Yep so here's the last chapter! Hope you like it and I would like to thank those who have sticked with it till the end and actually spent the time to read this! Please enjoy and if you can review! :D

You are not a son of Odin! You are not even from Asgard! No don't listen to him Loki! He's lying! He's always lied! He's a traitor! And a thief!

Loki sat upright gasping for breath. He kept having nightmares and he had no idea what they were about. It had started when he had awoken in the infirmary a few days ago. He had no idea how he got there but apparently he fell out of a tree whilst playing with Thor and the others. But the problem was he had no memory of ever falling out of the tree or ever agreeing to play with them. The matron said he had banged his head rather hard and he'd been unconscious for the past few days but something didn't feel right. He didn't know what he just felt something different about him. About his father. Ever since he woke up in the infirmary he just knew something had changed. The way his father looked at him was different. It scared Loki because he thought he had done something wrong but the thing is he can't remember which frustrates him. He looked up as his mother entered and she swiftly moved over to his bed. She sat down next to him and she had a worried look on her face.

'Are you feeling alright my son?' she asked putting her hand on his forehead.

'Yes' he lied. He hated lying to his mother, he just hated it and he hated himself even more for doing it but he didn't want her to worry.


'Yes' he looked down and she put her hand on his chin lifting it up gently.

'Do you want to tell me about it?' Her voice was so soft which made Loki feel safe and he knew he could tell his mother anything because he knew that she would never judge him but he was also scared that if he did tell her something she would.

'I keep dreaming of this man, but he wasn't a man he was some sort of shadow. He kept telling me that I didn't belong here that I wasn't a son of Odin. He told me things; horrible things' he tried to keep strong but the fear was clearly obvious in his voice. Frigga held his hand and gripped it firmly.

'And do you remember what he told you?'

'No. I know what he told me was horrible but when I wake up I can't remember what he actually said, I just know it was horrible because I keep waking up terrified' Loki looked into his mother's eyes and asked 'Why do I keep having these nightmares? I don't even know who this person is! I just… I just want them to stop!' he couldn't help it but the tears started rolling down his cheeks. Frigga let go of his hand and brought him in to an embrace. His head rested on her shoulder and hers on his head. She brought her hand up and started stroking his hair.

'Sshhhh. Sshhhh it's ok. It's ok'

'What's wr-rong with m-me?' he started hiccupping as he spoke, tears still spilling from his eyes.

'Loki calm down. It's fine. Everything's fine. Sshhhh calm down' she gripped onto him tighter and soon the tears stopped but you could still here him sobbing. She stayed there a few hours calming him down and eventually he had drifted off to sleep. She was about to prop him back into bed when Odin walked in. He shut the door quietly then walked over to them. He helped her put him back under the covers then they both walked out of the room. Standing outside the door incase he needed them they began to speak.

'He's starting to remember' Frigga warned her husband. Odin looked down.

'He can never know. About Alexander, about anything that has happened over the last few days!'

'That spell will wear off Odin!'

'That is why I need to make it permanent' he said softly.

'Permanent? Lying to him about his true origins is one thing but wiping his memory over what happened over these past couple of days is another!'

'It's to protect him my wife'

'You don't think I know that? How many times is it going to take to show that you can't keep wiping his memory every time he discovers his secret! He will find out when he's older and when he does he's going to hate us for it!'

'I know. But I don't want him growing up thinking he's different! If wiping his, Thor's and the other's memories will protect him then I shall do just that! I want him to grow up thinking he is loved and he is apart of this family and that he is no different to everybody else. What do you think it will do to him if he finds out now? He's just a child!'

'I just hope you know what you are doing' Odin smiled at her and brought her into a hug.

'Of course I know what I am doing' he heard movement in Loki's chambers and he let go of her. 'I will do it now' he kissed the top of her head and walked in followed by Frigga. She walked up to the bed and cradled him in her arms. He opened his eyes and Odin walked up to him.

