When Evangeline sat Tony down one day in his kitchen with a cup of coffee he did not expect her to drop a bomb on him. He wasn't physically hurt because it wasn't nuclear or anything like that; no, it was much worse.

Ev had sat there, all golden and glowing in the morning sunrise with a pleasant smile on her face and had the audacity to tell him that she was pregnant with the most calm grin on her face.

Tony had had the sudden urge to shout "Who's baby is it" until he realized it couldn't be anyone's but his. So instead he had asked his wife if she was god damn sure and then after he had sat there for fifteen minutes, drank his coffee while Evangeline waited patiently. Tony considered storming out and dealing with his shock by staying in the lab for a whole week, but Ev had put her hand over his and whispered "stay" so Tony hadn't budged. In the end he had given her a thorough kiss.

So they were doing this, he thought when he looked at her one day, sitting on the couch with one hand absentmindedly resting on her flat stomach while the other held a book. They were really doing this.

Tony did a lot of thinking in those days after she had told him. She didn't even look pregnant, which just made it harder for Tony to wrap his entire conscious around the fact that he was going to be a father. He had never really thought of that happening to him.

He found himself dividing his time between watching and thinking. When he wasn't brooding away in his lab, replaying every single time they had slept together since getting married in his head to pinpoint exactly when he had decided to plant a baby in his wife, he was staring at her whole being and drinking it all in. He fluctuated a lot between excited and apprehensive and several times Ev just had to take his hand, kiss his cheek, and whisper "calm down" in his ear.

And five months later, when Evangeline had woken Tony up in the middle of the night and had scared him half to death he understood. He understood that maybe he could do this sort of thing. He could be a good father. And he would. He promised himself and he promised Ev and their child. He was going to be Tony Stark, father extraordinaire. Because when he felt that little tyke kick his open palm through his wife's protruding belly, Tony Stark shed a tear or two and whispered "hey, there." So yeah, maybe he could do this dad sort of thing.

Another thing Tony discovered is that when women are pregnant they are downright crazy. Ev was always patient and kind, just the right amount of sarcastic and playful. And Tony still got all of that and sometimes he even got all of that in bed, but as the months waned on Tony figured out around month number three that Evangeline was stubborn and ridiculously vehement about things when she set her mind to them.

So after the first time she threatened to take the Ducati, which Tony had bought her (big mistake) to replace her old one two weeks after they had gotten engaged, if he didn't get on that grocery list she'd made Tony decided he'd better take a precaution. Ev hadn't brought up or glanced at her bike in a long time and she only snapped at him every so often (Tony believed at month six she was in the mushy I-love-everything phase), Tony took that as a clear signal to put his plan in motion.

He led Ev into the underground garage that hosted all of Tony's favorites, Ev's bike and a new addition which he had yet to show his pregnant wife. Tony had his hand over her eyes and led her carefully as he held her free hand tightly.

"Right here," he said softly. "Ready?"

"Tony," she said, a smile already forming on her face. "What did you do?"

"Just a precautionary measure," he assured her, his voice smooth. He kissed her on the cheek. "Here we go." Tony removed his hands and watched as he stood next to his new prize, which as far as SUV's went he wasn't too ashamed of buying.

"Well?" he said as Ev's eyes focused and she blinked at the shiny new Lexus sitting in front of her. "What do you think?"

"You bought-" Ev stopped, looking from the car to Tony and back again. "You bought something that wasn't a sports car?"

"Yep," Tony tilted his head up proudly and put a hand on the car. "It's not half bad. And well, I don't think you'd really like sitting in the front of my Audi when you're screaming at me in labor."

Evangeline laughed and walked forward, putting her hand over the one Tony had on the car. "Thank you," she said, smiling. "It's a great choice with excellent timing. You did good."

"Of course I did good," Tony said with a shrug. "When do I ever not do good?"

"Hmm," Ev hummed, her finger's tracing Tony's hairline to his jawline. Her fingers gently scrabbled against his scruff and she gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"You know what," Tony murmured as she kissed him again and he gently wrapped his arms around her. "Don't answer that."

"Wasn't going to," Ev grinned and Tony kissed her to shut her up just in case.

"Tony!" Pepper's voice came roaring through Tony's comm as he flew away from the wreckage of their most recently completed mission. He hadn't even had a chance to take a breath before JARVIS was informing him that Miss Potts was on the line.

"Pepper?" Tony was confused for a second. And then he remembered the only reason Pepper would be calling. "What happened?"

