Chapter 1: A Warning

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of Marvel characters though I wish I did! Especially Loki but you know that will never happen unless I have a Tardis which I don't have stored in my bedroom or anything like that... EHEHEHEHE! :D

In this, Thor and co are like 15 to around 16 and a half. And Loki being younger is around 10, I thought I'd make him cute! Enjoy! :)

'You did what!' the words echoed throughout the hall. Odin looked down at his eldest son whose blue eyes were staring at him.

'I'm sorry father but it was an accident! We were playing and and… I'm sorry' he looked away from his father's gaze and let his head flop so he was facing the ground. Odin walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder,

'It is alright my son' Thor looked up 'We all make mistakes and we all learn from them' Thor nodded and turned to look at his friends who were looking at him, their faces overrun with fear of what the Allfather was going to do. 'And what have you all learned?' Odin said looking at both Thor and his friends.

'Not to go where were not aloud to go because it can lead to unfortunate events which ends up with us being told off and someone getting hurt' said Sif piping up as Thor was never going to answer that question. Odin nodded then turned back to Thor.

'Where's your brother?' he asked

'I think he's in the garden, father' Thor replied, the relief that they weren't going to be punished wiped off his face.

'And how come he's not with you? I thought you told me you were going to include him with your games?' he asked, the stern voice of being a parent started to rise slightly in his tone.

'He didn't want to play today, he said he wanted to practise and develop his magic ability' Thor said trying to keep his voice steady. The truth was he'd left Loki out because well he and his friends were having fun and they had told him that he would ruin it. Odin shook his head like he had read Thor's mind,

'Can you go fetch him for me? I would like a word with him' he said putting his hand down to his side.

'Of course father' Thor bowed and so did his friends and they hurried out of the hall and started to walk towards the garden.

'That went better than I thought' said Thor,

'Well if Sif hadn't intervened when she did we'd still be there' said Fandral.

'Yes well you lot weren't exactly going to say anything were you?' she said walking past them,

'I wonder what he wants with Loki?' said Volstagg

'Probably to tell him off for something, you know what Loki's like' said Sif turning around to face them.

'Come now my friends, Loki isn't that bad! I'm sure my father just wants to speak to him about something that is all' said Thor smiling. The rest of them not wanting to argue remained silent until they heard a shout.

'Loki!' Thor shouted and he set off in a run, the others stared at each other for a moment before they ran after him.

I hope you liked it :D

Chapter 2 should be up soon. Would love some reviews to see if I can improve and stuff! Byes! :D