
You guys asked for more M rated fics, so here you go! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Castle is not mine :/

[Captain's Office]

"Are you sure you left your phone here?" Kate asked as she pilfered through her desk, going through the folders and papers that cluttered it.

It was a late Thursday night, the Homicide floor was completely empty except for the duo that were currently tearing apart Kate's desk. She had just dropped him off at his loft when he realized that he'd left his iPhone at the Precinct. Kate had tried to convince him that he could survive one night without it, but Rick being the beggar that he is, pleaded with her until she finally relented. Which is why they were now here at twelve in the morning going through her desk to find his damn phone.

"Castle, did you or did you not leave your phone here?" Kate questioned, obviously irritated as she ran a hand through her hair.

Rick slumped in the chair directly adjacent to Kate's desk, his hands covering his face. He let out a huge sigh. "I am 97% positive that it's here."

The female detective crossed her arms and leaned against her desk. "And what about that 3%?"

He looked over at her. "Yeah, I have no idea."

She groaned, "alright. Let's think through this logically. We'll trace our steps, go over it like a crime scene."

Rick nodded, raking his fingers through his hair. "Where do we start?"

Kate bit her lip, her mind running a mile a minute as she thought through what all they had done that day. Rick couldn't help but admire her. He loved it when she bit her lip, the act making him want to bite it himself. God what this woman does to me.

Rick visibly gulped as she slowly swiped her moist tongue over her lips, getting them wet. Oh how he wanted to kiss her and eat her up. His eyes traveled down the long column of her neck, the soft skin just begging to be touched. He wanted to be nibbling and licking the skin, marking her as his own as he traveled down her chest, his mouth finding its way to her perfect round breasts as he sucked on her-

"Castle, are you even listening to me?"

The writer shook his head, pulling himself out of his little day dream. "Huh? Oh ye-yeah."

She squinted her eyes at him and took in his appearance. Her eyes widened, "you were not just doing what I think you were doing."

He looked away from her and bit his lip, "uh, well that depends on what you think I was doing."

Shaking her head, Kate huffed out a breath. Rick focused on the ground. "Okay, so when we interrogated David Walters did you have your phone?"

"Uh...I'm not sure."

Kate stood up, "only one way to find out," and headed down the hallway toward Interrogation 1, Rick following behind.

He stood at the doorway watching as she bent down to see if his phone was hiding under the metal table. Rick's eyes were drawn to Kate's perfect ass immediately. He looked up at the ceiling and whispered, "oh god."

Rick felt his pants become tighter and tighter as he continued to follow her every movement. She was unintentionally killing him with that drop-dead gorgeous body of hers. If she turned just a tad bit more and faced him, he could almost see down her jacket and down her blouse.

He couldn't help but notice how the two of them seemed to be growing closer the more time they spent with one another. It was always nice to see her outside of the workplace, but that also heightened the sexual tension between them. Without the distraction of a case, they could only focus on the other and the unresolved feelings.

Kate could feel his eyes on her as she searched the room for his phone. Her cheeks turned a shade of pink, warming up her face. She was becoming turned on at just at the thought of him undressing her with his eyes. Taking a deep breath she stood up and walked past Rick.

"Phone's not in here," she choked out. The air between them was hot and you could just feel the sexual tension building with each passing second.

Her partner trailed behind, his focus glued to her derriere. Focus, Rick, he told himself. Now's not the time.

"Didn't, um, we grab some coffee in the break room after our interrogation?" Rick asked, moving past Kate to open the door to the break room.

She was right behind him. The two searched the entire room, floor to ceiling and found...nada. Kate could feel the need and arousal pool low in her stomach as she followed Rick with her gaze, the want she was feeling becoming harder and harder to tamper down. The man was sex on legs.

And she couldn't help but notice how close they seemed to be getting over the last few weeks. Not to mention how much more sexual tension was building whenever they spent time together. The tension was so thick that they had trouble breathing, had trouble containing themselves.

Kate took a deep, soothing breath as she tried not to think of how strong his arms were as he searched under the tables, the way they flexed against his shirt as he moved. Deep breaths, Kate. Focus.

