DBZ Lilo and Stitch
This little fiction was inspired by Lilo and Stitch... It just fits Gohan and Piccolo LOL. Obviously this is an AU... And elements from Lilo and Stitch should be fairly obvious, but I had to change to certain things... Obviously Piccolo would not end up at the animal shelter XD and he's not an evil...experiment...
Do keep in mind that Lilo and Stitch is the basis, therefore some stuff that was a huge part of the movie is going to be in here...and some small stuff that is just too cute to leave out.
Anyway, hope you enjoy this :)
"Gohan! Gohaaaan!" the woman put her hands on her hips, pursing her lips and gazing around the woodlands again. "How can he move so quickly...?" she murmured, brow furrowing with worry. Chichi brushed a loose strand of black hair back behind her ear. "He forgot his lunch..."
The boy in question was out of his mother's hearing range, up a tree to be exact. Limbs wrapped tightly around a tree branch, Gohan held out a peanut butter sandwich to a large crow. The bird squawked, snatching the sandwich from the boy's outstretched fingers.
"Ooh!" Gohan slipped off the branch, plummeting earthward - or would have, had his tail not caught him. "Phew!" he looked back up the bird, "you ought to be a little more polite Petunia! I could've fallen all of the way down! Then who would bring you a peanut butter sandwich every Tuesday?" the crow looked at him with beady black eyes and flew away. "Bye Petunia!" Giggling, Gohan scrambled back up on to the branch, scooting along to the trunk. "I don't want to be late to school!"
He was late. Very, very, late.
"Oh noooo!" The five year old scrambled through an open window, just as his teacher shut the classroom door. He fell with an audible thump, landing on his tail. His dark eyes watered, but did not spill over, much to his relief.
"Son Gohan!" he looked up, blushing, into the face of Mister Krillin, "D-did you just come through the window?" the teacher offered the boy his hand, but Gohan ignored it.
"Yessir..." Gohan bit back tears, "I'm sorry I'm late sir, please don't call my mom!" Several children snickered, already muttering taunts under their breaths. Krillin's eyes softened and he shook his head.
"Of course not, kiddo. You're not that late, after all."
"Why ya late, Gohan?" One of the bigger kindergartners jeered, "talkin' to animals again?" Several children laughed, joining in. "Yeah, why ya late Monkey Boy?" Gohan's eyes welled with tears, and his face grew hot,
"I had to give Petunia her Peanut Butter Sandwich..." he whispered, voice trembling."It's Tuesday."
"Ignore them, Gohan."
"It's Tuesday!" Gohan blurted, "I have to give Petunia her Peanut Butter sandwich or she'll get mad!"
"Who's...Petunia?" Krillin asked, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead. He kept his voice steady, and gently helped Gohan to his feet.
Tears spilled over the boy's eyelids, rolling down his cheeks, "Petunia's a bird, and - and I had to give her a peanut butter sandwich like I do every Tuesday!"
Krillin soon found himself being the only thing keeping Gohan on his feet. "B-but we were out of p-peanut butter. We only h-h-had chi-chicken! And I couldn't give her that," Gohan latched onto Krillin, "Chicken is BIRD!" He buried his face in Krillin's chest and sobbed.
Krillin gently lead the sobbing Gohan to the class room door, away from the guffaws of the other children.
"Why is it so important, kiddo? To give Petunia her sandwich?" Gohan stopped crying for a minute, looking up (although not too far up) at his teacher's face and said earnestly: "Petunia controls the Weather."
Krillin's mouth formed a perfect "o."
Unbeknownst to Gohan, a life changer was hurtling toward earth at bone melting velocity.
"Where's he headed?" A cracked voice growled, clenching gnarled fists around a staff. "How can he have escaped...?" the wrinkled green man murmured to himself. Of course, he knew all too well how his enemy had wriggled loose; the man had access to all of his knowledge, damn him.
