Author's Note: I know I already have a couple of unfinished pieces out there, I haven't forgotten them, I promise! I just hit a bit of a block with them, and I got struck with inspiration for something else. I can multitask, really! I am taking many creative liberties with the details from The Worst Witch series, as my experience with them is limited to the TV series and the film (and I am making them fit into the world of Harry Potter!). Those characters are property of Jill Murphy, and the Harry Potter characters and world belong to J.K. Rowling. Any changes to canon (like having McGonagall as Headmaster while "the new generation" is at Hogwarts) is deliberate. :)
This is written in a different style than my other stories, so I hope you enjoy it. I want to have a bit more fun with it!
Chapter One - To Scotland, We Go!
I will start off the easiest way I know how. My name is Mildred Hubble, and I am known by my classmates (okay, by everyone) as "the worst witch." I think this may be a bit of an exaggeration, as I feel that I am more accident prone than anything, and trouble does tend to find me before I can even consider going in search of it…
All right, I'm absolutely horrid, but at least I try, right?
I hope I don't cause too many problems where we are going. A select group of girls from Miss Cackle's Academy, and Miss Hardbroom, are currently on the way to Scotland to spend a semester at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Miss Cackle said it was to "broaden our horizons" and "improve magical relations."
I think she just wants to have a change in scenery.
I mean, Miss Cackles Academy is beautiful, serene, and hidden in the forest, away from the eyes of Muggles. It's also frightfully boring. From what I've read, Hogwarts is almost like a different world. It's even had a war fought there in 1998!
"This is so exciting, Mildred!" Maud Moonshine, my best friend, exclaimed, clinging to my arm with both hands. I think she will leave a bruise. "I can't wait to see how magic is taught in Scotland!"
I have to laugh. Maud is so dramatic. "Maud, we aren't going to America. It's Scotland. How different can it be?"
"They use wands there, Mildred. It's required! For everything!"
All right. She has a point, there. One thing we didn't use much at Miss Cackle's was wands. Sure, we all had them (what self-respecting witch didn't? Mine is rather lovely, if I do say so, myself), but we mostly relied on incantation. I often find myself wondering if my wand would make me a better witch, but HB would never let me try.
Apparently, that wouldn't be fair.
Looking around the magically-enlarged automobile we were taking to Hogwarts - HB looking intimidating behind the wheel, Miss Cackle beside her - I take in my classmates. In the row directly behind the teachers, of course, is Ethel Hallow and her best friend, Drusilla Paddock. Ethel, as Maud puts it, is my arch nemesis. She lives to make my life miserable. Ethel comes from a long line of witches and warlocks (her father is on the board of governors for our school). I am the first in my family to have any sort of magical ability ( has to start somewhere, right?). Ethel is blonde, beautiful, and talented. My total opposite. Drusilla is nicer, I guess, but does whatever Ethel says. I think that is why they are friends. Every bully needs his or her crony.
Behind Ethel and Drusilla sit Ruby Cherrytree and Enid Nightshade. Ruby is tall with chocolate-colored skin with almond shaped eyes as black as night. Her hair, lately, has been kept in tight braids down her back. In usual form, she is fiddling with a Muggle mp3 player. I can hear the music (some pop band I can't remember the name to) from the headphones. I wonder if the students at Hogwarts use as much Muggle electronics as we do at Miss Cackle's. Amelia Cackle is a firm believer that Muggles and those blessed with magic should live in harmony. Sure, they don't need to know we can use magic, but we should not be completely segregated. Enid is one of my best friends. She reminds me of a fairy, small and delicate, with auburn hair and blue eyes. Just never let appearances fool you, she is as mischievous as they come!
Maud and I sit behind them. In the back. Near the luggage.
Beside me, Maud is absently twirling the dark brown hair of one of her bunches around her fingers. I can't see her eyes as the sun reflects in her glasses, and I can tell that she is daydreaming again.
"Look lively, girls! We are nearly to Hogsmeade! You will see the castle soon!" exclaimed Miss Cackle from the front seat. I set to work replaiting my hair and checking my boots (they can never seem to stay tied!).
When I glance out the window, the sight makes my breath catch in my throat. Up ahead, I can barely make out the silhouette of a huge castle (Miss Cackle wasn't kidding!) against the setting sun, illuminated windows dotting it all over. There is a huge lake, orange in the sunset, and what I believe is a forest to the other side. It was like going back in time! I feel out of place in such a modern conveyance as a car.
