Chapter Five

If looks could kill, Fanny would have been dead the moment she crutched out onto the beautiful, covered patio overgrown with luscious vines that had woven themselves thick through the trellis overhead. Julia's eyes scanned over Fanny and John Willoughby as they arrived together, and narrowed in distaste as John graciously (and maybe even a little dotingly), pulled out a chair for Fanny and arranged her crutches neatly within reach. He didn't however, choose to sit next to her; instead, he sat beside a dark-haired goddess who sat next to Julia on the opposite side of the table.

"Fanny, this is my sister, Mary. She is spending the next few weeks with me during the poker tournaments."

Mary Willoughby nodded her head and flashed a brilliant, reserved smile. She was everything one could think of the word 'voluptuous'; her curves were in all the right places, she had naturally pouting, curvy lips over large, straight and perfectly white teeth. Warm green eyes crinkled and sparkled when she smiled. She and John shared the same dark ringlets, though hers were piled into a loose bun pinned close to her head. Springy tendrils fell romantically around her face. She was wearing a figure-hugging black dress with a boat-cut neckline and delicate, black lace cap-sleeves.

"It's simply a pleasure to meet you, Mary." crooned Aunt Maria, raising her mint julep in Mary's direction.

"The pleasure is all mine," Mary replied, her voice deeper than Maria's and sweetly seductive. "Thank you for having us."

You're so very welcome! We are foreva' indebted to you brother. Anything we can do for either of you is the least we could offer." Maria's accent was getting thicker and thicker as she sucked zealously on her julep.

Fanny blushed. She glanced up at John, who met her eyes immediately and cracked a deliciously sexy grin before Julia leaned across Mary and caught John's attention. What a bitch! Fanny thought spitefully before feeling like a bitch herself for being so catty. The man sitting next to Julia was also a stranger to Fanny, though she had a good idea of who he was. He was uncomfortable, shifty, and awkwardly trying to butt his way into Julia's conversation with the Willoughby's. Tubby, sweaty and with a wild crop of frizzy red hair shooting from the top of his head, Allan Rushworth was also impeccably dressed in a light grey, expensive-looking day suit. It was painfully obvious that Julia was not engaged to this man for anything but the money in his bank account. Julia was flipping her hair, batting her eyes, and shamelessly flirting with John Willoughby, who, to Fanny's dismay, was now flashing Julia his sex-god, mischievous grin.

Tension grew between Fanny's eyebrows. Marry Willoughby met Fanny's eyes and gave her a sympathetic smile, but Fanny did not care for an apology from Mary.

Two waiters emerged from the house and busied themselves filling glasses with sparkling white wine and iced water. Fanny was sitting beside Maria, who was talking to whoever was listening about an elbow injury she had incurred during a tennis lesson. Despite Fanny's valiant efforts to nod attentively to Aunt Maria's story, while pretending to ignore Julia and John's intensifying flirtations, Fanny's blood was beginning to boil.

Arugula salads topped with caramelized red peppers, candied pecans, and gorgonzola were served on chilled, fine china, and Fanny was suddenly struck with how deep her hunger had grown. Drama and booze can sure go a long way in masking one's appetite.

A loud, classic ring of a cell phone interrupted the clanking of forks and sparse, full-mouthed conversation that had settled over the table.

"Oh!" Aunt Maria squawked. "Pardon me!" a giggly Aunt Maria exclaimed, snatching her phone from the table and glancing at the caller ID. "It's Tom!" She excitedly accepted the call. "My darling son!" she squealed into the phone. Fanny could hear a muted, male voice on the other end of the line and noticed Maria's face become sobered and serious. "Don't tell me yo' pullin' my leg, son."

Everyone at the table was hushed and now watching Maria intently as her seriousness melted into the most heart-warming smile Fanny had ever seen.

"I'll tell everyone the news." Aunt Maria ended the call, her face alight and gleaming. "Mr. Brandon is en route to Mansfield Park. He's bringing Tom home!"

Julia's eyes brightened and she smiled. "Is he staying long? Does he have work here?"

"Oh, you know Tom and your father… It's always whispering and sneaking around with secret business, no matter where they are." Aunt Maria retorted. She was vibrating with excitement and insisted that everyone have a shot of tequila. As much as Fanny resisted the idea, the liquor loosened the tension between her brows and allowed Fanny to have a genuinely animated conversation with Aunt Maria, while momentarily forgetting about John Willoughby. Had she really kissed him earlier? She wondered, his charming, boyish smile creeping back into her mind. He must think her extremely naïve…

Plates of roasted Cornish hens, baby red potatoes with rosemary and blanched rainbow carrots with garlic and butter were brought out and placed on the table when Fanny's tall, brooding cousin walked heavily onto the patio. He was wearing dense hiking boots and olive cargo shorts that looked tired and over-worn. A silky, orange and yellow short-sleeved button-up exposed his sun-darkened chest. His sun-bleached light brown hair was long and hung nearly to his shoulders. Tom was as handsome and serious as ever, though at the sight of his mother practically exploding out of her seat, a modest smile graced his tanned face.

"My beautiful, baby boy!" Aunt Maria burst from the table and flung herself into Tom's open arms. "I'm so happy you're home." She sniffed loudly and squeezed her arms around Tom's waist. "Come and eat, sweetheart. There's an extra plate for you and Brandon."

Tom unraveled himself from his mother's arms, then walked around the table and planted a brotherly kiss on Julia's forehead.

"So, I hear congratulations are in order?" Tom asked huskily, glancing bemusedly at Allan, who was unconsciously shoveling potatoes into his mouth. One could never be sure if he was being light-hearted or painfully serious, for Tom had only one level of intensity, which was overwhelming to say the least.

"Yes, we're getting married this fall." Julia replied, unfazed.

"Why wait?" chimed in the goofy Rushworth through a mouthful of food. He glanced up at Tom and cowered. Julia rolled her eyes.

"This is John Willoughby and his sister, Mary. John saved our Fanny last night when she was injured." Maria jumped in, gesturing to the Willoughby's.

Tom was looking at John like he was a snake in a man costume. "How's the business of being slimy, stealing, son of a bitch, John?" he spat.

Everyone's jaw dropped.