A/N Hello! Alright, so this is my first multi-chapter story. It's an eclare. Fair warning, this will be a long author's note. But the others won't be.

For those of you who haven't heard of it, the Pajama Game consists of 3 major storylines. It's about workers in a pajama factory demanding a 7&1/2 cent raise. Babe is the leader of the grievance committee. Her and the new superintendent, Sid Sorokin, fall in love. However, things get messy when he's forced to fire her for destroying a machine while protesting. Things get messier when she sees Sid ans Gladys at a night club together (called Hernando's Hideway). Everything works out though. Gladys and Hines are together. However Hines's constant jealousy begins to drive Gladys away. Prez is the president of the company (not the owner, that's Hasler). He's also a womanizer. He goes after Gladys and fails, so then goes after Mae and succeeds because Mae's a flirt and a ditz. There relationship has its ups and downs and how it ends is open to interpretation. The three storylines are in order of importance.

Also, my school did the Pajama Game last year. I was Mae. My Prez and I, also had a bit of a history. Most of this fic is based off of my experience over those three months. However, this story will end a lot happier than my love life did. If anyone wants to know how much of this actually happened, just let me know. But... it really doesn't matter.

Anyway, Darcy will be extremely ooc. I normally don't pay much attention to that, but for those of you who do, there's your warning. I needed to change her character to have her play a slightly different role in Clare's life. This story will feature just about all of the current characters on the show. Plus Darcy and Peter. Just pretend the two of them are only one year out of Degrassi. Jenna, Clare, and Alli are best friends.

I'll be giving details on necessary information about the musical based on the content of each chapter. If anyone has a preference as to whether I should put the information at the beginning or the end, let me know. If not, I'll probably just put it at the beginning.

Cast list:

Babe&Sid: Katie&Drew Gladys&Hines: Fiona&Adam Prez&Mae: Eli&Clare Mabel: Marisol

Ensemble: Imogen, Jake, Alli, Jenna, KC, Maya, Zig, Tris, Tori, Connor, Dave, other students who simply aren't important

I think that's it :) Enjoy. Reviews are appreciated. And I do not own Degrassi. Obviously. I do not own the Pajama Game. Obviously. I do not own Legally Blonde. Obviously.

"Congratulations Clare!" Alli squeaked out as she hugged me tightly. I grinned from ear to ear, as I continued to look at the cast list. So Much Better from Legally Blonde was playing over and over in my head.

Once again, I looked at my name next to the character Maefrom the Pajama Game. I wasn't the lead, but it was the part I had wanted most. I could now see the next 3 months of my life, and how wonderful it would be, now that I knew I had gotten the part.

Alli had put up with my constant singing and dancing over the past week, in preparation for my audition. I had random anxiety attacks that I wouldn't get in, and, of course, I was whining quite often about how badly I wanted to be Mae. But oh, the week of nerves was worth it.

I looked over the cast list once more. The two leads, Babe and Sid were Katie and Drew. Hines and Gladys were Adam and Fiona. I had expected that. The four of them did fantastic at call backs.

I then realized that I hadn't even looked at who'd I be playing opposite of. I scanned down the list until my eye caught on the name Prez. The name across was… Eli Goldsworthy. I looked again, just to double check.

Oh no. Oh this couldn't be happening. Was it even possible for me to be this unlucky? I looked at Alli in horror, and after a couple seconds she had the realization as well.

I would be kissing my ex boyfriend for the next 3 months.

Oh dear.

"Wait, wait, wait. So… Eli's Prez?" Jenna asked for the hundredth time, with a smirk on her face.

"Yes, Jenna, keep up! My goodness." Alli snapped back.

I pushed my salad around in its container, not really eating it. Eli and I hadn't spoken all that much since the breakup. Well… not at all really. Other than a bit of awkward eye contact, there'd been nothing.

I sighed at a tomato. I just could not believe my luck.

"Clare!" Alli's voice, from across the lunch table snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I responded.

Jenna leaned over and nudged my side, "So… will there be tongue?" She smirked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, shut up!" I exclaimed at her as I shoved her in the shoulder. The three of us erupted into a small fit of giggles.

"So when do rehearsals start?" Alli asked when we calmed down a bit, leaning slightly across the table.

Jenna cut in, "Alli, you really should know that rehearsals start next week. You're in the ensemble with me."

"Guys, this is going to be so much fun," I smiled at them. I was genuinely excited to be doing this. Especially since I'd get to be Mae.

"Oh, we know you'll enjoy it… Mrs. Goldsworthy," Alli teased.

I groaned and let my head drop onto the table in front of the lunch table.

Congratulations Clare :)

It was from Eli. I peered down at my phone through my eyelashes, as to not get my phone taken away by Dawes.

I sighed and pushed a couple fingers across my eyebrow. Why did it have to work out like this. I knew that he was only initiating conversation like this to make our lives less difficult. Being each others' love interests would certainly be easier if it wasn't awkward. But… I knew better. It'd be awkward no matter what. And I was prepared to deal. It'd be weird, and uncomfortable, and embarrassing at points. But it was acting. And we'd be able to do put up with each other for the next 3 months, and then go back to ignoring each other.

However… I knew he wouldn't see it that way, and I didn't want there to be hard feelings, so I swiftly ran my thumbs across my keyboard and typed out a short and sweet:

Thanks :) You too.

I peaked down again to check for typos and sent the message. For the rest of class I checked my phone an embarrassingly numerous amount of times.

I missed him, of course. Lack of communication was a huge factor in our break up and, I really did just want to talk things out.

Stop it Clare.

That wasn't going to happen. I had already accepted that. It was over. And that was okay. I'd work on getting over him. Our relationship would remain strictly professional.

He doesn't want you.

I sighed again. I'd be okay.

I'm a big girl. I can deal with this without closure.

When Darcy pulled up to the school to pick me up, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bounce over to the car with the joy of getting to be Mae, or dejectedly shuffle over to give her the news of the male portraying Prez. I spent the entire walk over pondering this, so really, it didn't matter.

Not a second after I hopped into the car, I was bombarded with questions.

"What happened? Are you Mae? Who's your Prez? Who got the lead, Katie or Marisol?"

I smiled to myself at her excitement. "Well I'm Mae…"

"Oh, yay!" she sang out immediately while turning to start the car. She turned to face me again, briefly, as she asked, "And Prez… who's your Prez?"

I hesitated. "Um…" I bit down on my lip before turning my head to face her with a look of annoyance, "It's Eli."

"Ha!" she shot out, "Oh my goodness, that's so unfortunate!" She said through a mass of giggles at my expense.

I exhaled a small laugh. Then shook my head at her as she pulled out of the parking lot.

When her laughter calmed down a bit, she looked at me seriously… right in the eye. And she told me, "If he slips you tongue, be sure to bite it."

The smile she'd been holding back broke through her serious expression and what followed was another fit of giggles as I rolled my head back and groaned.

Sorry it's short. The others should be longer.