Hello, thank you for choosing my story! This is based off of an omegle conversation that I took part in, so huge thank you to the stranger that I collaborated with, if you ever end up reading this. So please review/favorite/alert if you enjoy the story! Okay here we go bring on the Klaine!

Kurt sat beside Mercedes and Rachel at lunch; and they were watching the guys play football... well practice... horribly. As the two girls fawned over the football stars, Kurt had his eye on one well known McKinley High bad boy; Blaine Anderson. Blaine was known for his constant fist fights in the halls, the smoking, the drinking, the skipping classes, and always being in detention. He was perched under the bleachers opposite Kurt puffing his cigarette and staring off into space, looking as sexy as ever. Despite all the stories Kurt heard, he had the biggest crush on him. The first time they ever met, Blaine pushed him up against the lockers and had a short lived, steamy make out session; leaving Kurt with a rather large hicky that he had to cover up with his scarf for the next 3 days. He walked away without a word, without a glance back. The way he kissed him made Kurt wanting more... needing more. He wanted to be the one they called Blaine Anderson's boyfriend.

"Earth to Kurt!" Mercedes had caught him staring off into the distance. She looked at him annoyed.

Kurt snapped out of his daydream. "Sorry, What?" He directed his attention away from the boy, and to the two girls.

"I asked you what song you were planning on singing for glee club?" Mercedes rolled her eyes.

Kurt grinned, catching up on the conversation. "God and Satan by Biffy Clyro. What about you Rach?" He asked immediately, trying to divert the chat away from him. He looked back in the direction of Blaine and noticed he was staring back at him.

Kurt's heart was in his throat as Blaine threw him a playful wink. He flashed a smile back at him before being interrupted again.

"Kurt, you shouldn't be messing around with that boy! I've heard bad things about him... very bad things." Rachel nagged.

Kurt stared back at Rachel, and gave her a quizzical look. "Like?"

"Like he does drugs, drinks alcohol... he's a bully Kurt." She reprimanded. The tone in her voice made it sound like what she was talking about was obvious to any stranger.

Kurt frowned at his diva friend. "But I don't care... I mean just look at him." He gestured to the boy down at the bottom of the bleachers, wearing his skin tight red skinny pants and tight black shirt. A sigh escaped Kurt's lips; it's like he could feel Blaine's lips pressed against his own at that very moment.


Blaine had been looking at him all week, watching his every move. He wanted Kurt, and he wanted him now. The way their lips moved together, it was magic. Blaine loved it when Kurt would just stare at him, because he knew that Kurt returned the lust. The only problem with Kurt is that he has all of these friends... friends that didn't like Blaine one bit. Nobody liked Blaine, not even his family. He was forced to move schools after his parents died during the summer. Now living with his older brother who he hasn't seen for the past 6 years, he decided to reinvent himself. He threw away all of his bow ties and suspenders and replaced them with all black, gothic looking clothes. He would laugh at the made up stories about him circulating through the hall. It was all a lie, everything was a lie; and he loved all the attention he was getting, even if it was negative.

He was sitting under the bleachers for lunch, alone as usual. He decided this was the perfect time to finish up his final pack of cigarettes. Just as he was settling in under the bleachers, he heard the sweet voice of the one Kurt. He looked up to see him taking position at the bleachers opposite him, with two other friends. Blaine didn't know their names, but as big mouth berry, and the sassy diva.

He watched out of the corner of his eye as the diva trio started talking about him. He smirked as Kurt tried to defend his honor. *Silly boy doesn't know what he's getting himself into* Blaine thought to himself.

Blaine decided it was enough games, now time to go in for the kill. He raced up the bleachers, and the look on Kurt's face was priceless.


Next thing Kurt knew, Blaine was seated next to Rachel, hugging her awkwardly, with this fake tone in his voice. "Hello Rachel, it's so good to see you! I hope your day is going splendidly."

Kurt giggled at Blaine's antics. "Hi." He said shyly to the handsome boy.

"Hey, whatcha talkin about?" Blaine asked, still keeping up the act.

"Glee club stuff. You wouldn't understand." Mercedes glared at him.

Blaine nodded understandingly, taking in what the girl was saying. He clearly knew that she was lying, but it all so humorous that the girls were acting this way in front of him. "Duly noted." He replied coolly. He look a puff of cigarette and leaned back, trying to look as badass as possible; but in all reality, having the gorgeous Kurt this close in proximity to him was making his heart race. "Listen, I know you were talking about me, and I know what you were saying. I just love the fact that I'm always on your mind." Blaine threw in his winning smile and a playful wink, and he could Kurt start to melt inside.