"We're calculating the ship's trajectory now, Sir," a short, dark genie at his side replied, staring intently at a computer screen. Kami himself watched the surrounding inkiness; eyes following a trail of fire from the escapee's oddly shaped star cruiser.
"If he's headed for some barren rock, let him go. That ship hasn't much fuel."
"Right, Kami."
"Popo, where is Moori?"
Popo gestured to their ship's control panel, where a much younger (yet still aged) green man of the same species frantically calculated the convict's course. Kami moved swiftly over to his friend, avoiding many scrambling Namekians. "Well, Moori?"
The portly Namek looked up at him with wide eyes, "Ma Junior, he's... headed straight for an inhabited planet." Kami's blood froze in his chest.
Moori bobbed his head, sweat running down his face, antennae twitching in fear.
"What planet?"
Kami nodded slowly. To think that it came to this...
"Shoot him down."His voice did not tremble, nor did his resolve fail him. Ma Junior must not reach civilization. That abomination must be destroyed... Even if meant the end of his own life… He shook his head sadly, what a waste... "Prepare to fire.
Moori's face filled with sadness, but he nodded.
"Arm the missiles." Moori's voice echoed throughout the ship via the PA system causing other Namekians to rush about the control room: some, like Kami, were accompanied by other aliens. A presence by his side caused the aged Namekian to look down. Popo met Kami's gaze, dark eyes apologetic.
"I'm so sorry, Kami..."
"It's my own fault," the old man returned, "I had a chance to seal him, and hesitated. I had hoped there would be a way to exercise his father's evil." He frowned, "I was wrong."
A young Namek, not quite at his prime, approached.
"We're ready to fire."
Kami dipped his head.
"Proceed, Nail."The warrior Namek bowed, turned and gave the signal. A great whirring noise filled the ship as the energy cannons spun, shooting white hot energy at the fleeing ship.
"I cannot watch," Popo shook his head, placing a hand over his eyes.
"Please, friend. I cannot do this alone."
He heard the missiles launch.
"Dammit!" He kicked the small cruiser, tearing at the control panel with wicked claws. "Go faster you useless piece of -"
Energy cannons bombarded the small ship, throwing him forward violently. The seat belt locked, slicing into his neck and chest, yanking him back and slamming his head into the back of the seat. Red warning lights and sirens filled the cramped cruiser. Another explosion rocked the small craft, destroying what was left of an engine, black smoke choked him, constricting his lungs.
He couldn't breathe.
-Prepare for Impact- an artificial voice told the unconscious alien.
"He's wounded, but alive." Kami cursed; the blue planet drew nearer.
"Ma Junior will not survive impact," Nail said pointedly. "That planet is either water that will drag that craft under before he can free himself, or hard rock. With any luck, the craft will explode, and he'll be incinerated."
Kami winced.
Gohan sat on his bed, holding an icepack over a new shiner. One of the bigger children had been making fun of his tail again, and when Gohan had snapped and told him off, the boy had decked him. Like any frightened child, Gohan had started to cry, and, when the older boy started picking on him again, pushing him and such, Gohan bit him.
Krillin had walked him home, and waited until his mother returned from work. They were still downstairs, talking. He could make out their words, but just barely.
"Don't punish him Chi, that kid had him in a head lock. He couldn't do anything else."
"I just...I just don't know what to do!" it sounded like his mother was crying. "It's been so - so HARD without G-Goku."
"I know... He was my best friend. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and think 'maybe I'll see if Goku wants to go fishing' then I remember."
His mother was definitely crying. He imagined that Krillin was sitting next to her, patting her on the back and trying to make her feel better.
"I'm a terrible son..." he whispered, "making my mama cry... I shouldn't make Mommy cry. I'm supposed to make her smile." He took the ice pack away from his face; the cold was starting to hurt. Setting it down on the bedside table, Gohan lay back in his bed, staring at the wall. A picture of his family - his whole family - stared at him. Mocking him. Gohan gazed longingly at the man with the goofy grin on his face in the photograph. His daddy. Gohan squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't bear to look at Goku anymore.
