Korra and Kilchii were laughing gaily as they penguin slid down a big hill next to the compound. The two of them were racing towards Bolin at the bottom of the hill who was acting like a referee. Off to the side the kids and the happy couple were cheering them on.
"Go Korra you can win!" Ikki cheered.
"Faster! Go faster!" Meelo shouted.
"Watch out for hidden rocks!" Jinora advised.
"Come on Kilchii you can beat her. Don't lose to a girl!"
"Mako, that's sexist!"
"Go Korra, go Kilchii! I can't wait to see who wins!"
The two racers were picking up speed and zigzagging closer to each other. Korra angled her penguin towards an ice flow letting out a whoop of joy as she did a loopty loop through the ice flow. Not to be outdone, Kilchii jumped off two ice ramps flying through the air and landing in front of Korra. "You're going to have to do better then that if you want to catch me!"
"Don't count me out yet! I've been riding penguins longer then you've been alive!" Korra replied. "Come on boy just a little faster," she whispered tickling her bird's chin. He enjoyed that and started swishing back and forth increasing his speed. Soon Korra and Kilchii were neck and neck each edging closer and closer to Bolin and the finish line. "I'm going to win!"
"No way, you're going down!" Everyone cheered as the two of them crossed the finish line at the same time. The two lovebirds rolled off their birds sending them flying into a snow bank. The penguins toddle off as Kilchii dumped snow on Korra's head and she pushed him to the ground making a snow angel. Soon it was an all out snow war between the boys and girls. Fighting with snow was a lot of fun when you had so many benders, but the queen of the mountain was Asami darting in and out striking the boys in the back with a perfect pitch. It was just a joyous time that was made better when Naga, her pups and Pabu got into the mix. Naga showed her pups how to dig in the snow and partially bury a human for fun. Taqqiq loved digging snow tunnels while Kallik and Silaluk were trying to get the footing on some ice patches. Pabu was acting like a babysitter keeping an eye on the pups. It was hard for because while his eyes only saw three pups his nose told him there were four.
Watching from the main house in the Compound was a smiling couple of Tonraq and Senna. They hadn't seen their daughter this joyful and carefree in a long time. It was nice to hear her laughter once more and watch her just be a kid for awhile. They knew that their time with her was growing short.
"It seems that Korra is recovering nicely since her bending had been restored. I think a few days off from being the Avatar have helped her recover her inner spark," Senna commented.
"I agree and it doesn't hurt that Kilchii has been so attentive to her. I honestly believe that without his support that she wouldn't be recovering so quickly. Still, her time here is short so we should enjoy every minute with her while we have it. When are you planning to leave for Republic City?" Tonraq inquired Tenzin and Lin.
"Tomorrow afternoon. Lin and I must return for the trials of Amon, Tarlok and the rest of the Equalists to ensure they have fair treatment. Once the trials are over it will be a gargantuan task of convincing the Council to integrate the Equalists into the council and effectively create nomothetics that will improve the relationships between non benders and benders. It will be time consuming project, but I honestly believe that Republic City and the United Republic of Nations will function better after this task is completed."
"I'm going to see about hopefully allowing some of the chi blockers and soldiers from the Equalists party into my police force. I have misgivings about giving them such responsibilities after their attacks on the police force, but I fear if I don't allow some of them on the force then we might have riots on our hands again. Hopefully my men will abide by my decision and act professionally. If they don't then they will find themselves locked in a cell," Lin informed the group.
Katara chuckled upon hearing that. "You are so much like your mother Lin it's sometimes scary. Pema, what about you? Have you decided what you're going to do once you return home?"
"You mean besides taking care of a three active kids and a newborn while maintaining peace on the island? Or do you mean making sure Tenzin rests and spends time with his family?" Pema asked as she fed her son.
"Both my dear, you used to be such an active Acolyte and I know that you wanted to do more to help restore the Air Nomads as the fourth nation then just giving birth to airbenders."
"I'm going to be supervising the restoration of the Air Temples. I've also decided to get involved with helping the street orphans and the people of Hope strive for a better life. Many of them would make excellent Acolytes I'm sure and in the long run they would help repopulate the Air Temples. Also providing a decent education to the street orphans would greatly reduce the number of petty thefts," Pema explained. Tenzin looked at his wife in surprise. She had never mentioned before that she wanted a more active role with helping run Republic City or dealing with the Air Acolytes, but he was proud of her nonetheless. Still he was worried how she would balance her role as a mother with the new responsibilities. "Don't give me that look Tenzin. If I can handle three airbending children I'm sure I can handle being a working mother. Korra's inspired me to strive for a way to help enlighten more people and this is my way of contributing to the world."
