*Here's something that just popped into my head and wouldn't leave…I saw a couple of these posted and thought I'd give it a try for myself, just for fun. I'm already working on another Doctor Who story at the moment and am very dedicated to it so if this one bombs…it's no big deal. Soooo…..let's see what you guys think…..

**If you want to know how to pronounce the OC's name…go to Google translator, type it in under Turkish and click the little speaker icon to hear it! There's also a link on my profile to a picture of her swimsuit.

I'm Glad You Came

(I don't know if I can do this…)

*** The sun goes down

The stars come out

And all I count is here and now

My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came

I'm glad you came….***

Today started off as such a normal day. But, really though….isn't that how it goes. All I wanted to do was go for a nice swim. About late morning, early afternoon, I packed up some supplies and drove out to my favorite spot—a somewhat secluded place on a little strip of beach that surrounds Lake Silencio.

Once I got there, I parked in my usual spot and walked down to set up my 'chill space'. I spread out my blanket next to the cooler I packed with a few snacks and a bottle of my favorite wine along with a stack of books for when I was done with my swim. I always liked to have my own privet picnic whenever I ventured out here. I know that coming here as much as I did made me a big time nerd, but I just couldn't help myself. Sure, I originally chose the spot because I had it on good authority that it was where they filmed a major scene of the first episode of season 6 of Doctor Who….but, eventually, I kept coming back because it really was a fantastic spot to camp out and swim. A truly beautiful place.

After setting up, I dis-robed, exposing the new bikini I'd bought so I could apply my sun screen (I actually care about my skin and avoid tanning when I can). It was a little dark blue number made up of crisscrossed fabric and spaghetti straps. I bought it because it complimented my Ice-blue eyes and fair skin-tone. I almost decided to put my dirty-blond hair up into a ponytail or something, but instead, I ended up just leaving it down where it fell to my mid back.

I love swimming. The feel of the water against my skin as I glide through it—It's as close as anyone can get to flying without the help of an air-craft or harness of some sort. It's like being weightless—soaring over rocks and vegetation, surrounded by fish instead of birds. I'll even admit that I used to pretend that I was a mermaid when I was little...but, hey…what little girl didn't? Everything about it is just so relaxing…so peaceful…so calm…

But then my life was turned up-side-down.

There I was, just floating on the surface, staring up at the beautiful expanse of blue, cloudless sky, minding my own business when I hear the faint sound of voices approaching my spot. Curious about who was butting into my sanctuary and just a little worried about the possibility of my things being stolen, I glanced up at the shore to see four people setting up blankets and things right next to the space that I clearly designated as mine. Normally, this really wouldn't be such a big deal, but then I saw one of the guys in the group reach over to my bag and pull out my mini radio.

"HEY!" I shouted angrily.

What the hell, right? You don't just go and grab things that don't belong to you…that, my friends, is called stealing.

I quickly swam back to shore, fully intending to give the jerk a piece of my mind, but when I made it back to the blankets, my heart stopped and I had to fight the urge to faint. There, sitting in front of me was Amy and Rory Pond, River Song, and the eleventh Doctor.

"There you are! Never could resist a chance to swim could you?" The Doctor greeted me cheerfully, like he'd been expecting me to be there.

This statement caused River to laugh and shake her head.

"Oh, Aislinn, you never change do you?" She joked teasingly. "Come and sit with us, sweetie."

For a moment, all I could do was stare. I must have looked like a fish out of water to them. Soaking wet, eyes wide, and my mouth kept opening and closing as if I'd forgotten how to speak.

"Wait. Who's this then?" Amy asked with a look of confusion that was also lased with a bit of annoyance considering her husband was staring at me with his mouth slightly open.

Feeling a bit self-conscious, I quickly wrapped myself up in a towel.

"Yes, Sorry! Ponds, this here is Miss Aislinn Davis. She's a very close friend of mine." He introduced, making me blush.

"Hey! She's my friend too you know." River protested.

This couldn't be happening. There's just no possible way. I was starting to feel sick.

