worth Neji, then rid me of your presence."

"Forgive my uncouth remark Hiashi-sama. I will take my leave now." Neji bowed and glowered menacingly upon closing the door.

"What? Did you think you'll fool father easily Neji?" Hanabi drawled, sucking on a lollipop. She had heard everything by her room only next door in the dark Hyuuga hallway.

"Don't push my limits Hanabi."

"That is 'sama' for you, Neji." Hanabi replied flatly, biting the lollipop.

"Oh yes I almost forgot, Hanabi-sama."

Hanabi laughed, "Ugh I was kidding, I hate it when I get called that – makes me feel old, like father."

Neji bowed, and left the vicinity as quickly as he could.

"I'm surrounded by lunatics…" Neji muttered. "Kami help me…"


Hinata knew that the only one she could trust was Sasuke. He knew everything about her and understood her. He listened to her problems and made her stronger – he was a friend, just like he'd promised.

"So where are we going to go now? I mean where do you plan us to go to?" Hinata asked Sasuke the following day. She just woke up, and the sun shine was blinding her.

"When you sleep I can know more about you than when you are awake…" Sasuke murmured, moving close to Hinata and staring at her eyes.

Hinata looked away and blushed, "You know all my secrets, why are you telling me this?"

"Because I just had to…well I haven't planned that far yet. We can stay here if you like."

Hinata looked around the cozy hut. It was comfy and the nature was pleasing.

"I wouldn't mind, except now I wouldn't know what to do here… Wouldn't they just hunt me down now, Sasuke?"

"Let them come, they will see for themselves what had happened to their comrades back there if they try."

Hinata's eyes lowered, saddened. "I don't want to kill heedlessly anymore Sasuke…"

"You don't have to… I do them for you because you're my friend."


"Please? Just trust me ok?" Sasuke rubbed her shoulders comfortingly.

Hinata looked at him and her eyes swelled up, "O-Okay…only because I trust you."


Later that day, Hinata had trouble seeing with her vision.

"S-Sasuke… M-My vision!" Hinata eventually stumbled as she trained her taijutsu, she couldn't see anything except blurry colors.

Sasuke helped her up and carried her to the hut. "It's a temporary side-effect… I'm sorry for this Hinata; I think it is because of Ametarasu – it has caused damage in your eyes. We'll be more careful about this from now on."

"Okay, just…don't leave me." Hinata closed the space between them, and huddled herself closer by his chest.

"I'm always with you, I don't ever leave." Sasuke soothed.


By the 5th day, Hinata spent most of the time staring off into space and lying quietly on her cot, viewing the darkness by the cloth tied in her eyes. She's had nightmares haunting her every time she'd slept, about Neji stabbing her again and again, and she'd wake up sweating and dizzy. Now she'll try avoiding sleeping at all.

"Here's some soup Hinata…" Sasuke lifted Hinata's head and coaxed her lips to drink the broth.

Hinata looked at Sasuke, and asked "You said you'll never leave me…is that true Sasuke? I feel so alone now...and my nightmares…"

"Hinata…" Sasuke stroked her hair out of her face, and gently caressed her cheek.

"It's just the two of us, just like we wanted it. Why are you so sad?"

"I should be happy, but Sasuke…" Hinata shook her head. "Never mind…forget I said anything. I'm happy just being with you…"


Her bones felt weak, her eyes felt like it was burning, and her whole soul felt unclean. It had been 2 weeks now since she left in her escape for a new life.

Hinata was slowly rotting – mentally and physically. She didn't have the energy to even stand up any longer. Just the thought…the thought of her family made her sick. Her whole life, her past life, and the prospect of her future looked too frightening. She was reduced to a body crumpled up in a tiny cot – lost and afraid.

She wanted to go back, but no one will ever extend their hand to help her after what she's done. Now…not even her family, which she tried to kill…

Hinata hoped someone was out there, looking for her… She'd gladly accept her punishment and die...

"I hope you'll feel better soon Hina. I love you." Sasuke came from outside the hut after hunting for food.