"I think it's fantastic that you want to have a more active role in the Air Acolytes and helping out in Republic City. You're the perfect mother figure for the street children and your patient enough to help out with the people of Hope," Lin praised her.
"I wonder what the rest of Team Avatar's plans are. They've given no indication what they want to do now that the threat of the Equalists is over," Tenzin wondered.
"Why don't you ask them? They're returning for lunch. Korra; you'll find some extra fish for Naga and her pups in the storage shed along with some blankets to make their pen warmer," Tonraq called out to his daughter as she led Naga back inside the Compound while the boys carried the tired pups behind her. "Why don't you get the animals settled and then come inside for lunch? We're having your favorite; sea noodles."
"Alright Dad, We'll be there in a few minutes!" A few minutes later everyone was settled at the table eating a healthy meal. Kilchii was having trouble with the noodles that because they were making his stomach churned. He decided to eat some of the sea prune soup and found it more agreeable to his pallet, but he kept wishing he could eat a hamburger instead. "Thank you for the meal. It tastes quite interesting."
"Water Tribe food is an acquired taste for foreigners. I'm sure with time you'll find foods that won't make you so queasy. I'm sure you're just use to different food is all," Senna assured him.
"To be honest right now I'm craving a hamburger or maybe just a hotdog."
"Yeah those foods were so meaty and tasty!"
"I would have loved to sample some of your world's food Kilchii. I like to think myself as a connoisseur of food."
"More like you love to eat everything you can shovel into your mouth."
"Mako, be nice to your brother. He can't help it if he loves food so much."
Tenzin cleared his throat getting everyone's attention. "Thank you for giving me your full attention. As you know we'll be returning to Republic City tomorrow afternoon. I was wondering if you four had any plans for what you wanted to do once we return to the city. As you know the trials will take sometime, but afterwards you'll need to think about your future."
"We understand Tenzin. With my father under arrest it falls to me to take control of Future Industries. I need to reestablish our reputation while dealing with the fall out from the company's work for the Equalists. I've read a lot about different inventions and scientific discoveries in Korra's textbooks. I don't think we'll be able to reach that level of technology in my lifetime, but I do believe we can start working towards improving our technology so it doesn't pollute the environment. I'm also interested in pursing ways to involve non benders in jobs that were formally held by just benders," Asami explained. The young lady would miss her free time for testing new Satomobiles. Still she had obligation to keep Future Industries running if only for the employees.
"You'll do a great job Asami. You have a great business mind and a passion for helping others," Mako told her with a simper. "After everything that has happened I've decided that a career change is in order. Bolin, I'm sorry, but I don't want to just be a probender anymore. I love bending, but I want to do something more worthwhile. That's why I'm quitting my job at the power plant and entering the police academy. I'm going to become a cop and help deal with the increase in gang activity. I want to show people that most benders aren't going to abuse their powers to get ahead in life."
"Mako you can't just quit on me. Korra's already has to pull out of being part of the team and now you want to do the same? Where am I going to find two amazing benders to fill you're guys' shoes? This really tanks doesn't it Pabu?" Bolin whined, but his little fire ferret licked his nose assuring him that everything would be alright. Bolin patted him on the head and turned to face Korra and Kilchii. "Are you two planning to continue you're heroics? You know vigilantism is frowned upon even though Chief Bei Fong for a time was one."
"That time has passed. I fully intend to be reinstated in my former position. As much as I appreciate your heroic actions Mr. Harper if I catch you carrying out any vigilantly justice on my watch I will have to arrest you. This isn't your world were heroes are giving free reign."
"Even in my world heroes had to follow the law they weren't above it. I'm not planning any heroics right now; I still have to figure out my path in life. I think spending sometime with the Air Acolytes will help me find inner peace, but I'm not going to join them. I can't give up meat or stop fighting. I'm going to do my best to try to help people and improve the quality of life here. Maybe I'll tour the other nations eventually, but right now I just want to help Korra anyway I can. If that means continuing my activities as Red Arrow then so be it. The Spirits are watching over me and I won't disappoint them."