Meanwhile, Rick was having trouble focusing himself. He was supposed to be searching for his cell phone but as soon as Kate stood on her toes and tried to feel on top of the cabinets (you never know if the phone could be up there or not) in search of his phone.

He stopped breathing when her shirt and jacket began to ride up, exposing her bare back to him; the skin looked so soft and smooth, wanting to be touched. Kate was killing him, and it was a slow and painful death. But what a way to go.

Trying to focus, his eyes skimmed the ground only to be diverted back to the woman on his right as she pilfered through the cabinets. He wanted to do things to her, with her. How could he not? She was a goddess; a teasing, sexy goddess to be exact.

Rick needed to stay on track. Focus. Find the phone. Find the phone. He kept repeating that phrase over and over in his head, making it a mantra.

Hearing a sigh, Rick looked up to find Kate running a hand through her hair. "It's not here."

Struggling to stand, Rick gripped the table and pushed himself up; his legs were a bit wobbly. "Wait, didn't Captain Gates call us into her office?"

He didn't even wait for her to reply, he merely left and headed toward the office to see if his phone was there (and to get out of the same room as her. The tension was killing him).

She followed him. "Castle, we can't just go through her office. Do you want me to get fired?"

He was hunched over on all fours, his eyes scanning the ground in front of Gate's desk.

Kate found herself staring at his butt, the jeans he was wearing fit him nicely. She could stare at his butt all day if she wanted to. God what this man does to me, she thought, her stomach clenching in arousal. The slightest movement from him got her heart pounding, threatening to beat out of her chest. It was becoming harder and harder to control herself.

"You don't need to worry about that because I found it." Rick stood up, turning around, and lifted the iPhone to show her he did, indeed, find it.

Kate didn't say anything. She needed him. Now. The desire she had for him was too much for her to handle.

She lunged for him, her hands cupping his cheeks and her mouth molding to his.

His phone fell, clanking on the floor.

Rick barely had time to open his lips to her tongue, eagerly coaxing it with his own as her fingers traveled up and lost themselves in his hair.

"Rick," she exhaled.

He didn't question her actions, too turned on. Rick nosed her chin upward and slowly drew his tongue down the soft column of her neck, pausing to nibble her skin. Just like he imagined. Kate inhaled sharply and her fingers tightened against the back of his head when his mouth found the hollow of her throat as he began to suck and nibble.

"Kate," he breathed against her beating pulse. Moving his mouth back up to hers, he swept his hands into her hair, a groan escaping as he felt the soft strands flow over his fingers. With a moan she pulled her mouth away and went up, nuzzling behind his ear. Rick shuddered when she took his earlobe between her teeth, sucking and swirling it with her tongue. Kate ground her pelvis against his in a matching rhythm and Rick felt his pants grow almost painfully tight. God.

Rick released his hands from her hair and slid them under the hem of her light waist-jacket and white button-down, swearing at all the damn layers. She was hot and smooth. Kate arched into him and let out a whimper as his fingers slid down her spine, then slipped under the waistband of her pants. She pulled away from his ear to look him in the eyes; her face was flushed and her lips were swollen. Kate reached up to caress his face, drawing a finger down his cheek.

"Rick, please."

He slid his hand further under her shirt to tease her midsection, and then he slowly caressed her breasts through her bra. The deep moan and arching of her back told him she was becoming impatient. Kate gripped his shoulders and pushed him against the desk; a few items fell to the floor, but neither seemed to notice nor care. Rick watched as her fingers removed his belt and pants in one fluid motion. The jeans were thrown across the room, long forgotten. Kate quickly removed him from his boxers, tossing them behind her. He grit his teeth when her fingers circled around him, stroking him and teasing him. He used every bit of restraint he had to not explode right there. But it was difficult, especially when her thumb swept over his sensitive tip. She knew how to get him coiled tight.

Growling, he flipped their positions, her lower back pressed roughly against the wooden desk. It was definitely going to leave a mark, but she didn't care. It was totally worth it.

Rick immediately began to tug off her high heel and pant leg. Never taking his eyes from hers, he placed a kiss on the sensitive flesh of the inside of her thigh. Kate closed her eyes and hissed in appreciation as his tongue flicked against her skin before freeing the second leg. He slid his hand down to her panties, rubbing a finger against her mound. Rick tortuously slow removed the soaked panties, sliding them down her smooth legs and tossing them to the floor. As soon as her panties were removed, Kate locked both bare legs around his waist as her arms tightened behind his neck; her heels were pressed firmly into his backside.

