Me:Yup, guys, the final chapter's up. It took long enough for it to come… So, cutting out everything. I present this chapter.

Natsu: She doesn't own Fairytail. However, the plot is all hers. Blame her for anything you don't like.

Me: Natsu!

Natsu:Oh, she means I forgot to tell you all. Beatress has written three new stories for all you guys namely, You're still a baby in my arms, Broken, Do you love your wife?- as a comeback present and already posted them. So, do check them and tell her your opinions. An important notice below. Do check it up.

Me: Yup, he's right. Your opinion matters and so do let me know. Enjoy the chapter ahead.

Chapter-9 'cause they kept me going

The wind blew past her, as she saw her guild from the hill, far away. A small smile crept over her face as the memories of her past played over and over again. Her meeting up with Natsu, Her joining Fairytail, their fight with the Phantom guild, Their trip to Edolas, her leaving the guild to fulfil her promise, ending up in Griffin Wings, meeting up with Natsu and the guild again…. How he confessed to her… a slight blush crept on her face with the very thought….

"It's already been eight years since all that happened and it feels as if it happened yesterday… So many things have changed in the past eight years…. Thinking about all that still sends a shiver down my spine… It was all truly painful…. All those three years away from the guild… I…. I… I cannot say how it felt to be away from my family…. I even wondered how I made it till then…. Knowing about my own funeral while I was still alive….." A tear made its way down her porcelain cheek, as she held it with her hand.

She sat on the grass with the guild still in view, as she rests her head on her knees folded together as she held them with her hands, close to her. The wind blew as she sat there silent… trembling at the worse memories as they come back to her mind… Though she found another family at Griffin Wings, though she had nakama who loved her as much as her other nakama, not to mention Celia, who loved her more than anything in the world, her heart, may be, it always belonged to Fairytail…. May be that was why she always felt the pain…. The pain of abandoning her family and leaving them in pain…. But now she was back and she promised Natsu that she wouldn't leave him at any cost…

The thought of leaving him itself pained her throughout. Another tear made her way down her cheek. Suddenly, she heard footsteps… Then, she heard panting. She knew who it was. Quickly wiping out her tears, she turned back to face a little spiky blonde haired guy, who ran to her at her sight, carefully examining her.

"M-M-mommy, were you crying?" he said, panicked, "I smelt your tears"

She should've guessed it was really impossible to lie to him. It was her son after all… her best friend, for now, with Natsu on a mission, and her best comfort whenever she remembered Natsu. She smiled at him sweetly and said, "So, I'm caught, aren't I?"

She ruffled his hair as he protested, pouting which made him look even cuter.

"Mom!" he whined. His brown- onyx eyes full of concern about her, his pout changed into a grin as he extended his tanned hand to his mother.

"So, don't you want to come?" he asked.

"To where?" she replied.

He began dragging her with all his force, making her run with him.


"Slow down, Frei!" she shouted, still being dragged by her son, who just ignored his mother.

"We're finally here," he stopped in front of their guild's large building. He grinned his father's grin as he said, "Fairytail!"

He was panting from the entire running, take in and leaving out his breath so very carefully. His mother felt he would fall down any moment from exhaustion as she stepped forward to hold him. The boy lifted his head smiling.

"Did you forget, mom? Today is Fairytail's reunion day!" he exclaimed.

Her eyes widened. How could she forget such a day? This was the day she came back home eight years back. She remembered clearly. The master declared that day to be Fairytail reunion day. Every one, no! Anyone who is on any kind of mission must return home on this day. They'd celebrate whole night and everyone retires to their jobs, next day. But this time it was special…. Special because Natsu left Lucy at the guild… for the first time in eight years. Every time he used to go on a mission, he used to take her along. Sure he didn't want to leave her. Even after they got married and she was pregnant with Frei, he wanted to take her with him but because of Erza's and Mirajane's death glares and warnings, he had to stay with her, taking care of her. Everyone in the guild helped them with the money as Lucy couldn't go and Natsu refused to go. She giggled, making her son confused.

"What's with you, mom? Dad was right. You sure are weird. I wonder if I got any of your weirdness," he blurted out so loud that his mother who heard was already sending his glares, before grabbing him by the cream coloured dragon scaled scarf.

"What did you say, Mr. Frei dragneel?" she asked.