"Thank you being there for me Kilchii. I do need to return to Republic City for many reasons. One of them is to restore the bending of those Amon took away from. Next, I really want to work with the Council to help implement some of the things I learned in your world to United Republic of Nations and the city. If we can improve health care, education, employment opportunities ect, then maybe I can use the same methods in other nations. Another reason I need to return is to complete my airbending training. Master Red Tornado may have helped me unlock my airbending and taught me skills, but only Tenzin can help me master it. After that…."
"Korra, what's wrong? You're not telling us something. What's bothering you?"
"When my bending was restored and activated my Avatar Spirit I met with my past lives and the Guardian Spirits. They told me how proud they are of me, but they warned me that dangers are on the rise, that not all Spirits are happy with me. I can access the Avatar State, but I'm still lacking control and restraint. You saw what happened when the Spirits controlled my Avatar State in the battle against the Light remember? What would've happened if I had been in full control of my actions? Would I have I have shown the same restraint? You know I'm not the most spiritual person."
"You've opened yourself up to your spiritual side. You've relied so much on your physical prowess it will take time for you to understand your newfound spirituality," Senna told her daughter.
"Time that the world may not have if this Dark Spirit I learned about decides to attack. I need a Spiritual Master to help me control the Avatar Spirit and learn how to enter the Spirit Realm on my own. Do you know anyone that could help?" she questioned her parents and Master Katara.
Tonraq stroked his chin deep in thought. Finally he snapped his fingers. "I know the perfect person to help you Korra. You're Uncle Unalaq is very spiritual man. He and your twin cousins will be visiting the South Pole in six months for a festival. Perhaps by then you'll have mastered airbending and you can begin you're spiritual training."
"That would be wonderful! It would be nice to spend sometime with the rest of my family. I haven't seen my uncle or cousins in a long time. I would love to introduce them to you. I have no doubt that you would all get along well."
"I'm sure we will Korra. Any relations of yours can't be all bad. I think its time we start packing for our return to Republic City," Tenzin replied only to be interrupted by both Korra and Kilchii. There was one more thing they had to do before they left for home.
Meanwhile back in the Young Justice world both the League and Young Justice had gathered for an important meeting. It had been nearly two and half weeks since Korra's departure from their world. Thanks in large to Green Lantern John Stewart they had learned what happened during the missing sixteen hours. Now they had to decide what they were going to do next.
"According to the reports the Guardians received it seems that Savage used the Boom Tube technology to send us to a planet called Rimbran on the edge of Guardian Space. For sixteen hours the six of us terrorized and destroyed the world proclaiming ourselves as Earth's greatest criminals and that we were going to conquer the rest of the galaxy. We did a lot of damage and unfortunately we might have attracted the wrong attention while there. There were Kronatanions on the planet at the time. The entire race revolves around stealing tech from other planets and causing chaos and trouble wherever they go. For all we know they could be heading to our world now," Green Lantern John Stewart reported.
"What possible purpose could Savage have had in mind for doing this to us? How does harming innocents on distant planets or inviting an invasion help evolve the human race? In retrospect it does a lot more harm then good," Wonder Woman questioned.
"With Savage it's always about the long term plan. The immortal has lived so long that something that doesn't make sense to us now will benefit him later in time," Superman responded.
"The question is what are we going to do about this? We can't just sit here and not be held accountable for our actions. Even if we weren't in charge of our minds at the time we still should surrender ourselves to the Rimbran's justice system so we are able to clear our names. We still have some of the Starro tech as evidence along with video of the Light controlling us. Would the Guardians be willing to help us out by testifying to your character?" J'onn inquired. Green Lantern nodded and the Martian continued. "Then our course of action is clear. After we make preparations to cover our civilian identities absences we should travel to the distant planet and clear our names."
"That would leave the League understaffed, especially since I plan on going with my wife to support her during this trial. How do you expect the League to handle day to day matters while tracking down the Light?" Hawkman questioned.
"I'm sure our new members wouldn't mind helping out more often. Also we should be able to trust in the police force and the governments of the world to help keep order in their own countries. Also Young Justice could assist with some of the missions that require their particular skills," Hawkwoman told her husband.
"We're ready to help out in anyway we can including me. I've been doing great with my physical therapy and I've been mastering new weapons to help me fight. I'm more then ready to get out there and bring the Light to justice for what they have done," Roy aka Arsenal told the group. His recovery from being frozen was remarkable and he was more then ready to get some action.
