A/N: This is the beginning of the story but is set ahead of time and the next few chapters will be the events that led up to where the intro all happens. I am sorry to the people that liked my stories when I stopped writing but I hope you enjoy this. Please comment and let me know.

How could this be happening to her? What in her life made her come to this point? She knew that what she was feeling was so wrong. That she was not the only one to blame here. Her whole life was turned upside down when the truth of what her future held came into light. There was nothing to do now, she could no longer deny or hide from what she wanted to do and who she wanted to be with. She was just so afraid that he would deny her and that by telling the truth she would be unleashing a war and once it started there would be no way to stop the war from going on. She just had no idea on how she was going to prevent the heartbreak that could happen to her but she did not know how to prevent the heartbreak that would happen to the ones that she cared about.

She was done sitting in her room and thinking about all the things that could happen. She was ready to finally take control and it would be the first time she would do something that made her feel like an adult. She was tired of being held back like a little child yes she was only 10 in real life but she looked like a 17 year old when would her parents begin to treat her like she looked and acted. She was a 10 year old but she acted like she was 17. There were times when she was afraid like a child but she told herself she could no longer be afraid of what could happen. She needed to tell the truth and let everyone be free with the truth and let the cards fall where they might. She knew that this was a major risk and would change how people thought and saw her but she was willing to make this jump at the chance that she can love and maybe for once be in love in return.

The door to her bedroom seemed so heavy as she opened it up. She could hear everyone from her family in the living room. She could even tell that he best friend Jacob was there. Nessie was afraid to keep moving out of her door. She just came home a few days ago and now she was going to tell them a secret she had that would change how everyone saw her and she was not sure she could look them all in the eyes as she had to tell them the truth for the first time since she arrived. She closed the door once she was out and started to head down the long staircase to where her family was. Each second felt like a lifetime, not knowing what her future held but she hoped that their love for her would overcome the anger that would surely happen in a few minutes. She reached the doorway and that is when she saw her family and they saw her. She knew that it had come to the moment of truth.

Nessie looked at her family and friend and shut her eyes and opened her mouth. "I need to tell you all something. I know that it might be hard for you all to hear but I need to tell you the truth. I have kept a secret from you since I have come back and I believe it is time for me to tell you so you can all know the truth." She opened her eyes, she did not want to make direct contact with any of them really because she felt is she did then she might not have the nerve to say what she needed to say. "I fell in love with someone while I was away. At least I believe I am in love with them. I am not too sure I left before I could find out if he felt the same way." She saw the shock go across every ones face.


Nessie was in her room it was going to be her birthday in a few days so her aunts had been going crazy lately. She had stopped growing a few years ago but her family still believed that they should celebrate her birth. She was after all their young niece or granddaughter or daughter. She liked having parties but it was not like she had many friends. She never really got out much anyways she was always home. She could not go to school for the reason that she grew faster than others her age but now she was not aging but her parents did not believe she was ready yet. She thought she was ready and was hoping that this birthday they would tell her she would be able to go to school and actually met some other people besides her family and the werewolves that were around. She wanted to meet some normal people but she doubt that could happen anytime soon.

Everyone in her life was overprotective of her and they seemed like they always needed to be watching over her at all times. She understood that they were afraid that the Volturi would show up and want to take her or even worse kill her. When would they learn that she could defend herself that she really did not need them around all the time. The person that was the worse surprised her the most. Her best friend Jacob was the one that always fought with her to make sure that she always had someone with her whether it was to go to the cottage or to go out hunting. She did not understand why next to her dad he was overprotective too. She was only his friend and from what she got in tv shows and in the movies best friends are usually there to help the person when they need it and to bring them into fun times when they are down but with Jacob it was different and she did not really get it.

Nessie was too busy in her own thought to hear someone knocking on her door. She just had so many questions and it never seemed like anyone wanted to answer them. When the last knock broke her out of her state of thinking she was a little confused at first until another knock happened. She got up from her bed and wondered which family member it could be. She opened her door and was not surprised to see the familiar face there in front of her. "Hey, what are you up too?" She smiled at him not knowing what would be coming next.

Jacob questioned her a little with his expression. "Oh nothing just coming to see how you were doing. Seeing how it took you a good 5 minutes to hear my knocking I am guessing something is on your mind. So spill it. You know you want too." He smiled at her and she it was because they shared anything and never judged what the other had to say. She knew that even if she asked him he would avoid the question too. But maybe today could be different; he could be willing to tell her today. It was worth a try. "I was just thinking again about my birthday coming up and how maybe I can finally go to school this year and meet new people. I just want adventure and not be stuck in this house anymore. Do not get me wrong I love hanging out with all of you but I want to have new people in my life and know what else is out there. I know it sounds stupid but it is hard to know where my life can be going when I have not seen anything but this house and this town." She hoped that he would understand and maybe be able to explain it to her. She could see that Jake was really thinking about this one now. He was probably trying to figure out what her parents would want her to know and what they would want to tell him in this kind of situation. She just wanted to know if she would ever be able to have adventure she was going to be 11 soon and she never met anyone outside of the super natural world.

After her little spill of words she let Jake into her room and they were now both sitting on her bed. She was still waiting to hear if he had anything to say. "You want to know how your life will be in the future and I can always tell with you that you are always wondering that when you are older if you will know that the life you are suppose to live is not something different because you did not see the world." He took a pause she knew he had more to say and maybe she would be able to get some answers that she was dying to know. "Have you ever thought that everything you need to know and love is right here in this small town and will be with you no matter where you go? I know that you believe that nothing will make sense until you are able to see the world outside of good old Forks but I believe that everything I need is right here. I hope that you can see that one day too." She was a little disappointed that he did not tell her everything she hoped to hear from him but he was talking a lot now about the future and how everything that she could need could be right here in her home town. She was not so sure about that right now but she wondered if he was right. She still wanted to see the outside world though.

A/N: Hey thank you for reading let me know what you think. I will have the next chapter up soon. Either today or tomorrow.