"Mom, please, leave my scarf. I don't want it to be torn," he said as he pulled it away and composed himself.

"Wait! You didn't answer me, Frei…" she said as her son escaped.

"Sorry mom, got to go fight with Alia," he said as he slipped away.

"Sure he's your son, Natsu," she said, in a low voice.

"Guess you're right. Anyways, he's got to be better than the ice head's daughter…." A voice said as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and hugged her from the back. His warm breath struck against her neck as she was still surprised to whom that voice belonged to. She spun around in his arms, only to face him, tears in her eyes.

"Why did you leave me behind, you idiot?" she asked.

"I'm back now," he said, grinning.

"Why did you have to leave me behind?" she asked, now clenching onto his shirt pulling him closer.

"Lucy, it's outside the guild," he said as he could feel the dark aura building up around his lovely wife.

"Fine, Fine, I just went to bring you something. Someone wanted me to give you this…." He said as he handed her a letter.

"It's from Celia, right?" she said as she smiled sweetly," Did you meet her? How is she?"

"She's fine… It was a request from her that I should come alone…" he said.

"Did she hurt you or do anything?" she asked worried.

"No, silly…. She wanted me to give this letter to you…." He said. "Now let's go in,"


"So, why did you want me to come alone?" he asked the violet haired girl in front of him.

"How is Ro- I mean, Lucy san?" she asked.

"She's fine. Why don't you come along and see her for yourself?" he said smiling.

"If I come I would like to be with her forever. I don't want us to fight…. For her…" she said, smiling at him.

"You could join Fairytail if you want," he offered.

"She entrusted me with Griffin Wings. I can't leave my family for her," she replied.

Silence prevailed between them. She took out a letter from her bag and handed it over to him.

"Give it to her, okay?" she said as she turned to walk away.

"Oi, I had one question. I couldn't understand why you didn't stop me from taking her away…. You tried to stop anyone who came close to her. You even picked a fight with Erza, though you didn't know how scary that was. Why didn't you fight me? Why didn't you fight back when we were taking her away because I can see how much you love her?" he asked.

She stopped in her tracks, her head held low.

"'cause I love her. 'Cause you all love her so much…. Listen Natsu, We can fight weapons, thoughts, magic, people, wizards, authority and anything we feel like fighting for. However, we cannot fight love…. That's what Ro- I mean, Lucy san said to me when she first met me. I didn't understand it at that time…. But when everything happened, I understood….. I fought with Erza… but I couldn't fight her love for her… I was against Fairytail but I couldn't fight their love for her. I just couldn't fight against 'her love'…. Silly, whenever, we fight against love, it leaves nothing but pain but when we accept it, it gives love and happiness. That's what I learnt from her. And you better go fast and make her happy or you'll have to deal with me in addition to Erza and Mirajane," she chuckled looking at him for one last time as she moved forward.


"So, What's in the letter?" he asked, as he saw his wife was all teary.

"Nothing, she said she'll kill you if you ever made me cry," she said as she leaned over his chest to rest her head.

"Man! Why is everyone after my life?" he pouted.

"'cause you're the most powerful guy and may be the most adorable one also," she said.

"That's right! What about our son?" he asked, wanting to know about her views.

"Hey! Give me my scarf! I said Give. Me. My. Scarf.!" A little blonde haired boy shouted.

"If I'm going to be burned down to ashes, so is your scarf," a black haired girl with slight blue tint in her hair said. Her black eyes showed the evil smile that she already had on her face.

"At present, I don't think he'll be after anything except fighting with her and his scarf. Ever since he found the scarf outside our home's door, he hasn't removed it once. Gosh! What a family I have! He's even more stubborn than you," she said.

"Yup, he's my son after all. Why shouldn't he be concerned about his scarf? It's his grandfather who sent it for him," he said.

"You sure?" she asked.

"I'm not but I still have a hope that one day, with my family, I will sure be able to meet him and tell him, "Hey Igneel! This is my beautiful wife and my super powerful son" "he said, grinning at the very thought that made his wife blush.

"Guess you're right. Someday, maybe someday, he'll just surpass even your abilities but for now, it's fine if he's just after that girl," she said. They watched as their son fought with Gray's daughter and fell down. The girl laughed.

"Oi, why are you laughing at my son?" Natsu rose in protest.

