Sry, sry, sry! School has been murder on my creative brain flow so this took a lot longer than I thought. Anyways I am really sorry about not updating this in what… 3 weeks? I'm telling ya I blame school! Now before back to writing I want to warn you: the following story is the entire reason for the rating. I know, yikes. Oh it's been a while for the story so it might take me a while to pick up the writing again. And another thing story picks up after final chapter's beginning (don't worry I'll put it in italics) Well now that I made you all a nervous wreck, time for the story!

Danny sat on the table that he had previously been strapped to. Letting his feet dangle over the edge Danny thought about how lucky he was instead of the needle Vlad was preparing. In reality, Danny couldn't stand needles. The thought of the needle imbedding itself into a bloodstream was just a little disturbing. Danny sighed trying to clear the thought from his mind and think about anything else. Settling on one troubling issue he wondered what Vlad would try to pull if they ever met again. Call it intuition, but Danny had a feeling this wasn't the last time that they would meet…

Vlad silently pretended to prep the needle. Did the boy really think his lie fooled him? Vlad was smart enough to realize an adult would never buy such a story. Nobody would believe that he, Vlad Masters, was anything but a normal human being. For his lie, Daniel was sure to pay dearly.

After Vlad finished up with the needle he made his way to Daniel's side.

Danny stared at the needle with soft blue eyes, and then at the eyes of the person holding the needle. Vlad's eyes stared right back wondering for a half a second how luminescent the boy's eyes were. Then the look changed to a cold, dead one. Danny remained oblivious to the change, sighed and then rolled up his sleeve. Vlad pulled a cotton ball from his lab coat pocket and wiped down a small area on Danny's arm. Taking the needle from his left hand, Vlad moved it to his right, feeling for a firm grip.

"Why do you have that small needle?" Danny asked in a small voice.

Vlad remained silent as he continued to feel the needle.

"Why do… you have that… needle?" Danny asked again, this time in a fearful voice.

Vlad turned his gaze back to Danny with his dark pupils filling the rest of his eyes. Danny gasped at the sudden change of events, but before he could turn Phantom, Vlad plunged the needle straight into his arm. Danny screamed, but Vlad kept him still with his weight. After a few seconds the sedative began to take effect and Danny slowly ceased his struggle. With sluggish movements, Danny fought to keep his eyes open, while Vlad let go of him.

"You lied." Danny accused in a gargled voice.

Vlad's eyes only glistened with malice and instead of countering Daniel, he plunged his fangs into his throat. An ear-piercing screech resonated through the room as Vlad tore through Danny's flesh, ripping a gaping hole open. The scream choked and stopped completely as Danny started to cough up blood. Vlad continued to mercilessly drain Danny till the life left him and Danny slid to the floor leaving a crimson trail behind him. Vlad straightened up and wiped the remaining blood from his mouth on the back of his hand. Bending down again dragged Danny to the mansion furnace.

Deep in the ghost zone, a bright light blinded the inhabitants. From this bright light a figure began to take form. A boy, no more than 14. Green light highlighted the form and expanded outwards before dissipating into the similarly green atmosphere. Placing a gloved hand against his face he knew he was different. He knew he had died. Lowering his hand back down to reveal bright emerald eyes, Danny knew what he had to do, he had to destroy Vlad.

Uh its late and I'm tired so… (leaps out of chair and dives under bed). It wasn't my fault! It was my alter ego! I didn't want him to die but alter ego took keyboard.

Alter ego: You better believe it. I killed your precious Danny Phantom.

Me: You can never kill Danny! He will live on!

Alter ego: This story speaks for itself. Bua ha ha!

*Gasp* see what I have to deal with? A crazy maniac bent on mayhem! On another note remember guys this is the Alternate ending (get it? Alter ego, alter ending?) so this is something I never, in a million years, want. So in conclusion, leave your thoughts below (and possible verbal abuse) but please no cursing, tell me what you like better and I hope to write more fanfiction in the future!