A few hours later Paris had pretty much taken over the conference room, his chess game was back up and going, he had his IPOD playing his favorite music and his sketchbook was in his lap with a half complete image of the conference room.

Spencer had sent one of the training agents with him to the vending machines loaded with quarters and he had happily stocked up on chips, soda, and candy. Spencer had also ordered him to stay away from the coffee maker, though Paris had found it pretty quick he wouldn't disobey his brother.

He was just sketching the white board when he heard voices over the music on his headphones, coming towards the room, Spencer and…his mother. Paris took a deep breath and slipped the headphones off letting them rest on his neck as Spencer walked in followed by Diana.

She was looking around taking in the room and Paris tried to watch her indiscreetly. He hadn't seen his mother in person outside of the hospital itself and the grounds.

A part of him wanted to run up and hug her, but the louder part of his conscious reminded him that she was his birthmother, aside from genes they had no other connection. Maybe though, this would be the chance Paris needed to change that…he wanted to be closer to his birthmother, wanted to get to know her, but he hadn't had that opportunity.

"This is where you work?" she asked Spence

"This is where we meet," he pointed out the window "um my desk, you can see it, its right out there in the bullpen area."

She nodded and continued to glance around, before she finally noticed Paris, who was looking at Spence for guidance what to do. He expected his mother to remember him, to hold out her arms and hug him, welcoming him into her family.

But her face told Paris that wasn't the case, she didn't recognize him, she had no idea who he was. It was then Paris truly understood the extent of what schizophrenia meant.

"You're pretty young to be working for the government arent you?" Paris felt his shoulders drop as Diana turned to Spencer "you let children work here?"

"Um, mom," Spencer started "do you remember Paris?"

"No…have we met?" she replied

"Mom, he's y-" Spencer started to say, but Paris jumped in interrupting him, he held out his hand and shook Diana's gently

"actually no…we haven't met before. But I've heard a lot about you Mrs. Reid, I'm…I'm Paris Alexander Smith, I'm part of an internship for AP students specializing in US History and Government classes, interested in different careers in law enforcement and the government, I see the FBI as a career path for me, and specifically asked for the BAU"

"Really?" Diana asked.

"Yes ma'am. I'm assigned to an agent and…and observe their work here in the office for a month to get a better understanding of the job and the bureau itself; Dr. Reid has been supervising me."

"Spencer, you didn't mention that."

"Uh," for a second Spence was lost for words

"It was last minute," Paris explained "I was just enrolled this morning and its been great. I'm learning so much and now I really want to become an FBI agent."

"Well that is wonderful. If anyone should be mentoring you its my Spencer, learn everything you can from him."

"Yes Ma'am" Paris replied as Spencer patted Paris on the shoulder, Diana wandered over to the table and noticed Paris's sketch

"You are quite the artist."

Paris felt his ears go red

"Its nothing much, just a preliminary sketch,"

"That is real talent right there young man, exquisite." Even though she was addressing him as if he was a stranger, Paris felt a rush of pride at that statement, whether she knew it or not his mother was proud of something he had done.

"Thank you…"

"The table is round." Diana said looking at Spence

"Yeah just like I wrote you in my letters."

"Yes, just like you wrote in your letters." Diana replied wandering the room, "Dr. Jesson gave me the book you brought. Marjorie Kemp."

"She's your favorite."

"That particular book is one of her minor works."

Spence looked over at Paris who was watching the scene intently. Diana walked over to the white board and grabbed one of the evidence bags from it, containing a old fashion looking key.

"Mom no! Don't take…don't." Spence took the bag from their mother and put in his bag. Diana looked shocked and Paris instinctively backed away "you cant grab stuff off the board. This key is evidence." Spence paused and took a deep breath, he gave Paris a reassuring smile as Paris closed his chess set and put it and his IPOD into his bag. "the unsub that we're looking for ... the - the bad guy knows things about my colleagues' personal lives, things that only you would know. Do you write about them in you journals?"

"My journals are none of the government's business." Diana called looking towards the ceiling, Paris had reached the couch by now, completely out of the way, but he wasn't ignoring the conversation, he just didn't want to attract to much attention from his mom.

"I'm not the government, mom."

"Well this certainly looks like a government office." Diana shot back and Paris had to agree with her. As if he could read his brother's mind, Spence gave Paris a look.

"Mother, do you write about my colleagues' personal lives?"

"Why did you bring me here Spencer?"

"I need to ask you some things about a man I think you might know. A bad man. He's killed some people, and he's holding a girl hostage." Spencer explained, the atmosphere in the room was getting really tense, Paris knew the way to Penelope's tech room and he was really tempted to rush in there and hide.

"You really think I know someone like that?" Diana asked Spencer

"Will you just watch the tape and see if he sounds familiar?" their mother nodded and sat down in the chair Spence pulled out for her. Paris moved closer to the video, keeping a distance from his mother, afraid that she would recognize him and be mad that he had lied to her. Though Paris wasn't sure why suddenly her approval mattered so much.