"She's in labor," Pepper said breathily. Tony tried to ignore the fact that he could dimly hear Ev's cry of pain in the background. "You need to get here fast. How far away are you?"

"Uh, pretty far," Tony conceded, checking the GPS map JARVIS put up to share space with Pepper's call on his HUD. "But I'll make it," he assured Pepper as he heard her draw breath to protest. "I'll make it, Pep. Calm down."

"You'd better," Pepper sighed. "I have to go. Hurry, Tony."

Tony had JARVIS check the skies, chart the fastest route back to Manhattan and went supersonic. There was no way he was going to miss his child being born. He had thrown a huge hissy fit when Fury had said that he needed Tony specifically for this mission. Tony hadn't taken a serious mission since a few months before Ev had gotten pregnant. He wasn't too keen to leave his wife in her eighth month of pregnancy just because Fury couldn't find someone who was better than Iron Man. He had ranted and raged and given a hundred reasons why he wasn't needed but Fury was adamant. He "needed" Iron Man. Tony was ready to send a handful of repulsor blasts into whatever dumb reason that was.

He saw that he had a call from Bruce but ignored it. Tony knew he had just skipped out on the wreckage and aftemath cleanup and probably an extensive debriefing meeting but he really didn't give a single shit. His child was being born and he was going to be god damned if he missed a single minute.

Tony found the hospital, had JARVIS find the records to get to Ev's room, and clanked in five minutes after he had landed. He had lifted the faceplate because the sound of his panting breath echoing in his ears was making him a bit frantic.

"Tony," she breathed, her face lighting up when he walked in.

Pepper has scrubs over her clothes and Rhodey was sitting, holding Ev's hand dressed the same. Pepper looked fidgety in the corner and let out a sigh of relief when he walked in.

"Oh thank god," she sighed and gave him a squeeze on the shoulder as she went to leave. Rhodey made a motion to rise but Ev's fingers tightened on his hand and she took a sharp intake of breath. "I thought you wouldn't make it."

"Of course I'd make it," he told his former assistant with a reassuring smile. He caught his wife's eyes and smiled wider, trying to ignore the pain he saw in them. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. Which, coincidentally, I was saving."

A nurse bothered Tony about the state of his armor, scratched up and covered in dirt and bullet holes. "I'm sorry, sir," she began.

"Mr. Stark," Tony offered. He had to give the nurse credit. She didn't even bat an eyelash when Iron Man clanked into her delivery room. She frowned instead.

"You either need to change or leave," the nurse informed him, relentless. "This is a sterilized room."

Tony was ready to protest but Evangeline looked at him, her eyes wide and pleading. "Do it," she told him, her voice was soft but he heard it loud and clear. "Anything. I need you to hold my hand, Tony."

Tony let the nurse pin a huge clean hospital bed sheet around the Iron Man suit and he set his helmet and two gauntlets that he popped off on Ev's bedside table. They cleaned his face up and put some stitches on a cut on his temple and finally let him sit next to his wife. Rhodey put his hand on Tony's shoulder as he let Tony take his place. His best friend moved to Pepper's side, putting his hand around her waist.

"Hey," Tony whispered. He wrapped his other hand around Ev's as she curled her fingers around the hand he offered her. "You're okay, right?"

Evangeline nodded, giving him a smile. He saw the wince in her eyes. Tony felt nervous and awkward all at once. This was a child his wife was giving birth to do. His child. Their child. He was going to hear her scream. Tony didn't know if he could stand for that. He was tempted to ask for earplugs.

Evangeline let out a groan, gritting her teeth as she pulled her body forward, attempting to hunch against the pain and inadvertently squeezing the life out of Tony's hand. He was too shocked to even say "ow."

"You're doing good," the nurse said from the other side of the bed.

Tony looked over his shoulder just in time to see Pepper and Rhodey leave. He looked and found their faces just as scared and apprehensive as he felt. Evangeline wasn't young, she was only a few years younger than Tony. But she was strong, they knew that. She could do this. She had to do this. Tony gave Evangeline a kiss on the forehead and whispered encouragingly into her hair.

"You're fine," he told her, kissing her again. "You're okay. You can do this."

"I'm glad you're here," she said softly, eyes on Tony as a nurse wiped beads of sweat away from her forehead with a damp cloth.

Tony squeezed her hand. "I know," he smiled. "I'm glad I'm here too."

