"I won't be gone for long. Only for a few days or so." Edward hesitated.

"Edward, you JUST came back home. Literally. Why must you leave so…so SOON? At least stay for two days or so." I sighed

"Winry, you know I can't. It's better if I leave tomorrow morning. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can come back here. Right?"


Marching off, I went into the kitchen and pulled out the materials to make beef stew. These boys move around WAY too much. Don't they ever just want to take a break? I mean, they DID get their bodies back after all! Not to mention that Alphonse is STILL in Xing. With what he told Ed and me, his trip is going to be a lot longer than he expected. So here is Edward, popping back up in front of Granny's home, just asking to stay here ONE night. And the worst part is, it doesn't even seem like he missed me. He barely even looked at me. Plus, every time I try to talk to him, we just ARGUE. Yeah, Edward and I argue a lot, but is it a lot to ask if we just have ONE normal conversation? That wouldn't hurt, right?

"Stupid boys, and their stupid feelings.." I muttered

Before I knew it, dinner was already done. Thinking must really pass the time, I suppose. Setting our plates, I called everyone to the table.

"Thanks for cooking dinner, Winry. It smells delicious." Granny said, smiling.

"You're welcome, Granny." I smiled back.

A few minutes passed before Edward came down the stairs, and sat next to me at the table. He muttered a quiet thanks, and dug into his plate. Shrugging, I signaled Granny that we can eat. Dining in, Granny and I had a nice, civilized conversation.

"How is your automail doing, Winry?"

"Great, actually! I'm trying out some new models. Which reminds me, Edward?"

Looking at me, he said, "What."

"I've been working on a new leg model, and I would really like you to have it. It would mean a lot to me if you did. Plus, if anything doesn't seem to feel right, I can patch it right up for you!"

Sighing, Ed responded, "Fine. But before you start squealing, don't forget I have to leave tomorrow."


A moment of silence passed us by, before Granny spoke up. "When will you be back, Edward?"

"Perhaps a week or so. If I need to take my time, maybe two or three weeks. It all just depends. "

"Ahh." She said.

"There is no way you can stay longer, Edward?" I whispered.

Standing up, Edward yelled, "NO. Can you NOT understand that I HAVE to go, Winry? You always get so sensitive about this stupid crap! I AM leaving tomorrow morning, and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me! Just be smart about this and-"

"EDWARD!" Granny yelled

Stepping back, I winced from his use of words. Tears rapidly dropped off of my jaw, and I wrapped my arms around myself. Does Edward really think I'm that stupid?


"No, it's fine Edward. I'm stupid, I get it. You have fun on your trip." I said, choking back more tears.

"What about your dinner?" Granny asked

Pushing my plate away, I got up saying, "Not hungry."

Before Edward could say anything else, I ran up the stairs, and collapsed on my bed. Muffling my face onto my pillow, I sobbed.

Edwards POV.

"Are you really that stupid, Edward?" Granny snapped at me. "You know how crazy she is towards you. You're everything to her. Did you see how happy she was when you accepted her new leg model? YOU make her happy, you dumb twat."

"I didn't mean to hurt her. I just got to furious, and I couldn't hold myself back.."

"Maybe you should work on that. Are you really that blind?"

"Blind from what?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Your feelings, you midget."



Before I could protest, she sighed and whispered, "How do you feel towards Winry?"

Sneaking a quiet gasp, I just stared at the floor. I practically told Winry I loved her at the train station. But Granny doesn't know-

"The train station? I know about it. Winry wouldn't shut up about that day. She had the biggest smile on her face, and it warmed my heart because I haven't seen her that happy in a long time."

How in the hell did she know what I was thinking? Is the old hag a mind reader!

"I would go apologize to Winry. It's the right thing to do." She said. And with those last words, she went upstairs to go to bed.

Sitting back at the table, I took a deep sigh. Apologize to Winry? How can I do that? I'm not very good with apologizing..

Well, trying is better than not going it at all, I guess. Taking a deep breath, I walked up the stairs and knocked on Winry's door.

Let's just hope she doesn't have a wrench with her…

Winry's POV.

Hearing a knock on a door, I slowly stood up.

"Come in."

When the door opened, Edward came in with an apologetic look on his face. Reaching for my wrench he interrupted my actions saying, "NO! Winry, I came here to talk to you. I swear."

"Then talk." I spat.