"I had to make sure I had your complete attention. I assure you, you will all understand in the end why it must be this way. You might even thank me." Paris felt his heart skip a beat and his stomach twist into a knot. He recognized the voice…even if his mother didn't, Paris did.

"Do you know him?" Spencer asked Diana

"I'm sure its… Randall Garner."

"Randall Garner?"

"He was with me at the hospital. He's a very emotionally disturbed man."

Paris looked up when he felt eyes on him. Spence was looking at him expectantly,


"That's him Spence, that's the guy who called me…the raspy breathing, the voice, its all the same. That's Darth Vader." Paris paused "I know it." not a second later Garcia entered the room, and Paris who was beginning feel claustrophobic given the circumstances nearly jumped out of his skin

"Reid," Garcia started "I got to the end of the IP string. Sir Kneighf, the Fisher King,

his name is Randall Garner. He's Rebecca Bryant's biological father."

Now Paris looked over at his brother quickly, of course the name Randall Garner didn't mean anything to him aside from what his mother had just said, and the name Rebecca Bryant meant even less to him, but it was something else that Garcia had said, the Fisher King, that stood out in Paris' mind.

Paris had gone through a King Arthur phase right before the start of kindergarten, knights, swords, dragons, Merlin, the whole lot of it, and Paris distinctly remembered reading about the Fisher King and his connection to the knights of the round table and more specifically, Percival, that was what Darth Vader had called Spence, it really hadn't meant anything to Paris at first, but now hearing that the guy was calling himself the Fisher King, suddenly things made a whole lot of sense.

Reid exchanged a look with Paris and nodded, as if he could read his brother's mind, Reid knew the conclusion that Paris had come too.

The whole connection Garcia had brought up seem to be weighing heaviest on Diana, she stood up from the table and began pacing the room, mumbling to herself so quietly that even Paris with his sharp hearing couldn't make out what she was saying, until she muttered

"I can't believe she's real."

Paris raised an eyebrow looking at his brother and Garcia quizzically before looking at his mother.

"What do you mean?" Garcia asked

"Whenever he talked about Rebecca, he never said she was his daughter. He said all his children died in the fire. He spoke of "a Rebecca," more in the abstract. I really thought she was a metaphor, not an actual human being. An ideal."

Paris winced as he saw where that idea was going, he had been right about the connection with the Fisher King story and Spencer confirmed that

"A grail." Spence spoke up "he thinks he's the Fisher King."

"Of course he does," Paris muttered pushing his hair back under his hat.

"Who does?" a new voice entered the room and Paris jumped a bit, he recognized it instantly and was on his feet. It was Morgan.

"Randall Garner, our unsub," Spence explained as Morgan blinked in shock at seeing Paris.

"Paris my man! What are doing here kid?" he held out his fist and they tapped fists gently.

"Hi Derrick, Hi JJ!" Paris exclaimed, JJ held out her arms and Paris hugged her tight. Everyone on his brother's team had adopted him so to speak and he felt a closeness with all of them, they were his extended family.

"Arent you supposed to be at school?" Derrick asked with a grin "or are you cutting class again?" Paris returned the grin "you know you won't be able to pull that when you get to the FBI Academy. And if you do, you'll be doing extra workouts with me and don't think I'm going to take it easy on you just because of your brother."

"I don't cut class!" Paris exclaimed laughing a bit, he was starting to feel so much better than he had that morning.

The phone call from the Unsub had freaked him out, more than he cared to admit, but being at the BAU, surrounded by his extended family, Paris felt safe, he knew he was safe, he knew that no one could hurt him as long as he was with his brother and his brother's team.

"The Unsub called us about Elle from outside Carlisle, he even called Paris." Spence explained and JJ's hug on Paris suddenly rivaled one of Garcia's.

"Are you serious?" JJ asked

"He's serious…" Paris replied "told me not to succumb to the safe fate as my namesake."

JJ and Morgan exchanged a look with Reid and Garcia, none of them said a word, but all were thinking the same thing, about the Trojan Prince Paris had been named after and what kind of fate the Unsub was referring too.


Paris was in awe and even though he hated to admit it, a little mesmerized by the unsub and what he had pulled off, the clues and the connections he had created for the BAU to follow. For one thing, giving Spencer and Paris' mom the final clue to his whereabouts, pretty creative.

Now, sitting in the round table room Paris was left to imagine what was going on with the team. He couldn't help but imagine himself with the team, storming the house, arresting Randal Garner or the Fisher King whatever he wanted to be called.

This fantasy had started when Diana had produced the picture with the address written on the back. It continued when the entire team, minus Gideon and of course Elle, had rushed out to apprehend the unsub, leaving Paris with his mother and what felt like hours of silence as his mom wrote diligently in her journal, leaving Paris to his thoughts and his imagination.