"You dare mess with my daughter flame brain," Gray said, coming in support.

"You try to mess with me, ice head," Natsu said, his hand already lit for the fight. Yup, and the fight started.

"Hey, Frei, come on, stand up, " she said as she extended her hand to help him up.

"No thanks!" he said as he got up.

"Awww…." She pouted.

"Ai, I'm sorry. Look at me, now." The girl looked at him.

"I guess our fight always ends up with our dads starting to fight," he said, scratching the back of his head. Soon, they both laughed.

"You should train more," she replied.

"You bet I will. Now that Dad's back, I'm all fired up for learning new techniques from him and next time I'm going to defeat you," he said as he crossed his arms across his chest proudly.

"May be…. In your dreams…." She said as she winked at him.

"What did you say? I'm not going to lose to you, Ai," he said as he lit his hand in fire as charged at her. She easily dodged him, making him knock into the wall.

"Frei, are you okay?" she asked, worried. "Told ya, in your dreams"

She trailed off.

"Never!" he shouted.


The blue haired water mage approached the blonde who was drinking her usual drink at the counter.

"What do you think, Lucy-san? When will this tradition end?" she asked, smiling at her now friend.

"Speaking truth, Never! Besides, it's better this way. I get worried when they don't fight. This just indicates they're Normal," she winked at her friend.

Both of them giggled.


"Dear mom,

Today was fun. Natsu came back, So everything went back to all happy. Seriously, I want him to stop fighting with Gray. It even affects the children now. Alia and Frei won't stop fighting. How can he fight like his father? Yeah, yeah, I agree he's more like him

I received Celia's letter today… I felt sad that she missed me but she also said she didn't want to see me. Seeing me will only make her want me even more and that would be worse for everyone 'cause she couldn't fight love anymore….. I would sure love to meet her again mom. She's also one of my nakama. Considering her feelings, I never made an attempt though. I really feel sorry for her…

Yup, that's it for today. Good night.


Lucy Dragneel .

She signed her name at the end as she got up to go for a shower. A bath is soothing after you have a day in Fairytail. As she changed her clothes and came into their bedroom, she saw a certain pink haired guy sitting on the desk and writing.

"Natsu?" she called. He sweat dropped.

"I'm caught" he thought.

"What are you doing? You were already asleep with Frei right…" she said, "Wait! Don't tell me you are still writing letters for me"

He was silent. She neared him as he stood up, trying to hide what he was doing. But it was of no use as she found out.

"So, you were writing letter to me?" she said, after reading the letter, "I'm back now silly," she said, smiling at him.

She couldn't help but smile at what he was doing. He leaned in for a hug, placing his head in her blonde strands, digging deep in to reach her neck.

"I know, weirdo. But it was the only thing that kept me going all those years," he said.

"You know, that were the only things that kept me going as well," she said as she hugged back.

"And you know what…. I'll love you always, no matter what," she replied.

"Me too. And I will not let you go whatever be the circumstances," he said.

"Mommy?" they were startled by the call. They broke apart as they hurried to their son.

"You're not asleep yet, Frei," Lucy asked.

"You guys are not sleepy yet. Come back and sleep will ya? I'm feeling scared," he said.

Soon, Lucy and Natsu adjusted themselves on the bed on the either side of their son.

"Love ya, Luce, Frei, Good night," the dragonslayer said before falling into deep sleep.

"Love you too," she said as she smiled. Her son was already asleep with his parents flanking him on the bed.

"What a weird family I have? But whatever, I just love it…. I'll always love and cherish it," she thought as she soon fell asleep.

Me: So, how was the ending? Liked it? No? Sorry, if I messed it up. What do you say? Please post it in the box below.

Natsu: Aye, or she'll make my life even more difficult with her new stories…. Please do read them and suggest something to her. She's really in need of advice if you read them.

Me: Natsu!

Natsu: Yup, that's me…. Now my legs start moving on their own with her chasing me but do review this chapter and like wise other stories she has written so far. She's just in need of some suggestions.

Me: Natsu! Today you're going to die (a deadly aura surrounded); you guys can enjoy those stories for some time now. I will most probably not update till next weekend. My exams are up and got to prepare for them still and Natsu is so very irritating me.

Do send me your wonderful reviews which always make me happy and make my day and want me to keep writing.

Natsu and Me: Arigatou! Bye for now!