A/N: I decided to do this little project of mine because my girlfriend mentioned that there aren't much smut for this pairing (I don't know which site she was looking at). So here's a series of M-rated stories for the fandom.

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass.

Story No. 1: The One With The Tattoo

"Lelouch, you seemed out of it the whole day today. What's wrong?" Lithe arms wrapped around Lelouch's neck as Kallen draped herself over his hunched shoulders from behind, "Why aren't you telling me what's wrong?" The redhead whispered to his ear, trying to catch his attention.

Lelouch didn't answer, and continued to stare at nothing. Kallen assumed that he had slipped into his thoughts again and didn't press him, even though she feared his thoughts to be his usual morose ones. She sat on the arm of his chair, quietly rubbing the back of his neck for what seemed like hours.

Soon, Lelouch started to blink and cast Kallen a weary gaze, "Hey."

"Hi." Kallen whispered, and was given dead air for a response.

Kallen sighed, "You looked bothered," she prompted, her tone loving.

"I may be… But don't worry about it, love…" Lelouch trailed off as he finally stood up from his seat. Kallen followed and stood still as Lelouch trudged to stand behind her.

Spindly arms wrapped around Kallen's torso, hands gathering under her breasts, "You didn't come to the room last weekend."

The redhead frowned at Lelouch's evasiveness. 'I really can't force you to tell me things now, can I?' She sighed, wondering if she should ask about his troubles again. Past experiences told her that doing such would be pointless.


"Yes?" She looked up, quickly changing her frown to something more pleasant.

"I said, you didn't come to me last weekend." He was either set on keeping the topic away from his problems or he was really bothered about her previous absence. Kallen put her bet on the former.

"Oh, yeah. I stayed in."

"Obviously. Why?" Lelouch drawled. Kallen could see that he was more impatient than usual, an evidence of his troubled mind. She hesitated in speaking, with his mood, should she really tell him what she was up to that time?

'Well, it's not like you were sleeping around.'

"I have a rebellion to lead Kallen, I don't have all day." Lelouch let out a dramatic huff when Kallen kept silent, his arm withdrawing from her body so that his fingers could massage the sides of his head. Truth to be told, he was just distracting Kallen from her concern, but he was a little crossed that she didn't show up that time. Lelouch wanted her last weekend. Anomalies with his negotiations with the Chinese Federation had been piling on him for three weeks now, and last week, he had just wanted to forget them for a while in her arms. Her absence then and her busyness the following week made things a little more sour.

Kallen's sigh snapped him out of his thoughts, "I was healing."

His eyebrows instantly shot up in concern, "Healing? Are you injured?"

"N-no. Uhh, I was healing… from a, uhh, a tattoo." She ended her sentence with a barely audible whisper as she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, knowing how silly she sounded, worrying that it would set the man behind her into a more irksome mood.

The silence that followed was almost comical, his question after was even more so.

"A tattoo?" Lelouch cocked an eyebrow.

She sighed again, "Yes. A tattoo."

"A tattoo?"


" You got a tattoo."

"Yes, Lelouch. A tattoo. Is that so strange?" Feeling chastised, Kallen's voice rose in defensiveness.

"Not strange. Just funny, seeing that you found the time to get one and, as you said, 'heal', amidst all the trouble we're in." Her ears rang with his words. She knew he would say that, she had been saying it to herself the whole week. In her defense, she thought getting it wouldn't be a bother to her, having endured all kinds of injuries from her battles. However, she was not informed that it would itch. She braved gaping wounds and broken bones as if they were nothing. To itch, however, she had a terribly low tolerance to.

Finding herself, once again, wracked with guilt; Kallen turned around to face him with a repentant pout, "I'm sorry, the artist was a family friend… of my mother's - and Naoto used to go to him- and we thought he died in war, but I found him alive and doing business. I didn't really think about it, but…" She stopped when Lelouch ran his hands along the length of her arms, seemingly uninterested in her story.

His hands gripped her waist, his thumb running along her flanks as if searching for something, "Where is it?" Curiosity reigned on his features, his intent to see something different on her flesh apparent. In an instant, he forgot the chiding that he had started and dismissed it as another amusing, and rather heartwarming, case of his lover's impulsiveness. "You don't have to explain, but show me where it is." It was an honest statement that hinted of his objective for the night.

"Eh?" Eager to appease him, Kallen ignored the surprise she felt at Lelouch's request, grabbing his hands, she led his thumb to where it was. "Here," she lifted her blouse halfway and a black mark caught his eye. Lelouch swallowed hard, his mouth running dry at the glimpse of her bare flesh. 'I already miss her this much?' He found the surprising fact worrisome, but was soon forgotten when the black fabric of her uniform covered her skin again. He cleared his throat.

