A/N- Yes, I know I promised a chapter for Tingly today, but my muse isn't cooperating and this is what it gave me. =\ Tingly is coming, just not today.

Enough of my shameless plugging.

Disclaimer- Nope. I don't know it.

Danny Fenton had always lived in the shadows.

First it had been literally. He had always looked up at the metal contraption on his roof that blocked the sun from his yard and wondered what it was really needed for. He had thought it looked cool when he was younger, but as time went on he saw it as a burden. He lived in an odd home anyway, what with a lab and a weapons vault, and this oddity on the outside only made it worst. It showed everyone that he was marked, the odd one that lived in the odd home. As he grew up he learned to hate living under the metal building's shadow.

He shook his head now, looking down at it from far above.

Then it had been the kids at school. Dash and Kwan had always been the best at sports. He had never been the best one at anything but science, and that was only when they went over space. The teachers would give him looks that told him they clearly saw no talent, and the students always picked on the kid with the weird house. He went home, played with the toy rocket ships, and slept in the house that cast a shadow over the boy that thought he was in the shadow of his peers.

He floats higher as he looks at them walking on the street below him, unaware of the floating person looking over them.

He had Sam and Tucker, but even they were better at most things than he was. Sam was an athlete, Tucker was a genius, and he was just Danny. Sam could run for miles, Tucker could ace almost any test, but he could only sprout random NASA facts. The teachers all liked Tucker better, Sam's parents hated him, and his parents had only barely succeeded in not running them off. He had always just been glad they had stayed.

He heard the static in his ear and smiled; he knew he never would've survived if he hadn't had them.

He'd always, always, been in the shadow of his parents. His mom was a genius, a black belt, and the bubbliest person you could ever meet. His dad was a genius, a friend, and then most protective person alive. Both could have invented anything they wanted, both could've done anything they set their minds to, and the fact that they'd made a gateway to a parallel dimension proved that. He'd always been expected to get at least some of those traits.

He shook his head as he looked down at the large shadow in his house, smiling as she saw his dad bending down beside the fridge. They were the best parents in the worlds, and even if they didn't know they were amazing.

Then there was Jazz. She had made the best score the tests had ever seen. All the teachers at school loved her. She had friends among everyone. She was happy. She was helpful. She was polite. She was perfect. His red haired older sister had always been the perfect one, the one everyone looked up to, and he had always had to walk in her shadow. Everyone had expected him to be just as smart, just as friendly, but he never had been. He'd always just been Danny; the boy who walked in his sister's shadow. He'd never been good enough for them before.

He knew he never would've kept it up if it hadn't been for her perfect faith in him, for her happiness that helped him through his darkest nights.

Danny Fenton had lived in the shadows all of his life, but he hadn't just been Danny Fenton in a while. He smiled as he lit up a blast in his hand, casting everything around him into a brilliant white green light. He was something no one else had the ability to be. He was a protector, a savior, a hero.

He had finally found a way to shine, and he was never going to stop shining.

Don't really know where this came from, but I hoped you liked it. =] Tell me how I did, maybe in a review?