"Uummm, Right….Doctor, River…could I have a quick word with you both….over here, please?" I asked, nearly stuttering.

The two of them gladly got up so we could speak a small ways away without the risk of the Ponds overhearing.

"I take it by your reaction a second ago, that this is the day that you meet us in person for the first time." The Doctor guessed. "Interesting…" He murmured to himself.

"Uh, that would be a big, fat YES." I confirmed. "I take it that you both know who I really am then?"

"Yes." They answered simultaneously with matching grins.

"I don't understand…how the hell is this possible? I mean—what—did I jump dimensions or something or am I on some hidden camera show and you guys are going to start laughing at me any minute now? Because last time I checked, I went for a swim in a world where you four were still fictional characters!"

"Yeah, about that…..we still haven't figured out that bit yet." The Doctor admitted apologetically. "Not that we've given up, mind you!" He added hastily at the look I'd given him.

"Oh, my God…this is…oh, my God." I started to babble to myself. "I thought this stuff only happened in fanfictions and what-not."

They both laughed sympathetically at me.

"Sorry, sweetie, but this is really happening." River confirmed soothingly.

I let out a heavy sigh to calm myself down—the last thing I needed was to hyperventilate.

"Right, then, Doctor…..what now—how do I proceed from here? Because there's a lot of time between…" She trailed off at the warning look he gave her considering River was still standing there as well. "…I mean do I just follow you guys around now or what?" I asked, trying to make sense of everything.

"Basically…yes." He answered simply. "Just do what comes natural. Now, let's get back to the ponds then shall we. "

He made as if he were about to grab my hand, but then changed his mind at the last second with a sort of strange look on his face that made River chuckle teasingly.

"I've always loved that suit by the way." He complimented me sheepishly before he turned to head back to the blankets without even giving me the chance to say thank you.

*****5 Minutes Later*****

"Soooo, Aislinn, how do you know River and the Doctor?" Amy asked out of curiosity as she took a sip of her wine.

I took a moment as I was towel-drying my hair to think about how I was supposed to answer. I had already put the rest of my clothes back on…a short white flowy-skirt, white lacey tank-top and a short-bodied/long-sleeved denim jacket.

"Well, Amy…that is a very long and complicated answer….how about we just enjoy the moment and I'll explain it to you another time." I offered, cryptically.

"Right, so when are we going to 1969?" Rory asked the Doctor as a way to change the subject.

"And sense when do you drink wine?" Amy added.

"I'm 1103—I must have drunk it sometime." He huffed and took a sip anyways only to immediately spew it back out in distaste. "Uhg! Wine is horrid." He complained in a weird voice.

"Yeah, you might have enjoyed it in your past regenerations—like at that party you went to in France that was simultaneously connected to a broken spaceship from the future—but not so much in this one…" I turned with a big smile on my face to the others. "Seriously….he was singing "I could have danced all night" from 'My Fair Lady' and ended up with his tie wrapped around his head and he thought that he might have accidentally created the banana daiquiri a few centuries to soon." I paused to laugh along with the others and he poked me in the side as if to reprimand me.

"Hush you!" He scolded me which only made us laugh more.

"I do agree though…I'm not a big fan of red wine either." I admitted, and then reached into the cooler I'd brought with me to pull out my own bottle of wine. "Here, try this…you might like it better. Sparkling Moscato—it's sweet."

He took a swig strait from the bottle and smiled.

"Ah, see, now that's much better!" He chirped happily.

"I know, right?" I agreed cheerfully as I held out a glass for him to fill for me.

"1103?" Amy asked in confusion. "You were 908 last time we saw you."

"And you've put on a couple of pounds, but I wasn't going to mention it." He countered jokingly and we all chuckled at the comment.

"Wow! Rude much?" I asked him in mock shock which made everyone laugh even more.

Just then, Amy looked up to the top of the rocky hills with a strange expression on her face. She must have seen one of the Silence.

"Who's that?" She asked everyone.

"Who?" Rory asked her.

She looked away and her face cleared..…she'd forgotten.

