Disclaimer: I own nothing
"Did you hear that." Human speech
"Something is following me." Human thought
"Destroy all humans." Predator speech Hiss alien speech (to everybody but themselves.) "Destroy all humans." Xenomorph/Predator thought
Please note I do not have a beta reader so I do not have ssomeone to go over all my errors, if any of yu readers spot an errors review with the error word and I shall fix it and also please read to the end of the chapter before reviewing or flaming. Thank you. Also please note I know this is bad, my other stories are actually pretty good I just don't know how to explain the alien world, so I went of the general information in the game and then tinkered it.
On a jungle planet lays a facility, in the facility built by humans, the humans were trying to learn about the predator culture and learn about xenos (or xen will be used for xenomorphs a lot in this story). They did not know that these two things would eventually lead to all their deaths.
Inside the facility (observation room of hosts)
"arrgh," coughed one of the host as he felt like something was ripping through his chest, suddenly he felt immense pain, and then a loud crack as his ribs were broken.
"Looks like its time, get the containers and get ready to meet our new specimens," the scientist said. He and some other scientist came into the room with the tubes that would be used to contain the chestbuster (anyone play the AvP game the new one that was on the xbox360. well if you did think the intro for the alien campaign and you will see where I am going with this). The scientist started carting away the five other xenos when a scientist noticed one missing and said "Where is number six."
Not a moment later the host mouth opened and the sixth xeno came out its host mouth screeching in victory. Which was short live as Dr. Hardly pushed a button and gas started poring into the room meant to kill every living thing in the room. He held it for a second or two before Mister Wayland stopped him from going farther and simply stated "No, let this one go I like it, mark it as part of the experiment." So the sixth xeno was caught by androids and branded with a number six and was from then known as six by the humans.
Timeskip (until six is an adolescent/ grown drone or warrior)
"Who is waking me up this early," thought six, "oh those humans again wanting to run some kind of test, they always do the same thing."
Dr. Hardly walked into the room and said "Aw six, I remember you, you're the one that caught mister Wayland's eye."
"Hiss" was all the doctor got back as a reply. Not that he expected anything else. So he continued with his examination as he said "alright look at me."
six moves her head to alian with him.
"now look at my finger" six looks at his finger wanting to chomp it off "now follow my finger," (doctor moves finger right then left and the back to the center then up as the six follows) "obedient aren't we, alright next test."
Dr. hardly goes into the room and realeases six. "alright basic movement first" six moves around studying the room "you can jump to, can't you?" six jumps at the window hoping to scare the doctors) "Amazing creature aren't they can climb any structure." six climbs a wall and onto the ceiling then jumps down to the ground. "alright send in the first subject," "finally some action, first I have to make it dark in here," six thought. six starts smashing lights "Amazing its like it know darkness is its alley, I can barely see you six." a man enters the room unarmed, the man says "Why is dark in here, you want me to fix the lights?"
six just sits on the ceiling almost facepalming at his stupidity and then kills then men before he can let out a single noise. "See how it kills without mercy, and without hesitation. Send another subject in armed." "Danger" I hiss as a smell another human but this one has a weapon."caution six, but how do you know of the danger." (doors hiss open) man says "alright what is the problem?" he looks around but does not have a flashlight so can not do a very good job a searching, six just waits for an opening and once one does. "Gotcha," six thought as she jumped at the human and killed him. "Amazing simply amazing, alright I think that's is it for today". Dr. hardly pushes button and the emergency backup lights come on giving the room light again.
"Oh I almost forgot you have a visitor." Dr. Hardly said through the speaker as he and the others left the room.
"A visitor who, could it be him again, I hope so." Six thought.
"Well it look like someone couldn't wait to see me" a mystious man said.
"You. I must get you." Thought six as she jumped at her visitor.
(the mysterious man catches six's hand/ claw and spins himself around and lightly kicks six into the other wall) he chuckles before saying "that's no way to treat a visitor."
"One of these days will, one of these days I am going to catch you."
Will sees the accusing "look" that six was giving and laughs "That day will never come six, you know I always have my guard up. Besides you know today is your last try."
"Yea I know, your leaving," thought six as she looks at will sadly.
"You know why I am leaving I told you last time I visited."
(skips the test)
Will enters six's holding cell and says "Hey six nice to see you in a happy mood today."
Six almost seems to be smiling back and thinks "I am always in a good mood on your weekly visits, though I wish you visit more, cause your way more interesting than the rest of the humans though I do not know if you should be called that with your scent."