Hinata smelled blood and sweat in the air and tears swelled up in her eyes.

"NO STOP! PLEASE NO MORE! NO MORE!" Hinata shrieked wildly, her cold empty shell having cracked and spilling out her last bits to sanity.

Sasuke took off his soiled shirt swiftly and dunked it in water from the bucket. He splashed cold water all over his chest and body and dried himself.

"Ssh, I'm sorry Hina. I was just out in the forest for awhile. Please don't be like this…" Sasuke wrapped his arms around Hinata's trembling body and pressed it closer towards him.

His warmth comforted Hinata and Hinata looked back at Sasuke. She sniffed as she gazed upon the same dark pools that brought shivers down her spine, yet attracted her like a magnet.

That eye – her friend that helped her up that day…

"You were gone for so long… I didn't know what I would do…" Hinata stuttered, resting her forehead on Sasuke's bare chest. The smell enticed her – his sweat and familiar scent, it was intoxicating. The closeness stirred Hinata's heart.

"I know…it pained me to part with you for so long, but I'm here now Hina. Please forgive me." Sasuke's lips brushed past Hinata's scalp.

"I-I forgive y-you…" Hinata softly replied. "Sasuke… I want to go back to Konoha…" Hinata's voice was barely a whisper as she absentmindedly drew tiny circles on Sasuke's stomach. "I miss it…"

"You want to go home you mean?" Sasuke said coldly, firmly gripping Hinata's back.

"Yes" Hinata urged.

"Then we can go back…on one condition."

"What is it?"

"We kill every one of them."

Hinata's eyes widened and right before she could push Sasuke away, Sasuke gripped her chin roughly and kissed her on her parted lips. Hinata felt her cheeks flush brightly; this was not how she viewed her friend… Their lips mingled and she felt lost – too foreign a place.

Sasuke let go and looked at Hinata, Hinata avoided his all-knowing eyes. "I love you Hina, don't forget that."

"You've said that before…" Hinata mumbled, touching the lips he'd intruded with her fingertip.


The kiss successfully broke her line of thought.

Hinata slept peacefully that night after many days seeking doom. She ate obediently and got her muscles warmed up again after a training session with Sasuke. She felt strength coming back to her soul.

In her mind the storm wasn't too calm though. Memories fought in her dreams like waves crashing as she tossed and tumbled in her cot…


Neji slapped her the 4th time, her cheeks swollen and bright – the redness puffed up like the side of an apple. Hinata touched her cheek tenderly and withdrew it immediately – the sting was terrible.

"Don't disgrace yourself with that pathetic attempt! You lack the strength and the balance! Do it again!"

Neji's harsh command brought her up to her feet in seconds and she tried again, she blocked every one of his Jūken successfully this time, and Neji sensed her growing determination. Annoyed, he broke his line of repetitive strikes and released Hakke Kūshō (Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm), catching Hinata off-guard and sending her flying towards the wall of the training room. The size of the impact alone was discernible through the gaping crack in the wall. Dust and debris showered Hinata. Her chakra points were completely plugged and she coughed out blood.

"You're a failure Hinata-sama. Let's end this misery." Neji curtly stated.

She heard the words and she couldn't bear the crushing weight of its meaning. Did she deserve to die – right here, right now? Tears poured out the side of her pale purple eyes.

Hinata couldn't move, she laid there frozen in tormenting pain as Neji quietly walked out of the training room, abandoning her.

'Don't leave me Neji-niisan!'

'I don't want to die!'

'Please I'll be stronger!'

'I-I am s-sorry…'

Her cries reached no ears.

The training room was 20 miles south of the surrounding Konoha Forests, a secret place for when the Hyuuga gathered in secret clan meetings or trained in seclusion or privacy. No help will get here…

Hinata's fingers twitched and a thin string of blood seeped out of the corner of her mouth. She wasn't going to deny death this time, it was simply hopeless…

Her whole world had been a lie – she was no heiress and she had no family. They look at her with contempt and disgust as the failure. Neji reminded her that every day and he made her suffer for it – to the point of making her die.

