She had had many names in the past, taken many forms. She had lived some life spans longer than any human and others shorter than a decade. She had been reborn a thousand times over, never the same as the last.

Few things were ever always for her.

Always she was a companion, always she was there when she was needed, and always she would meet him. It didn't matter how long or short her life was. They would always meet and always know each other.

It was their reward for living life after life without rest when the people they loved died and went to the spirit world. They would always meet and always be together.

So it had been since the first avatar. So it would always would be.

So she wasn't surprised when they met in the street that day. His tiny amber eyes staring into her large black ones. It took a moment for the recognition to hit but when it did she knew. As she had when she was Yang Chen's cat owl, Roku's dragon, Kuruk's buffalo yak, Kyoshi's bearded cat or Aang's sky bison Appa.

This was her soul mate.

Her Momo when she had been Appa. Her mate in every life.

She met his gaze and they both knew.

"I've been waiting a long time." He chattered.

She smiled at him.

"At least I wasn't trapped in a block of ice for a hundred years like last time."

Both laughed quickly before returning to the matter at hand.

They both had a lifetime to become reacquainted.

I read a Naga/Pabu story and had to write one of my own. Hope you all liked it and will review.

Yours truly,