Tony Stark actually cried and didn't try to hide it from a single soul when his son's cries filled the hospital room. He brightly shook the hand of the nurse who had delivered his child and smoothed the hair away from his wife's damp face, smiling at her with the biggest moon eyes in the world.

"You look absolutely smitten," Ev smiled as Tony tucked hair behind her ear. She sounded slightly breathless but the nurses assured Tony that his wife's vitals were fine and she was perfectly healthy. Just a little tired, but she'd make a full recovery. "Are you ready for this?" Tony watched Evangeline's eyes scan his face carefully, probing his eyes for that insecurity they both knew would always sit in the pit of Tony's stomach.

"I think so," Tony managed to say. He couldn't stop smiling. He pressed a soft kiss to Ev's lips and his wife smiled.

"You're like a lovestruck teenager," she laughed.

Tony laughed. "As long as you don't take pictures of my face like this we're good."

Ev's hand was on his cheek. "You're going to be a great father and you know it," she said, her thumb stroking his stubbly cheek. "You know it and I know it."

Tony held her hand to his cheek, kissing her palm. "We know it."

They shared a mutual smile before the nurses brought their son back, clean and pink-faced in his blue hospital cloth and adorable hat on his head.

"Hello, Peter," Tony whispered as Evangeline took their son in her arms.

"Oh he's perfect," Ev breathed, her finger brushing past their son's cheek as his eyes blinked blearily at his mother.

Peter Stark cooed as his hand reached out and Tony placed his finger in his son's grasping hand. His small baby fingers closed around Tony's pointer finger and immediately refused to let go.

Tony shuffled closer to Ev, her shoulder touching the covered metal of his Iron Man suit and they both stared down at their son.

"Definitely," Tony agreed. "Perfect."

Evangeline looked up at him, tears swimming in her eyes. She smiled and leaned up to kiss Tony on the cheek. "Love you," she said quietly, turning her attention back to their son, her finger gently stroking the milky skin of his forearm.

Peter's large brown puppy eyes, a copy of Tony's in depth and adorable-ness, shone as he stared at the faces of his parents.

"I love you both," Tony managed to get out around his tight throat. He couldn't tear himself away from that gravitational gaze. His son was pulling him in and he wasn't going to let him leave. Tony carefully reached out his finger to touch his son's cheek. He felt that attachment and Tony knew that it was a face he would never want to disappoint. Tony didn't want Peter to remember him the way he remembered his father. There was no way he was going to let that happen.

When Peter was sound asleep, Ev was stable in the hospital room she had been moved to, and Pepper and Rhodey had been let back in Tony rushed off to Stark Tower to get himself out of the Iron Man suit and into some clean clothes.

He realized Pepper had taken the pre-packed baby bag long ago, but he grabbed a few things for his wife and new son anyway. There was an Iron Man onesie Clint had inadvertently gifted them for when it was needed. Tony didn't know if it was a joke or not but he didn't care, he wouldn't have his son wearing anything else.

Tony re-entered the quiet hospital room, gently stepping through the door and making his way to his son.

"Hi," he whispered, kissing his wife as she held Peter. "Still sleeping, huh?"

"Mmm," Ev murmured. "He'll be doing that quite a lot. You, Tony Stark, are going to learn how to take shifts and change a diaper."

Pepper stifled a giggle while Rhodey even held back a snort. "That I'd like to see," Pepper smiled from behind her hand and Tony glared at his oldest friends. "Then again, James will have to learn that soon."

Evangeline and Tony both stared at Pepper, eyes wide and mouths slightly open. Rhodey just grinned, his smile matching his wife's, as he put his arm around her waist. Pepper looked like she was ready to burst into a shower of light, the way she was smiling.

"Seriously?" Tony asked, his face on the brink of a smile.

Pepper gave an eager nod, happy tears swimming in her blue eyes and there was a short explosion of sound as Tony clapped Rhodey on the back and kissed Pepper on the cheek. Evangeline held her hand out to Rhodey and he took it, leaning in so Ev could place a kiss on his cheek. She gave Pepper a one armed hug and congratulatory kiss on the cheek as well.

"We couldn't be happier for you both," she smiled.

Pepper brushed a few tears away from her cheek. "We're slowly getting around to telling everyone," she said. "So don't go spreading the news around."

Ev nodded and Tony pouted slightly. "Of course," she promised.

"Where is everyone?" Tony asked, checking his watch and changing the subject as the happy mood receded a bit. "The Avengers should be back by now."

"Happy's on his way up right now," Pepper said, her voice quiet again. Tony realized they had all returned to the hushed tones they had been using. He glanced at his son who fidgeted in his sleep.

