Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Author Notes: The Epilogue.




Chapter 150

The funeral



Sesshomaru did not know, how long he had been sitting, holding Mai's lifeless body in his arms, refusing to let go of it. He gazed at her face and carefully wiped the blood off it. She looked so peaceful, as though she was only sleeping. However, she was getting colder and colder, what was cruelly reminding him, that she would never open her eyes to look at him again. The demon felt despair engulfing his soul. This is not how it was supposed to be – he wanted to make her happy by his side, watch their family grow, raise their children with her.

The thought, that he would never see her smiling nor see the charming blush on her lovely face, began to soak in. She was dead and nothing had the power to bring her back to life now – Tenseiga was gone, Shikon no Tama disappeared from this world. His dear wife had already departed to the world of the dead and nothing would make her stray off this path. Never in his life Sesshomaru felt so pathetically powerless. He clenched his fist and slammed it against the floor, breaking the wood.

"Mai!" he said her name with despair in his eyes, but she didn't respond, as she laid in his arms, still and cold. The demon closed his eyes, his heart filled with sorrow, he never felt before. Carefully, he laid Mai's lifeless body on the floor, carrying her to a place, that was not wet with her blood. He brushed her brown strands with his claws gently, untangling them. Then, Sesshomaru took her small, cold hands and laid them on her belly, entwining her fingers together. He saw, that her kimono, once of the light green color, was now nearly entirely red, red like an uchikake she wore on the day of their wedding. He reached for the silver hairpin with emeralds and tucked it in her hair. Gently, she brushed his fingers over the cool skin of her cheek.

Sesshomaru scooped her in his arms, stood up and turned away, making his way towards the exit. He glanced at Kasumi's corpse, that was laying on the opposite side of the room. He clenched his teeth, as anger filled him. That wench did not have the right to linger in the house, which belonged to him and his wife! He reached his hand towards the demoness's body and let out the acid from his claws, melting Kasumi's remains, till nothing was left. Before leaving, he looked at Mai's peaceful face. There was only one last thing, he could do for her – Sesshomaru had to give her a proper funeral. Without looking back, he made his way towards the village, carrying his beloved in his arms.


Miroku and Sango, on the first day of their married life went to the shrine, accompanied by friends – Inuyasha and Kagome, Shippo, Totosai, Myoga and little Rin. The pair was taking part in ceremonial offering to gods, conducted by the old priestess Kaede. Miroku and Sango sat in front of a small altar, while the few guests seated themselves in the back of a small shrine. Kaede lit the incense. Inuyasha frowned, as the smell made him nauseous and dulled his sense of smell, but decided to bear it for the sake of their friends. Kagome was helping the old miko with the ceremony, also dressed in white and red clothes. Kaede handed small twigs to the newly wedded pair and began chanting a traditional Shinto prayer. Miroku and Sango exchanged glances, full of happiness and love for each other. Discreetly, they moved closer, just to enjoy the feeling of being together. Kagome smiled to Inuyasha, having noticed the gesture and the hanyou smiled back at her, hoping that in the near future he would be just as happy with Kagome.


Sesshomaru ignored the stares of the villagers as he made his way towards the shrine, with an intention to make the monk perform the funeral ceremony for his dead wife. She hung limply in his arms, pale and cold. The people were fleeing out of his way, seeing all the blood, that stained Mai's kimono and his once white clothes, now equally red. She was light as a feather. Slowly, he began climbing the stairs, that were leading to the shrine, feeling that every step up was nearing him to parting with his beloved, even if she was already among the dead.


Kaede took the ritual twigs from the newlyweds and turned towards the altar, completing the offering for gods. Miroku stole a kiss on cheek from Sango. The bride's cheeks flushed lovely, as she gazed at her husband and smiled happily. She put her hand on monk's palm. Miroku instantly clutched it and entwined his fingers with hers in this simple gesture of affection.

Kaede sighed, grinning widely, as she saw many couples in love in her long life, but she enjoyed every time, when she was witnessing their happiness. Kagome and Rin were almost moved to tears, Myoga was already crying – the flea demon had a habit of getting emotional. Inuyasha and Totosai smiled too, although a little bit faintly, for they hadn't regained all their strength after the crazy drinking with monk Mushin and Sesshomaru.