"What?" She asked Rory.

"You just said you saw someone." He explained in confusion.

"No I didn't." She brushed off.

The Doctor and I exchanged a look with each other. We both knew what was about to commence for both River and the Ponds….and apparently myself as well now. We were all in for a bumpy ride.

"Ha! The moon—look at it." The Doctor pointed out. "Of course you lot did a lot more than look at it didn't you. A big silvery thing in the sky and you couldn't resist it."

"Dam straight!" I agreed with a smirk.

The Doctor looked at me with an appreciative smile and nearly tried to grab my hand again, but caught himself just before he did which was starting to get strange.

"The moon landing was in 1969. Is that where we're going?" Rory asked in sudden realization.

"Oh, a lot more happened in '69 than anyone remembers." I sighed, unintentionally steeling the Doctor's line.

"Humans, I thought I'd never get done saving you." He added in a sort of tired nostalgia.

"Honestly Doctor, what would you do with yourself if that day ever came?" I teased.

He looked at me with an expression that resembled something similar to longing.

"Oh, I'd think of something." He countered only half-jokingly.

And then it was time.

A big silver truck pulled up next to my car at the top of the hill and an old man stepped down from it. Rory spotted him first.

"Who's that?" He asked.

The Doctor slowly stood up and waived to him. He looked scared, like he was going to be sick and only I knew why. Well, River did too, but he didn't know that. I quickly stood up as well and took his hand to give it a comforting squeeze.

"It's going to be okay." I whispered to him in assurance just as River spotted the astronaut emerging from the lake.

"Oh, my God." She gasped in shock, catching Rory and Amy's attention.

The Doctor was still staring at me with a look of anxious indecision before he seemed to make up his mind and kissed me soundly on the lips catching everyone, especially myself, off guard. Not that I minded really…I mean I've dreamt about him kissing me just like any other fan-girl has, but…..what about River…

He stepped back and stared at me, trying to communicate something silently, but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. He then spoke to the others in warning. I chanced a glance at River, thinking she'd be upset, but she was smiling….actually smiling...a friendly frikin smile. What the hell?

"You all need to stay back. Whatever happens next, you do not interfere.

He then walked down to the shore-line to meet the person in the space suit while the rest of us watched.

"What's going on? That's an Apollo Astronaut in the lake." Rory question in worried, confusion.

My hands started to shake a bit and I leaned over to whisper to River.

"I don't know if I can do this." I admitted nervously. "I know everything that's about to happen, but that doesn't make it any easier."

"But you have to...we both do…no matter how badly we want to change things, we can't." She sighed sadly.

I reached over to hold her hand.

"Be ready to help Rory hold Amy back." I warned her to which she responded with a nod in understanding.

"What's he doing?" Amy asked.

And then it happened...the flash of green light.


I clenched my eyes shut tightly and put my hands over my ears to block out the sound of the remaining shots as I tried not to cry. I remember doing so when I first saw this episode. I screamed just like Amy was doing now and nearly bawled like a baby.


The others were desperately trying to hold Amy back as she fought viciously against them trying to get to her friend. I couldn't help it as a few tears escaped my eyes. I didn't want to watch, but at the last second, I opened my eyes just in time to see him slightly glowing and mouthing the words 'I'm sorry' in our direction…just before….


And it was all over. It happened so quickly, but it felt like slow motion. The Doctor was down—unmoving—'dead '.

The others were all down by the water, crying over his body, but I couldn't bring myself to move just yet. They were closer to him than I was at the moment, seeing as I hadn't actually traveled with them yet, so I didn't want to intrude. They deserved to have their moment with him. I faintly felt a presence standing next to me and looked over to see that it was Canton with his little canister of gasoline.

"Hello, Canton." I greeted him solemnly.

He offered me a soft, condoling smile and nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Aislinn. It's nice to see you again…though I'm sorry about the circumstance." He greeted me back apologetically, and then gestured to the others. "Shall we?"

"Yes…I suppose we have to, don't we."

