They had all thought the Phantom dead after what the newspapers now called the great disaster of the Opera Populaire. Raoul and Christine had barely made it past the bloodthirsty crowd that demanded vengeance from any they deemed at fault which, to many, included Christine. At the end of the long journey, cold, exhausted, Christine could do little more than fall into the Vicomte's arms. She awoke in his home, chastely tucked into bed as if she were a small child. All she could do was rely on rumors, gossip that was difficult to believe for, after all, the last Christine had seen of the Phantom had him very much alive.

It would have been simpler if he died, she thought angrily to herself.

It broke her heart to return that ring. The Phantom's fingers touching hers felt as if they would burn her skin, his eyes so full of love and betrayal that Christine had to turn from the sight. That last image was almost enough to break her resolve. Had she a few seconds more, perhaps she would have made a different choice. Perhaps she would have run back into the Phantom's arms and to hell with the Vicomte.

It was all useless speculation anyhow. Raoul's presence broke the spell of the Phantom's voice and took her away from it all. Awakening now in this bed, the luxury surrounded her, it felt like a gilded cage, but what was she to do? She could not hate the boy for saving her life, could she?

Mere seconds after she awoke, Christine heard a commotion outside her door.

"Let me see her!"

"No, I brought her here half dead, I can't allow you to-"

"Allow what? You aren't anything. I, however, am her best friend, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to make sure she's alright!"

Meg threw open the door and shoved the Vicomte out of her path. It was enough to give Christine a small smile. Apparently certain tempers never changed.

"Oh, thank God! We didn't know what happened to you! No one would tell Mama or I anything!" exclaimed Meg, throwing a glance at Raoul that would make most men run in terror. Sensibly, he chose to leave and shut the door behind him without answering the insinuation.

Christine sat up, too weak to do much more, wanting to reassure her friend that it was all right. Before the words left her, Meg jumped upon the bed in a whirlwind and held her friend close.

"Christine, I'm so sorry. We're all so sorry. Mama and I should've been there, should've done more!" she whispered on the verge of tears.

"No, no, it's fine, I'm safe now, see?" Christine whispered softly, comforting the girl as she always had.

"Still, we sent that fool into the labyrinth to find you, and then didn't hear another word!"

Christine didn't bother asking who this fool was. Interrupting Meg during one of her tirades was never an intelligent decision. She allowed the girl to ramble on for a few moments before finally quieting her and begged her to say just what had happened. At this, Meg finally caught her breath, and haltingly began her version of the events.

"We…we don't really know! The Phantom took you, and Mama and I were out of our wits with worry. We sent Raoul into the labyrinth to rescue you, but Mama wouldn't let me follow. Too dangerous, she said. Ha! As if I would ever abandon my dearest friend! I followed the mob that…"

"Mob?" interrupted Christine. "Were you mad? You could have been injured!"

"I didn't have another choice. You were both down there, and I couldn't trust Raoul to bring you both back, could I? The Phantom, I knew they would've killed him if they'd found him, so I followed the rest of the group down the tunnels. They had to reach the Maestro eventually, right? Only…"

From a pocket within her dress, Meg pulled out an object that made Christine's heart stop. The mask. His mask. She would recognize it anywhere. Her Angel would never be without it, and to see it here now did not bode well. Christine snatched it from Meg's hands and held it close to her heart, choking back a sob.

"No, no, it's ok! It's not what you think!" cried Meg, shaking her from her dark thoughts. "That's all we found! No body, no anything, just this mask. And I didn't let anyone see it, mind you. Well, no one but Mama, but she doesn't really count. He had to have gotten out, Christine. No one knows those tunnels better than him."

Another commotion began outside and Christine panicked. Exchanging a look, Meg quickly snatched the mask back and hid it within the folds of her dress before the door slammed open again, a very worried Vicomte glaring from the outside.

All three stared awkwardly at one another before Raoul broke the silence with his annoyance. "I let you in here and now find Christine in tears. She is not well, Meg, can you not leave her in peace for a single moment?"

"Darling, no, it's fine," whispered Christine with an encouraging smile. "I wanted to know what happened, is all."

"Oh dearest," he rushed to her side, all but shoving Meg out of the way. She stood to the side of the bed, rolling her eyes at the dramatic display. "You're safe. No one will find you," he reassured her. "Your fears are far behind you, remember? I promise you that monster is done with you. He's dead, Christine. You're finally free now."

"Now wait just one minute there," quipped Meg from his side. "Maybe you lost your head on the way out, but those of us that actually stayed behind didn't find a body, so you know that's not true."

"Be sensible, Meg!" exclaimed the irritated Vicomte. "I had men blocking every door. We would have found him by now. I'm sure he simply drowned in the lake attempting ot make his escape. He is dead and that is the end of it."

