A/N – Hey everyone! This is my first time ever writing a fanfiction so I really hope you guys enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries :'(


Candice sat down with the rest of the cast in the room anxiously waiting for their next scripts. If they'd learnt anything from the past three years, it was that no one was safe. Even Malese, who played Anna, was killed off The Vampire Diaries and she was one of the fans' favourites. Nervously tapping her foot, Candice eyed Julie and Kevin as they walked into the room. Julie gave everyone a warm smile and Kevin began to hand out the scripts for the eleventh episode of season three.

"You can all breathe now, none of you are going to die in this episode," Julie said with a chuckle trying to cut the tension in the room. Sighs of relief and talk broke out amongst the actors. Kat, who was sitting next to Candice, turned around and mouthed "thank God." Candice smiled in return and returned back to her thoughts. She was glad she didn't have to say goodbye to any of the cast members this week, they were like a family and it got harder and harder to see them go. She was also glad it wasn't her who was killed off. Obviously Nina, Paul and Ian had nothing to worry about but she was just another vampire on the show. She broke out of her thoughts once more and looked up to Kevin who handed her the latest script.

"Thanks Kevin," Candice said giving him a smile. She couldn't wait to see what the writers came up with this time and had a lot of respect for them. To be honest, she hoped that something different and interesting would happen with her character because she felt like all she was doing were scenes with Tyler. She loved spending time with Trevino, who was like her best friend now, but she wanted to do something different for a change. Candice raised an eyebrow in surprise and excitement when she read through the script and found out that it was Caroline's birthday. Julie and Kevin started discussing the episode but Candice was glued to the script and carried on reading. A half hour or so later she learnt that Caroline will be bitten by Tyler but she would be saved by Klaus. She looked up and scanned the room in search of Joseph. He was on the other side of the room sitting with his right leg resting on his left knee also absorbed in reading. Candice couldn't help but notice that his black henley shirt complimented his shoulders and torso very nicely. She shook the thought away and reminded herself that she had a boyfriend. Even though her and Zach were having problems, it was still wrong. As if Joseph could feel someone looking at him, he looked up and met Candice's eyes. Joseph gave her a little smile that Candice returned and she wondered if he had read their first scene together. She had never really talked to Joseph because the opportunity never came. They never had any scenes together and back at the house the cast all lived in, he usually kept to himself and read books or hung out with Claire, Daniel or Kat. Candice also read somewhere that Joseph was dating Emily VanCamp, the lead actress of Revenge.

Julie reminded everyone that rehearsals began the next day and once the meeting was adjourned, everyone began to leave.

"Candice," Julie called out to her. "Could you and Joseph please stay behind for a few minutes? Kevin and I need to talk to you guys about something."

"Sure," Candice replied confused at the ambiguity. She looked over to Joseph who looked equally confused by the sudden instruction.

"So we were thinking of trying something out and wanted to see if it'll work or not," Julie said to both Joseph and Candice who still didn't fully understand what was going on.

"We wanted to try out a possible romance between Caroline and Klaus," Kevin explained. Joseph let out a silent chuckle and looked down at his shoes to hide his grin. "I know how much you wanted Klaus to have a love interest," Kevin remarked. "It should be interesting," Joseph replied and looked up and met Candice's eyes. He was smiling at her with those heart-skipping dimples. Candice looked away before anyone saw her cheeks starting to get rosy.

"If it works and the chemistry's there, we'll add more scenes between your characters in the next episodes," Julie added. "What do you think Candice?"

"Yeah I think it's something new and fresh. I'm up for anything you guys and the writers come up with," Candice replied optimistically. Julie beamed.

"Great! Well we'll see you guys tomorrow at rehearsal," she said and the producers left the room leaving just the two of them together. Candice immediately felt uncomfortable now extremely aware that they were alone in the room together. After a few moments of silence, she decided to break the awkwardness and say something.

"So um-"

"Well I-" they both said simultaneously and nervously laughed. "You go first," Candice said.

"I was just wondering if we could go over our lines together back at the house?" Joseph asked cautiously. "I normally wouldn't ask but I've been pushing for a romantic interest for Klaus for so long, I just want to get it right," he quickly added.

"Yeah of course, when do you want to practice?" Candice asked.

"Would around seven be okay with you?" he asked. She nodded without hesitation but then realised she had dinner plans. Candice slapped her forehead, she couldn't believe she had almost forgotten. "Um actually, I just realised I have plans tonight," she said apologetically.

"Oh," Joseph said, his smile faltering a little. "That's okay." Candice swore she saw disappointment in his eyes but it was gone in a flash. She felt a sudden urge to explain that it wasn't because she didn't want to rehearse with him. "It's not that I don't want to, I really do... It's just, I forgot that Zach and I made reservations at that Italian restaurant in town for tonight a few weeks ago," she explained purposely mumbling the part about her boyfriend.

"You should definitely go. Don't worry about it," Joseph brought his lips into a tight grin.

Candice tilted her head and gave him a smile. "Raincheck?"

Just in case you guys get confused, the TVD cast are all living in one big house in Atlanta in this fanfic.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Please review! (Should I continue with this fanfic? Please let me know) :D