The two of us walked down to the shore-line to stand just behind the others. Pore Amy…I really wished that I could tell her what was going on so she wouldn't cry anymore, but I knew I couldn't. I had to restrain myself and ended up having to bite my own tongue.

"River, he can't be dead. It's not possible." Amy gasped out through her tears.

"Whatever that thing was, it killed him in the middle of his regeneration cycle." River tried to explain through her strained and shaky voice. "His body was already dead…..he didn't make it to the next one."

"Maybe he's a clone or a duplicate or something…" Amy tried.

"I believe I can save you some time…" Canton spoke up from behind them as he took off his hat in respect. "…That most certainly is the Doctor…and he most certainly is dead." He confirmed sadly. "He said you'd need this." He added, setting down the jug.

Rory looked at it in confusion.

"Gasoline?" He asked.

"Yes." I spoke up in confirmation to Rory's question, and then turned to Canton to pat him gratefully on the shoulder. "Thank you."

Rory then turned his confused look to me, but I let River give the explanation.

"A Time Lord's body is a miracle…even a dead one." She sniffled slightly, but continued in stubborn determination. "There are whole empires out there who would rip this world apart for just one cell. We can't leave him here…or anywhere."

"Wake up!" Amy begged him angrily, still crying. "Come on, you stupid body…wake up." She demanded.

She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest in despair.

"What do we do Rory?" She sniffled, pitifully.

I couldn't help but steel this one…sorry River.

"We're his friends and we'll do what the Doctor's friends always do…" I directed as I picked up the gas can. "….as we're told."

"There's a boat." Rory pointed out. "If we're going to do this—let's do it properly."

Rory then picked up the Doctor's limp form and carried him down to the awaiting water craft and laid him gently down into it. Just before I poured on the gasoline, I leaned down to his ear and whispered so the others couldn't hear and placed a light kiss on his cheek.

"I'll see you soon."

And with that, the fuel was dispersed and Rory pushed the boat out a ways before he set it alight and let it go. The Doctor's body was up in flames.

Slowly, I started to sing a song that popped into my head. It was a song that was usually a bit more up-beat, but considering the occasion, I dragged it out hauntingly and sad.

"It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye

You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye."

River gripped my hand comfortingly as we watched him burn. My voice had become a bit shaky on the last few notes.

"He always did love to hear you sing." She commented with a sad sigh.

She then turned to Canton.

"Who are you?" She asked him. "Why did you come?"

The others turned to him as well. They were wondering the same thing….all except for me.

"Same reason as you." He answered, pulling out his TARDIS blue envelope that was labeled with the number four.

River pulled out her own envelope to compare them and saw that hers was labeled with the number two. I could practically see the cogs turning in her head, starting to work it out.

"River..." Canton nodded in farewell, and then turned to the others to do the same. "Amy…Rory." And finally he acknowledged me as well. "Aislinn…..I amCanton Everett Delaware III." He introduced before continuing cryptically, "I won't be seeing you again—but you'll be seeing me."

He gave us all one last smile before he turned around and walked back up to his truck.

"Four!" River suddenly realized.

"Sorry, what?" Rory questioned, not understanding what she was getting at.

"The Doctor numbered the envelopes." She clarified.

We all then quickly gathered our things into my car so I could drive us back to the diner they stopped by earlier in the day. It was a very quiet ride, as everyone was lost in their own thoughts. I myself was very nervous that the Doctor was about to meet me for the first time, which in retrospect was actually very silly of me considering that his future self, seemed to really like me. But still…I guess it's only natural for me to want things to go smoothly, right?

When we finally got to the retro looking diner, River decided to start up the conversation again.

"You two got three, I got two, and Mr. Delaware was four." She started to go over again.

"So?" Rory questioned, trying to understand.

"So where's one?" River prompted.

"Is it not you?" He asked me.

River glanced at me expectantly. I smiled at the two of them thoughtfully. They had no idea what a compliment that would be if it were true.

"No, sorry. I didn't even get one. He must have known that I'd coincidentally, already be there." I explained, while taking a quick glance over at the table where the envelope labeled as number one lay next to the partially consumed bottle of Coca-Cola that the others hadn't noticed yet.