Meg opened her mouth to argue then thought better of it. Raoul turned back to Christine, kissing her hands with reverence, and Meg exchanged a look with her friend over his head. They both knew it was utterly absurd. No one knew every door, every exit, but the Phantom himself. Of course, it was possible he perished. Anything was possible. But Christine knew in her heart that her Angel would never truly abandon her. She conjured a fake smile, reassured the boy in front of her that all was perfectly alright, then feigned hunger. He smiled and bounded out the door like a puppy to find her something to eat, leaving the two women alone.

"You can't say he isn't handsome, but you sure know how to pick them!" Meg joked.

"I hate to ask this of you, Meg, but-"

"With all the times you've covered for me, I owe you ten times over. Want me to go push him down a flight of stairs for you?"

Even in her confusion and grief, the image made Christine giggle, "No, as amusing it might be for all of us. Won't you tell me if you hear about…about him? Your mother knows far more than she's willing to admit, and if he has survived where else would he go?"

"Oh that's just what we need, the Phantom on our doorstep! Hello, I'm sorry I've murdered some people, could I have a cup of tea?"

"I'm sure there's some sort of explanation," Christine rationalized as always. "I must know that he's safe!"

A light flashed in Meg's eyes, one full of admiration and confusion all at once, "You still care about him, don't you? Even after everything? Even after Mr. Rich Boy here says he's marrying you…"

"You heard his music as well as I. Doesn't it also speaks to you?"

"Well, yes…" she admitted regretfully. "You and I are both the same in that silly slip of taste. You, I, and Mama, that is. It's just so much has happened…"

Meg pulled the mask from her dress again, then sighed and handed it to Christine.

"I can't see you so unhappy, especially not with that fop. Look, I promise, alright? That's all. If I hear about him, I'll tell you."

Christine held the mask lovingly for one last moment before hiding it underneath her pillow.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?" questioned Meg.

Raoul chose that exact moment to return with a tray piled high with breakfast, "She isn't going anywhere. You can stay if you want, Meg, but I have sent for the doctor and I will not allow her out of that bed until I am sure she is free from harm."

"I'm not liking how often you use the word ALLOW here, mister…"

"Please!" screamed Christine, a bit too loudly than she should have. Her voice was still far too sore from her singing and the smoke. Lowering her voice to a more tolerable level, she pleaded with them both. "No fighting, not today, not after all that's passed. You two are all I have left in the world now! Without my father, without…without anyone. Please. If Raoul feels I should remain here, Meg, let us stand by that decision."

Meg grudgingly agreed. Raoul busied himself with the tray, putting it down near the bed then arranging a plate for her. Every motion was that of a man in love and both women could see it.

How can I be angry when all he wants is to protect me? Christine reasoned with herself.

"I'll let Mama know you're safe," spoke Meg from the doorway. "And if I hear…anything unusual, you know? I'll let you know. I'll be back tomorrow."

She slipped out the door, leaving behind her a very confused Christine.

"What did she mean by 'unusual', my dearest?" questioned Raoul innocently as he sat on the bed, a modest distance from her.

"Oh, nothing. You know Meg," she offered, and thankfully he asked no more.

Beneath the city, within the catacombs few dared to enter, the Phantom continued to make his way. The darkness was easy to navigate after so much time spent within it. After a few more miles, he finally reached his location, a doorway that led to a crypt within one of the many cemeteries in Paris. What he had not expected was to find an irate Madame Giry blocking the door.

"Do you have ANY idea how long I have been here, hoping you were safe? After everything you have caused?" she accused him.

The weight of it all suddenly fell upon him. The murders, the fires, losing Christine…

Christine, my darling, how can I possibly go on without you? He agonized.

The Phantom collapsed upon the floor, too exhausted to continue. Madame Giry ran to his side, ignoring his protests as she checked for wounds.

"I apologize, Erik. I never should have blamed you. I was simply concerned."

He weakly nodded, unable to say more. How could he be angry with her after all she had done? He intended only to rest a few seconds, but fell into a deep sleep the moment his eyes closed. Sighing, the woman plopped herself next to him, unsure of what to do next.

Author's Note: I've been asked what world we're in so I thought I should clear that up. In terms of plot, this takes place right where the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical ends and I've gone back to correct where I've let the ending of that awful film enter my story. In terms of characters, though, this is mostly Susan Kay. I like how she portrays Erik, Raoul, Meg, and Christine a lot better than other interpretations. Who can resist a sexy Phantom? So it's a mix of both. Assume that anything in the Susan Kay novel after Christine leaves Erik in the opera house to not exist in this world but everything before is fair game.