The look in her eyes was all the approval he needed. Rick shifted her slightly, so that he lined up with her entrance. With eyes locked he pushed into Kate's warm, waiting body. They both gasped at the sensation, the feeling of finally being connected. For a moment it nearly overwhelmed him, the feeling of being inside her and surrounded by her.

Kate tried to roll her hips, locking her legs even more around him and pushing until he was fully sheathed inside her. Her head fell back as he hit that one point inside her, the point that drove her absolutely crazy. Kate's mouth was agape and her hair was plastered to her sweat-soaked skin.

"Oh God-"

They began to move together in a steady rhythm. One delicate hand grazed down his neck and chest. Rick sped up his thrusts and nipped her throat before seeking her lips again; she whimpered under his lips. His hands rested on either side of her head, the feel of documents and papers underneath. With gritted teeth, Rick rocked his hips into hers and changed the angle as he thrusted into her again and again. Her whole body tensed, her cry muffled against his mouth as he kissed her hard. His tongue battled hers as she let out a ragged moan, his hand gripping her neck to keep her still.

His heart threatened to beat out of his chest as he felt something coil tighter within him as Kate's own internal muscles fluttered and clenched tighter around him. Kate let out a cry as she came, stiffening then relaxing back on the desk; more items scattering to the floor. Seconds later Rick came, spilling into her. They remained joined for some time afterwards, not wanting to move.

"We didn't just..." Rick started, motioning between the two of them.

She nodded, a grin on her lips. "Yeah, w-we did."

Rick smiled down at her, kissing her sweetly on the lips. "That was-"

"Incredible," Kate finished for him.

"Beyond incredible." Rick removed himself from Kate, helping her up. "D-do you think she'll notice?" He asked hopefully, searching for his boxers and pants.

They quickly fixed their appearances, making sure they didn't look like they just ravished one another. A feat that was proving difficult.

"God, I hope not," Kate sighed, moving to pick up the discarded papers off the floor and put the desk back to its previous state. Rick helped.

The duo casually gazed at the other, a smile on their lips. They had just done the dirty deed, as Lanie called it, on Captain Gate's desk. And yet, neither felt bad about what happened.

"There. As good as new," Rick grinned, hands on his hips. "Think she'll know we just...?"

"Had hot sex on her desk?" He nodded. Kate gave a shrug as her response. "We cleaned up pretty well, so I'm hoping that no, she won't notice," she eventually said. "But we should probably leave, just in case someone decides to show up." Rick nodded, reaching down and picking up his phone. "Besides, I want to see what other things you can do with those talented hands of yours, Mr. Castle," she grinned, heading for the elevator, leaving a stunned Rick behind. His phone fell to the ground once again, but he didn't notice. Didn't care.

He just wanted her.

After coming out of his little trance he quickly ran after her, barely making the closing doors of the elevator. As soon as he was on the lift Rick pounced on Kate, his mouth attaching to hers in a hungry kiss. "Never tease me like that again," he growled, pulling on her bottom lip and swiping his tongue over it. His hips thrusted against hers, showing just how much of an affect she had on him.

"M-my place or you-yours?" Kate asked, her eyes rolling back when she felt him take her earlobe between his teeth and tug on it. Her arms encircled his neck, yanking him closer.

"Y-yours," he got out. "It's cl-closer. You're so naughty, Kate Beckett."

"You think that was naughty, Rick Castle?" Her breath hitched as she tightened her arms around his neck. "You have no idea just how naughty I can get."

"I'm looking forward to finding out," he whispered, his mouth attaching to hers once more as they rode the elevator down to the parking garage.

"Detective Beckett. Mr. Castle. May I see you two in my office for a moment?" Captain Gates asked, peeking out of her office door. A serious expression marking her features.

Rick's eyes widened, his focus on Kate. "Y-yes, sir," she replied, giving a slight nod of her head.

As soon as Gates retreated back to her office Rick lunged forward, his hands splayed out on Kate's desk. "Oh. My. God. Do you think she knows that we...you know?"