"So do you think he invited someone else then?" Rory asked.

"Well, he must have." River insisted. "He planned all of this to the last detail."

"Would you three just shut up…it doesn't matter." Amy demanded softly, still out of it from her grief.

"He's up to something—" River continued, not having heard her.

"He's dead." Amy whispered, sounding lost.

"—Space, 1969—what did he mean?"

"You're still talking, but it doesn't matter." Amy pointed out.

"Hey, it mattered to him." Rory countered as he approached her.

"So it matters to us." River confirmed in agreement.

I stepped back from everyone, not wanting to be in the way. I really doubted that I was someone that Amy would listen to at the moment seeing as she didn't actually know me yet.

"He's dead." Amy whispered again in frustrated pain.

"But he still needs us." River pointed out as she approached her as well with a sigh. "I know….Amy, I know. But right now we have to focus."

I knew what was about to happen and so in my own way, I tried to prepare them as best as I could.

"Guys…" I called out to get their attention. "I'm sorry….I'm so, so sorry—but, what's about to happen next is really going to hurt and I mean really hurt. You're going to be so confused and lost…..but you're going to have to be strong, okay." I warned them.

River gave me a questioning look that clearly showed that she knew that I knew something.

"Aislinn…is this one of the moments you've 'seen'? Do you know what's going on?" She asked me.

I gave her an apologetic smile and nodded slightly.

"Spoilers." I answered using her catch-phrase.

I knew she'd know what I meant and understood that I couldn't go into detail even if I wanted too. She knew just as well as I that messing with events was dangerous.

"Oh, great." Rory groaned. "Does that mean you're like River? You know things like she does?"

"Oh, Rory…" I smirked with a sigh. "I know more about the Doctor and his companions than River could ever hope to dream of."

That's when Rory caught sight of the envelope on the back table and gestured for the rest of us.

"Look." He ordered.

As River ran over to get a closer look, Rory double checked with the guy behind the counter.

"Who was sitting over there?" He asked.

"I don't know, just some guy." The man replied flippantly.

"The Doctor knew he was going to his death, so he sent out messages." River started to work out quickly. "When you know it's the end, who do you call?"

"Uh, your friends—people you trust." Rory answered.

River held up the number one envelope pointedly.

"Who did the Doctor trust most?" She asked.

"I'm sorry…but it's time." I sighed as I looked up towards the men's bathroom, biting my bottom lip in anticipation.

The others followed my line of sight right on queue to see the door open and a man that they weren't expecting strolled out.

The Doctor, fiddling with his watch and chewing on a straw was completely oblivious at first. He looked up at them and smiled as if he was happy to see them, but he wasn't expecting them. He only looked straight through me, though, as if I wasn't even there. Now I knew how River felt during 'Silence In The Library'.

They all stared at him in shock for a moment as if they were seeing a ghost, before River finally spoke up.

"This is cold." She accused him. "Even by your standards, this is cold."

"Or 'hello', as people use to say." He greeted jokingly.

"Doctor?" Amy asked in disbelief.

"Just popped out to get my special straw." He explained nonchalantly, not realizing that anything was wrong.

"It adds more fizz." I told them before he could finish, with a big grin on my face.

"Exactly." He confirmed in confusion. "And who might you be?" He asked with one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Oh, Doctor…" I grinned cheekily and shook his hand. "That is a very complicated answer that's best left for another day, but for now…..I'll just introduce myself as Aislinn Davis."

The Doctor's eyes went wide at the mention of my name.

"Wait—I thought that you and the Doctor were good friends?" Rory asked in confusion.

"Not yet." I corrected him.

The Doctor's eyes were still wide.

"Something amiss, there, Doctor?" I asked him curiously.

"It's you…you're her….she's you…" He stammered.

"What?" I asked, completely confused, yet amused at the same time.

He pulled me slightly to the side so he could speak without being heard by the others.

