E/O Challenge: sparkle

Word Count: 100

Warnings/Spoilers: None

Summary: I have often wondered under what circumstances the boys received their tattoos. Since I have been perusing tattoos parlors lately myself, contemplating some virgin ink, this drabble came to mind.

The Tattoo Parlor

Sam sucked in a deep breath. The tattoo needle poised over his muscular chest, waiting.

"Ready, sweetheart," the tall brunette confirmed, and Sam jerked his chin in affirmation. She glanced at the diagram of the sun-surrounded star. She began her work, content to have chosen this handsome man as her client.

In the next room, Dean likewise stiffened at the site of the needle hovering over his chest.

"Ready, sweetheart!" asked the sparkling young man, hovering over the reluctant Winchester. Dean nodded, and the man began his work, content to have chosen this handsome man as his client.