Alright, first chapter to my first fic! Hope you guys like it. (:

I'm new to this, so sorry if it's too short, not perfect, or if there are mistakes!


Mistake Chapter 1: The 'Simple' Request.

Just another normal day at the Fairy Tail Guild. Natsu fighting with Gray while Juvia cheers behind him, "That's my Gray-sama!" every time he lands a blow on the Fire Dragon Slayer. There's also a generous amount of glasses (not always emptied of their contents) being thrown about the room, nearly hitting the small blue haired Solid Script mage who was standing in front of the request board.

It was taking quite some time for Levy to choose a job today, and she didn't know why. Most of the time she would find an easy request with a generous payment and would swipe it off of the board. But today, most of them seemed too difficult – not a single one was as easy as her last job, where she had to decipher and old book. Most had to do with fighting or protecting, which she wouldn't be very good at protecting someone or something else when she wasn't too good at protecting herself. Also, she was a little too weak to fight most of the things in the requests. Not like she's Gajeel Redfox, who picks a fight with everyone and everything and almost always wins. Picking up the easiest looking one, she quickly glanced down at it, reading only the obvious print.

Translate a scroll...

Deciding on the job that seemed easy enough, she walked over to the bar to find Mira and Master Makarov.

Levy lugged her things beside her, keeping the bags close to her thighs for some sort of support, praying she could make it to the train without collapsing from all the weight. It turned out that there was a scroll that was being targeted by bandits, and the mayor needed her to translate it as soon as possible to find what was so precious about it. So, of course, she brought every book on ancient languages she owned, (clearing only about 5% of her room) because neither her or the Mayor knew what language it was in. As she sat in her seat on the train, she found her self lost in thought. When the train blew to signal its departure, she looked up to wave to Jet and Droy. She thought she spotted the spiky black hair that was so familiar, but when she looked in the direction she saw no one but absolute strangers – besides Jet and Droy who came to see her off on her lone mission, as they always do.

She hugged her purse close to her chest. I guess I was just mistaken... Oh well.

The request was from a town called Eli Xot, west of Fiore. Levi didn't realize how long it would take to get to Eli Xot by train... it took 3 days. Once she stepped of the train, she realized just how worn out she was. Her knees ached from the sudden weight put on them, and her muscles screamed in retaliation as she stretched them.

The entire ride there she was studying more common and recently found ancient languages. Eventually, she would drift off and nap, regaining more focus and energy when she would wake up.

The town was huge, finding the Town Hall would be a little difficult. Then she had to find a decent hotel or inn to stay in, which probably wouldn't be so hard, considering the size of the town. There was bound to find at least 10 on the next corner.

When she finally found the Town Hall, which was located (not very surprisingly) in the middle of town, she opened the heavy glass doors and walked in. When the secretary pointed her in the direction of the Mayors office, she was met half way by the expecting old man. He looked about 50, his hairline almost completely receded, leaving a patch of gray hair at the back of his head. Big, bushy eyebrows shadowed gray-green eyes, and his lips were hidden beneath a fluffy gray mustache.

After settling down in his office, a steaming cup of tea in front of both of them, comfortable in a cushiony armchair, the mayor suddenly rose and shuffled his way behind his desk. Opening a drawer, he pulled something out and shuffled back to his chair and settled in again. He reached for her hand, placing an old, crinkly, rolled up piece of paper in her hand. Realizing that this was the scroll she had to translate, she carefully placed it in her bag and turned back the Mayor. She then asked the mayor where she could find the closest inn or hotel. He led her back to the Lobby doors, and poked half his body out.

"If you walk three blocks that way," He pointed to his left as he stuck his head out of the loby door. "You'll find a nice little inn. Tell them I sent you! Good luck translating, and Levi..." His composure changed from delighted to very grave and serious. "Be careful."

"Wait, what?"

Ignoring her, he gently pushed Levi out the door, flashed her a brilliant smile she could hardly make out from underneath his mustache, and closed the door on her, leaving her dumbfounded and confused about his warning and his ignoring her curiosity as she walked towards the said Inn.

When she finally reached the Inn doors, she read the sign high above the door. 'Mystic Frog Inn'. The corners of her lips twitched up slightly at the name, and she proceeded through the doors of the Inn. She was immediately greeted by a short, chubby old woman. She politely bowed to her, telling the woman her business. The woman simply nodded her head and smiled, showing Levi the way to her room. Walking in, she was taken aback by how cozy but simple it was. The room consisted of a bed to the left of the door which wore creme colored sheets and a creme colored comforter, accented with dark forest green pillows. There was a light green dresser across from it, and a leather couch was set in the far right corner of the room. She spotted a doorway leading to what she could make out as an all white bathroom. The walls were a simple white, ivy vines painted on the top of the walls, the carpet a deep garnet. After turning to thank the old woman, she set her things down in a closet next to the bed. She took out her books and began to try and translate the old scroll.

A few hours later, she still didn't know what the origin of the language was. Weary from her endless studying, she stood up in a generous stretch and yawned.

3:00 am! Holy crap! She completely lost track of time while researching. She quickly brushed her teeth, combed her hair and jumped onto her comfortable bed in her rented room. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a La' Cryma light.

After just a few hours of sleep, she was scared awake by a terrible crashing noise, stones and shrapnel flying all over the room, rubbish all over the floor beside her bed. What the h-

Suddenly she was grabbed by the neck by a man hovering over her, and she instinctively pulled at his hands and gasped for air. Trying to identify him, she failed as she realized he was masked, only his eyes visible. Running out of air, she kicked up into his stomach, making him curl in on himself and release her neck. She dashed off her bed and grabbed the scroll and her bag, shoving the scroll inside it. Tripping over a stone, she let her guard down for a second as she regained her balance, giving the man an opportunity to snatch her. The man forcefully yanked her arm back, and she felt a pop.

"GAH!" She screamed in pain.

He threw her around to face him, fear evident in her face as she stared into the eyes of the masked man. She was then grabbed and thrown onto his shoulder like a heavy sack and he made for the hole in the wall.

"I won't... let you!" She kicked him in the face over and over and nailed him in the spine as hard as she could with her fists a few times, and he finally released her. She toppled onto the dresser in front of her bed, the mirror shattering all over her. Her eyes tightly shut to keep the mirror shards from getting in them, she scrambled to get to her feet. She dashed again for the door but was stopped once again as he grabbed onto her hair. He pulled her to his eye level by her hair as screamed and wriggled in agony.

"HEL– !" Her cry was cut short by a hard punch to the gut that made her spit up blood. Her body went limp, her mouth gagged open slightly as blood dripped from the corner slowly.

"Shut up."

You all enjoy it? Thank you guys for reading!
Don't forget to review it, and read the next chapters!*

*soon to be updated and edited, as well.*
