PITUP:ok so this has been buggin me, i have been playing Runefactory for awhile now and i really liked Zaid. And i also really liked Micah. ...i AM a yaoi writer so obviously...i put two and two...and i was like OHMAIGAWD WAHT IF ZAID FUCKS MICAH? *o* so anyways i havent finished the game yet so its not 100% true, this is gonna be my alternate way of how Zaid finds out Micah's is a human and a monster, i know its obviously wrong but, it is FANFICTION~~~~
Warnings: YAOI boyxboy lemon, language, maybe some violence, slight RuskxMicah main ZaidxMicah of course
Disclaimer: i do not own Runfactory3

thoughts "talking"

It had been simply curiosity.

It had been something on his mind, resulting in very sleepless nights.
How had he noticed this fact before his leader?

It was the very first time a human had stumbled upon the settlement. The blond human looked worn from when he had fought with the monsters just outside of the settlement, he looked thirsty- probably since this was a desert.. His deep cerulean eyes looked around confusedly.

"Human! What are you doing here? Please leave." Kuruna- the settlements leader spoke as her cape fluttered behind her. She looked shocked but a little mad.

The human jumped a little at the voice that was directed at him, his eyes widened as he saw the white unicorn looking horn on top of Kuruna's head. His pink lips opened as if he was going to speak but he closed them when he caught sight of Ondurus walk behind Kuruna, they're eyes both narrowing in distrust and anger. The blond human backed up and gripped his yellow sword. He looked from Kuruna to Ondurus before turning around and promptly running away, clouds of dust from the sand obscuring the view of the small back retreating from the two Univir.

Zaid had been watching the whole scene from behind his tent like house, he was fishing but had stopped when he heard Kuruna's voice. He watched as the blond human nervously looked at the Univirs. He had been entrancing, n-not that he would ever admit it though.
The dwarf with blond hair tied into a ponytail set his fishing rod on the ground and wiped his wet hands on his pants. He walked to the Univirs and crossed his arms behind his head.

Kuruna sighed after awhile of silence and began to walk back slowly to her tent, "You guys should get some sleep. Its getting pretty late."

Ondurus nodded and glanced at Zaid, "He's gone now, you can rest." the Univir with long light purple hair said before walking to his own tent.

Zaid nodded absentmindly. But kept his gaze on the never ending hills of sand.

After, maybe a week or so, a new friend entered the settlement.

It was a wooly. With golden, yellow wool covering his small body. A nice, handmade acorn looking hat was adorning his head. But what was really attractive about the rare colored wooly was his big blue eyes.

Kuruna immediately took a liking to him, she even offered a home inside the settlement. Surprisingly, the little wooly refused saying he already had a home. Ondurus was in his room at that moment, his nose hidden in one of the many books he owned, so he didn't meet the wooly right away.

"Hello there! I'm Micah, what about you?" it took Zaid awhile to realize the wooly was speaking to him.

Something about the wooly felt strange... he seemed...familiar? But how? They only met just now.

Hmm... I'll keep an eye on him then. Zaid thought to himself, "Hmph, you gotta lot of nerve to casually stroll in here. I'm surprised none of the big, scawwy monsters haven't gotten ya. " Zaid said crossing his arms over his chest.

"It was.. a little hard i'll admit," Micah said before he smiled, "But nothing I can't handle."

Zaid's green scarf moved with the small breeze, "...The names Zaid."

"Nice to meet you, Zaid!"

"Likewise." and that was it, before he turned around and left to his tent.

Kuruna chuckled nervously, "Don't worry, that's just how he is."

"It's fine." Micah said back.


Micah walked to Blaise's restaurant, snowflakes drifting down. He hugged himself with his arms- he had forgotten to put on his jacket. When he walked in, a bell jingled signaling his arrival. He walked to a table where Rusk was sitting and sat down next to him. Micah shivered a little but sighed after the heat from the roaring fire warmed him.

"Hey Micah!" the blond with a blue berret type of hat said.

Micah smiled and rested his head on his hands, "Hi Rusk."

"Hah, you look a little cold? Dad can you bring Micah some hot chocolate?" Rusk called to his dad who just nodded.

"Yeah.. I forgot we were in Winter already.." Micah said before sighing at his own stupidity.

Blaise set down a steaming hot chocolate and shook his head chuckling, "Don't catch a cold working out on those fields," the blue haired man scolded lightly, "You have to take care of your body you know."

Micah's head slumped, "Yes okay.." he mumbled. Blaise chuckled again and made his way back to the counter.

Rusk studied Micah for a few seconds. Rusk's eyes traced Micah's figure and face. All that time in the field really payed off, he was beginning to develop small muscles and his skin was becoming a little tanned. But nothing could rid away his sweet, boyish face.

Rusk smiled when Micah took a sip of the hot chocolate- forgetting it was hot and almost spitting it out. But his smile faltered a bit when he noticed fresh cuts on the other blond's arm, "Micah? How did you get those?"