"Well we're here," Natasha's voice came from the doorway where she and Clint stood, void of dirt, grime and any evidence of a month long mission.

"And we come bearing gifts," Clint grinned, holding up a small vase of flowers and a teddy bear. "The little guy's going to love this." He gave Tony a friendly clap on the back.

Natasha had gone to stand on the other side of Ev's bed and was peering down at baby Peter. "Oh isn't he precious," she cooed and smiled. "He'll be the most mischievous thing when he grows up."

Ev smiled at her son and then at her friend. "I'll probably commandeer you to help keep him in line."

"We'll babysit whenever you want," Clint reassured them, having put down the flowers and held the bear out to Evangeline.

"Thank you," she said, tucking it into her side as she gently shifted Peter in his arms.

"Oh that's the face of a heartbreaker," Clint chuckled as Peter blinked his eyes at the archer. "How am I supposed to resist those wide eyes?" He smiled at Peter and waved a finger. "Hey there big guy," Clint said quietly and Peter made a blubbering noise that made Natasha laugh.

"He likes you," Evangeline smiled. "Babysitter approved by one Peter Stark."

"Mmm, he still has to go through a screening test with Dad," Tony pointed out, giving Clint a meaningful look.

Clint smiled. "Oh don't worry Stark, you can keep him for a while. I'll babysit when he starts getting more interesting."

"I swear Barton, if you turn my son into some mischief driven prankster," Tony threatened, frowning.

"Relax," Clint laughed. "Wow, Daddy reflexes kicking in already." The archer smiled. "This kid," he pointed at Peter. "I mean, come on, look at that face. I would take a bet right now that he'll get into a heaping load of trouble by the time he hits sixteen."

Bruce and Steve joined them shortly after, presenting a night light that Bruce had wired and spun pictures Steve had drawn. It was absolutely beautiful and Tony and Ev knew Peter would love it.

Thor came in after them, grinning with Jane by his side. They had their son bouncing up and down between them, blond hair and huge smile gleaming.

"Friends!" Thor said, his boom actually reduced the volume of a normal person. It must have been what Thor thought of as whispering. "I have come with a present from the uh, Coney Island, you called it? A small hare for your offspring!"

The Asgardian looked so pleased that Evangeline and Tony couldn't do anything but grin while Nat, Clint, Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy who had walked in after Thor, looked downright amused when Thor gently placed the bunny in front of Peter. His tiny baby hands reached for the fluffy cheeks, which he patted and then smiled.

Tony felt like bursting with pride and joy in that moment and he didn't want to think about diapers or screwed sleeping schedules or coercing one of the other Avengers into diaper duty - he was happy that Evangeline looked so right again, sitting in the hospital bed, his son in her arms and a bunch of gifts from the people that loved them. This is what he wanted. This is what he signed on for. This is what he cared about.

Author's Notes:

Updates! I have edited and updated all chapters up to this one. Hopefully I haven't missed anything or all the repetitive work will have been for naught :( Right now I can project that this fic will end solidly at 15 chapters if my writing decides to be nice to me.

So after this chapter my plan goes a little something like this: Peter growing up, incorporate Peter becoming Spiderman and loosely interweave the plot from TASM, finish writing the bonus chapter. That's right. I said bonus chapter. I feel that it's only fair, since I placed this in the Rated M category that I give you a chapter that (attempts to) lives up to that rating. Well, hopefully it does. Do you think a bonus chapter with the theme: "Five times Ev used 'Mr. Stark'..." and so on? You get that picture. Isn't it a lovely one?

Oh, and in response to the question in Sally Fantastic's kind review: Peter Stark is going to become Spiderman! I've read it many times in super!family fics and I'll be staying as true to the origin of Spiderman as I can. I'm not a master of the Marvel comicverse so you'll have to bear with my movie based plot line. But Oscorp WILL get mentioned, and so will Dr. Connors and the attack on Manhattan, and Gwen shows up somewhere. For the sake of this fic and because baby!Peter was requested, Peter Stark will become Spiderman.

I'm planning out the next chapter right now. It's a bit sketchy at the moment, since it's been a while since I saw TASM (which was AMAZING, of course) - so bear with a little bit.

On that note - thank you for every person who has clicked the favorite button or favorited me as an author, bothered to put this fic on story alert or given a kind review. I appreciate and cherish all of your wonderful and (so far!) positive feedback. Thanks for loving this fic as much as I hoped people would!