"I don't know if that's a good idea Arsenal. You're still recovering and we haven't yet figured out what your cover story is for you limb. We're not even sure if you should technically be on the League's roster or keep you with Young Justice until you have more experience,' Green Arrow explained to his protégé.
"How is he supposed to get experience if we don't allow him a chance to prove himself? If we're worried about the public's reaction then we'll deal with that when it comes. For now, I think its best if Arsenal stays with Young Justice and develops his skills. In a few months or so we'll see about instating him in the League," Black Canary informed her boyfriend.
"We'd be happy to help ginger here develop his skills. It's going to be fun hanging out with you no question," Rocket chuckled.
"Yeah and we'll finally start making real memories with you that way you're not reliving Kilchii's memories as your own. This is going to be sweet!" Kid Flash remarked.
"Getting to know the real you would be nice. I hope your not as much as a prick as you twin was," Artemis added quietly.
"Enough gossiping team, I have a new assignment for you to complete during our absence," Batman informed the group.
"What do you need us to do Batman?" Robin asked quickly.
"It is apparent that Savage and the rest of the Light have vested interests in controlling certain countries and if their recent actions are any indication, they plan to eliminate most humanity that doesn't fit their standards of evolved humans. With the advance tech from Apocalypse and a network of villains working for them globally I have very little doubt they'll succeed in their goal."
"Something must be done to protect the majority of humanity from succumbing to the Light's plans of destruction for them. The League has been talking for some time about doing more humanitarian missions while also combating the most evils of humanity to undermine the Light's power. The visit from Avatar Korra has shown us that if we're to live in a balanced world we must work to bring about harmony and life to those in the most desolated situations," Red Tornado explained.
"I thought the League's charter with the UN prevented us from getting involved with the inner workings of any said government or taking action during armed conflicts with oppressing countries. It's our way of preventing biased actions towards one country so we're not seen as mercenary group to the highest bidder. As well as keeping our powers in check," Dr. Fate reminded them.
"It's true that the League can't show favoritism towards one country or get involved in the conflicts in Africa, the Middle East or other parts of the globe, but we can still provide aid and assistance to the citizens of the conflicts. Humanitarian aid would include helping rebuild infrastructure, provide food and clean water to people in poverty, donating educational supplies, medicines, and basic needs for living. It is our intentions to help improve the relations and livelihoods of the citizens in these countries. In turn they'll become allies and we'll be able to protect them better from the Light," Aquaman stated.
"The PR from such missions will certainly help our image out, but how does that concern the team? Will they be assisting us with these humanitarian missions?" Captain Marvel asked.
"They'll be doing a majority of the work, but as they are our covert team. I trust them to do recon for helping us put an end to some of the more serious crimes that we've been neglecting for a time."
"You speak of things such as smuggling, poaching and environmental destruction? Perhaps even help put an end to slavery and trafficking. It would be nice to prove to the Light that what they believe about a majority of humanity is not evil," Icon added.
"Do you think we can really handle such serious missions? They're a lot different then the ones we performed before? What if we mess up?" Miss Martian asked nervously.
"We'll be okay. This is what we've been training for. It would be nice to have a more serious impact on the world," Superboy told her.
"You know I wonder what thoroughfare our lives would have taken if the spiritual intervention had never occurred? How long do you think it would have taken us to find out the truth about the sixteen hours? To find Roy here and what would have become of us and the team?" Zantana pondered out loud.
"We should consider ourselves lucky that we never have to find out. I hate to think that say in five years half of us weren't in heroics or evil," Artemis commented.
"Oh I can imagine much worse. Most of us would probably be in broken relationships. It would also be disastrous if we had too many new members on the team without any kind of back story, and to many drama/sub plots with us unrecognizable!" Robin joked earning some glares.
"I like where we are right now, but I still can't help, but wonder about Korra and Red Arrows fate," Aqualad said.
"Perhaps we will never know what happened to the two of them. I also wish we knew that fate about my student and if she managed to restore balance to her world," Red Tornado replied. The moment he finished speaking a pressure built up as the machines started crackling. Everyone was startled and got into attack formation as glowing gold portal started to form. Two figures emerged from the portal and right before the heroes could attack, Dr. Fate recognized who their visitor was and cast a calming spell.