Hinata finally accepted this – lying so vulnerable in the rubble.

Until…he came…

He picked her up and cradled her broken body – told her that life had its purpose, that he will bring vengeance to those that had hurt her. He healed her. She believed him and he became the first truth in her world full of deceit; the shining light that made the flower bloom.

All she remembered afterwards was that she was back in the Hyuuga clan in the dead of night, splashed with dark crimson and blazing, angry orange.

Hiashi looked at her, great sadness reflected in his eyes. They were in the Main Family's House, where she grew up imprisoned.

"I thought Neji did something to you… It seems like you're alright." Hiashi's voice was soft and weak – a first for the prideful man.

"He thought he could kill me." Hinata flatly replied.

"My daughter, what has happened to you?" Hiashi staggered as he walked forward to Hinata – he brought up his hand to touch her cheek.

"I saw a light for the first time, Father."

"A light, what light?" Hiashi begged.

Hinata didn't answer, as she heard Konoha's reinforcements entering the house. She shook her head, and went past Hiashi in the moonlit window. This was her time to part – for a new life.

"You've given me darkness and I sought the light – I have found it."


When she woke up, Sasuke was right by her side – his smooth back facing her as she lay awake. The cot certainly had no room for another person to sleep on, so she was basically pressed flat against him.

Hinata blushed and she lifted her elbow to move upwards; slowly but surely she got out of the position, and she started to make breakfast.

Cooking was something she was naturally gifted on, and she felt a lot better in the 2 weeks since she escaped.

When she's cooking she's happy.

It was too bad there weren't a lot of options available to cook though. In the end Hinata managed to scrap the surrounding area for its limited resources, and made something presentable: boiled eggs, fried rice and grilled fish.

Hinata was also able to make some tea to by brewing fresh chamomile leaves. Just the aroma of the tea soothed her mind wonderfully.

When she was finished she set it all up in the mini wooden table by the cot and watched as Sasuke slowly awoke – aroused by the scent wafting in the tiny hut.

"Hmm, smells like someone has been uplifted" Sasuke muttered as he sat cross-legged on the opposite side of the table.

Hinata gave a small smile and poured tea on his cup. "Tea – I thought it would be a nice addition."

"Indeed, much thanks." Hinata watched as Sasuke brought the cup to his lips and drink its contents satisfyingly. Sasuke looked at her watching mutely and smiled, "The tea is delicious."

Hinata nodded cheerfully.

"Remember when I told you to play 'Tea Time' with me? Back when we were kids?"

"Yes I couldn't possibly forget that. We were dressed up and all and you were happy."

"I was only happy because you were there…" Hinata replied softly, gentle emotions pouring out along with the childhood memory. "Thank you Sasuke, I'm sorry I haven't been good enough for you."

"Don't say that, you mean the world to me, Hinata." Sasuke reassuringly caressed the back of her hand.

Her name never sounded so loved before…

"You're a failure Hinata-sama. Let's end this misery."

Hinata clutched her heart tightly as it suddenly felt like collapsing.

"N-Neji-niisan, don't leave me!" Hinata pleaded, crumpled and lying in the floor… She felt her chakra fluctuating decreasingly, and the dark memory coming back to life.

"D-Don't let me die!" She gasped. The tea cup spilled onto the floor as Sasuke quickly came to Hinata's side.

"Hina, you're okay I'll protect you!" Sasuke breathed, propping the trembling Hinata up in the cot. "That bastard will never ever be able to touch you or hurt you again… I promised that." He comforted her and stroked her hair until Hinata fell asleep on his lap, sobbing as her tears dried up.

Sleeping was the time she was most beautiful Sasuke thought, playing with the silky strands of her hair. He relished moments like this, where all seem to go perfect the next day. The curl of her eyelashes was long and fluttering as her eyes moved beneath – she must be dreaming.

"We'll be together Hinata, just like this, I won't let you go."


Hinata knew just whose lap she slept on, and wished he wouldn't be so nice to her.