'Sshhhh Loki, it's going to be fine' she smiled down at him and his green eyes locked onto her blue. He then looked at Odin who placed his hand on his head.

'What's goin-' he never finished his sentence because as soon as Odin touched his head he lost consciousness. A tear strolled down Frigga's cheek as she held Loki in her arms. Odin sat down next to her and brought her into an embrace.

'We'll get through it' he whispered to her.

'I know we will but will he?' she still had him in her arms, as she couldn't bear to let him go.

'I need to go deal with Thor and his friends. If Loki had started to remember then I'm certain they have too' he stood up then bent over and kissed Loki on the head then moved to kiss Frigga. He then quietly left the room and headed toward where Thor and his friends were.

A few days later.

Loki awoke in his chambers to find his mother sat next to him. He had no recognition of how he got there or what day it was.

'Good morning' his mother said in her usual soft voice.

'Good morning' he replied sitting up 'What happened?'

'You fell ill. You were playing out in the garden with your brother when you fell out of a tree. You suffered a severe head injury and the matron thinks that you will have permanent memory loss of the event' she smiled down at her son. Loki could tell she was hiding something. That smile just didn't look like the usual warm, comforting smile it looked like pain and betrayal.

'Is Thor alright?' he asked.

'Your brother is fine. He was very worried about you though. Carried you to the infirmary himself and asked for medical treatment'

'He did?'

'Of course he did! He's your big brother! He cares very much for you. Even though he might not show it as much, he does care for you deeply and he won't let anything happen to you!' Loki was touched by her words and she brought him into a hug.

'I never thought he did. The way he acts with his friends. It's like he's two different people. One with me and one with them. And sometimes they mix together and I get left out'

'Well don't you worry about that. I've had a word with Thor on how he and his friends treat you. Yes don't think I haven't noticed that you hate them. Why don't you find some friends of your own age? I know its hard for you meeting new people but it will be easier than trailing around after your brother all the time'

'I will consider it' he replied.

'Good. Well are you feeling better because I think your brother and father wanted to see you' he nodded and she let go of him 'Up you get then! I want you washed and dressed in the next half hour'

'I don't take that long' he said getting out of bed.

'Are you sure' he smiled at her then walked slowly into the bathroom at the other end of his chambers.

When Loki was washed and dressed he and his mother walked to the throne room. They walked in and found Odin looking out of the balcony. He turned when he heard the door and he smiled as they walked up to him.

'How are you feeling my son?' he asked

'Fine thank you' he replied.

'Good' he put his hand on his shoulder then brought him into a hug. Loki was rather taken a back. To say that he'd only fallen out of a tree his mother and father were being rather too kind to him. He wasn't complaining about it, it just felt strange to him. He let go of him when Thor came into the room.

'Brother!' he shouted and he ran over to them and he literally lifted him off his feet when hugging him.

'Thor' Loki managed to say 'Please put me down before I turn you into a frog!' Thor laughed then placed him back on his feet.

'Are you better now?' he asked


'Good' he then picked Loki up and flung him over his shoulder.

'Thor! I swear I will turn you into a frog if you don't put me down!' Thor laughed again.

'Come on brother!'

'Where are you taking me?' he asked as Thor turned and headed to the door.

'Well I can't exactly play on my own now can I?'

'But what of your friends?' Thor placed him on the ground,

'My friends can wait. You are my brother and I wish to play with you!' Loki smiled.

'Come on then' he laughed then ran out of the door. Thor smiled then ran after him.

'He'll be fine' said Odin smiling down at her wife.

'I know he will. As long as he's got us and his brother, he'll be just fine' They walked out of the throne room neither of them noticing one of the shadows moving…

Dun dun dun! I'm sorry if it didn't end how you wanted it, this is how I wanted it to end! So there! Sorry 4 hours sleep isn't a nice thing! So I hope you enjoyed it and I shall be working on a new Loki fic which might be a crossover. I haven't decided yet. I would like to say thankyou again to everyone who has read this and I hope you will take the time to read the others I have got brewing in my head. So good bye for now! :D