It had been a month since his Daddy died.
There had been something wrong with his heart, an old injury from a martial arts match, or simply an undiagnosed deformity. He and Krillin had been sparring, and suddenly, Goku had clutched his chest, surprise on his face. Gohan remembered clearly how they had rushed to the hospital, but it had been too late. The strain had been too much for his heart. Goku had been pronounced dead within minutes of their arrival. Gohan remembered how his mother couldn't tell him, how Krillin had tried, and finally, a doctor had taken him aside and gently explained to the child that his daddy was never coming home.
Before his memories could reach the funeral, the door to his bedroom opened. He didn't roll over until he felt his mother sit down on the bed. She pulled him gently onto her lap, and rested his head against her chest. Chichi gently combed his wild black hair with her fingers.
"Hey, Gohan-baby..." she whispered. Gohan said nothing.
After a moment, Chichi tried again, "I made pancakes for dinner. Do you want to come down? Or should I bring them up?"
"Not hungry," he mumbled.
"Okay... Well Krillin wanted to know if you wanted to go fishing tomorrow after school."
He shrugged, eyes stinging. Chichi reached over to the lamp on his bedside table, pulling the chord. The light bulb flickered to life, illuminating a green dragon wrapped around the lamp's base. "Do you want me to read to you?" her voice was distant, far off, as if her mind was elsewhere. Probably on the picture.
"Brave Story?" Gohan asked, anything to distract him. "Harry Potter? Redwall?" he tilted his head back, meeting his mother's soft dark eyes.
"Which one?" she murmured, as he shifted off of her lap.
An hour passed with his mother's artful reading, and, by the time she flicked off the light and bade him to sleep, the boy's thoughts were pleasant. Gohan watched the sky through the open window, counting the stars. He couldn't sleep just yet. His mind was too full of magic to relax.
Gohan's attention was caught, very suddenly, by a bright streak of light rocketing through the velvet sky. A shooting star? Slipping out from under the covers, Gohan bolted for his window seat, a wish already forming in his mind.
A friend, he pleaded, I want a friend! Just like Wataru has Meena and Kee Keema; and Harry has Ron and Hermione! Like Martin has Gonff and Dinny! A friend! Please!
It struck him that the meteorite should not still be visible. This must be a very large one indeed. And getting bigger! He marveled as the light continued to fall. Gohan followed it with his eyes, calculating where it would strike.
A rumbling blast shook the earth as the meteorite crash landed in the forest at the base of the mountains. Excitement filled him; if he could procure a piece of magical wishing stone, he could do whatever he wanted! He could make his mother smile again, maybe he could even do the impossible - bring his father back! He contemplated going to the site now, but knew his mother would be in to check on him in the next few minutes. And he couldn't skip school... At least tomorrow was Friday, and he only had a half day due to conferences. The moment the bell rang, he would bolt for the woods. He knew that he was faster than all of the other kids. He could get to the crash site before anyone else. As long as he did NOT go fishing with Krillin. He didn't want to go anyway.
He crawled back into bed, still smiling about the possibility of a magic stone. Settling back into his pillows, Gohan closed his eyes, already dreaming.
Pain. Heat. Something was digging into his chest, wrapping around his neck and strangling him. Couldn't breathe, couldn't try to speak. He attempted a snarl, but it came out with a gurgle. Indigo blood dribbled down his chin and soaked the front of his shirt.
Where was he?
Don't think, idiot! There's time for that later. Get. Out. NOW.
The belt was stuck. Snarling viciously, he tore at the belt, claws making short work of the material. His adrenaline high covered up the agony of his injuries. Mangled metal crunched against him, some of it slicing into his side. Probably had broken ribs. He lurched across the ruined craft's floor.
"P-Piccolo!" he gasped, voice gravely, as he reached the hatch. Nothing happened. "Piccolo!" again, the password failed. The hatch was jammed shut. If he stopped moving, the adrenaline would fade and he wouldn't be able to move. In a last ditch effort to free himself, he slammed into the hatch. Once, twice. POP! Something in his shoulder caved under the stress.
