By the time they got back to his apartment, Reid had managed to calm himself down considerably and was feeling more than a little guilty for the way he had acted back at the office. It was rare for him to lose his head like that but his father had always had that affect on him.

He allowed Ethan to guide him through the door and push him down into his sofa, muttering about making some tea and to not move.

He hung his head, resting his elbows on his knees and feeling another wave of guilt wash over him as his childhood friend shuffled about his small kitchen.

He had scared them, he could remember that look in the eyes of his team mates with the perfect clarity he was known for.

"What the hell was I thinking?" He grumbled, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.

"Quit beating yourself up, Spencer."

He took the offered mug of tea and Ethan sat down beside him.

There was a moment of silence in which the two men simply stared at their steaming mugs, too hot to drink.

"Thought Hotch was going to shoot me." Reid said, his lips twisting into a half smile.

The comment had the desired effect and Ethan burst out laughing. "Does he always look"

Reid nodded. "Yeah."

They both jumped when there was a sharp knock at the door, and looked at each other with panic. Ethan was the one to go to the door, gesturing for Spencer to stay back.

"Who's there?" He called through the wood.

"It's Morgan."

Reid exhaled, his muscles loosening as he sunk back into the sofa.

Ethan opened the door and Derek strode through, glancing quickly around the apartment, no doubt looking for danger out of habit.

"Listen Reid, Hotch doesn't think it's a good idea for you to be on your own right now."

"I'm with him." Ethan said, sounding more than a little indignant at being overlooked.

Morgan smiled easily. "Ok, let me rephrase that. Hotch wants an FBI agent here." he dropped his smile at Reid's unhappy look. "Come on, Pretty Boy, it's only until we catch your dad."

Spencer stood, shaking his head, his hands held before him like he was waiting to be handed something. "Catch my dad?" he echoed, "When the hell did that become the objective here?"

"Come on, Reid, the man is harassing and threatening you. How else did you think this was going to turn out? You've already asked him to leave you alone several times." Morgan took a few steps toward him and he crossed his arms defensively. "If this was anyone but you, if it was any other case-"

"This isn't a case, Morgan!" Reid snarled, angry that he was being treated and spoken to like a victim. "I've been dealing with this asshole my whole life-"

"So when is it gonna end?" Morgan interrupted. "How long are you going to allow this to continue before you admit that something needs to be done?"

Spencer could think of nothing to say to that and looked over to Ethan for support. What he got instead was his friend shrugging and saying, "Don't look at me man, I'm with him."

The older agent placed his hands on Reid's shoulders, gripping them hard. "Try and think of it from a profiler's point of view, Reid. If this was a case you were working, what would you advise the victim to do?"

Reid sighed, but began thinking it through like Morgan asked.

Thinking of his father as the 'unsub' made him wince, but he continued.

William Reid, aged fifty two. Born, raised and currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Was married to Diana Reid and divorced in 1995. Son, Spencer Reid, aged twenty eight, currently resides in Quantico, Virginia. William has had ongoing issues with alcoholism for many years and once in 1993, authorities were sent to the house to investigate a 911 call from a concerned neighbor. Spencer Reid contacted police after receiving several threatening phone calls from his father demanding money-

He sighed again, not needing to continue. "You're right."

"I know I'm right I just needed you to figure that our for yourself."

Reid pushed the man away with a smile, "Shut up." he sighed and went back to coffee table to get his tea. "So what is the plan from here, Agent Morgan?" he deadpanned.

"Well," The older agent stopped abruptly and his eyes snapped down to the steaming mug clenched in Spencer's hands. He leaned over slowly and sniffed cautiously. Then his eyes slid shut and he inhaled a long pull of the steam rising from the cup. "Man, what is that?"

Reid felt his face contort into something between a frown of confusion and a smirk of amusement. "It's Pu'erh tea."

"It smells and dirt and those greenhouse stores my mom used to drag me to." Morgan said, his eyes unfocused as he tried to come up with the right words to adequately describe the smell. "Man, one wiff of that had me back when I was ten playing in the woods and helping my mama in the garden."

Ethan and Spencer shared a look and Ethan clapped the agent on the shoulder. "I'll make you a cup."

The two coworkers moved to sit on the sofa and for a moment there was silence before Morgan leaned in conspiratorialy and whispered. "I'll tell you what the plan is but first you have to answer a question."