Once Kaede turned away to face the small crowd, everyone clapped, showing in this way the appreciation for the priestess's work and best wishes to the newlyweds.

Suddenly, the door to the shrine slammed open and the gathered guests turned around to see, who opened it so unexpectedly.

In the doorframe stood Sesshomaru, holding Mai in his arms. She hung limply in his embrace, her face and palm porcelain white, contrasting with the red of her kimono. The demon's gaze wandered over the people gathered in the shrine, till it met Miroku.

"Houshi," he addressed the monk, deep sorrow in his eyes. "I require your services."

Miroku didn't answer right away, but kept staring at the dog demon, as did the rest. Kagome's eyes widened, as she noticed, that Sesshomaru's clothes were mostly red too and she realized, that the red of Mai's kimono was not the color of the fabric. It was blood. Inuyasha hung his head, feeling sorry for his older brother. The hanyou didn't hear the girl's heartbeat – he knew, that the inu-youkai was holding a corpse in his arms. Suddenly, a commotion began.

"Sesshomaru, what happened?" Kaede questioned.

"Mai's hurt?!" Kagome panicked and wanted to run to her friend, but Inuyasha stopped her, grabbing her arm firmly. With the free hand he snatched the collar of Rin's kimono and pulled the child closer, before the little girl got a chance to look closer at Mai's bloodied body. The hanyou didn't want the kid to have nightmares for the rest of her life.

"Mai!" Rin yelped, but Inuyasha pressed her to himself, not letting the child to turn around. Kagome kept struggling.

"Inuyasha, let me go! Mai is hurt, she needs my help!" she screamed to the hanyou, but he was holding her arm firmly. Inuyasha shook his head.

"You can't help her." He said sharply and looked at Sesshomaru. Never in his life he saw his brother that sad. Knowing how the loss of a beloved person feels, the hanyou felt pity for the dog demon. Their golden eyes met and Inuyasha nodded. "Sesshomaru came here to have the funeral ceremony for Mai performed."

The silence fell, as no one could believe, that the girl was dead. Sesshomaru nodded to his younger brother, grateful, that he understood. Kaede motioned the gathered people to clear the way for the inu-youkai.

"Bring her in, Sesshomaru." The old woman said quietly, sorrow in her voice, as she watched life entwining with death, mourning following the joy. It was the harsh truth about the world. She led the demon to the bier and he gently placed his wife there, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face, sorrow and regret in his eyes.

Everyone froze, watching Sesshomaru silently saying farewell to his beloved wife. No one dared to move or even breathe loudly. All of them were in shock, asking themselves the question how it could have happened, but no one was eager to voice it out loud, not wanting to interrupt the inu-youkai's mourning. By now, they already knew, that Sesshomaru no longer had Tenseiga, the sword, which could bring the dead back to life. Mai's death was therefore final.

The dog demon sat on the edge of bier and clutched his wife's cold hand, as he hung his head, the silver hair falling over the dead woman like a veil. Despair engulfed his heart, when he was about to bury his wife, his love.

Inuyasha let go of Kagome and shoved sobbing Rin into her arms. He went towards the bier, where Mai was laying. He put his hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder in a comforting gesture, before taking it away and just standing next to his brother.

"I failed to protect her." The dog demon said quietly. Inuyasha also hung his head, feeling sorry for his brother's suffering and the cruel fate of his friend and sister-in-law.

"There was nothing you could do." The hanyou attempted to ease Sesshomaru's conscience. The demon clenched his teeth and looked up at Inuyasha, his eyes burning with anger and regret.

"I could! I was the only one, that could prevent from dying!" he snapped at the hanyou. Fortunately, Inuyasha was wise enough to just listen in silence. Sesshomaru glanced at Mai and traced his fingers over the gushing wound in her belly, the guilt all over his face. He clenched his fist and hung the head. "If only I had Tenseiga!"