The female detective ran a timid hand through her hair, standing up. "I certainly hope she didn't figure it out. Only one way to find out though."

Rick trailed behind Kate as they walked into the office, the memories flooding back. Both of them were struggling to keep it together.

Gates stood behind her desk, hands braced on top. "Do you two know why I called you in here?" She asked, looking between the duo.

Kate and Rick both shook their heads no.

The Captain came around, pulling something out of her front jacket pocket. "I found this lying on the middle of my floor," she held up Rick's cell phone.

The writer immediately thought back to the previous night, trying to think of when he last had it. Then he remembered that he'd dropped when he ran after Kate as she got on the elevator. Oops.

"Thank you, Sir. I thought I lost it. I've been looking for it everywhere."

She handed him the phone, "you better keep a good eye on your belongings, Mr. Castle."

"I will. Thank you."

"Excuse me, Sir," Kate began. "But why did you call me in here?"

With a withering gaze, Gates raised an eyebrow at Kate. "I think we both know why I called you in here, Detective Beckett."

Kate instantly knew what she meant. Great, her boss knows that Rick had his way with her right here in the office. That's just great...

Kate slowly nodded. "Understood."

The duo just reached the door when Gate's voice stopped them. "And make sure to refrain from any...urges you have from now on. I want your personal lives out of my office and out of my precinct. I don't care what you do outside of this building, but I am not to see it here. Am I clear?"

They both mumbled a, "yes, Sir."

She waved a hand and sat back at her desk, glasses on as she read a file that was laying in front of her. "You're dismissed."

They quickly rushed out of there, shutting the door close behind them.

Kate sat at her desk, completely embarrassed. Her face was beat red and her eyes were wide. Her boss knows. Her boss knows what they did...shit.

"God," she sighed, hands covering her face. The sound of Rick sitting down capturing her attention.

He was as red as she was, if not even more so. "Di-did...she, um...sh-she knows..."

"Yeah. She knows alright," Kate moaned, chancing a glance at her Captain through the blinds. "She knows really well..."

Rick, trying to be positive, gave her a weak grin. "At least you didn't get fired."

She shot him a glare. "What are we going to do?" She asked, her fingers dancing and twitching on her desk.

With his hands folded in his lap, Rick said, "let's just act cool. Like nothing ever happened. I doubt she'll tell anyone what we did, she doesn't need that hanging over her head. And I'm sure she'd rather just forget it even happened. We'll just act as normal as possible."

Kate nodded. "I don't think I'll ever be able to go in that office ever again without thinking about what happened."

Rick smirked, nodding in agreement. "Same here."

The female detective suddenly got a dark look on her face, she leaned in close to Rick, her eyes scanning him up and down. "You know," she breathed, her voice low and throaty. Rick could just feel his pants tighten with each word. "I don't think I want to look at the ladies locker room the same way again either. Do you?"

Rick gulped, his hands pressed together to keep from jumping her right there. "I-I...uh," he couldn't find the words, her stare was too much for him to handle. "Wh-what about what the Captain said? She doesn't want us to-"

Kate slid a hand up and down his thigh, "we both know that we we're not going to listen to her. So, following the rules is not going to happen. And besides, you've said several times before that I never have any fun, that I never break the rules. Well, here's my chance to break a few rules." Rick gulped, he closed his eyes and clenched his fists. "I'll meet you in 10 minutes. Don't be late or I'll start without you." And she up and off toward the locker rooms, leaving Rick immobile in his seat.

He took a few deep breaths and waited 10 minutes. As soon as time was up, he was already making his way to the locker rooms, his pants already extremely uncomfortable. Chancing a look around for anyone noticing him, he slipped into the woman's locker room, where she was waiting for him.

Kate did things to him...good things. She knows how to get him all hot and bothered with just a look. But he could fight fire with fire, she wasn't the only one who could dish it out.

Yet today wasn't the day for that. He was completely under her mercy and (if he was being honest with himself) that's the way he liked it. A smoking hot woman in control.

As Rick pounced her and kissed her, clothes quickly falling to the ground, he couldn't help but think of other areas of the Precinct that he'd like to break a few rules at...

There you go, folks!

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