[Disclaimer:] I don't own this. Now, if you excuse me, I have to plan the sequel.
So what if it was all a dream? It doesn't mean anything. Cross Academy doesn't exist. Kana-Kuran doesn't love me, and he never will. Being tortured sure takes a lot out of you. How is that you can be so sweet to me and yet to cruel? I fell so hard for you yet, I feel like I was used. Why is it that I can't trust you anymore? Do you not love me anymore? Life is hell. I'm a level D, there is no way that you; a perfect Pureblood, my perfect Pureblood; would ever care. I still cry though, even as you leave me. That last droplet, the smell of salt in the air, a single tear droplet, that last remembrance of something we used to have. That last dream of being filled, being cared for, and the last river that runs down my check as I am left in the dust. That last memory before my life fades from my eyes.
White knuckles and sweaty palms from hanging on too tight
Clench of jaw, I've got another headache again tonight
Eyes on fire, eyes on fire, and the burn from all the tears
I've been crying, I've been crying, I've been dying over you
Tie a knot in the rope, trying to hold, trying to hold,
But there's nothing to grab so I let go
Gasping, my eyes flicker open. What happened, what was that dream? I don't understand it, but then again, do I even want to? Something is coming, something big. Yuuki is behind it, that much I can gather. But I don't know what. I remember her hissing at me as she passed by earlier that day. It was during the Class changeover. She hates me now, now that I 'stole' Kaname from her. At least that's what she thinks. She'd never believe that we love each other. I know that she's after my life. With me eliminated, there's no one in her way of getting Kaname to love her. I know that she'd kill me without a second thought. It's in her blood.
I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)
You think I'm just too serious, I think you're full of it
My head is spinning so (blow me one last kiss)
Kaname skipped his classes tonight. We met in the meadow to kiss. Yuuki caught him though and he wasn't able to escape her. She's becoming manipulative. It's getting worrying. I fear for Kaname, I don't know what she will do. It might be dangerous. What's going on? I haven't seen him for days now. He's ignoring me. What did I do? Do I really disserve this? I think I'm going to cry. I lost my family long ago, but now I'm being punished again. Am I really destined to be alone my entire life? I don't think that I could handle that; given how long my life really is. So they think that I'm a level D. Hah, the joke is on them. I'm much more powerful that what they think. If I wanted to, I could kill Yuuki without lifting a finger.
Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a shit day (no!)
You had a shit day (no!), we've had a shit day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this
I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this, Blow me on last kiss.
There, by her side. He's letting her hang onto him, holding her hand. I thought that he was mine. What did she do? Did he really just glare at me? The other members of the Night Class look confused. Obviously they have no idea what's going on. I can hear his voice, low and harsh. He's calling me a filthy level D. She corrects him with 'He's a Level End. He doesn't deserve respect.' He nods like he agrees! What happened? A few nights ago, I was snuggling with him; his warm breath in my ear, telling me that I was his and his alone. What did she do?
I won't miss all of the fighting that we always did,
Take it in, I mean what I say when I say there is nothing left
I am sick, whiskey-dick, no more battles for me
You'll be calling a trick, cause you'll no longer sleep
I'll dress nice, I'll look good, I'll go dancing alone
I'll laugh, I'll get drunk, I'll take somebody home
You've become colder, distant, father along the path of life. You're her puppet doll, controlled by strings. What did she do to you? I end up spending my classes writing ideas down, yet my grades never suffer. The Night Class is confused as well. I asked Aidou about what happened, but he had nothing. I make a mental note to ask Takuma. He might know something. It's hard now; every day is torture, watching her hang off of you. And you don't do anything to dislodge her. Now I know, she is a leech. But I want to be in her place, to walk by your side. Just like you said I would.
I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)
You think I'm just too serious, I think you're full of it
My head is spinning so (blow me one last kiss)
Here I go again. Running down a path that I don't want to be on. One that takes me farther and farther away from you. She's by your side, in my place. I hate it. She is my pawn, a useless toy. But I keep forgetting, even something that is useless can turn the tide for or against you. Somehow she has hacked the game. Wrenched control from my side into hers. I'm losing this match of life. And the prize is you. She's winning, but I still have some tricks up my sleeve. Though I will have to be careful, she might still have crazy pranks as well. Ones that would end up with me dead. Of course, when I'm dead, she will dance on my grave, laughing the whole time. You will stand by her, looking on as she defiles the unspoken rule. You don't love me anymore, why do you even care anymore. . . I have lost you, know how do I get you back?
Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a shit day (no!)
You had a shit day (no!), we've had a shit day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this, I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this. Blow me on last kiss.
I have to get to Zero. I skipped classes today so that we could spend time together. Kissing him in the meadow is my favorite time to see him. At midnight, the dew sparkles on the blades of grass, shimmering in the moonlight. Zero's skin is pale and is brighter in the moonlight. He's ethereal with that glow of his. Lavender eyes ─ shit, Yuuki. I greet her, then she grabs my hand, saying that Takuma wants to see me. So here I am, waiting in the office for Takuma. She goes to the door to look out, then closes it, and locks it. I get up, but she's too fast. Her hand lands lightly on my forehead, and the last thing I remember her saying chills me to the bones. 'Level E's are disgusting. We don't spend time with them, only people who are worth our time.' After that, nothing. Only blackness, before I lose my mind completely.
I will do what I please, anything that I want
I will breathe, I won't breathe, I won't worry at all
You will pay for your sins, you'll be sorry my dear
All the lies, all the wise, will be crystal clear
Your ignoring me again. Snickering at me, saying that I'm filthy. I KNOW that she did something, but I can't figure out what. Using my knowledge was hard, I didn't really have much on the Kuran family. Going to the mansion was useless as well. I couldn't find a thing, and everything else was useless. I wish to have you by my side. I want to be kissed by you again, I want to be yours; like you said that I always would be. Why are you breaking a promise that you said you would never break? Do you now love me anymore? Do you hate me? Despise me? Why are you doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this?
I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)
You think I'm just too serious, I think you're full of it
My head is spinning so (blow me one last kiss)
Here they come, walking over the hill. She's beside them. You as well. What's going on? I move slightly, standing at the entrance to the Moon Dorm. I was going to talk to Takuma, see if he knew that was going on. You stop me, slash my face open, and giggle as I skid across the stones. Managing to pull myself up to my feet, I pull out my Bloody Rose and aim it at her. You snarl, step in front and I move back. She snickers as you snap handcuffs on my wrist. Apparently, she just wanted me to aim at her, that alone was enough to convict me. Why are you going along with this?
Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a shit day (no!)
You had a shit day (no!), we've had a shit day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this, I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this. Blow me on last kiss
Alone, locked away. She had me thrown in prison. I don't understand anything now. What did I do? Why do I deserve this? I didn't do anything. He was by her side. Smiling as they kissed gently. He used to smile like that when we kissed. We used to hunt level Es together. Laugh as we got coated in blood. We'd bathe together, clean off and caress each other gently. He was the only one that I could act normally around, not all emotionless. Stone cold walls surround me. I know that I'll go crazy soon. I wish I could understand the rules in this game. I smile slowly before I fade away, blood spilling freely from the gashes on my chest. Ones that I created myself. You may be controlling this game Kuran, but you are just a pawn in my match. A pawn that I desperately wanted to make my king; while I walked beside you as your queen.
Blow me on last kiss
Blow me on last kiss
Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a shit day (no!)
You had a shit day (no!), we've had a shit day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this, I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this. Blow me on last kiss…
I can see it. It's that thing again. Haunting me, every night it appears. But I never thought that the omen that it was warning me about; I never thought that it would come true. That simple mask that hangs in the air; high above me. Taunting me, yet it never moves. It was always shrouded in mystery, I could never see it. Until tonight. I let out a chocked scream. Broken and empty, it stares at me. One eye is lavender and the other wine-red. Kaname and I; those eyes represented us. But the thing that chilled me to the bone was the fact that the thing was cracked into two pieces, right down the center. And blood was spilling out of the lavender eye. Was it signaling something? I can't think anymore, my mind is going blank. But I still remember it, that broken, soulless, Faceless Mask.
Gravity: Okay, so I'm planning a sequel; It will be called "Someone Different"