Seventeen: My Pleasure
Hey guys. Sorry it took so long. Right now I am two exams into the HSC. I have five to go, I finish on the 5th of November and then my grad formal is on the ninth (which means I won't be able to watch the fifth episode of Glee :( since I've been watching it on a website cos I'm in Australia and I simply can't wait for it to on Australian TV though it does start next Wednesday so... keep my updated on our boys please). I couldn't seem to get very much writing out until I watched The Break Up and then my heart just exploded with feels so I've been writing A LOT. Even started filling some prompts on the GKM to see how much weird stuff I can write without freaking myself out and it turning into something totally unbelievable and crappy. Anywho this is only a short filler chapter, setting up for some serious stuff in the next couple of chapters. Brandon is back with a vengeance. Thank you all so much for sticking with me, I'll try and not take so long to update again though I can't promise anything until after the exams so, happy reading. I love you all :)
Enjoy xx
"You know..."
Kurt lifted himself up slightly, looking at his and Blaine's hands clasped over Blaine's chest. He flipped their hands over and lifted them up so he could kiss the back of Blaine's hand, lips brushing over his knuckles. Blaine shut his eyes in contentment, humming and tightening his other arm around Kurt's waist to pull him closer.
"I like this part best," Kurt finished, looking shyly at Blaine who opened his eyes and gave him a funny look.
"Not the sex?" he questioned.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, I like that too. It's just when we're lying together afterwards I can just feel how much you love me and in those moments I really believe, with all my heart, that you're it for me. The One." Kurt blushed and looked at their hands again, worried about Blaine's reaction.
"I know what you mean," Blaine whispered. Kurt looked at him to see his hazel eyes alight with love and hope. "I can feel the same thing." Blaine's fingers trailed up and down Kurt's side, leaving a fiery trail in their wake. "I love you."
"And I love you." Kurt leant down to kiss Blaine and caught sight of the time on his alarm clock, groaning.
"What?" Blaine asked, tilting his head adorably.
"Your fencing practise," Kurt explained. "You should go and shower now or you'll be late."
Blaine looked at the time and his brow furrowed unhappily. He looked at Kurt with an adorable pout. "Why don't you come with me?"
"The point is for you not to be late unless you want to go and have everyone on the team, and your coach, ask why your hair is curly and sweaty instead of gelled to perfection."
Blaine got out of bed and Kurt leant on his elbow, watching shamelessly as Blaine wandered around locating his phys ed uniform. He turned and caught Kurt staring, a smirk growing his face.
"See something you like?" he asked cheekily.
"Just a couple of things," Kurt replied. He stretched and yawned as Blaine winked at him and disappeared into the bathroom. He emerged fifteen minutes later and walked over to give Kurt a kiss before leaving for practise. Kurt hummed against his mouth and smiled up at him, wrapping his arms around Blaine's shoulders and pulling him back down for another one.
"Kurt," Blaine laughed. "Jeez you're clingy."
"I just want kisses," Kurt replied, smiling against Blaine's lips.
"You're the one who told me not to be late." Blaine swung a leg over him however, brushing his lips up and down Kurt's throat. Kurt tilted his head back to give Blaine better access, tightening his hold around his boyfriend. "I. Really. Need. To. Go." Blaine continued to kiss Kurt as he spoke making the pale boy giggle.
"You don't seem like you really want to," Kurt teased breathlessly.
Blaine sighed and pulled away, jumping off the bed. Kurt rolled onto his side and reached out to Blaine, pouting. Blaine gave him a long-suffering look.
"Don't, that's cheating," he chastised. Kurt sighed.
"Then to wait out the time until you come back I'll go to the library and work on that chemistry assignment," Kurt decided, making no move to actually get out of bed. Blaine laughed, ducking his head to kiss Kurt's temple before grabbing his duffle bag and going to the door.
"I'll see you in about an hour," he promised. Kurt nodded and smiled as he left. Blaine practically skipped down to the gymnasium, greeting the other guys on the fencing team with a bright smile and then he froze when he spotted Brandon speaking to one of them. He turned and met Blaine's eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Blaine demanded.
"Joining the team," Brandon replied with a shrug and casual smile. Blaine bristled unhappily. So far he hadn't had to put up with Brandon too much outside of the class they shared and it had made seeing him around bearable, not to mention knowing with absolute certainty now that Kurt was his but if he had to put up with Brandon in one of his extracurricular activities he didn't think he would be able to handle it.
