I can't believe how long it's been since the last time I've posted! And, from the bottom of my heart I'm really sorry! So here's a little Xmas themed one-shot to liven your spirits. And also I'm going to try and update ALL stories tonight, so Merry Christmas everyone.

Disclaimer: I don't own How to Rock

The day before Christmas Eve

"Wait so your Mom never took you to the mall to see the Santa Claus when you were little?" asked Nelson to Zander in disbelief.(A/N: I know in the series Zander is Jewish but in this story he celebrates Christmas.)

"Nope, she never did." Said Zander putting his leather jacket back on as he and Nelson exited the diner they just ate lunch at.

"That's sad man, you've never even seen a Santa in the flesh?" asked Nelson

"In the flesh?" Zander asked with a grin

"Well you know in real life, like someone who dressed up as Santa Clause?"

"Nope, just on posters and stuff." Zander shrugged

"That's rough…" said Nelson, shaking his head. Zander just rolled his eyes as he and Nelson entered their apartment complex.

"Hey baby." Zander said kissing Stevie on the cheek as he and Nelson joined her on the couch.

"Hey, how was lunch?" she asked throwing some popcorn in her mouth.

"It was-" Zander started

"Ho ho ho everyone!" said Kevin and Kacey entering the room.

"Hey guys." They all said in usion

"Guys, wanna hear something sad?" asked Nelson, and soon everyone was all ears.

"Always." Said Kacey taking the most interest, "Is it about Molly? Has she finally hit rock bottom?"

"No It's about Zander." He says, pointing at the dark haired boy sitting next to him.

"About me?" Zander asked confused.

"Zander has never seen the mall Santa, or seen a Santa at all."

"Nelson, Santa isn't real…" said Kacey

"No I mean like he hasn't seen anyone dressed up like Santa in real life!" He exclaimed

"Oh my god, can we just please forget about it!" Zander demanded, grabbing the popcorn bowl out of Stevie's hands forcefully.

The next day(Christmas Eve)

The whole gang was celebrating Christmas Eve at Kacey's large Christmas decorated condo.

"So guys next I was thinking we could open presents." Said Kacey rubbing her hands together excitedly, everyone else just nodded in agreement.

"Here you go Kacey." Said Kevin handing her a small, wrapped box.

"Aww, Kevin it's the necklace I wanted thank you!" she smiled, handing Kevin his gift.

"Yes, a gift card to Mario's Pizza thanks Kacey!" he exclaimed excited.

"And Nelson we all chipped in to get you something…"said Stevie getting up off the couch and heading to the door. She put her hand on the knob and opened it to reveal a very festive Grace. Nelson immediately rushed to her.

"Merry Christmas Nelly." Said Stevie ruffling his hair

"I got you something baby." Said Zander wrapping his arms around Stevie's waist from behind

"You didn't have to get me anything." She whispered, turning around.

"But I wanted to." He smiled and brought up a red velvet box to meet her face.

"Zander, please you didn't have to." She says pushing the box away, "I left your stuff at home for tomorrow."

"Please, for me?" he asked giving her his best puppy dog look.

"Ugh, fine." She huffs holding the gift, and sitting down on the couch next to Zander.

She started to unwrap the neat, red paper to reveal a small silver band, engraved with '4-17, forever and always'

"Oh my god…Zander it's beautiful." She whispered, Stevie didn't really get excited over girly things. But this wasn't too girly it was a plain silver band, but the best part was the meaning. The date he had engraved on the ring, was the day of their first date.

"So you like it?" he asked nervously.

"I love it, thank you so much!" she exclaimed engulfing Zander is the tightest hug. And Zander could have sworn he saw a tear in her eye. But, it couldn't have been it was Stevie.

"I'm going to get your present be right back." She said releasing him and running to the other room.

Zander sat there, waiting on the couch tapping his foot to the beat of "Jingle Bells" which was playing on the stereo. There was a faint knocking on the door, and since everyone else was too preoccupied Zander got the door himself. He opened it to reveal a person dressed up as Santa Clause.

"Um, Hello?" Zander asked confused.

"Merry Christmas Zander!" The Santa said giving Zander a hug


"Zander it's me!" Stevie said pulling down the fake, white beard to reveal her face.

"Stevie what are you doing?"

"I know how you've never seen someone dressed up as Santa before, so I surprised you."

"Well you're the hottest Santa Clause I'll ever see, thanks baby." He smiles, kissing her on the lips.

"Merry Christmas."