"I can't see it properly. Take off your shirt." He commanded, mischief laced his authoritative tone. As if to help her start, his hands took off the first two of her buttons effortlessly, having been accustomed to doing it from their previous 'affairs'. Red eyebrows rose, but the black blouse was soon discarded to the floor in a soft rustle as Kallen yielded to his order.

And there it was, two black kanji characters thickly imprinted on the left of her pelvis. 'Seigi', it read.

"Justice, huh? How predictable." His tone was nonchalant, but his leer made his libido plain to see. That and the tent his hardening penis formed in his pants. The sight of Kallen's soft-looking bare skin made Lelouch forget everything, everything except the view of her creamy breasts, looking as if it were ready to burst out from the flimsy white bra that held them together. Lelouch groaned, and that tattoo, that tattoo had every muscle in his body tightening. With trembling hands, he took off his coat and the scarf around his neck and laid them neatly on the chair beside them, 'So I can breathe properly.' He told himself, noticing how his breath became hitched with the sight before him.

Just as quickly as he had undone the buttons of her shirt, he snapped her shorts open and tugged them down to her feet, "I want those shoes off of you, Kallen." He demanded as he pointed at them, not offering any rationale behind it.

She narrowed her eyes, "And what else do you want me to do, sir? Would you like me to dance?" Nonetheless, she followed him, amused at the display of his arousal, her worries eased that his manner of speaking was now less grave.

"No. No. Just taking them off would be fine, Q1," Lelouch answered with slight humor as he watched her bend and take her boots off. With feline grace, Kallen slowly balanced herself on one foot as she lifted the other to pull the clinging leather down.

Though wishing to ogle at her breasts more, pendent as she kept herself bent, Lelouch turned his back on her and started walking up to his bed, "Follow me when you're done with that." He said as he stripped off his shirt, revealing his lean back to Kallen.

The girl shook her head, "Not wasting any time are we?" She walked to the bed, where Lelouch was already sitting. At his arms' call, she came to him, and he immediately wrapped her up in an embrace, burying his face in her stomach. Kallen smiled and rubbed his bare shoulders, knowing what was to come.

"Lie down." He ordered, the hands on her waist pulled for her to sit down on his bed. Kallen heartily complied and laid her back flat on the bed, all the while observing Lelouch's growing wanton expression. She offered him a meek smile and spread her bent knees apart, inviting Lelouch to come in between them.

Lelouch breathed deeply, taking in the sight of her: that tangled mess of her red hair in striking contrast with his white sheets, the slight embarrassment and reservation she conveyed with those pursed lips, the contradicting impatient heaving of her chest and invitingly splayed long, full legs, the delicate white lace that covered her crotch – God, she was just so delicious. And now that tattoo – a black intricate pattern that embellished her glossy skin. The lace of her underwear fluttered over a portion of it, and Lelouch noticed how low it was placed on her pelvis, as if it was strategically done so to seduce him. Lelouch eyed it greedily as he crawled between her legs.

"So I'm guessing this tattoo hasn't healed yet," Lelouch hooked an arm to her thigh, pressing it to his body. He kissed her knee and became amused at her attempt to control a twitch of her hips.

"It actually healed pretty quick," Kallen shyly slid her body towards him, a muted effort to feel more of his warmth, "But it's still quite sensiti-AHH! LULU!" Her hips jerked as Lelouch's tongue suddenly traced the outlines of her tattoo. A heated sensation lined across her abdomen, making her start breathing loudly.

Lelouch looked at Kallen's flushed face, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Comfortably positioning himself between her legs, he kissed her stomach, just below her belly button.

"How oversexed you are ton- LULU!" And there it was again, the tip of his tongue swirling around the sensitive patch of her skin.

Lelouch stopped with his ministrations when the familiar scent of her arousal reached him. He looked at her crotch and saw the lace darkened and damp with gathered moist. Shifting himself; he pressed his lips to it, smirking. "I missed you last weekend," he whispered, as if talking directly to her labia. This earned him an embarrassed and affronted yelp from Kallen, who moved her arms to push the boy away from her.

Too late. By the time her hands reached his head; Lelouch was already gnawing at her pubis, his bottom teeth scraping at her clitoris, "LULU!" She bucked against his mouth violently, pleasure overtaking her. Lelouch pulled back.

"What?" Lelouch blinked to feign innocence, which was, however, betrayed by his tongue that was traveling along her covered slit.

Kallen shuddered but managed to pull herself away from him, "You are a pervert!"

Lelouch frowned. A scoff and a grunt, "My, aren't you a haughty one today?"

"Only because you," The redhead crawled to the head of his bed and tried to cover herself with his pillows, "Are acting like a lecherous old man." They usually had odd foreplays and Lelouch had done stranger things, honestly, but it still bewildered Kallen how kinky someone so cool and refined could be.