Coach Spencer showed up then and clapped his hands.
"Boys, partner up and run through your warm up drills!" he ordered. "Blaine, do you want to take the new guy through his paces?"
Blaine desperately wanted to ask Coach if he was stupid, all the teachers knew about the punch-up between them and he wanted them to pair up. Then Blaine thought about all those trophies at home from the tournaments he'd won and part of him was desperate to stab Brandon with his foil.
Blaine shrugged and Brandon's eyebrows shot up in surprise as they all went to change into their suits.
"Think you can beat me?" Brandon asked.
"I'm the best on the team," Blaine replied simply. "I won most of those awards in the trophy room."
Brandon scoffed.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Blaine wondered, balancing his foil on a finger as he looked at Brandon curiously.
"Of course I do, I wouldn't be here otherwise."
Blaine nodded once and gestured Brandon to a spot away from the others and pulled his mask down and indicated for Brandon to do the same so they could start. They began with some slow drills so Blaine could get a feel for what Brandon knew and he was annoyed to discover that he did know what he was doing. Things started to get a little more ferocious as they went on.
Nobody seemed to notice that the boys seemed intent on actually hurting each other until Blaine knocked Brandon's foil out of his hand and they heard Brandon swear and shake his wrist. Blaine felt smug.
"Blaine! You should know better than that," Coach Spencer chastised, checking Brandon's wrist for any real damage. "I think it might be sprained Banks, you should go to the nurse to check."
"Thanks a lot, Blaine," Brandon growled.
"My pleasure," Blaine replied quietly as Coach Spencer glared at him.
Blaine gave his coach a look of faked chagrin. He didn't look convinced so Blaine simply returned to drills with somebody else, unable to help the feeling of triumph spreading through his body.
On the way back from the nurse's office Brandon spotted Kurt walking into the back of the library with a coffee cup, his nose buried in a book. Knowing that Blaine was going to be stuck down in the gymnasium, unable to interrupt for a good while yet, Brandon decided to go remind Kurt how aggro and unstable his boyfriend was.
The boy did not look happy to see him when he strode up.
"Who did that? I'll send them flowers," Kurt said, glaring at him.
"Your boyfriend actually. He got a little overly aggressive in fencing practise."
"You're on the team?"
Brandon ignored his question and leant on the bookshelf, folding his arms, careful of the splint on his wrist to hold it in place.
"Why are you with somebody like that? He could hurt you just as easily. I bet he doesn't even know how to take care of you." Brandon raked his gaze shamelessly over Kurt who shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny. Brandon ran his tongue over his lips suggestively and Kurt looked down, cheeks tinting pink.
"I love Blaine," Kurt explained. "How many times-?"
"How many times do you have to have a physical reaction to me before you realise that you want me?" Brandon countered, eyes narrowing. "That boy you're with wouldn't know his way around a bottle of lube if he tried and I would bet anything I own that he couldn't pleasure you, make you scream in ecstasy."
Kurt looked up then, smirking with raised eyebrows. "How would you know?"
Brandon floundered for a moment, trying to read Kurt's expression. What was he talking about? There was no way Blaine had actually gotten into those pants... no way. That was supposed to be his job.
"Well, regardless, I bet my cock's bigger than his."
Kurt's eyebrows rose even higher and Brandon smirked as his glasz eyes raked down his body very slowly, lingering on his crotch. He made a funny noise and looked back down at his book.
"I don't think so," Kurt commented casually and Brandon felt stung. That was it. How the hell had Blaine ended up getting naked with Kurt?
"As if. He's tiny."
"Big things often come in small packages, didn't you know that Brandon?" Kurt looked up at him with an innocent smile, biting his bottom lip in a way that was starting to turn Brandon on. "But with you I think it's a case of big things with small packages."
Brandon's eyes narrowed.
"That's it," he snarled, grabbing Kurt's blazer and hauling him up, shoving him back into the wall behind his study desk, pressing their bodies together. Kurt struggled against him, eyes wide with fear.
"Let me go," he whimpered.
"You're going to stop playing hard-to-get," Brandon whispered, nuzzling his nose against Kurt's throat and kissing him softly. "I'm going to make you forget all about that hobbit."
Kurt whimpered and Brandon mistook it for permission to keep going, his hands sliding down to grip Kurt's hips and push against him. He pushed one of his knees between Kurt's legs, easing them apart.