Inuyasha took a step back, not wanting to interrupt the sorrowful moment. It was an awfully suspicious coincidence, that the sword of their old man had vanished exactly on the day Mai had been killed – as though someone had planned it that way. Either way, without Tenseiga the girl couldn't be revived. If only the power of the sword could be somehow restored… Inuyasha gasped, as something dawned on him. His own sword, Tessaiga, didn't get its power from nowhere – it stole Meidou Zangetsuha from Tenseiga, Kongousouha was given by Housenki, its barrier-breaking power had thanks to Shiori's coral, none of those came from thin air… Tenseiga's power also must have originated from somewhere! And the only person, who knew this secret was the sword's maker…

"Totosai!" Inuyasha exclaimed, whirling around to look at the old youkai, standing in the corner with weeping Myoga on his shoulder. The hanyou gazed at him with determination in his eyes. "Totosai, you made Tenseiga. You can forge another sword, a copy of Tenseiga, can't you?"

All eyes turned to the old smith. Sesshomaru lifted his head and also looked at Totosai, as faint glint of hope appeared in his mourning heart.

The smith scratched his chin.

"It could be possible." He admitted after a while. Sesshomaru's eyes widened, when he gasped. The hope was not lost?

"What are you waiting for?!" Inuyasha suddenly yelled at Totosai, leaping towards the man, grabbing the front of his tattered kimono and shaking him violently. "We must bring back Sesshomaru's wife!"

The hanyou was shaking Totosai for a while, before he released him at last. The smith straightened his kimono and shook his head.

"It's not that simple, boy." He explained. "Before Tenseiga gained its power, Inu no Taisho had to slay countless demons to gain the life power from their blood. Making such a sword would take years, maybe decades and if the girl is not revived till the sunset, her soul will move on already. It's useless."

The silence fell after Totosai ripped the remaining hope out of everyone's hearts. The old smith furrowed his brows and slowly made his way to the bier, where Mai's lifeless body laid. He looked at the motionless face of the girl and then he set his gaze on mourning Sesshomaru. He thought with sadness, that the firstborn son of Inu no Taisho grew to love this strong-willed human girl with all his heart, beyond Totosai's boldest expectations. He felt, that it was his obligation as a faithful retainer and a friend of Sesshomaru's late father to protect his sons, but there were decisions, that belonged only to the one concerned. Totosai was about to ask the inu-youkai to make one of them.

"Boy, do you love her?" he asked the dog demon. Sesshomaru looked at Totosai seriously.

"I do." He said quietly, now admitting his affection without a trace of shame. The sword maker nodded, acknowledging his words.

"What would you able to do to bring her back to life?" Totosai asked. Everyone held their breath.

"Everything." Sesshomaru replied.

"Would you die for her?" the smith asked, studying the dog demon's face.

"Yes." The inu-youkai said firmly, without a moment of hesitation. Totosai sighed, closing his eyes.

"There is a way I could reforge a sword in time. I could make it mimic Tenseiga's power, but it would work only once." The sword maker said. Everyone gasped and Sesshomaru's golden eyes brightened with hope.

"Once is enough." He stated, clutching Mai's cold hand tighter and looking at his wife's motionless face. If only Totosai could make her smile at him again…

Totosai made a dead-serious face.

"To make such a sword, I require your Bakusaiga and blood of many strong demons. However, I believe, that blood of one powerful Taiyoukai would suffice." He said. Sesshomaru turned his eyes on him and nodded solemnly.

"You will get as much as you need." He answered. Totosai furrowed his brows.

"If you decide to go through this, you must know, Sesshomaru, that it would not be the only sacrifice, you will have to make." The sword maker warned the young Taiyoukai. The dog demon furrowed his brows, expecting Totosai to continue. The old youkai cleared his throat. "If I make this sword, you will lose not only so huge amount of blood, that it could kill you, but also you will also lose the longevity of youkai life."

"What do you mean?" Sesshomaru questioned. Totosai took a deep breath, before saying:

"Once you give your demon blood to Bakusaiga, your lifespan will shorten to a one of a mere human – you will live as long as a human, you will age like a human, you will be weak and infirm at the end of your life, just as humans are. Are you ready to give up your youkai heritage to save this woman's life?"