Sasuke told her he didn't mind at all, and complimented how beautiful she looked even – how tempted he was on kissing her right there and then. Hinata felt her pale cheeks warm up and she stuttered embarrassingly before finding the excuse of going down the springs.

"I should come with you." He insisted.

"I'll just b-be b-bathing. You d-don't h-have to." Hinata hastily grabbed a towel and barged out the door.

She reached the spring's rocky terrain in due time and Hinata stripped her clothes off, dipping down the cool water gradually. The pond fishes came as usual as she remained motionless, tickling her skin. Hinata truly adored them; they were like little orange flashes in a clear blue-green lake. She played with them for awhile before finally cleansing her whole body with the spring water, wishing for soap dearly.

Just then, little bubbles appeared and decorated the air around her.

"Bubbles" Hinata whispered… 'Soap'! She excitedly thought. The bubbles thickened in her area, and soon the bubbles merged together into creamy foam. Hinata caught it with her cupped hands and lathered it around her skin and hair – the soap smelled of lavender, her favorite scent.

"If you need more, just let me know." A low voice outside the spring said.

Hinata's heart thudded as she immediately thought of the worst… What if the bubbles had poison in them? What if they were ANBU sent from Konoha? Were they just outside – hiding by the trees – waiting for her to come out?

She couldn't have been more careless!

"W-Who are y-you?" Hinata asked timidly, dipping low down the water.

"Someone you wouldn't be concerned with." The same dim voice replied. The bubbles immediately popped and dispersed thinly into the water.

"Are you the o-one giving me the b-bubbles?"



"Look, I'm not an enemy of yours. You simply attracted me, the fishes told me about you. You seem to need soap."

Hinata sighed with relief. "Thank you, you're very kind. Yes, I needed it."

"I'm Hinata Hyu– I mean… just Hinata." Hinata wanted to bite her tongue at the slip-up.

"Hinata Hyuuga. You don't have to hide it. You're name has spread like locust in the area. I'm surprised you're still even here. I would advise you to go even deeper in hiding since you've gotten popular with the bounty hunters." The voice grew grave as he warned her.

Hinata felt the rush of water in her skin as she sat down stone-still – the idea of having bounty on her head was a little too overwhelming. She'll have to talk to Sasuke about it.

"W-Who a-are y-you exactly?" Hinata skeptically asked again.

The voice sighed, "I'm a wanderer. I have no purpose. But 'my people' are trying to get me back. So I guess I'm a fugitive at the moment."

"A fugitive… S-So you're n-not a bounty hunter?"

"I could be, but you're not worth it."

"Oh" Hinata figured her bounty might not be that high anyway. The stranger seems likeable enough, but to be kept at arm's length at best.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to put on my clothes now."

"Take your time, I'm not looking."

"How would I know?"

"Just look at the bubble's direction. I blow my pipe forward in the direction I'm looking at."

Hinata hesitated, but looked at the direction of the bubbles. It doesn't seem to be blowing at her direction… She quickly hid underbrush and dried herself before putting on the freshly dried clothes. Just before leaving Hinata stopped and turned back, "Thank you…for not turning me in and for the soap…"

"Don't be stupid and stay alive. That's the only true rule in this world." Hinata felt a rush of air sweep by and looked upwards. There he was, gone in a flash.

She saw a glint of his golden bubble-blowing pipe, bubbles streaming past his trail. That must have been his weapon – bubbles. If he would have been any other shinobi, she most likely would have gotten kidnapped or killed back there. Hinata realized she owed him one the next time they meet.

She wished he would have at least told her his name.


a/n: Thank you for reading :') This is my first take on the SasuHina pairing - I simply adore the chemistry they could pull off if they were canon, and I want to try experimenting with it with this new story. Leave a comment if you like - write things I could improve on and such, or PM me about questions you're confused with in the story. I'll write more believe me, so hold on tight!

Thank you again for reading, and I don't own Naruto! :P

Chapter dedicated to Ascacious ~

Written With The Music: Replay by SHINee (Fan "Heartbreak" Piano Cover)