Big mistake.
Kurt took a deep breath and brought his knee up hard into Brandon's groin. He let out a loud 'oof' and collapsed onto the ground, writhing in pain. Kurt grabbed his bag and sprinted out of the library and back up to his dorm, nearly crashing into Blaine who was unlocking the door.
"Kurt? What are-"
Kurt collapsed onto his chest and started to cry. Blaine stared down at him in shock and pulled him inside, sinking onto the floor and cradling him gently.
"You're... the only... one... allowed to... touch me like... that," Kurt whimpered between broken sobs. Blaine's eyes widened.
"What? What happened?" Blaine asked urgently. "Kurt, tell me what happened."
"Brandon," Kurt managed before he was overcome by a bout of shaking and Blaine rubbed his back as he cried, pulling out his phone and texting Nick, Jeff, Thad, Wes and David to come and join them. They all arrived by the time Kurt was hiccupping, sobs subsided but his hands still twisted in Blaine's polo.
"What's going on?" Nick demanded as Jeff dropped down beside Kurt and rubbed his back.
"What happened?" Jeff asked softly.
The five of them looked at Blaine who shrugged helplessly.
"It was Brandon, that's all I know," Blaine commented. "Are you ready to talk sweetheart?"
Kurt nodded and in a whisper told them what happened while he was studying in the library. Wes was so outraged that it took Thad, Nick and Jeff to hold him back from storming out of the room to give Brandon a piece of his mind... and fists.
David however was smirking.
"You kneed him in the balls? Well done, Kurt," David chuckled. Kurt managed a tiny smile, still curled in Blaine's lap. "But you need to go to Mr Ryan, tell him what happened."
"Do I have to?" Kurt asked. "What if he doesn't believe me?"
"He's a good headmaster and totally not a bigot, don't worry," Thad assured Kurt, his arm still tight around Wes's chest because he looked like he still wanted to run out and beat the living daylights out of Brandon.
"Wait until I tell Puckerman and the other New Directions guys," Wes panted. "They won't hold me back. They'll help."
Kurt smiled at Wes's protectiveness, feeling loved. Blaine's arms tightened around him.
"Let's go now," Blaine said. "I'll stay with you."
Kurt nodded and let Blaine pull him to his feet. The others formed a protective barrier around them as they left the dorm and headed down the corridor. They made it to the rec room when they spotted their headmaster walking through the front doors.
"Oh good, Mr Ryan," Jeff greeted.
"We were just coming to find you," David added.
Mr Ryan did not look happy as his eyes landed on Kurt and Blaine.
"I need you two to come with me," he said solemnly, beckoning to them. The seven of them exchanged confused looks but Kurt and Blaine went with the headmaster obediently since they had wanted to talk to him.
"I needed to talk to you anyway," Kurt said as they walked into his office.
"I need to talk first Mr Hummel," Mr Ryan said shortly, retreating behind his desk and dropping into the seat. "This is about Brandon Banks. I'm aware that there was an accident in fencing practise, Mr Anderson?"
Blaine nodded. "We got a little over excited, sir."
"Mmm, I'm sure. And is that what happened in the cafeteria a couple of weeks ago?"
"What? That was self-defence!"
"I have witnesses reporting that you provoked Mr Banks, but he still had no right to hit you so don't worry. Normally I would be unconcerned but considering Mr Banks just came to me to explain that you, Mr Hummel, assaulted him in the library-"
"What?!" Kurt and Blaine burst out together.
"Assaulted? Talk to him about assaulting! He was forcing himself on me!" Kurt shouted, standing up in his anger. Blaine pulled him back down, glaring towards Mr Ryan who looked shocked. "He's been trying to come onto to me every day since he started here. I was acting in self defence. Please, Mr Ryan, you have to believe me."
Mr Ryan clasped his hands and rested his chin on them, studying the boys.
"I'm not sure if I'm inclined to believe you, Mr Hummel, you see Mr Banks also made some pretty... serious accusations."
"Like what?" Blaine demanded. "If he tried to make it seem like Kurt was the one making advances then that's total bullsh-"
"Blaine," Kurt whispered warningly.
"Total bull. We're dating. Kurt would never be interested in Brandon."
"I'm well aware of your relationship, Mr Anderson," Mr Ryan said calmly. "And yes, Mr Banks did make some accusations towards Kurt. I think I will have to seek the opinions of some of the other boys. Mr Banks has had exemplary behaviour since he started here so I-"
"So have I!" Kurt protested. Mr Ryan studied him again.