"Well, I didn't expect to be attacked by the welcoming committee however I tend to forget how easily it is to unsettle mortals. Its good to see you all once more," Ferrum told the group. By his side was a Knowledge Seeker with a large package in its mouth. "You can stand down now; I didn't come to harm you."
"Then why are you here? I thought you said that it would be nearly impossible for our two worlds to reconnect with one another," Flash pointed out.
"Nearly, but not completely impossible sir. The Guardian Spirits and I thought that you should be allowed to know the results of your actions. You may have been the catalyst of change for Avatar Korra, but she was also yours to helping you avoid a dark future. I have brought, (what is it called), oh yes a care package from Korra. It was her way of thanking you all and letting you know what happened," Ferrum informed them. The Knowledge Seeker deposited the box at the paws of Wolf and Nanook who was yipping excitedly. He could smell his mother's scent on the box and it made him very happy. Wolf barked a thank you to the fox, which bowed its head and returned to the Spirit's side.
"Thank you for the gift, its most appreciated. We were only too happy to help," Superman told the Spirit.
"You're welcome young heroes. The red thread of fate has linked our two worlds and I hope that if there is ever a time when our world would require help that you'd be there to assist. Let us pray that never happens though. I hope you enjoy your package. I bid you adieu." With a flash of light he and the fox were gone.
With great enthusiasm Nanook tore apart the wrapping before his father wrestled him away from the box. Miss Martian levitated it to the table and everyone sat down curious to see what was in there. The box contained containers of food from the Water Tribe as well as bolts of cloth from the different nations. There was a photo album with a letter attached to it and three smaller letters addressed to Green Arrow, Black Canary and Roy Harper. They each took their letter while Rocket snagged the album and Artemis read that letter out loud.
"Dear everyone, I can't express how much I miss you all and the world that you showed me. Even with my souvenirs and gifts it's hard to remember your world so clearly. I wanted to let you know about my final showdown with Amon and the Equalists and what happened afterwards."
"Upon my return the Equalists launched an all out attack on Republic City. They abducted most of the Council, but my friends and I managed to save them. It was a race against time to get back to Air Temple Island to protect Tenzin's family from harm. It wasn't until after we arrived that we learned the Equalists tried to kill Pema while she was in labor. If it wasn't for Kilchii's swift actions and help delivering Rohan, I fear we may have lost them both. Thankfully we managed to escape and find refuge in the underground city of Hope while we planned a counter to the enforced marshal law."
"The next few days were hard as we attempted to weaken the Equalists and keep benders safe. It got pretty dicey when Hiroshi Sato unveiled his new biplanes that took out General Iroh entire United Fleet! I was never more thankful for Kilchii's quick thinking to plant a tracer on the biplanes so we could track them back to their airstrip. While Bolin, Asami and the animals with General Iroh's help went to destroy the airfield Mako, Red Arrow and I returned to the island to get my inhibitor collar to stop Amon. It was shock when we found Tarlok there and he revealed a secret to us. It turns out Amon was his brother Noatak and he was bloodbender using his abilities strip bending from people! We recorded the conversation and hoped it would help us."
"The final showdown occurred in the probending arena. Even with all our evidence Amon remained in control. He'd captured Tenzin's family intent on hurting them, but thanks to our heroics they escaped. It was the scariest fight in my life as he bloodbent me and then took my bending from me. The Spirits had made Red Arrow immune to his ability so with his help we managed to reveal his secret in full view of his followers. Then in final duel I used all the skills I learned from you to stop him and collar him. Upon returning to the South Pole Master Katara wasn't able to restore my bending. It was with the help of the energy bending still inside Kilchii and the help of my friends that I regained what I lost and now can enter the Avatar State!"
"Thank you all for showing me the path to becoming an Avatar. I hope this care package reaches you without falling apart. Inside I have prepared a traditional Water Tribe victory meal and some bootee for you to share. The album contains pictures of my home, my friends, and of my world that I wanted you to have. I have a strong feeling that we'll meet again someday so until then enjoy these gifts and know that you're in my thoughts always. Love Korra."
The team smiled at this and started passing out the food for everyone to eat. The cloth was divided up and everyone took turns looking at the photo album. There were photos of Republic City including: Aang's Statue, the Probending Arena and City Hall. They laughed at the pictures of Air Temple Island with all the lemurs and sky bison. There were pictures of Korra and Kilchii penguin sliding and playing in the snow at the Compound. Everyone oohed and awed at the family portraits. The last photo was of Korra in her blue sweater and jeans holding hands with Kilchii in his civilian clothes. They looked very happy.