"Get what?" he had given up on trying to drink the hot chocolate, he would have to wait until it cooled down.

"Those cuts.. they look new."

"Oh, It was this morning. I had some problems with the Goblin Pirates. But its okay now!"

"In the desert?"


"You've been there. A lot actually." Rusk said. And he had, he had noticed Micah leaving for the desert everyday now with a different weapon each time. And sometimes, when Micah entered his field, he seemed to disappear in a blue light. But the light disappeared as quickly as it came, "Where do you always go off to?"

"Uhm you know, fightin' those monsters!" Micah said slightly nervous.

"Oh.." and somehow, Rusk didn't buy it.

Micah started fidgeting with the handle of the mug quietly. He couldn't tell Rusk, no not yet.

"Well," Rusk cut a slice of his untouched cheesecake in half and placed a piece on another plate, sliding it to the other blond, "Here, I don't think i'll finish this by myself." Rusk decided not to question Micah anymore.

Micah brightened up but coughed, "You should eat healthier you know."

"Yeah yeah, eat your cake. If it was stuffed with vegetables, you know you wouldn't eat it either." Rusk laughed.

"Mmm I guess you're right.." the blond took a forkful of the cake and brought it to his lips, "But vegetables aren't so bad as you make them out to be. I should know, I grow them." Micah said playfully.

Rusk stared as some of the whipped cream stuck to the bottom of Micah's lip. He watched as a pink tongue licked it off, "Maybe i'll make you a salad some time." Micah said, unaware of the lingering royal blue eyes.

"Y-yeah.. That'd be nice."

When Micah finally finished his cake, Rusk was a little relieved. The other male kept getting the cream all over his face and it was...hard watching him eat. Rusk decided to make him a chocolate donut for next time. Rusk watched from the window as he saw Micah run to the Sharance Tree- his home. They were beginning to notice signs of a blizzard and Blaise suggested Micah leave now- in case his house got blocked by the snow.

Micah ran the path to his house, the snow coming down harder now. He passed by Shino who called out to him, "Be careful!" before she disappeared into the doors of her inn. The blond climbed up his stairs and opened his door. After he stepped in he slammed it before any snow could get in. Then he sighed tiredly before walking over to the kitchen part of his house.

He glanced outside of the round window in front of him. It looked frosty and foggy but he could still see the grey sky and snow sticking to the glass. He heard the whipping winds howl outside, "Looks like its gonna be a bad one.." he said to himself beginning to get the necessary ingredients to make udon. He got out the soy sauce, udon noodles, and onions. The blond began boiling water and cutting veggies for the broth. Oh yeah, udon. It's Zaid's favorite food. Maybe I should bring some for him Micah thought as a pleasant aroma wafted around the room.

Its fun being around Zaid Micah thought as he put leftover udon in his refrigerator for tomorrow when he would give it to Zaid. Despite his brash, proud nature, when they were out fighting monsters, they pony tailed blond would look out for the golden wooly. He would defend him when he was weak. He seemed like a different person, one who looked out for his friends, strong and confident. Well... he always seemed confident but that's besides the point.
Micah changed into his black nightgown and layed down on his bed, pulling the warm bed sheets over him. His thoughts began to wander and he thought of Zaid again.

Last time he saw him, they were under a black starry sky in the sand dune. The sand hills stretched to what almost seemed forever and the sky twinkled with white stars.

"WOW that looks awesome!" Zaid said, crossing his arms over his head.

"It does, its so beautiful."

"Kuruna was right, it does look best at night." Zaid chuckled in disbelief.

Micah looked over at the dwarf. Even if the other always bragged about his silver eyes, he was right. They shone like precious diamonds and were slanted all the time, a lazy smirk plastered onto his face. Micah let his eyes trail downwards, he saw two brown marks on the others cheek shaped in a triangular way. He followed a pointed jaw to a defined neck until he reached his arm and saw a tribe tattoo that looked like intertwining black snakes. Micah got to his green gloves until Zaid spoke again.

"...we go?"

Micah blinked, "Huh?"

"I said," Zaid started with an annoyed tick on his eyebrow, "Should we go now?"

"Oh uh yeah! Let's go!" Micah spluttered nervously before running in front of Zaid, leading them to the settlement.

He missed the knowing smirk the silvered eyed dwarf gave him.

Micah sighed before turning on his side. His face heated up when he thought of Zaid again. What's happening to me?

He rolled on his back and stared unfocusedly at the dark ceiling above him. What was it about Zaid that got him all nervous like that? Why did he like watching him train, watching his muscles flex whenever he swung a sword? Or watching his face light up in adoration whenever Micah gave him a present? Did he.. like that smirk or those calculating eyes? Or that blunt personality?

Micah sat up really fast on his bed, his head spinning slightly. Hid Do I... Do I ..like Zaid?

PITUP: : so? watchu think so far? should i continue it? review pleeease