"And so have I," Blaine added. "Don't we count for anything?"
Mr Ryan sighed. "I suppose you're right. There were some other... accusations... about the pair of you."
"What were they?"
Mr Ryan looked uncomfortable. "As I said I'm aware of your relationship, I have no problem with it, don't worry, but to be honest I think we should have moved one of you out when this started-"
"Move out?" Kurt asked, shocked.
"Yes, Mr Hummel. It's a double standard otherwise. If this were a co-ed school, boys and girls wouldn't room together so I don't think that two boys in a relationship should room together here. Mr Banks made some accusations about your... activities in your room."
Kurt and Blaine both blushed red.
"It's not any of my business but in order to remain fair I'm going to have to move Mr Hummel into-"
"Jeff Sterling," Blaine said quickly. "He's got a spare bed in his room." Kurt nodded eagerly.
Mr Ryan smiled at Blaine. "Is your abrupt request before I even finished talking because you happen to know Mr Banks' name is on this list I have of people with space in their room?"
"Yes." Blaine's hands were clenched into fists and Mr Ryan laughed.
"I assure you, I'm not a stupid man. I wouldn't dream of moving Kurt into Mr Banks' room considering the problems between the three of you. I was actually going to suggest whether, Mr Hummel, you might like to move in with Mr Sterling?"
"I would," Kurt confirmed. "I'd rather stay with Blaine but we understand. I'll move in with Jeff tonight if he doesn't mind."
"Thank you for not causing a fuss about this, both of you. Now back to the matter of what occurred in the library. Without any witnesses, and Mr Banks told me there were none, I have no idea which of you is speaking the truth. Therefore I have no choice but to put both of you on a campus suspension."
"A campus suspension?" Kurt tilted his head confused.
"It means you can't leave campus," Blaine explained. "But you can go to class."
"Our assessment period is coming up so I don't want to keep you from class but you're not to leave campus for the next week. Neither is Mr Banks."
Kurt nodded, still annoyed. It meant he had to miss Friday Night Dinner again and his dad wouldn't be happy.
"However, if your parents want you home this weekend then you'll be able to go," Mr Ryan finished. Kurt looked up in surprise.
"Yes. But this week and the start of next week you're not to leave campus grounds after school, understand?"
Kurt nodded. "Thank you, sir."
Mr Ryan settled back in his seat.
"I will keep an eye on Mr Banks from now on," he continued. Blaine and Kurt exchanged relieved smiles. "If he puts another toe out of line we may have to consider expulsion. You two come to me if he does anything untoward to either of you again."
"We will," Blaine promised and their headmaster stood, moving to his office door and ushering them out.
"And boys, keep it PG while you're on school grounds," he finished and both of them blushed again as they left. They went back to the dorms and the others weren't around so they headed up to their room, well Blaine's room to start packing Kurt's things up. Blaine however grabbed his boyfriend and pushed him against the wall, nuzzling against his neck despondently.
"I don't want you to go," he whispered. "How am I supposed to sleep without anybody in here? Without you to cuddle?"
Kurt hugged Blaine back, kissing his temple.
"I don't want to leave you," he murmured. "But I am so glad Mr Ryan's letting me go home this weekend. With you going to Denver with your parents I was worried about being stuck here with Brandon."
Blaine nodded. "I'm going to miss you even more this weekend since I won't be spending all my time with you during the week."
They continued to cuddle for a few moments until Kurt decided he should start packing and Blaine went and secured the help of half the Warblers to move Kurt's things to Jeff's room. Jeff seemed happy to have Kurt come and stay with him but was sympathetic for him being moved away from Blaine.
They all dispersed at dinner time but Kurt and Blaine curled up on Blaine's bed in the now half empty room and stared at what used to be Kurt's side sadly.
"To think... just a couple of hours ago I was having my way with you and now you're being stolen from me," Blaine sighed, looking at his pillow with a dark glare, blaming the inanimate object for his boyfriend being forced to leave him. Kurt giggled and scratched down Blaine's spine comfortingly.
"I'll come visit you, I promise," Kurt said with a cheeky smile. "What Mr Ryan doesn't know won't hurt him."
Blaine grinned. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too. Now, come on, dinner." Kurt jumped up and pulled Blaine from the bed.