I feel like I should probably explain a moment before getting to the point:

I found myself getting very frustrated with this story for a long while, like I didn't know exactly where to take it or where I was even going with it and I didn't like what I was doing with the plot and what I had done to the plot etc. etc.

But, despite all that, this is still my story. So, even though it's been about over a year or so, I think it's time for me to crawl out of the hole I've landed myself in and sat aimlessly inside of, and continue this - regardless of how awful it is/becomes.

I hope that you guys can forgive me for that unbearably long and embarrassing absence of cowardice and confusion on my part, and accept my new chapters as they come out again (which I hope will be periodic and soon).

I hope that those of you who supported me all that time ago will continue to support me.

ALSO, I will be going back and revising previous chapters to make them.. more appealing than they are currently? Something like that. Yes.

I'm sorry if this got anyone's hopes up in expecting this to be the newest chapter, but the upcoming chapter is already about a third of the way done, so it should hopefully be posted soon.

I'm really nervous about posting this because I feel like many of you are fed up with my constant disappearances or are angry because I left for so long, but, once again, I hope you all can forgive me and continue to support me.

New fics are coming also, like oneshots. I have a few ideas so I'll see what I can do.

Thank you all 3