I hope you have all been well and enjoy this chapter. Sorry about the delay, but hopefully this has been worth the wait.

Chapter 9 - You are in my world

"LISTEN UP!" Alex yelled for what seemed like the hundredth time. "This. Is. NOT. a. holiday." He spat each word with the worked up venom from him mission and how they had bullied him.

The kids had been there for a few hours and at least half the camp wanted to kill them. Alex was tempted as usual, but the deep breaths helped. Marginally.

"You have been sent here to see what the military is like. That involves doing exercise." Wolf barked aggressively at the children as Alex stalled back and forth pacing trying to control his anger.

"You aren't better than this morning's group. This is a fitness test evalution everyone, including us havd done this." Alex told them trying the persuasion tactic.

"Or a version of it." Eagle grinned sadistically, commenting as he circled the room.

"You have ALL been medically cleared to do this. Otherwise you wouldn't be with us." Snake smirked hinting at why 'Alex' wasn't with them. Even if he didn't know he was.

"We get punished if we don't follow orders, so what do you think we will do to you." Fox taunted as he played with an army knife from his position against the wall.

"We are going to give you one more change to try again." Alex growled before blowing the whistle around his neck. "Go to your stations." They all jogged slowly to the stations that were set up around the room, the rest of K-Unit joined them with stopwatches and clipboards poised.





"1" They each counted down by one from their postions around the room. Before Alex blew the whistle.

Grudgingly they all began to complete the task, he could tell they though this would be the hardest thing that has to do. He almost scofed out loud. Tom had been giving him glares all morning, Alex needed a break to talk to him.

They children rotated round barely able to breath. He gave them 1 min before blowing the whistle again as they started all over again. They contiued like that all afternoon, with K-Unit being bored stiff and more annoyed than when they got caught cheating at poker. Finally Alex blew the last whistle before ordering them to start cooling down.

The rest of K-Unit all handed the clipboards over and put the stopwatches back on the hook. By the time they turned back around the children had all but nearly stopped. Alex looked up and nodded at Wolf giving him the go ahead as he finished compiling all the pitiful test results.

"We told you to cool down not stop. Get up!" Wolf snapped as did the others, majority of the kids stood up, their joints creaking as they did. A few dared to stay sat down.

"I said STAND. UP." Wolf barked right in their faces.

"You can't make us." April argued, struggling to get her breathing under control as she flicked her hair 'sexily' over her shoulder and fluttered her eyelashes.

All the others glaced at each other warily, they could see that he was going to blow his top. Alex decided they needed to learn a lesson, they couldn't do this for 2 weeks that would learn anything.

"For the next 14 days you are in MY world. I control everything you do. I can make it relatively painless or pure HELL." He spat agressivly making majority of the remaining kids jump up.

"So?" April quipped raising her eyebrow at him, staying rooted were she was. Wolf looked like he was about to explode.

Alex moved quickly, he positioned one hand under her chin, and the other across across her head. Locking her in place, unable to fight one moved. No one had even seen him move.

"From this position I have 3 ways to kill you instantly." He said softly, but even though everyone could hear him. "I haven't slept in 36 hours. I have been to a war zone and back. Shot at. Been taken hostage. Interrogated. Escaped. Now I have to put up with you. Pushing me isn't a good idea." He paused letting his words take effect.

"Dont kill her." Snake warned, staying a safe distance away from them, attempting to hide the fear in his voice. "I don't think any of us want to do the paperwork." Alex just glared back in response.

"Do you want me to let go?" He asked April, who had frozen with fear. She let out a small squeak that should be determine as yes. He imminently let go and she stood up straight away. He straighten his stance for were he was crouched.

"This world has bad people in them. Whilst you are here we are going to help you defend yourself from them." He paused breifly as they all looked at him. Stunned.

"The trick is figuring out who they are."

Alex left them with that as he scooped up the clipboard and left. His cold voice seemed to echo around the hall.

"Hit the showers. Dinner in 60 minutes. Mess hall." Wolf shouted, the children sprinted off.

"I'm going to speak to him." Fox darted out the door before the others had a chance to say anything.

"I'm going to say it, that kid isn't stable." Snake stated as he started to pack everything up. "That is a massive understatement." Eagle scoffed helping him. The fear and worry evident, they were shocked at just how much he had changed in 24 hours.

"Fox was right." Wolf mumbled blankly.


Fox walk as quickly as possible without running or alerting others to the situation. The children had scampered off to the showers as fast as they could. At least they didn't have to worry about them going crying to their parents. The camp had a call hammer meaning no phones accept the office landlines worked.

He stormed into the cabin, causing the door to bang against the wall. It reverbirated around the whole cabin. Fox swore as he realised he was in the cabin.

"Where are you Jag?" He yelled in frustration into thin air. He spun on his heels before slamming the door behind him.

"I'm here Fox." Alex replied coldly, as he shuffled out from the underside of the cot he had been clinging too. He scooped up the files he had been working on before stretching out on the perfectly made bed.

It took them far longer than he expected to find him. It's not as if he had made it hard, but its always the way with lost things. They are in the very last place you look.

He heard the voices before they entered the cabin, Alex took advantage of his age shuffeled the paper's around messed up his hair and shut his eyes.

The unit walked in on what appeared to be an exhausted solider who somehow looked sweet and slightly innocent. Well minus the cuts and bandages that were visable. It was almost comical seeing the look on their faces. Almost.

"What should we do?" Wolf whispered taking pitty on their youngest member. The rest of them gaithered around the cot, Snake looked as close as he dared attempting to asses his injuries but was unable to get a better look.

"We let him sleep." Fox said solemnly, "We are all cranky after missions." He justified as he sat to take his boot off, his cot squeaking as he did.

"But we have never threatened to kill a child." Eagle countered as he did the same, resting his hands behind his head.

"I don't think he would have actually killed her." Wolf commented as he stood up heading to the bathroom.

"Do you?" Fox asked, as they all looked at each other warily.

So what do you think for this chapter? Sorry it has been a while I just had a bit (lot) of writers block. I hope everyone is well, I hope you liked this one.

Until Next Time...
