A/N: Very proud of myself, I actually managed to update on time. So this chapter is semi-long but I like it.

Some Thorki bonding, some Jotun bros bonding, all in all just lots of bonding. Also includes some Jotun!family feels.

Hope y'all enjoy it and thanks for all the lovely reviews!


~Chapter 7: Before Wedding Bonding~


"I remembered what happened last night," Thor burst into Loki's room, startling the Jotun.

"Wonderful, so have I. I think that's all that needs to be said."

Thor paused, awkwardly looking around his little brother's room. "I thought it was nice," Thor said quietly after a minute.

Loki could swear he stopped breathing for a moment. "Oh."

The blonde approached his brother cautiously and sat beside him. There's another silence before Loki found his breath enough to whisper, "Really?"

"Yes," Thor nodded, the beginning of a smile starting to appear on his face. "Although we were both very drunk and some parts are still foggy, I believe we had quite a lot of fun."

Loki grinned then stopped grinning as he realized something. Thor was suddenly blasted onto his back and Loki poised on top of him holding a dagger to his neck. "We are not telling anyone of this, understand? No one. Not one soul besides you and I will ever know that this event even happened."

"Yes, alright Loki," Thor said gruffly beneath the Mischief God. "I would greatly appreciate if you would remove the dagger currently burying itself in my skin."

"You'll be unharmed as long as you tell no one."

"I promise I won't tell anyone Loki! Odin's beard, you're so difficult sometimes."

Loki removed the dagger and the two stood, brushing themselves off. Eventually Thor spoke again. "You know I was just wondering what it would be like if I wasn't overly drunk."

He did not see the hand in time to dodge when Loki slapped him in the face. "Pervert."

"Ow! Loki! We're going to get married-" Thor was suddenly cut off by Loki's quick change of heart and his tongue.

Loki's hands wrapped themselves around Thor's neck and they paused the kiss just long enough to take of their clothes when the door was practically smashed it.

"Brother!" Helblindi roared from outside.

The two gods eyes narrowed and Loki cursed. "Stupid, foolish frickin' cockblock..."he mumbled as he opened the door.

"Why hello, Loki! Greetings Thor! Oh bilgesnipe, have I interrupted something?"

"Not at all," Loki scowled. "Why don't you and Byleistr come meet my... friends."

"Of course! We'd love to! I'll go fetch Byleistr right now!" Helblindi clapped excitedly and walked hurriedly down the hallway. "We'll meet you in the dining hall!"

Thor raised his eyebrows as Loki spun around. "Later," Loki hissed and Thor followed him out of the room.

"Shouldn't they have come to the party last night?" Thor asked.

"Helblindi apologized beforehand for not being able to come. Byleistr was, er, not overly optimistic."

"That one's quite sour, is he not?"

"Not even a little sweet from what I've seen. You should go fetch your 'Avengers' before they get too lost trying to get to the hall."




The dining hall was crowded when the two Jotuns entered, Helblindi literally dragging Byleistr by the arm. "You're lucky you disarmed me earlier," the younger one muttered and snatched his arm back.

Helblindi slapped his wrist and left to greet the others. "Hello, you must be the Warriors Three! I remember you from the time you came to Jotunheim and fought, you fight well." He looked to Fandral. "You were impaled though, were you not?"

"We Asgardians are remarkably healers," Fandral frowned.

"So you are!"

Thor joined the group. "Friends, this is Helblindi, Loki's eldest brother. Helblindi, these are my friends, Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun. You'll be paired up with Volstagg at the wedding."

"Fantastic! It's nice to meet you all!"




Meanwhile, Byleistr had found and cornered Loki.

"Hello," Loki had nodded after a bit of silence.

"I'd like to warn you that if you ever try to destroy Jotunheim again, I will personally slice you into pieces and deliver you to your soon-to-be husband."

Loki chuckled nervously. "You know about that..."

Byleistr smiled momentarily. "I know a lot of things."

Loki gulped. "I'm sure."

Helblindi arrived just on time to save Loki from most-likely some form of pain, mental and/or physical. "Loki, brother, do you mind if we borrow you for a minute?"

"I suppose that's alright as long as grumpy here doesn't try to strangle me," Loki shrugged.

"Perfect!" Helblindi exclaimed and the three headed to a more private room.




Once the three of them sat down, Loki was surprised to see a Helblindi looking somewhat sad. Even Byleistr looked a little less murderous, but that might have been because of the lack of Midgardians and Asgardians surrounding him.

Helblindi started, "When we discovered that you were still alive, we.. well we were a little shocked. We weren't sure if we should tell you about your past, but... we think you deserve to know if you'd like to."

Loki's breath caught, "Know about what?"

"Your past, what your life meant on Jotunheim."

Loki shivered a little bit and hesitated before nodding.

"The first thing you should know is that Laufey was not your father, he was your mother. You see, all Jotuns appear as male, but they have the reproductive glands of both genders. Your father was Farbauti. He was killed in the war just after you were born.

"When Laufey was pregnant with you, he sensed that you were not healthy enough. He called Farbauti home from the war to help deliver you in the hopes that his powerful presence would keep you from being a stillborn. Laufey was right. Neither of us remember the birth very well, but it was very rough, especially since word came that without Farbauti on the front lines, Jotunheim was quickly being defeated. After you were born, Farbauti blessed you and left for the war. He was killed as soon as he began to fight again.

"You were incredibly small when you were born. Almost too small to survive. Laufey feared you had come prematurely and would freeze. You were tough though," Helblindi smiled. "You fought hard and you won. Unfortunately just as you became of good health, the war arrived in Jotunheim. Laufey was on the throne now and had to fight, but he was desperate to keep you alive. He had some trusted guards take you and hide you in the temple, but when the guards heard fighting outside of the temple, they left and were slaughtered. We found their bodies when Byleistr and I were sent by Laufey to collect you."

Byleistr spoke up and Loki was shocked to see tears in his eyes. "We found them and race inside but you were already gone. We assumed the Asgardians had recognized the markings on your head as the Prince, and taken you as a trophy. We never expected that Odin would have stolen you and raised you as him own."

Loki noticed Byleistr's voice crack and Helblindi took over for him. "We told Laufey and he was crushed. We sent out search parties that went through the entire realm, but they could not find you. Byleistr and I cried for days. Laufey had to be strong as the king, but he mourned for you greatly. We had not even a body to bury like we had with Farbauti."

"I'm so sorry," Loki whispered and sat beside his Jotun brothers. "If I had known, if Odin had told me you cared so much for me I would never have..." His voice drifted off.

Helblindi embraced him and after a moment Byleistr did as well.

"Don't be sorry," Helblindi murmured. "We found you and you are well. That is the most that we could ask for."




The three brothers returned to the dining hall and Byleistr's glare returned to his face. "I supposed you should meet the Avengers," Loki told them. "They're like my Midgardian... acquaintances."

"Nonsense," Helblindi smiled. "There's no such thing as acquaintances! They are your friends!"

"Sure," Loki rolled his eyes and saw Byleistr doing the same. Helblindi ran to meet the mortals and Loki whispered to Byleistr, "I believe you and I have more in common than I first realized."

A slight grin appeared on his face. "Wait until I show you my magic," and with that he disappeared leaving Loki to make a mental note of I-really-need-to-find-out-how-to-do-that.

A/N: So sorry for the Jotun family feels, I just felt Loki needed some bonding time with his brothers.

And wow! Byleistr has emotions! :)

Anyway thanks for favoriting/following/reviewing! Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter!

(And just so you're clear, the pairings for the groomsmen are Fandral and Tony Stark, Volstagg and Helblindi, and Hogun and Byleistr.)