This is bound to be interesting.
We were immediately welcomed into the enormous main hall by a crotchety old (ancient may be more like it) man who introduced himself as Mr. Argus Filch. A large cat trailed behind him, and I heard him call it "Little Nora." He said he would take care of our luggage, and that we were to enter the Great Hall, where the rest of the school was waiting to banquet in our honor.
We line up in the same manner that we were seated in the car, the only change being that HB stood behind Miss Cackle, rather than beside her. There are butterflies in my stomach.
The giant doors open before us, revealing a massive Hall (the whole Academy could probably fit in here!) with four rows of tables full of students. There is a raised dais at the far end, where the professors were seated. There are two empty chairs to the right of whom I have to assume is Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Headmistress, for Miss Cackle and HB.
I have no idea where we were supposed to sit. The students appeared to be color-coded (red, yellow, blue, green), and there were only six of us. We can't be evenly distributed among the four tables. I may not be great at Divination, but I can see this becoming a problem. I guess one group of students won't get to talk to us? Will we be rotated?
I suddenly feel like a hotel bath towel.
As we march in silence between the two center tables (red and yellow), I can see the solution. There is another long table running parallel to the teachers' with six chairs facing the other students.
So we are to be put on display…
Is it time to go home, yet?
I start shaking as hundreds of eyes follow us in our trek toward the front of the hall. Don't trip. Don't trip. Don't trip. One foot in front of the other, Mildred. Don't embarrass us!
VICTORY! We reach our table without any Hubble-induced mishap! I could dance! Maybe I will dance…later.
A scraping sound interrupts my thoughts. Professor McGonagall gets to her feet, and the Hall immediately goes silent (she must be related to HB). When she speaks, her warm voice, slightly touched by a musical Scottish brogue, carries with little effort.
"Welcome to Hogwarts. We hope your stay is memorable and enjoyable." She gestured to the students. "Allow us to welcome you with our school song."
And then chaos ensues. Apparently, the students chose their favorite tune to sing the song, so we can barely make out the words.
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something, please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees.
Our heads could do with filling,
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot."
At that moment, I knew I was going to like this school.
"Utterly pathetic," whispered Ethel with venom. Drusilla giggled behind her hand. Enid shot them a Look that could melt plastic.
As soon as the last of the students finished the song (about a half dozen on the far side of the room sang it with the slowest melody they could get away with), we applauded (Ruby even stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled). Miss Cackle stood and raised her hand and addressed the room.
"Thank you, all, for your warm welcome. I am sure the next few months will be exciting and educational! Now, as you were so kind as to sing your wonderful school song, I am sure my girls will be more than happy to sing ours!" She looked at us. "Girls, if you please."
Are you kidding me, Miss Cackle? I could tell that the others weren't thrilled, either, about singing our school song in front of a couple hundred strangers. Nevertheless, if Cackle said to jump, we always asked, "How high, and should we use our brooms?"
Reluctantly, we got to our feet, and Miss Cackle materialized before us (she is really good at that...although it is not nearly as scary as when HB does it!) and raised her hands to conduct us.
"Onward, ever striving onward, proudly on our brooms we fly,
Straight and true above the treetops, shadows on the moonlit sky.
Ne'er a day will pass before us when we have not tried our best,
Kept our cauldrons bubbling nicely, cast our spells and charms with zest.
Fearless witches, never flinching through the dark and dismal nights,
Ghouls and ghosts and nightmare monsters run away in fight.
We are the girls with skills in sorcery, when in flight, quite a sight to see!
We're young witches and we're glad to be learning our craft at Cackle's Academy."
The Hogwarts students applauded politely. It's completely humiliating. I stare at the empty plates and platters in front of me, and I vaguely register that Professor McGonagall is introducing professors and staff, saying that we will have classes with each of the houses throughout the week, and we will have our own common room and dormitory. Something about not wanting to cause dissension among the Houses (apparently the rivalry is intense).
I guess I can understand that. Whichever House that gets Ethel will brag about how wonderful she is, and whichever House gets me, Mildred "The Walking Disaster" Hubble, will resent the others. It's just how things are. Luckily, the six of us were chosen through an essay assignment for our year. The best "Why I should study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" essays were chosen, and those six girls got to go; and if I am good at anything, it's writing an essay. It's how I got my scholarship to Miss Cackle's, after all!