Will smiles as six comes up and hugs him, not wanting to let go he chuckles and then says "Alright time to let me go six," "meanie" was all six thought as she reluctantly let go of will.
After the xenomorph got of him, will smiles and says, "Well shall we get started." Six shakes head in a yes fashion. "Alrighty then lets get started." With that said both will and six fight each other in hand to hand combat with six trying to slash will and failing while Will just completely dominates the fight. After an hour of intense training., Will says, "Alright that's enough for one day," as his breathing slows down, while six gets out of the wall she crashed into and nods her head yes.
Will chuckles at the tired xeno and then looks glom and sighs and the says, "Six I have some bad news to tell you."
"What is it William (Will is a nickname)?" Six thought nervous (yes a nervous xeno)
William sees the nervous bug and just sighs before saying, "The next time we meet will be the last time you see me." He then prepared himself for the worse its a good thing he did.
"WHAT!" was what the enraged xeno thought as she started to visibly shake in anger.
Will noticing the six looked like she about to destroy the facility to kill everyone there believe it was their fault, decided to add "This is my decision I can no longer stand humans doing those horrible things to another sentient being and have decided to leave before it comes to bite them in the but." (he knows the xenos are going get out and is not going to stop it, I guess he already decide to be neutral in what is fixing to come.)
"I can see you not wanting to deal with the humans, but what about me." Thought six worried that her friend was leaving her.
Will seeing the sad look decided an explanation was in order and said "Yes I am leaving to get away the humans, but I am also leaving so I am not caught in the crossfire and chaos that will happen when you xenos break out of here."
"We are supposed to escape, what, how, when, and how do you know this," thought the xeno looking at will.
Will noticed six staring at him just sighs and says, "Yes the xenos are gonna escape, and you six are going to be the one to break them out, it will be a little over a year from when we last see each other, and I cannot tell you how I know, I just do."
"I am the one to free the my sisters and our mother, I wonder what I will get as a reward, maybe I should start thinking of what to ask for, hey wait a minute where will you be?" Six thought staring at Will,
Will noticing six going from deep thought to staring at him, deciding she wanted to know where he was going, after thinking of her future rewards, he sighed and said, "Do not worry I am not gonna leave the planet I am just going to go far away and hope to live the rest of my life in peace, I even made sure to give you xenos plenty of room for hunting grounds."
"Well at least he will be on the planet, but I will not know where he is going, he sound as if he is moving a good hundred miles away to give us room to hunt, I know I will hunt him down after everything is settled, but will be after we escape I just have to make sure to imprint his scent the next time he is here." Thought six already forming a plan to crash her friend's peace.
Will noticed that she seemed to be almost talking to herself, and then look at his watch and noticed it was now time for him to go, so all he did was sigh and said, "six it is time for me to go."
Six looks up and waves as will leaves, she the goes over to her holding cell ready to get locked in again as the gas starts filling the room. Her last thoughts are "Will, I will get you even if it's the last thing I do."
Flashback end
"I know but you are my only friend here, well besides my sisters, but I can't see them all I can do is talk in hive mind which helps a lot, but you are my only true friend. Don't leave please." Six thought
Will seeing the sad look six was giving just said "I have to, but I have a present for you before I go." He reached into his right pocket and takes a second or two before presenting a wrapped box to six.
"What is this, a present" thought six as she opened it see look inside and there was a piece of cloth with pieces of hair "What kind of present is this?"
Will noticing the look said "I know your going to try and find me afterwards so this gift is to help you find me, but you will still have your work cut out for you."
"So you want me to try and catch you, I will this will speed it up, but knowing you nothing is ever easy." Thought six
Will look at his watch, sighs and says, "its time."
Six looks at him and waves goodbye while holding his present.
"Now where to hide you," thought six while looking at her gift, she searched the room before she found a spot that she knew the humans wouldn't notice her gift from will.
"Don't worry Will when I get out and everything is settled I will come and find you and get you." Was six's last that as the sleeping gas took effect.
End Chapter 1
Authors Notes:
Well what did you guys think, did I lay it on to thick, I was planning on after breaking out the xenomorphs I was either gonna go into the backstory as one chapter with both six's and will's POV or taking two chapters to go into more depth of the back story, one chapter would have six's POV, and the other Will's. So review and tell me which one you want one chapter back story or two. Oh and this is going to be the worst chapter because there are things i had to explain or u would be confuse later.