Okay guys it's been an amazing run so far, but just like everything it must come to an end so here's the last chapter in this story. Let me know what you think.

Three months later Brittany gave birth to their future, Claire and Deklin. Claire- being the oldest was the spitting image of Brittany. With the same brilliant blue eyes and blonde fuzz on the top of her head. Deklin, looked exactly like Santana if she had been born a guy. It was confirmed that Deklin was in fact male and that he would not have to go through the same humiliating process that his mother went through.

About the same time that Claire and Deklin were born it was confirmed Rachel and Quinn were having baby themselves. It seemed that everyone was in the session of making babies. Sam and Mercedes had twins on the way and Kurt and Blaine were having a baby as well. Sugar and Harmony were walking around Santana and Brittany's house a very pregnant Harmony yelling that Santana was too cheap and lazy to go out and buy any real food. Sugar looked exhausted and Santana couldn't help pity the poor girl.

Werewolf babies seemed to make one's mate extremely hormonal. With the worst mood swings and cravings. She could testify to that with Brittany's pregnancy.

Mike and Tina were waiting on their buddle of joy to come out and meet them the same could be said for Rory and Lindsey as well as David and Wade- who he had turned into a werewolf.

Shelby stepped down from her position as Queen of the Elves, preferring to spend more time with Puck, traveling the world and annoying the hell out of Santana. Rachel was technically Queen of the Elves now but she decided to stay with Quinn instead.

As soon as their children were born and Brittany didn't have to spend every second of the day with them, she went back to her new studio with Mike.

Santana got to spend more time with the children seeing as she was her own boss. To say she spoiled her children was putting it nicely. If Claire or Deklin wanted something in the store all they had to do was give Santana the big puppy dog eyes and pouting lips and the Latina would pretty much buy them to the whole store. Brittany seemed to be the only one that could say no to their spoiled rotten children.

When Rachel finally gave birth to their second child- a girl- they began to come to Santana and Brittany's house more often. It seemed that everyone was coming to their house now. Not that Santana was going to complain. Okay, not that she complained and meant it.

With all the new babies running around their house Claire and Deklin were thoroughly entertained. Both seemed to take a specific liking to the Fabray children much to Quinn's dismay and Rachel's enthusiasm.

They all knew that they were too young to mate, but they would only turn at their fifteenth birthday and than it was open season for mate hunting and not just for the werewolves, for everyone. That's what Santana dreaded most. Her children were far too attractive to be wandering around at the age of fifteen or any age after their turning years.

Quinn seemed to agree with Santana's thought pattern for she was nodding furiously. Rachel and Brittany didn't agree with their wives thought pattern. They all already knew who was going to imprint on whom. Deklin hung onto Beth like a lost puppy and Claire was always looking at baby Isabelle as if she were the answer to everything that troubled life.

They knew that it was only a matter of time before Claire took over the pack and Santana and Brittany went into a quiet retirement, just like Santana's parents did.

All in all life was good and Santana wouldn't have traded it for anything.

That's it. I know not a very good ending, but I couldn't figure out any other way to bring this story to an end. Thank yo to everyone that stayed with us till the end. It's been amazing writing my first story and all the feedback I got from you guys. I'm going to work on a sequel that revolves around the children not sure when I'll post the first chapter.

Thank you to everyone that reviewed and kept me going through this story.