Lelouch laughed, almost darkly, as he crept closer to her, "Tell me then, my love," he said as he pried the pillows away from her, gently throwing them to the floor, "How do you want this little preamble to what will obviously happen tonight go?"

Kallen stared at him, her strained expression withering at his words. She sighed as she positioned herself, comfortably sitting with her legs stretched before her. She supposed he was right, she came in his room, coddled him and stripped for him, with full notions of offering him her body (her love, she added) for his ease, for his satisfaction and hers, as well. She looked at Lelouch, burden and trepidation leaving the dark gleam in his eyes, only to be replaced by desire, and maybe a hint of lecherousness. At the back of her mind, she was relieved to see his burdens gone, albeit momentarily, and she would keep them at bay for as long as she could.

Her pose relaxed and her tattoo peeked at Lelouch. He eyed it, suddenly distracted from his slow advance to the girl. Silently, Lelouch decided that he wanted to devour it, devour the woman in front of him. He crawled near her, his face stopping an inch from her pelvis "Is it wrong to find this so arousing on you?" He leaned in to kiss the tattoo again. Fortunately, Kallen let him, her hands making their way to stroke his hair.

Lelouch proceeded to pull her snug against him, smirking when he felt Kallen immediately wrapping her arms around him, offering him her luscious warmth. Her hands then traveled to his chest, running her splayed fingers up and down his body, and then further down to brush at his growing erection, her hand cupping his hard penis through his pants. With one swift motion, Lelouch found his pants unbuttoned and unzipped, his underwear tugged down, and his beloved Kallen already wrapping her lips around the head of his engorged shaft. Lelouch let out a hiss as he sucked air between his teeth, the slick heat of her mouth sending pleasure rushing through his veins.

It took all of his will to stop Kallen, to pull away from her wondrous mouth. No, he wanted to do something else. Slowly, he laid her down her back, his body following to trap her underneath him. Digging his arm beneath her, he unclasped her bra and pulled it off of her. He leaned back, watching as her breasts gave a healthy bounce as they were freed – a sight so beautiful, no matter how many times he had already seen it, that his eyes widened, his erection ached. He let his head fall on them, his hands and mouth alternating in kneading and laving them with wild abandon. Lelouch, at times, would look up at her, and Kallen would catch glimpses of a familiar yet fearsome desire on his beautiful face.

Suddenly, a scorching sensation assaulted her pelvis. Kallen flinched and when she looked up, she saw Lelouch leaning away from her, his eyes focused on her hip as he pet it with the underside of his shaft. Then he moved.

Kallen panted as the strange situation dawned on her. Here was her lover, roughly rubbing his manhood on her tattoo as he smothered her breasts. The heat from his swollen member on her still-healing skin aroused her unbelievably, it made her tremble and go pliant beneath him. She wanted more. Squirming, she moved her hips, rubbing her skin against his length to entice him to go on. All it achieved was for him to be more vigorous in his rubbing as he closed his eyes in what seemed like manic carnal gratification. It was only after she whimpered that he soothed her. Leaving her breasts, his hand stroked her cheek before burying them in her panties. Kallen gasped as she suddenly felt two fingers trap her clitoris in a forceful pinch.

"So wet," Lelouch murmured darkly, "Do you like that, love?" He teased as he tormented her nether lips.

Kallen was incapable of answering and just whimpered as she bucked and bucked against his indulgent fingers. The sensation and the sight of her lewd actions was too much for Lelouch to bear that, without warning, he came, flickers of overwhelming heat traveling from his shaft and balls, to his stomach, thighs, and downward to his toes.

Lightheaded, out of breath, and not at all satiated; Kallen absentmindedly played her fingers on the thick seed on her abdomen. Slowly, she looked down to inspect it, however, what she saw instead surprised her.

'He's still hard?' Kallen wondered, 'I didn't know that was really possible…' She looked at Lelouch. If he were also surprised at his body's reaction, he didn't show it. He merely looked at Kallen, his eyes still filled with lust. They stared at each other, both of them catching their breaths.

Finally, as if catching on to the burning need in her expression, he gave a graceful shrug, "Well, I can't have this night end with you unsatisfied, love." And with that he leaned in for a long kiss, tugged her panties off, spread her legs, and entered her tightening sheath. Kallen could only scream, the emptiness in her was finally filled as he began to pound into her with all the need she had brought about him.