Spencer glanced sideways at the man, trying to puzzle out just what it was that he was up to. And he was most definitely up to something, because he'd seen that look before. He wondered if the man had been faking his reaction to the tea just to get Ethan out of the room. "Fine. What?"

"What's the deal with you and Ethan?"

He couldn't help the tensing of his muscles and quickly replied. "We're friends."

"With benefits?"


The man backed off suddenly, his hands in the air. "Hey man, I was just curious!"

"Here's your tea!" Etahn exclaimed, waltzing into the living room and shoving the mug under Morgan's nose, perhaps a little forcefully.

One look was enough to tell Spencer that he'd heard their little exchange, though he wasn't sure if his friend was so mad because of Morgan's prying questions or the fact that Spencer had given him the label of friend.

"Morgan? The plan?"

"Right." The agent took a deep breath and shrugged, "Actually it's pretty straight forward. We've already alerted the local police and gave them a picture of your dad. Basically, we sit back and wait for him to get caught. In the meantime, though, I'm staying here with you, 'cause we both know the most likely place he'll show up is at your door, Pretty Boy." he sniffed, "Oh, and Hotch is already working on getting that restraining order done."

Spencer sighed, feeling tired. "Shit."

"Spence, "Ethan said, sitting on his other side. "I know it all seems extreme, but you said so yourself, if you were on the outside looking in, you'd be telling the person to do that exact same thing."

"Yeah, I know."

The rest of the day passed quickly once Morgan had discovered the Playstation Reid had hidden under his couch and by the time they realized it was now dark outside, Reid had brutally murdered Morgan several times in a series of messy Player vs Player death matches.

The larger agent tossed the controller down with a growl. "Man! You're 'I don't know nothin' about technology and pop music' is all bullshit, ain't it?!"

Reid frowned at him contemplatively. "You know, I've noticed recently that there is a direct correlation between your level of irritation and the degradation of your grammar."

"Don't make me hit you, man."

Spencer smirked and handed the tv remot to Morgan, who was still in the middle of sulking, and went to make himself another cup of tea. There was something incredibly satisfying about beating Morgan at video games and rather thought that it needed to happen more often.

There was a knock at the door.

Reid's brain kicked into overdrive within a fraction of a second, tea forgotten, and began analysing.

Loud, heavy handed. Drunk. Something else had hit that wasn't just flesh. Something hard. A ring? Yes. Wedding band? No. Graduation ring. His father had always worn his grad ring from law school.

"It's him." he mouthed quietly before the last knock even sounded.

Morgan had stood from the couch and moved to the door, gun in one hand with the other on the door knob.

"Who is it?" the agent called through the wood.

"Spencer?" William called back, sounding a little confused by Morgan's deeper voice.

Morgan opened the door carefully, gun held loosely, but clearly visible, at his side.

"Mr. Reid, you are trespassing on the property of someone who has a restraining order against you. If you don't leave immediately, you will be arrested."

Will remained standing in the doorway, neither inside nor out, and glanced over at Spencer incredulously before looking back to Morgan. "He's my kid!"

"And you're harassing him. Now beat it or your spending the night in jail."

"Look," the lawyer sighed, dismissing Morgan and turning to look at his son, "I just want to talk. That's all."

"I'm not talking to you anymore, dad. I have nothing to say that I haven't already said a hundred times."

"Just give me a chance!"


There was silence after that and Spencer stared at his father defiantly, feeling more confident with Derek and Ethan in the room to help him.

"Look, I'm sober. Could we please just-"

"Liar!" Spencer snapped, feeling angry. "You think I can't tell when you've had even just one drink? You can't lie to me. Now, get out before you get arrested."

"Spencer, I'm not stupid, threatening me with a restraining order? Really? We both know you don't have one."


Hotch's voice came from behind Will, forcing the man into the apartment to turn and see who had spoken.

The SSA stalked in slowly after the drunken man, an official looking piece of paper thrust before him. "I have that right here." Hotch nodded tightly to Morgan, who then stepped forward and slapped some handcuffs on Will's wrists before the lawyer even knew what had happened.

"William Reid you are under arrest for trespassing and violation of your restraining order. You have the right to an attorney..."

Spencer watched as his enraged father was escorted to the black SUV outside, feeling as if all that had happened was a bit surreal but also feeling a hell of a lot better knowing that this would likely be the last he saw of his father, especially when he had people like the BAU at his back.


Done! Sorry for the long wait between updates, I seriously have lost interest in this story.