"Hmm~! Hmmmnnnm~!" Ichigo singsonged her way to the park near the river. She was going on a date with Aoyama! She giggled at the lack of an honorific with her boyfriend. He had finally talked her into calling him without one, though it took almost two years to get her to do so. Again, she giggled and squealed at the prospect of going on a date with Aoyama. After all, things hadn't been going well with him lately. She didn't know why, but her boyfriend seemed to be getting more and more annoyed with her antics. Ichigo had once thought, Is Aoyama-kun getting tired of me now? But that thought was extinguished when he suddenly asked her out on a date. Thinking back on it, it wasn't supposed to seem sudden, right?

"Ichigo! Ichigo! Wait up!" The girl turned and saw her boyfriend running up to her. She obeyed, curious ofwhat he wanted. After all, they hadn't spoken for nearlythree days. Still, she was relieved and her spirits immediately lifted when Aoyama stopped in front of her, hands on his knees and panting from exhaustion.

"Aoyama-kun?" Ichigo asked, staring blankly at the boy.

"Ichigo, how many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Aoyama." He smiled at her, exasperated in an adoring way. How the former Mew missed his smiles.

"Sorry,old habits die hard, I guess." Grinning nervously, Ichigo's mind was wheeling now that the happiness had died down a bit. What does he want? Is he going to break up with me? I hope he doesn't! Please just be asking something, please just be asking something! Preferably something good!

"Oh, I know. But as usual, I just can't catch up to you whenever I ask for a date. I always put it off 'till after school. And our teacher doesn't let us out of class until-"

"Wait, Aoyama-kun-" She paused and quickly corrected herself, while blushing, of course. "Aoyama. Did you say you're asking me out on a date?" Having stopped panting, Aoyama stood up straight. His chest was still heaving a bit, though.

"Do you not want to?" The boy asked, already looking down-cast. "It's just that I wanted to talk to you about something, and we haven't been talking much lately. I feel bad about that."

"No, no, no! I want to go Aoyama! I really do! I... also have missed you an awful lot."

"That's great! Meet me on the bench overlooking the river. You know, the one where we had one of our first dates!"

"Alright. What time?" That was a date? I could've sworn that I had misunderstood the reason he had asked me there!

"6:00 PM. And please try not to be late this time!" He started to turn away and run back to his friends. "I don't mean to sound rude, but it's important today!" He threw over his shoulder. Ichigo turned slowly, in a dream like state, and walked home. By the time she got to her house, she was already jumping for joy and squealing at the top of her lungs.

"I'm so happy!" She exclaimed, skipping to the bench that Aoyama had talked about.

No sooner had she plopped down on the bench, that Aoyama came jogging down from his house. When he stopped near the spot where Ichigo was waiting, he slowed to a walk, looking mildly surprised.

"Wow, you actually got here before me. Did you wait long?"

"No, I just got here a few seconds before you." A few years ago, I was usually half an hour early, but there was always some trouble or another with a Chimera or Kish. Ichigo shook her head, trying to get thought of the narcissistic alien out of her mind. It's all behind me now, besides, I have Aoyama as my boyfriend, and Lettuce, Mint, Zakuro, and Pudding as friends, and that's all I need.

"Great, lets go." The distant boy tried his best to smile for her, but it seemed fake even to him. He wasn't going to get mad this time. He was going to love her. He loved her before, right? Of course he did. He had loved her. That was the problem. It was in the past. He had moved on, but she still loved him. So, he had decided to just wait until Ichigo grew tired of him, just like he had of her. Yeah, that's good. That's what he had said to himself over and over again. But this day, he was going to end it, gently. He didn't want to hurt her. He didn't love her anymore, but he still cared for her to that much of an extent. He wasn't going to yell at her, or ignore her.

Ichigo sensed that something was wrong, but she ignored it. The girl was going to enjoy this date if it was the last thing she did. So, she let Aoyama lead her all around Tokyo, visiting all the places they had gone to on their dates. She noticed that it was strange, but, yet again, she shook it off. But what was even more unnerving was that the places were almost in order.

At the end of the day, Aoyama led her back to the bench and sat down. He turned to her, realizing that he hadn't looked at his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend all day. It turned out to look more like he was staring at her to Ichigo, though.

Ichigo did something that surprised Aoyama, but then again, it didn't. She smiled. Though it wasn't one of her cute smiles of happiness. It was a smile of deep sadness at the acceptance of heartbreak. I think she knew since the beginning. When that one sentence ran through the boy's head, he started to get angry. No. He was going to talk to her rationally and calmly. This girl will shed no tears, well, at least as few as possible. I won't make it worse.

"Ichigo, I think you know why I really asked you out here. You've known from the start, right?" Again, all he got as an answer was that same sad smile.

"Yes, Aoyama-san." She was already back to using honorifics. It wasn't even Aoyama-kun this time. Well, I suppose it's for the best. I guess this is her way of starting to get over something.

"Well, I guess that makes it easier on me. But what about you, Ichigo-san?" He answered her use of distancing with his own.

"It would be hard on me anyway, right?" She still had that sad smile on. It was starting to annoy Aoyama.

"Ichigo, can you please stop with that expression? It starting to get on my nerves." Oh no. No, no. This isn't good. It just slipped out. All that effort to hold it in and act like a gentleman for nothing. And it's just going to hurt her more. Oh, God, Oh God. The girl in question looked even more hurt. For some reason that irritated him more. "I was trying to be nice about this, but you keep on doing things that get me upset more and more. At first it was cute how you would always be reserved, late for everything except meals, and have burdensome expressions. But now, now it's just something to laugh at with my new girlfriend." Ichigo got more and more hurt by his words. Since he had already ruined everything, he might as well add the finishing touch."SOMETIMES I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DISAPEAR!" He opened his eyes and looked around for the irritable girl.

"Huh, guess she ran off..." He slowly got up and started to walk home. What surprised him the most, was that he didn't really feel sad, or guilty, at all.

But little did Aoyama know, that Ichigo had gone somewhere where no one on that planet could reach her. All alone, scared, and hurt at Aoyama's words, she was in a very, very, very far away place. And she had heard everything that her Ex had said.

A/N: Hi, everybody that actually read this. It's my first story, so I have no idea how long it is, yada yada, yada. I'm pretty sure this is going to be a long story, maybe even a sequel will be created. It would make me extremely happy if you reviewed to let me know you read this. Even a simple "I read this," would make me act like I just won the lottery. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Just to clarify, I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! This is purely for my own amusement and laughs.

Oh, and I hope no one was OOC. I think Aoyama-kun was, though. 2 years is long enough to change that much, right? *Sweat Drop* Thanks for reading!