The Sesshomaru was silent for a while. He looked at his human wife, laying on the bier. Before he met her, he would never even consider such a thing, taking it for a shameful weakness. The choice was between his pursuit for greater power and the life of the woman, he loved. Suddenly all was clear to him.

"I would rather spend one human lifetime with Mai, than centuries without her by my side." He said confidently, having made his decision.

Totosai nodded, acknowledging Sesshomaru's words. The boy was just like his father, after all.

"Give me Bakusaiga, boy." The smith demanded. The dog demon swiftly unsheathed the sword and passed it to the old youkai. Totosai reached to his huge bag and a while later, he was readying himself to reforge the blade. "Come here, Sesshomaru. I need your blood." He said.

The inu-youkai obliged and motioned himself to assist the sword maker by the work. Totosai was hammering Bakusaiga into its new form, while the dog demon was holding the outstretched arm over the blade, letting his blood soak into the steel.

The smith was working for long hours and the sun was mercilessly wandering lower and lower, towards the horizon. Inside the shrine everyone was silent, there could be heard only rhythmical hammering. In the meantime Jaken came and both he and Rin were sitting by the bier, watching dead Mai and the insanely fast moves of Totosai's hand, as the old smith was struggling to make the sword in time. The blood was flowing constantly from Sesshomaru's wrists and the youkai was getting paler, even though he tried to appear strong. Suddenly, he swayed, nearly losing his balance. Totosai looked at him with concern in his eyes.

"You can die, Sesshomaru." He said quietly, not pausing his work. The dog demon clenched his teeth, his face expressing determination.

"Continue. I dot care, whether I die or not. She must live." He hissed out, barely keeping himself from falling onto the floor, as his arms began to tremble.

They stilled, when the pair of clawed hands grabbed Sesshomaru's arms, supporting them and holding in place. The dog demon looked up to see the face of his younger brother. The hanyou nodded, silently supporting the inu-youkai's decision, as he would have done the same for Kagome.

"Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said, his voice weak. "Listen to me. If I die, you must use Bakusaiga to revive Mai."

The hanyou shook his head.

"Don't say such things, Sesshomaru!" he scolded his older brother. "You'll live and do it by yourself!"

The dog demon narrowed his eyes, looking in his brother golden eyes with fierce determination.

"You are the only one, who can do it! Give me your word, that if I die, you will save Mai and take care of her." He insisted. Inuyasha bit his bottom lip.

"You won't…" he began, but Sesshomaru interrupted him.

"Inuyasha!" he hurried the hanyou. Inuyasha looked his brother seriously in the eye.

"You have my word for that." The half-demon replied solemnly.

Then again the only sound was the rhythmical hammering, as Bakusaiga's new form was being created. The red light was illuminating the room, reminding of the nearing deadline. Jaken looked with worry all over his face at the sun, which hung dangerously low over the horizon.

"The sun is setting." He stated. The imp thought, that the sunset was casting exceptionally red light, that reminded him of the color of blood. Jaken feared, that it may be a grim omen.

"Done!" Totosai announced. "However, I can't guarantee, that it will work for sure."

Sesshomaru gripped the hilt of Bakusaiga weakly and tried to stand up, unsuccessfully. Inuyasha came with help, yanking his older brother on his feet and leading him towards the bier, where Mai laid, looking as peaceful, as though she was sleeping. The dog demon narrowed his eyes, waiting to see the messengers of the netherworld around Mai's body. However, he saw nothing and the sun was already hiding behind the hills. He tried once again.

"Sesshomaru, what are you waiting for?!" Inuyasha snapped impatiently, glancing nervous at the setting sun.

"I do not see them." Sesshomaru replied, the unusual for him nervousness in his voice. "I cannot see the messengers of the netherworld."

Everyone stirred, unsure what exactly it meant. They suspected though, that it was nothing good. Totosai shook his head and sighed heavily.

"The chances for success were slim from the beginning." He said sadly.

Sesshomaru stared at Mai, as his last hope had been just shattered. The sun set and the night fell, engulfing the world and the demon's heart in its darkness. It was too late.

I cannot save her?