Enid poking my arm broke me from my daydreaming. "Oy, Mildred, if you keep your head in the clouds, you will never see what is going on down here!"
I laugh. "Thanks, Enid. I wonder when they will serve the food. I'm half-starved!"
"Leave it to you to think of your stomach when we are having the experience of a lifetime!" said Maud from my other side. No sooner had she spoken that food magically appeared on the platters before us. Every food I could think of covered the table, and there were pitchers of apple cider and pumpkin juice. I think I could hear my stomach rumbling over the various conversations throughout the room. I immediately fill my plate with chicken, vegetables, and pumpkin bread. Glancing to my left, I see that Ethel is making all pretenses of a "high society lady," taking small bites and sitting ramrod straight. I roll my eyes and eat like I always do…like a thirteen-year-old girl who just finished a long road trip.
I know that as soon as we are closed away in our dormitory, Ethel will break out her secret stash of snack food, and eat her fill. Why she wasn't the size of a dragon was beyond me.
A shadow fell over my plate, and I looked up. There was a boy standing in front of me with black, unruly hair and bright green eyes. Beside him was a tall girl with fiery red hair and about a thousand freckles (Ethel would have things to say about that! She hates freckles!). Both of them looked to be about thirteen (same as us), and they were both smiling. The boy's uniforms were accented with green and silver, with a serpent on the crest; while the girl's were scarlet and gold, with a lion decorating the crest.
"Hello," I say. They seem friendly enough. "I'm Mildred Hubble." I gesture to my left. "And that's Maud Moonshine," and I turn to my right and gesture to each girl in turn, "Enid Nightshade, Ruby Cherrytree, Drusilla Paddock, and the blonde on the end is Ethel Hallow."
The boy's smile grew. It lit up his face, making his eyes sparkle. "I'm Albus Potter, and this is my cousin, Rose Weasley. We're third years, so we are probably going to end up in class together."
"Brilliant," I said. I can hear Ethel sniggering. I turn to her. "Is something wrong, Ethel? Did you swallow a chicken bone or something?"
Ethel glared at me. Like that is supposed to scare me? I've lived with her for how many years, now? I'm immune to her cruelty. Mostly. "No, I didn't, Mildred," she said scathingly.
"Bloody shame," mumbled Enid. Ruby choked on her pumpkin juice.
"I was just thinking how stupid the name 'Albus' was. Why would your parents be so mean?" Ethel finished. In my peripheral vision, I can see Maud's mouth drop open in shock. I can understand why. Why can't HB ever hear Ethel like this? Bloody teacher's pet.
Albus's eyes darkened, and Rose looked openly offended, as well. Looking around, I can see that a few students overheard Ethel's comment, and looked ready to kill.
"Actually, I was just thinking the same thing about your name. Ethel Hallow? Who under the age of one hundred and fifty is named 'Ethel,' anymore?" Albus replied. I resisted the urge to whoop for joy.
Ruby started coughing harder. Enid whacked her hard on the back.
Ethel looked dumbfounded. At Miss Cackle's, no one would dare mess with her because her father was on the board of governors. I even gained a bit of celebrity when I retaliated against her bullying once, and turned her into a pig (to the continuing amusement of my classmates). The fact that I meant to turn her into a frog is irrelevant.
Rose stepped forward before her cousin could say more. Her voice was calm, steady, and sent chills down my spine. "If you must know, Al was named after two great wizards who died during the second Wizard War. Albus Dumbledore was even headmaster here. The greatest headmaster in Hogwarts history, and no one disrespects Albus Dumbledore."
Ethel rolled her eyes. "And the second?"
Rose's blue eyes flashed. "And the second died protecting Harry Potter."
Harry Potter? Why does that name ring a bell?
Drusilla's head shot up (she had been staring at her plate). "Harry Potter? The one who saved the magical world? The head of the Ministry of Magic's Auror Department?"
Oh, that's why the name sounded familiar.
"Yeah," Albus (who I guess is called "Al") replied. "That's my dad."
Enid and Ruby erupted in laughter. I could feel Maud shaking beside me in silent giggles. I took a bite of chicken to keep my own laughter in check. Judging from Al's quick wink, I wasn't very discreet.
