Honestly, I wanted to do a fanfic about Selim and then after reading an OMAKE of Grumman pressing the dot, this series was inspired.

Grumman smiled and waved as Mrs. Bradley went into the house to get some tea for them. The guards were standing at their points, some patrolling around the building. He smiled and looked at the sky, sure being Fuher was a difficult role but he would hold on to it as long as he could so he could do as much as he could to help rebuild Amestris and undo all the things Father and the homunculi had done.

When he was done, he'd give the position over to either Mustang or Armstrong, they were honestly the best choices for the position, though it was hard to pick between the two.

"Mr," Grumman looked down to see Pride- or more actually Selim as that was his name now, not Pride. Selim was looking up at him worridly, "Where's mommy?" He asked.

Grumman smiled, "Mrs. Bradley went inside to get some tea," He explained and Selim let out a sigh of relif, having been scared she left.

Grumman's eyes went to the boys forehead, there was that odd dot on it. It always drew his attention.

"When will mommy get back?" Selim asked with a wide smile.

Grumman shrugged, then poked the dot.

Selims smile vanished to a scowl and his expression instantly went to that of Prides, "Don't touch me, you lower lifeform," Yep, it was Pride.

Grumman stared wide eyed at the sudden change, had just pressing the dot done that?

"Touch me again, and I'll tell Mommy that you blew up Wraths train," Pride stated and Grumman broke out into a cold sweat and stared in horror. If Selim/Pride told her that, then he would be screwed

Pride/Selim, he was calling him that because it seemed that it was both of them, looked around, "I can't use my powers, probably lost my immortality too, great. Damn that Elric to hell! I'm a human now!" He stated, his scowl grew worse.

Grumman looked around wildly and noticed that Mrs. Bradley was coming back out, he couldn't let her see her son like this! More importantly he couldn't give Pride/Selim a chance to tell her that he blew up Wraths train!

Before Pride/Selim could react, Grumman pressed the dot on his forehead again and instantly he was smiling.

"Mommy!" Selim said and rushed over to her, yep it was Selim. And he showed no sign of remembering what had just happened a minute ago.

"Mommy! I found this nest of birds!" Selim said happily.

"Ah! that is so nice, Selim," Mrs. Bradley said smiling back.

Grumman just let out a sigh of relief, he had best tell the military not to press the dot on Selims forehead, unless they want to deal with Pride again.

Grumman has pressed The Dot on Selims forehead! who is next to press it?