Hey guys here's another story I'm writing it's my two FAVORITE SHOWS working together, I do not own Hawaii 5-0 and Doctor Who, if I did I would definitely be the Doctor's companion. Have fun reading because I had fun writing it.

"Hey Guys! Do you hear that?" Kono asked as her co-workers stared at her.

"Kono, what are you talking about?" commented Chin.

"It's coming from outside," she pointed out, and looked through the window seeing a blue box appear out of nowhere, literally!

"No way, it can't be!" Steve yelled, very surprised and ran out of the building, making the rest of his team follow him.

"Wait! Where are you going? You can't be going out there, it's dangerous! Oh…here we go again! Meeting one of Steve's 'pals' that want him dead, Yay us!" Danny shouted, while running, Kono glared back at him, giving him the 'Really? You're doing this now?' glare and continued to follow.

The task force ran into a man that was skinnier than Steve, in a matter of fact was surprising, wearing a plaid blue suite. He has messy brown hair and brown eyes; he looked at the Hawaiians plus Danny, saying with a British accent "Oh…Hello there? I'm the Doctor."

Another British voice came from inside the police box, but it was female, "Oi! Doctor are we at Crock…oh…Hello" she stopped next to the Doctor.

"Martha? Meet the Hawaiian Elite task force." The Doctor introduced as e got astonished looks from the team. Soon he realized that he was in the presence of a old friend of his, "Commander McGarrett! Long time no see, as you Americans call it." He held out a hand.

Steve shook it replying "you haven't even aged a bit have you?"

"You can say that." The doctor laughed.

Danny blinked "am I missing something here?"

"Nope," Steve replied scratching his nose "it's classified."

"Are you kidding me? You do not need to pull that crap on me! Your suppose to consult with your partner not leaving them hanging!" Danny Blurted.

"Is he ok?" asked Martha

"Oh he does that all the time so Doctor? Is it? Where did you and Steve meet?" Asked Kono who was doing better than Danny at the moment.

"If Commander McGarrett says it's classified I can't tell you." The Doctor made a hand motion say that this conversation is done.

Danny was back in on the on the conversation, most definitely, "Are you two messing with me?" pointing at his Partner and the British man that appeared out of nowhere.

"So what brings you to Hawaii?" Steve ignored his partner.

"Well, I was dropping by" hiding the fact that it was on accident.

Steve's Phone went off and he held it to his ear saying, "McGarrett"

"This is HPD, we got a kidnapping case, come to 2315 Wailele Avenue, as soon as you can."

"Rogger that!" the boss hung up, just now realizing that everyone was staring at him, so he explained the situation.

"Fantastic! The famous Five-0 is going out of their way to help a Denzel in distress!" said the doctor over excitedly.

Chin looked over to Martha "do you know what he's saying?"

She shrugged, "most of the time"

"Yo, brah! Are you coming?" the rookie shouted from her car to her cousin.

"Coming!" Chin called back, he looked back at the Doctor and Martha, "you two better enjoy yourselves, aloha!"

"Yes sir! Aloha!" the Doctor chimed happily, as the officer climbed into a red Chevy car and drove off after the camaro.

After watching the task force, drive off, Martha commented, "that was the real Five-0! Can you believe it?"

"I know!" the Doctor replied.

"The Five-0 Task Force, are the greatest super heroes in the world!"

"I know!" he repeated. "Wait! What?"

"Except for you of course! Do you think we should follow them?" she asked.

The Doctor's face lit up with excitement "Martha! You're brilliant! To 2315 Wailele Avenue we go!" he turned around and ran inside the TARDIS, his brown coat flapping behind him. Martha hurried inside because she knew the Doctor would not wait on this one.

She was used to the fact that the TARDIS was bigger on the inside than out. The spaceship started to shake, automatically she grabbed onto anything to steady her from falling. The Doctor was holding on to the control panel in the middle of the giant room, until the shacking stopped. "Let's go take a look shall we?" he gestured to the ship doors.

I am aware that 2315 Wailele Ave. is not a real street so if you do come after me, your going have to deal with Doctor himself. Reviews are nice.