"I-We-uhm..." Kurt fumbled over his words while Mercedes and Rachel just stared at the two boys.

"It's fine, I understand. I'm just so irresistible to you all..." Blaine chuckled to himself, but the look on the other three's faces indicated that they didn't think the joke was entirely funny. "Kidding." He rolled his eyes.

Kurt shook his head and turned so he was facing directly to him. "The only thing irresistible in this conversation is the chocolate cake sitting here on this tray. Now shoo Mr. Anderson, we weren't talk about you." He made a shooing gesture and smirked at the boy as he huffed and walked down the bleachers; he had no idea where the confidence came from. "Well that put him in his place." Kurt smiled to himself.

Things went silent between the 3 divas as Kurt thought more about Blaine, the ever so perfect bad boy. Finally Mercedes was catching on, as she said in a triumphant tone. "Kurt, you like him!"

Kurt nodded, and started gushing to his best friend. "Yes 'Cedes, I like him so much. I just can't let him know it though, because then he would use it to his advantage..."

"Kurt! You cannot like Blaine Anderson!" Rachel began to nag again.

"Oh shut up Rachel, let him have his moment. Let him be in love." Mercedes smiled at Kurt. She was so happy to see her best friend happy.

Kurt laughed at the two bickering girls. "Oh Rachel, please... you're in love with my idiot frankenteen brother; so I can like Blaine."

"Yeah, but Finn isn't bad like Blaine!" Rachel squealed.

"That's the thing... it's the whole bad boy attitude that attracts me to him."

"Well I say go for it!" Mercedes preaches to him.

Kurt sighs; 'going for it' wasn't that easy. "I can't, he doesn't like me."

"How do you know?" Mercedes questioned skeptically.

That's just the thing, Kurt didn't know. He still hadn't told anybody about the kiss they shared, and he sure hadn't planned on telling anybody ever. He never expected to fall this hard for the guy this fast though. "Because he's him and I'm me."

The bell rings signifying that lunch is over. Mercedes and Rachel gather up their things and hurry up to leave. "I'm sure he'll like you Kurt, who can't like you?" Mercedes beamed at him. The three said their goodbyes and Rachel and Mercedes walked off, leaving Kurt by himself on the bleachers.

"Right, because everybody loves me..." Kurt mumbled in a sarcastic tone to himself. He flung his bag over his shoulder and was preparing to leave, when suddenly Blaine came up from behind him, all smiles.

Blaine, hearing the entire conversation, came up behind Kurt. "So you really like me?"

Kurt jumped "I uh... No!" he lied "What makes you say that?"

"Kurt... I heard everything." Blaine smiled gently at Kurt.

Kurt groaned "You didn't!" he sat back down.

Blaine laughed a little at his reaction, but sat down next to him. "I sure did. I'm flattered Hummel."

He groaned again "Great... You're flattered... Why?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Enough with the groaning, people are going to think we are having sex up here." Both boys laughed at Kurt's statement; but they knew having sex with the other would be a dream come true. "You know, I like you too" Blaine added in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You-you do?" Kurt gasped. He felt his heart stop at Blaine's confession. Blaine Anderson, bay boy extraordinaire liked Kurt Hummel, bottom of the social ladder gay geek at McKinley.

He laughed heartily at his reaction. "Yeah, is that such a surprise? Why else would I attack your face with my tongue? I just don't hand out my goods to every damn guy I meet."

The two boys shared a quick laugh over Blaine's joke. "Yeah it's kind of a surprise, I mean, you're just so... different than anybody i've ever met... you're so much cooler than me." Kurt tells him.

Blaine grabs Kurt hand, making both boys wild with emotion. "What do you say we get out of here? Or are you too much of a goodie goodie to skip class?" He raises an eyebrow, challenging Kurt.

Kurt raised an eyebrow "What do you think..."

Blaine thinks for a minute. He can't really answer that question, Kurt is such a wild card that he can never really predict him, and that's exactly why Blaine liked him. "I-I honestly don't know..."

"Hmm, I think I'd prefer to go..."

Blaine smiles. "Well come on." He turns around and leaves the bleachers, heading for the parking lot.

Chapter 2: Klaine skips school