"You're Aislinn Davis" He whispered to me in shock. "You're the woman that River told me about at the Library—the one who knows things…" He prompted.

"Well, I am Aislinn, so that's most likely true." I confirmed hesitantly.

I really hopped that River didn't say anything negative about me. A lot could happen between now and then that could change her mind about us being friends.

"I'm sorry Doctor. I know this must be very confusing for you, but you need to focus on the others now." I directed him soothingly.

And luckily for me, he did. I honestly don't think I could answer his questions just yet. In fact.…though I feel bad about it, I think I'm going to have to take a page from River's book and just stay cryptic for a while until the moment is right. He needed to focus on the events that were about to take place. They all did.

Amy approached him hesitantly and placed her hand out to touch him as she walked around him in a circle.

"You're okay." Amy pointed out in both shock and relief. "How are you okay?" She added accusingly.

The Doctor wrapped her in a confused yet comforting hug.

"Of course I'm okay. I'm always okay." He assured her in concern. "I'm the King of Okay." He claimed only to scrunch up his face in distaste. "Oh, that's a rubbish title—forget that title." He joked, and then turned to Rory cheerfully and gave him a hug as well. "Rory the Roman! That's a good title—hello Rory!"

"True." I agreed, standing off to the side. "As far as titles go, 'Rory the Roman' is pretty kick-ass."

Rory could only look at me in question and hug the Doctor back in awkward silence.

The Doctor then finally walked up to greet River. I couldn't help but wince before it happened which I think Rory might have caught a glimpse of, though he didn't show it. This next bit was hilarious to watch on the show, but now that I was about to witness it in person…I felt kind of bad for him.

Sorry Doctor, but you do kind of deserve it.

"River! Oh, you bad, bad girl—what trouble have you got for me this time?" He asked playfully.

Without skipping a beat, she promptly smacked him, hard across the face with a pissed off look on her own. He didn't even see it coming.

"okay!" He gasped in shock. "I'm assuming that's for something I haven't done yet?"

"Yes it is." She confirmed in a strained voice.

He looked a bit confused and worried, but decided to store that knowledge away for later.

"Good, looking forward to it."

"I bet you are." I teased him playfully with an impish smirk that he hesitantly returned.

"Wait—I'm confused." Rory announced and poked the Doctor in the chest as if he were expecting to hit nothing but air. "How can you be here?"

"I was invited." The Doctor informed him sarcastically. "Date, map reference—same as you lot I assume, otherwise, this is one hell of a coincidence.

"Um, I was a coincidence, actually." I pointed out flippantly.

The Doctor gave me a curious look. I could tell he was dying to ask me questions.

"River?" Amy asked tentatively. "What's going on?"

"Amy, ask him what age he is." River directed her.

"That's a bit personal." The Doctor huffed in mock indignation.

"Tell her." I prompted him. "Tell her how old you are."

"909." He admitted.

"Yeah, but you said—" Amy started but was cut off by River.

"And where does that leave us?" River asked him franticly. "Jim the Fish—have we done Jim the Fish yet?"

"Who's Jim the Fish?" He asked, almost chuckling at how funny the name sounded.

"I don't understand." Amy claimed, starting to get just a little scared.

"Yeah, you do." I countered soothingly. (sorry Rory)

"I don't!" The Doctor snapped in annoyed confusion. "What are we all doing here?"

River and I exchanged a look and I gave her a nod, telling her that I knew how she was going to proceed and that it was the right way to go.

"We've been recruited." She started slowly, but then picked up with more confidence. "Something to do with space—1969—and a man named Canton Everett Delaware III." She paused to see if the information rang any bells.

"Recruited by who?" He asked with his back to us as he chewed absentmindedly on his fizzy straw.

"Somebody who trusts you more than anyone else in the universe." River answered vaguely.

"And who's that?" He pressed.

River and I gave each other matching smirks and replied simultaneously with a taunting sigh.


******Right, cool, so there you go! That was the first chapter….Let me know what you think so I know If I should bother continuing it or not. I already have the next chapter ready to go, but I won't post it unless someone reviews…