"Look, what I said earlier was over the line. I'm sorry for yelling at you, Winry. I was really rude back there. You just need to understand-"

"What you said at the train station that day, made me so damn happy. You have no idea how much I couldn't stop talking about it with Granny! Sure, I'm grown up now, but I'm still a fun little kid at heart. But with you coming back to the house, and you have to leave TOMORROW MORNING, do you know how much that hurts me? I wanted to spend time with you and.."

"Winry, I meant every damn word that day. You know that. I just need to leave-"

"For what, Edward? You never told us where the hell you were going!"

"It's not important!"


Looking into my eyes, Edward came and embraced me in a hug. "I just want you to be safe."

"Can't you just tell me?" I whined

"Winry, I don't know what I would do without you. I want to keep you safe, can't you understand that? I'll be back soon. Just work on that new automail leg you have for me. Time will fly by, and before you know it, I'll be back with you. And that's a promise."

Pulling him away, several tears dripped out of my eyes. Getting concerned, Edward put his forehead against mine, and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Don't cry. I'm here."

:"But you won't be in the morning.." I choked out

Putting my arms around him, I buried my face against his chest. His body tensed up a bit, but within a few moments, he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't want you to leave…"

"I'm sorry."

Looking back up at Edward, tears slowly started forming at the corner of his eyes. Without even thinking, I put my arms around his neck, and put my lips against his.

"Don't cry, Ed. Please don't cry."

His hand traced my cheek, as he bent down and pecked me again. His hands roamed my sides, and we kept putting our lips together. Within each kiss, each one became more, and more passionate. Once we looked up at each other again, there was a new look in his eyes.


Without a warning, Edward picked me up, and gently put me on the bed. He suddenly went on top of me, and had a nervous type of look on his face. To help him relax, I pulled him closer to me, and kissed him. Leaving a small opening, I gave him an invitation for his tongue to meet mine. Our tongues soon met, as they danced around with each other. A small moan slipped out of Edward's mouth as I stopped. He suddenly, started to blush as red as a tomato as I held onto his hand. Giving him my gentle smile, I kissed his neck. His hands pulled my hair to my side, as he started to kiss down my neck. When his teeth met my skin, I couldn't help but cry out. He looked back at me, with a geeky looking smile on his face.

"What's so funny?" I frowned

"Nothing. Why would I laugh at you moaning, when you heard me moan? Does that even make any sense?" he said, holding back a laugh

"Shut up. I've never done this before." I sighed

"And neither have I. We can make it work, right?"

Beaming into his eyes, I gave him a simple nod.

"I want you to know I'm not trying to take advantage of you, Winry. If you want me to stop at ANY time you tell me when."

"Alright, Ed. I got it."

His lips met mine once again, as a low moan escaped my lips. His hands roamed my sides, and he started to pull my shirt off. My hands roughly took Edwards trench coat off, as he got my shirt off. Smiling, I couldn't help but chuckle at Edwards face. He looked at me for a sign to go on, and I gave him a nice kiss as a yes. I felt the click that indicated that my bra was unhooked. Throwing it off of me, I got slightly embarrassed and looked away from Edward.

"You're so beautiful.." he smiled

Looking back at him, I smiled back as he pulled his shirt off. Pulling my skirt down, Edward's hands went to my white underwear. Shaking, he closed his eyes, and pulled it down and threw it on the floor.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" I laughed

To be honest, I was scared as hell. And by the looks of it, I could tell that Edward was too.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked

"Of course."

"Winry?" Edward asked, slowly raising his eyes to mine.

"Yes, Edward?"

"I love you."

Wrapping my fingers in his golden hair, and went up to his ear and whispered a sweet, 'I love you too.'

(Sorry guys, don't want to get to graphic on this part. With that being said, we are going to do a time skip to where they have finished…having…fun…(;)

Lying next to him, we were both breathing heavily.

"I hope I didn't hurt you too much." He said, frowning a bit at the thought.

"It was supposed to hurt, Edward. I am- was a virgin. Plus, it felt….nice afterwards. So no harm done."

Going under the covers, Edward pulled me next to him. His heart had a nice steady beat to it, and I felt myself falling asleep.

"You'll be gone by the time I wake up, won't you?"



His arms tightened around me, and I started to cry again. Before he would ask me what was wrong, I said, "Just be safe."

"I will be. I promise."

"I love you, Edward." I sniffed.

He kissed my forehead, as I drifted off into sleep.


There you go. I hoped you guys liked it.:x Review please?:DD