The Shawarma Proposition

Hi! This story just popped up in my head about a couple days ago after re-watching the Griffin Equivalency episode of Big Bang Theory, and the recent Avengers movie. Assume what would happen if the Big Bang Theory characters started hanging out with Tony Stark and become part of the life of one of the Avengers. This is definitely a one-shot story, by the way. Hope you all enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I own neither the Avengers or The Big Bang Theory. 'Nuff said!

"I must say, this is a nice place you've built here." Sheldon said.

"Isn't it, though?" Howard added. "The Stark Tower, I mean, wow!"

"Glad you're enjoying it." Tony Stark said to the group of scientists which had just arrived a while ago, for a dinner meal of shawarma. "It's been recently refurbished, after that whole, Chitauri business a while ago and all."

"Sir, Natasha Romanoff is coming. Thought you may need an advance warning before SHIELD pulls you into another 'adventure'." the voice of JARVIS said to Tony.

"Thanks for the info, JARVIS." Tony said, before his cell-phone rang. "Uh, you've reached the Life Model Decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message, darling."

"Are you seriously going to go at this again, Tony?" James Rhodes asked, as he had just walked in from a recent press conference, sitting down at Sheldon's spot.

"You're sitting in my spot." Sheldon said.

"What?" Rhodey said in disbelief, staring at the "crazy" physicist Sheldon Cooper. "Can't you sit somewhere else?"

"No, War Machine. I sit there."

"What difference does it even make?" Tony asked Sheldon.

"Here we go." Leonard sighed, as he rolled his eyes expecting Sheldon to go off on one of his explanation tirades.

"I use the same system here as I do at home. That spot faces the TV screen over there in an angle that is not so direct, yet still allows me to communicate with everyone else in the room if I so choose, and eliminates cross-streams from the heat and air conditioners there, there and there." Sheldon answered.

"Fine." Rhodes said as he got up and moved over to one of the other seats. "Why do you even hang out with this guy?" he asked Howard.

"Well, I like Leonard." Howard said in response, before getting up. "Well, I've gotta go pick up Bernadette. I'll see you guys later." Howard then started to go for the door before bumping into Romanoff. "Miss Widow, I presume? Well, it looks like I've bitten by a love bug, because you are beautiful."Romanoff only gave Howard a disgusted look, before turning towards Tony Stark.

"Mr. Stark, SHIELD has found recent intel that there appears to be a conference for the company AIM."

"Advanced Idea Mechanics? What would they be up to?" Leonard asked.

"Likely building some sort of Model Operation Designed Only for Killing. There's no other explanation." Sheldon answered.

"Okay... JARVIS. Pull up the details for AIM."

"Whatever you're going against, let me say I'll back you 100%." Leonard said.

"As do I, Mister Stark." Sheldon added.

"Rhodey?" Tony asked, turning towards his friend.

"Like you even had to ask." Rhodes said with a laugh.

"Romanoff, count me in then. It's good to back." Tony said to the SHIELD agent Black Widow.

That concludes the story. In case you're wondering, I also included a little story inclusion in the end for the upcoming Iron Man 3 film. When more details come out, I'll come up with a follow-up story with the events of Iron Man 3 playing out, with Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, and even Penny playing a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.