Later when they were by themselves the Arrow clan had a chance to read their individual letters from Red Arrow in peace. They were very short, but filled with love.
"Dear Ollie, I guess it true what they say, that you never know what you had until you lose it. You took care of me and treated me like a son even after the truth came out. I can't express how much I appreciate that. You were a great role model; one I hope to emulate for Rohan. The little guy likes me a lot. I haven't found my path yet, but I know that it's out there. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go. I will always care for you. Take care of yourself playboy. Love your son Kilchii."
"Dear Dinah, I'm doing fine and remember to take care of my body. It turns out I can still be a hero, but I'm also learning ways I can contribute as just myself. Korra's parents have approved of me just so you know. My dreams for the future are to be a good friend and faithful boyfriend while helping out anyway I can. Thank you for believing in me. I love you for all the mothering you gave me. Wish me luck, Kilchii."
"Dear Roy, you don't know how good it is to write your name and not feel guilty anymore about taking over you life unknowingly. I hope your fitting in with my friends and finding your own way in life. I have no doubt you'll succeed no matter what you do. You're my brother and I think I will miss you the most because I'll never get to know the real you. I pray that I have your strength to go on when it gets tough. I hope for nothing less then the best for you in life. Take care twin and shine for both of us. Sincerely brother, your twin, Kilchii."
The Arrow Clan cried a little bit, but overall they were happy for Kilchii. He had such a hard life and suffered unnecessary anguish. At least now he was free of his past and could move on with his life. At least he had found someone to share his life with. It was important to find someone who would be by your side no matter what the circumstances.
Far away in the Spirit World the five Guardian Spirits had assembled over a viewing portal to discuss the future. Below they watched the Avatar and her friends return the Republic City with determination to make Aang's dream of equality and unity come true. It would take many years and hard work, but for the first time in a long while Ferrum felt that his nation would finally find peace.
"It seems that are young Avatar has found her inner drive. Her path to bringing balance to this progressive world may be difficult, but with her friends by her side I'm sure that she can help accomplish what her last life dreamed of."
"Agreed, our decision to intervene has helped open the Avatar's mind. She has always struggled to find her own path letting others dictate her actions. That is what initially created her weaknesses and her inability to change. I feared her growth would be permanently stunted. Who knew that it would take teens from another world to help inspire her to become a better person all over?" Agni said to the whole group.
"It pleases me to know as well that our intervention helped bring peace to her lover. It was wrong for those who think of themselves above humanity to create a life with such callous disregard for his feelings and desires. I'm glad that we bestowed our protection on this mortal for a time. He can be our messenger and help remind the people that we are connected to all beings as one unified force," Amaterasu informed the group with a smile on her features.
Hei Bai roared and pawed. His body language indicated that he was happy, but also concerned for the future of the two worlds. They knew that not all spirits were pleased with the Avatar or the world of mortals. At the same time you didn't need a viewing portal to know that the enemies from the world of heroes wouldn't rest until they had accomplished their malevolence aspiration. There was only so much a mortal or a Spirit could do to keep the balance.
"It will be alright Hei Bai. I know it seems bad now, but I truly believe that whatever it is meant to be will work out perfectly. Dark times are ahead, but if we have faith I know that destiny will not let us down. One day we might have to intervene again, allow the passage between the worlds to be opened. If or when that day comes we'll be ready," Yue assured her friend. The entire Guardian Spirits nodded in agreement and silently sat back to watch over their nations. No one not even them knew what the future held, but hopefully it would be a bright one.
Thank you everyone for reviewing and following my first official crossover. Many of you have asked for a sequel and there will be one, but not right away. I first have to see the second season of Korra to help me establish a plot. There will be some elements from Young Justice Invasion in the sequel, but not many for two reasons. One, things have changed because of Korra being there and two; I don't like everything that has occurred in Invasion. There are things I like and things I really hate, but I will try to incorporate what I do like in the sequel. Until then, feel free to read and review my other stories. Hope to have see you all again, love Kaliann.
P.P.S. If you like my fanfics, then read my original novel Battle for the Stars! Click on my profile to find out how to order it today!