As for Ethel, I could almost hear the steam coming from her ears (in my mind, I imagine a kettle whistling). Drusilla flipped her hair and pointedly turned away from Al and Rose. The two girls started their own private conversation, blocking us out.
I could almost pretend to feel my heart breaking. Perhaps I could summon a tear for dramatic effect…
…or maybe not.
Two more redheads joined our table, a boy and a girl. The girl was pretty, with almond shaped rich hazel eyes, and the boy was tall. They had to be related.
"Hi!" I greeted them.
The girl ducked behind Al and waved shyly. Al laughed, all anger gone from his face. "This is my little sister, Lily. She's a first year. And that's-"
"I'm Hugo Weasley. Rose, here, is my sister. I'm also a first year. We just sorted, too! Right before you lot arrived. I'm in Ravenclaw! Lily's another Potter Gryffindor."
"Huh?" said Enid.
Maud leaned over her plate so she can see Enid better. "Hogwarts students are organized into four Houses based on character traits. Those Houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. They are named for the four Hogwarts founders."
"How do you know that, Maud?" I asked.
"While you were sleeping in the car, I was reading Hogwarts: A History."
"Ah." I slept because I can't read in the car. I get carsick, and the choice between that and sleeping the drive away was not entirely difficult.
"And not all Potters get sorted into Gryffindor," said Al. "I'm in Slytherin, remember?"
"Yeah, well, there is a reject in every family." Another boy with black hair joined the group. He had the same eyes as little Lily. He nodded at me. "James Potter, fourth year."
"Mildred Hubble."
While we were talking, the food vanished, to be replaced with an impressive dessert spread. I could see Lily eyeing the caramel apples, so I offered her the plate. When she took one, she had stars in her eyes.
"Uh-oh, I think you have an admirer," said Rose.
I ignored Ethel when she said, "Merlin help us all."
The six of us shared one dormitory. It was huge, with a four poster bed with curtains for each of us. They were kind enough to decorate our rooms with or school colors (black and purple), although the linens and towels were decorated with the Hogwarts school crest. To classes, we were to wear our usual uniforms. A black wool jumper with grey blouse. Our ties were black with grey stripes. Usually, we wore green sashes around our waist to signify that we were second years, but since green was a House color at Hogwarts, Miss Cackle is having us wear purple sashes with the Academy crest on them.
I was playing with Tabby, my cat (I, of course, get the only tabby cat, when everyone else received black) on my bed when Ruby asked an interesting question.
"Why is it that we are second years at Cackle's, but we are studying with the third years here?"
Enid was digging through her trunk, apparently in search of her other boot. "I think they want the age groups together."
"The third year curriculum at Hogwarts is very similar to our current curriculum," interjected Maud. "Besides, it would be good to be challenged."
"Speak for yourself!" I said. "A challenge could end badly for me." Tabby meowed, as though in agreement. "See! Even my cat agrees! I hope I don't mess this up too much."
Ruby sat down beside me. "Don't worry. We'll help you!"
I love my mates!
"Mildred, tie your boots! We have Herbology in twenty minutes!" Maud exclaimed.
I look down to see my bootlaces are undone. Again. I swear, I just tied them! They refused to stay tied! I quickly retie them and gather my satchel. Let's see…extra quills, ink…tighten the ink bottle cap…extra rolls of parchment…double check to be sure the ink bottle's cap was on tightly…Good. I should make a good first impression with my Herbology professor, at least!
When we reached our common room, Ethel and Drusilla were gone, of course. Little Miss Overachiever and her sidekick, as Enid would put it. I looked toward the hallway that led to our professors' dormitories and offices. According to our schedule, HB will be co-teaching Potions with Professor Bones.
Sounds like fun. About as much fun as falling off my broomstick into the forest. (And I know how fun that is! I've done it!)
Together, the four of us made our way through the castle (and getting lost a couple of times) to Greenhouse Three for Professor Longbottom's class. We were to be sharing the class with students from all four Houses. I, personally, was looking forward to seeing Rose and Al again.
Okay, so part of me is looking forward to the possibility of Al telling Ethel off again, but she so has it coming! Her father is not on the Hogwarts board of governors! As Enid would say, with her usual dramatic flair, she has no power here!
Just picturing the look on her face from dinner is enough to have me dancing down the path to the greenhouses.
