So I'm currently in the process of fic-ing this video:


This chapter is obviously the first, going from 0:00 to about 0:28 in the video. Also: this is a working title, so even though I'll probably keep it, I'd take suggestions. Doctor Who and Thor/the Avengers aren't mine. Hope you enjoy!

She was using all of her strength to hold on, physically as well as emotionally. If she let go now she would never see the Doctor again; she would never take another breath. If she let go now, tears would stream down her face from all the stress of the day, something she didn't want to happen right now, as her life was in the balance.

And then her hands began slipping, despite her efforts to keep a solid hold on the lever. She could hear the Doctor screaming for her, and out of the corner of her eye, she could see him reaching for her. It was all she could do to hold in her warning for him. Of course he knew he could fall. But would that stop him from trying to help? Not when it came to her.

She let out a scream as her fingers came apart from the lever, as she felt herself falling through the air into nowhere. The Doctor's gut-wrenching scream, "ROSE!" ripped the air between them, making her feel as if she had been stabbed in her heart, and she felt tears beginning to collect in her eyes, knowing that these were her last seconds. She would never see him again.

She felt her feet enter the cold of the Void, and the wall seemed to collapse around her, burying her under rubble. But then she felt herself being released from the intense pressure around her, sending her into the light of another world, a world so many galaxies away from her own.

She was crying freely now, unsure what had happened or where she was, as she stepped away from the void she had created in the middle of the air. She could see only a white light, but as it faded, she saw a much different scene than the one she had left only a few moments before. And just for a moment, the loss of the Doctor lessened as her curiosity took over.

Standing a few yards in front of her was an older man, wearing an eye patch. He looked wise, as if he was in a position of great power, an impression strengthened by the fact that he was holding a scepter and wearing heavy armour over most of his body.

She took a few more steps forward, feeling quite unsure of herself, knowing that she looked to be easy prey, if these men around her were hostile. She could still feel the tears running down her face, though she felt quite numb at the loss of the Doctor. Pushing all thoughts to the back of her mind, knowing she would have to focus, she glanced around, noting a younger man, with blonde hair, on her right. He looked somewhat confused, puzzled as to how she could have simply appeared out of nowhere. From first glance, he looked as if he always knew the answers, had always been told everything. As a result, her appearance seemed most alarming to him.

Farther away from her, in the right corner of the room, was another younger man. He was handsome, one eyebrow arched and his black hair pulled back as he glanced at her. His posture spoke of boredom, his face of interested disinterest. But by simply looking at him for a moment, she could tell that there was so much more to him. He was intriguing; the way he held himself told her that he was broken inside. He reminded her of her Doctor, hiding everything beneath a mask.

She glanced back to the older man as he began speaking her, questioning who she was, how she had come, if she was peaceful. She explained as little as possible, not wanting to lapse into fresh tears. She was told where she was, who these people were. And the man named Loki helped her to the room she was given as she began her wait for the Doctor, the man she was convinced would come find her against all odds.