Without pulling out from her; Lelouch turned Kallen around on her knees and continued to grind into her, fully burying himself inside her. Kallen gasped, writhed, and whimpered at the pressure. 'So good…' Lelouch sighed loudly. She felt awfully good – her every muscle tightened around him, while the friction from their rubbing started to burn his skin. And Kallen, Kallen just kept on writhing, her fluids had been leaking out of her, leaving his groin, thighs, and bedspread drenched. She was devastatingly aroused and he loved it, driven mad by it. 'So good, so beautiful…' he thought to himself again, vaguely wondering how the woman is able to expend his burdens and reduce Zero (reduce him), into something so primal.

Lelouch pressed a kiss to the quivering redhead's spine, his tongue trailing circles along it, "I love you so much," he declared boldly, fondness for the woman swelling up in his chest.

Always susceptible to his sweet-talking; Kallen, whose release was slowly and gratuitously building up, convulsed into orgasm at his words. Arching her back; her hips started to grind violently against his, "Oh God, Oh God," her gasps and moans turned into shuddering screams, "Oh Lelouch, I love you," She muttered alongside incoherent phrases and hitched breathing, pleasure electrifying her from head to toe.

Delighted by her unrestrained reactions, Lelouch continued to pound into her with jackhammering blows as he let her ride her orgasm. Kallen started to recoil, feeling terribly sensitive, but her attempts to pull away failed, not being able to feel her legs, her mind not registering any sensation other than her lover's frenzied thrusting between them, not allowing her to adjust back from the euphoria that had crushed her nerves. When Lelouch's fingers slid from her thighs to stroke her swollen clitoris; the redhead's legs gave in, thighs and knees sliding apart while her taut body fell to the mattress with a soft thud. Lelouch followed her body suit, still thrusting, and grinding, and rubbing. It was all very indecent. Kallen wondered how the two of them appeared now, with him thrusting into her as she laid limp on her stomach, her thighs splayed out for him as she slowly lost her mind to his ministrations. Kallen's hands clenched around the metal railings of the bed's headboard as she buried her face to the mattress to stifle loud strangled sobs. The pleasure was too intense- each of her lover's thrusts seemed to scathe and burn her inside, making her flinch and yelp with every thrust. She let out a drawn-out sob, and turned her head to look at Lelouch's face as his hands left her swollen nub to press her buttocks to the mattress. He buried himself inside her to the hilt, a long moan escaping from his lips. Kallen continued to study him, deriving comfort from watching his face clench and unclench in his explicit indulgence, the dark gleam lingering in his half-lidded eyes. When they finally met hers; he froze. Her expression was lustful and heated, yet vulnerable and pleading. With a pout, she stared at him, silently asking him to be gentler. Lelouch's heart stopped at the sight. How gorgeous was this woman, how she loved him and spoiled him (though she would bashfully deny it when asked to her face) - protecting him, heeding all of his orders and requests, and accepting all of his lust.

After a moment of silence, Lelouch started to move again, albeit more slowly, his thrusts gentle but deep, heeding her request. Flashing her a smile, he lied down her back and quickly nuzzled her cheek and her neck. She purred and giggled at the contact, his hot breath a tickle between her neck and her shoulder blades. Her sounds, as always, pleased the young man and he proceeded to bite her shoulder, "Oh Kallen, you feel amazing," Lelouch groans as his penis twitched uncontrollably inside her, "I'm so close."

True enough, Lelough suddenly jerked into Kallen harder as he spilled his hot seed into her impossibly drenched sex. It was too much for Kallen, feeling her clitoris roughly rubbing against the mattress as Lelouch's penis brutally jerked inside her, she came with an ear-shattering scream.

When all was over, and Lelouch had already adjusted their bodies to a cuddle, Kallen curled up to his side and nuzzled his shoulder. "You were really… energetic tonight. What got you so worked up, Lulu?" She pressed her nose to the side of his chest and took a whiff of his scent. Musky.

"The usual burdens. I prefer to just tell you about it later. For now let me just spend time with you." His tone was grim, but was lighter and more casual than it was when their night started. They paused for a while until, with a sly smirk, Lelouch ran a thumb over Kallen's tattoo and, without taking his eyes off it, told Kallen, "Let's talk about this. I may be already nursing a fetish for this."

A/N: So Lelouch still chose to keep Kallen in the dark. It's quite sad, but he had done the same in the show.

Also, this to me is a very loose spin-off of the 'comfort me' scene in R2, with Lelouch troubled and Kallen being there and all. I was thinking, if only he and Kallen shared something more than sexual tension then (read: if Kallen were already his lover), she would most likely indulge him. Like in common comfort sex, I tried to convey the displacement of frustrations (hence the tattoo, I had to have something 'extra' special to distract Lelouch with. Besides, the tattoo idea was the one that inspired me to write Kalulu PWP. I ramble.), moodiness, and messiness that usually happens during it.

Anyway. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. For the squeamish ones that have read this, I can guarantee that the next chapter won't be as gratuitous. Well, maybe. I'm just 40% done.