I mean that. I am dancing. Skipping, spinning, the works.
"Mildred!" shouted Maud, suddenly. "Watch-" she did not get the chance to finish when my foot caught on a loose stone and I fall…well, summersault, really…down the hill, sliding to a stop right in front of the entry to Greenhouse Three.
I grumble a few things that I am pretty sure are not English and struggle to my feet. Of course, I do this with as little grace as possible, for I am Midred Hubble, thirteen-year-old walking disaster.
I should get that put on a tee shirt. It would be like my warning label.
I manage to get to my feet and dust off the skirt to my jumper. Somehow, my boots miraculously remained tied. When I raise my eyes from the offending footwear, I only see a person filling my field of vision. A tall person. Very tall. I crane my neck and look up, using my hand to shield my eyes from the blinding morning sun.
I can do little else but assume that this was Professor Longbottom. He was younger than I thought he would be, probably in his mid-thirties. There was an impressive scar along one cheekbone, and a not-quite-as-impressive copy across the other. His hair had the lightest dusting of grey at the temples, as though he has been through much more during his life than he should have. I'd believe it, too, if what Maud read was true. Professor Neville Longbottom fought at the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998 when he was barely of age and led an army of students in a school-wide rebellion. When he was a baby, his parents were tortured by followers of Voldemort during the first Wizarding War, and they went crazy as a result.
Despite what Maud had found out in her research about our Herbology professor, I expected him to look, well, harder. His eyes had a youthful sparkle to them, and his smile was kind when he asked, "Are you all right?"
I laugh nervously, "Yes, Professor. I am used to it. I am rather accident-prone."
Behind me, I can hear Ruby whisper, "That is the understatement of the century."
Professor Longbottom chuckled lightly. "I can relate. You see, when I was a student here, I was always forgetting something or making a mess of things."
"Except in Herbology, I hope!" I say. Was I flirting with a teacher?
"No, not in Herbology, Miss…?"
"Hubble, sir. Mildred Hubble." No. Definitely not flirting with a teacher. That would be inappropriate. Not to mention absolutely vile. Yuck.
"Miss Hubble. It's a pleasure. Now, if you and your friends would take a seat, we can get started."
Greenhouse Three was a long rectangle-shaped building that was hot and humid (being a greenhouse and all), with two long tables running down the center of the room. Various plants line the walls, and a HUGE venomous tentacula dominated the far end. I have to say that the plant is the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. Twice during the lesson, students had to curse the darn thing to prevent it was snatching a classmate! In the class, we mostly went over what the Hogwarts students studied the previous year as a catch up, so I furiously took notes to keep from falling even more behind. I refuse to make the Academy look bad!
The class passed quickly. I like Professor Longbottom's style. He is patient and forgiving, but did not sound condescending when he needed to explain something over. Now, HB could learn a few things from him!
As we were leaving the greenhouses, we were joined by Al and Rose, again. They were joined by another boy sporting the Slytherin colors. His hair was super blond and he had slanted steely grey eyes. He almost had a snobbish air about him, but not quite. It was as though he came from an influential family (like Ethel) without it going to his head (not like Ethel).
"Wotcher, Al? Rose?" greeted Ruby. "Who's your friend?"
The blond boy extended his hand. "Scorpius Malfoy."
"Scorpius?" said Enid. "That's different!" When Scorpius's gaze darkened marginally (I was suddenly reminded of storm clouds…this was not a guy to cross!), Enid laughed. "Not in a bad way, mate! My last name is 'Nightshade,' for Merlin's sake! As in 'deadly.'"
Scorpius visibly relaxed. "My family has a thing about naming children after stars."
We walked in silence for a few minutes when Al spoke. "It was a shame Ethel wasn't sitting closer to the tentacula. I would have loved to see how she handled that. She is quite the know-it-all, isn't she?"
We all laugh until our sides hurt.
Yes, I am really going to like it here.
Author's note #2: Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new story. Now, I can't guarantee regular updates (if you are reading my other stories, this shouldn't shock you), but I hope you enjoy it, anyway. This story is going to be more fluff than anything. For more romance and drama, read my other HP story, A Magical Garden, a Lily/James fic. Into anime? I have a story about the characters from my favorite anime "Fruits Basket" called Moonlit Serenade that I hope to get back into, it has been idle much too long! Hearts and rainbow sparkles to you all! ~Nimue