"Leave!" he bellowed, casting an angry glare at the surprised crowd. Hesitantly, one by one, they came outside, locking the door. Sesshomaru caressed the cool cheek of his dead wife and leaned down to kiss her cold lips delicately.

"I love you, dearest." He whispered and turned Bakusaiga, so that the blade was pointing towards his chest. If he failed to make his wife join him in life, he would join her in death. Sesshomaru gripped the hilt of his sword tighter, preparing to thrust it into his heart, when a sudden gush of wind slammed the temple door open and then shut, blowing the candles out, all except one, that was casing a pale light upon Mai's face. Was it a draft? Or something else?

Then Sesshomaru saw them – the messengers of the netherworld, gathering around the woman's body. His eyes widened in surprise. Had not Totosai said, that it was already too late? Apparently, the fate gave him a second chance. Not waiting any longer, the demon swiftly slashed the creatures of the netherworld and waited. For horribly long while nothing was happening.

Suddenly, the youkai heard the sound, he was anticipating – a heartbeat and the light sigh, as Mai drew her first breath. Sesshomaru gasped, when he saw her eyelids flutter open and she looked at him with her brown eyes, the very eyes he longed to see so much. The demon scooped his wife in his arms and was staring at her face in disbelief, that she was among living again, against all odds.

"Sesshomaru?" Mai asked, furrowing her brows in confusion, as she was looking around at the dark shrine room. She had no clue, what was happening. The last thing she remembered has dying in Sesshomaru's arms and there she was – being held by him once again. "Am I dead?"

"No." the demon shook his head, touching the side of her face. The skin was growing warmer. The pure bliss filled his heart at the unexpected reunion with his wife. Then, he remembered, what was the thing, he regretted the most, the moment he lost her. The youkai looked deeply in Mai's eyes, smiling fondly.

"I love you, Mai." He said honestly.

Mai's eyes widened at the sudden confession. She was startled, that he returned her love, but also extremely happy. She pulled herself up and snuggled to his chest.

"I love you too, Sesshomaru." She replied, smiling, as she felt him embrace her lovingly. "Let's go home."

The demon nodded and lifted his wife in his arms. They exchanged affectionate glances and he carried her outside the shrine, causing everyone, who was gathered here gasp in surprise and joy. Without a word, Sesshomaru made his way down the stairs, heading towards their home and the happy life, together with Mai.


The group gathered in front of the shrine looked in disbelief, as the inu-youkai left, carrying the smiling girl in his arms.

"How is that possible?" Myoga coughed out. "The sun has set… I don't understand…"

The old miko Kaede smiled mysteriously.

"Apparently Mai's soul came back for some reason. Who knows, what happened in the shrine?" The priestess whispered. "Sometimes the true love can be more powerful than the death itself..."


The End.





Author Notes:


I gave you a scare, didn't I? Sorry for that, but I simply couldn't resist making one last prank on all of you. You can boil me in oil, tear off limbs, burn me with cigarettes, but I did it for the sake of your entertainment. I wanted to surprise you one last time.

The ending has been written months ago, so don't suspect me of changing it after reading your comments. I intended to create an ending to remember, that will sweep you into a rollercoaster ride. The typical boring endings (the set, consisting of the confession of love, kiss and the setting sun in the background) were never appealing for me and I wanted to evoke more emotions in you. I guess, that it suits better the rest of the story, because I treasure my sudden twists in the plot and love surprising you. Well… did it work? Were you surprised? Relieved?

Sadly, some of the reader may have been discouraged to read further, but it's their loss. I'm glad, you managed to get through the last chapter. To all, who actually liked the fake ending, sorry, but I have a soft heart. Maybe it's a little evil, but soft.


If you liked my writing, check out my new fanfiction "Albus Potter and the Scepter of the Fallen." If you read it and review, I'll send you the real epilogue of Through the Looking Glass. It's worth the trouble!


Check out the bonus chapters and the news about more adventures of Mai and Sesshomaru in "On the Other Side."


Last, but not least, to all my readers: thank you for managing to stay with me till the story and supporting me by reviewing. It worked miracles.

Thank you!

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