Paris took a deep breath, he glanced over at his mom for a second before pulling out his well read copy of Fellowship of the Ring, from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, his plan was to be so absorbed in his book, his mother wouldn't give him a second glance, besides she looked really content in her journals. That didn't go as planned when Diana glanced up from her journal as he settled in one of the chairs to read.

"Ah you're a reader?" she noted, Paris slowly glanced up at her and saw her smiling,

Paris nodded returning the smile

"Yes ma'am."

"What are you reading?"

"Lord of the Rings."

Diana chuckled at that

"Fantasy is more your style then?"

"Actually the three books are all based on JRR Tolkein's real experience. He served in the First World War and was witness to the destruction of the second. He saw the danger technology posed to the world when used in the wrong hands and the same general idea is played out in the trilogy."


Paris nodded

"So while the trilogy may be considered fantasy its by no means completely that, it has a lot of real world situations. I mean look at Orwell's 1984. That's considered fantasy, but its based on his interpretation of what the future looked like with advancing technology. The way I see it all books fantasy or otherwise have a basis in actual fact, even if they are mostly fantasy."

"That is an excellent point." Diana paused and put her journal down "you said your first name is Paris?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"From the Iliad I take it?" Paris nodded as Diana closed her journal; she patted the couch for Paris to come sit with her, which he did slowly and nervously. "Good, much easier to converse this way." He nodded again, not really sure where she was going with the conversation. "So Paris, how long did you and Spencer think you could keep things from me?"

Now Paris stared at his mother in shock, not sure how she knew for one thing or if she knew for that matter, and for another thing if she did know, why she wasn't mad.

"Uh, er…what do you mean Mrs. Reid?" he stuttered trying to reclaim some ground.

"Nice try Paris, you do not need to hide anymore."

"Hide what ma'am?" Now Diana gave Paris a stern look and Paris realized quickly, she knew the truth. He wasn't sure how she knew, but she definitely knew. "When did you know?" he asked softly

"Oh pretty quickly, you are a horrible liar, just like your brother."

"But we lied to you, I mean…I lied to you, you're not mad?"

"Sometimes the way schizophrenia works is through blackouts. I knew who you were Paris, but I couldn't be sure you were real, I thought maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, it has happened before."

"How did you know?"

"Mother's intuition." She smiled at him gently "you are identical to Spencer when he was eleven, it's uncanny."

"I'm sorry we lied. I take full responsibility, when you asked who I was I was sure you didn't remember me, I didn't want to correct you." Paris let his voice trail off, there was so much he wanted to ask his mother, so much he wanted to tell her but the words just wouldn't come.

"Do you know that not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you?" Diana said softly "from the moment you were born I knew there was something special about you." She slowly and hesitantly put her hand on Paris's "and I am so very sorry about what happened to you. It wasn't supposed to happen like that."

Paris took a deep breath and shrugged

"I'm not sorry. I loved my mom, I mean…my adoptive mom." Paris felt his voice crack a bit "I had a good life with her, I never regretted it for an instant. I mean, I asked about you…and why you gave me up. Leslie always told me that you were very sick and you wanted what was best for me. I never questioned that." Paris put his head down, staring at his hands "I always figured it was my fault. I mean I was a premie, I was sick myself,"

Diana took Paris's hand and gave it a squeeze as she shook her head.

"No Paris, that was not the reason."

Paris looked up at her, he wanted to ask her so much, mainly things Spence had continually put off telling him. Even though he wanted to know everything about why she had given him up, he could ask.

At the same time Diana was thinking the same thing, the events that occurred moments after Paris was born were still foggy and what she could remember she did not want Paris to know just yet, she would wait until he was older and only if he asked. She wondered how much Spencer knew and if he had considered telling Paris, the circumstances surrounding his birth.

Diana knew it would come down to two facts if Paris learned why he had been put up for adoption, he would find out that it had not been his mother's choice to do so, that she had no say in the matter and he also would learn at least for the most part who his father was and the kind of man he was. Diana knew it was not the time or the place for that discussion; it would be something to talk about at a later date, when Paris was much older, when Diana and Spencer could try to give Paris some answers.

For now, mother and son had a lot of catching up to do, the question that was on both of their minds, took a back seat, because neither one was prepared to ask it.

"Are you really hoping to follow Spencer here?" Diana asked and Paris gave a slight grin as he nodded, she sighed and chuckled a little a bit "Just what I need" she replied smiling at her youngest.


A/N: Okay, I wasnt to thrilled about how the last part of this chapter came out, I rewrote it several times and none of them seemed to work right, for some reason I had a hard time capturing one on one moments between Paris and Diana. The thing with Schizophrenia is every patient is different, my uncle actually has it and he behaves very different from Spencer's mother when he's having a bad moment, so pinpointing exactly what would work and what wouldnt was really tough, I have to say out of all the chapters for this fic and its predecessor this was definitely the hardest chapter I have had to write so I hope it went okay. Sorry for the delay in updating, I did warn you guys. Thanks for the continued support, I appreciate it! Till next time!