With a grunt of pain, he steeled himself for one more move. The door shifted, and then clanged shut again.
Something's...blocking...hatch… he thought. The last of his adrenaline drained from his blood. He sank to the floor.
"I don't believe it..." Kami murmured, "Ma Junior, you resilient beast..." he shook his head."Nail, Popo, ready two cruisers. He's alive."
"Don't want to fish, buddy?" Krillin asked, holding the door open for Gohan.
"No thank you, Sir," the boy replied, zipping his backpack. Despite his original plan to leave immediately after school, Krillin had requested help cleaning up from a craft project.
"Okay then, Gohan," he patted the child lightly on the shoulders. "Headed straight home?"
For a moment, he considered lying, but Krillin and his mother were too close. He shook his head,
"I wanna play in the woods for a bit." That much was true. The meteorite had crashed in the forest, after all.
"Does your Mother know?"
"I think so."
Krillin frowned, and for half a second, Gohan thought that his teacher was going to insist that he go home. But he smiled, rubbing the back of his waxed head. "You be careful, okay little guy? Don't stay out too long."
Gohan beamed, staring up at him. "Okay."
Krillin walked with him to where the road met the bike path leading into the woods.
"Bye Mister Krillin!" he called, waving as he dashed into the trees. Krillin held up a hand, smiling at the child, before turning down the road.
Gohan bolted into the shadowy trees, headed in the direction of the crash site. His heart pounded in his ears, breath catching in his throat as his little feet pounded on the uneven ground. Even if he only got a friend out of the deal, he would be happy. The possibility of a continuous wishing stone remained foremost in his thoughts. Maybe...maybe... No! Don't get your hopes up! Childlike innocence told him that a wish made upon a falling star could not be changed. He had wished for a friend.
Gohan took a short break, leaning against a tree. He gathered his bearings, judging that he only had a few minutes left to travel before reaching where his meteorite had landed.
The trees had started to thin some time ago, as the earth beneath them became too difficult for their roots to take hold. It seemed to Gohan that his meteorite had caused quite a lot of damage; a whole row of ancient pines had been flattened, acting as an arrow pointing him in the right direction.
The destruction became more violent the nearer he came to the site; here and there, trees still smoldered, the acrid scent of ash assailing his nostrils. A few more steps. He stumbled into deep rivets torn into the soft loam; his heart raced, his eyes widened as he took in the scene.
A space ship smoked at the base of the mountain.
Gohan's mouth fell open, this couldn't be real! A space ship? Being incredibly advanced for a kindergartner, he instantly noted that the craft was not manmade. At least, nothuman made. It had probably been white, or least a very light grey, before colliding into the mountain. It almost looked like a house, albeit a very round house, with appendages similar to legs. Probably landing gear. Cracks spider webbed across the surface, and large amounts of the outer shell were crumbling. Some of the damage appeared to have been dealt before the crash.
Curious, Gohan crept closer, occasionally flinching away from the ship. He had never seen something like it before, except in fairy tales. Step by careful step, he made his way over to the decimated craft. Gohan peered around the ship, looking for a way to get inside. A sudden thumping noise spooked him, causing him to leap backwards and scurry away from the ship. His tail twitched spasmodically, the fur puffed up like a cat's. Gohan swallowed his fear and returned to the place where the sound was coming from. It seemed incredible to him that anything could have survived the crash, although he mused that the alien inside could have super strength, or any number of interesting powers.
Examining the area where the sound had come from more closely, Gohan noticed a thin circular etching on the ship's hull. A door? He pushed on the stones that obscured the entrance, pleased when they tumbled away. He poked the presumed door tentatively, leaping away with a squeak when it creaked. Clambering up the side, Gohan squeezed his fingers through the door jamb, attempting to pry it open.
The horrible screeching of destroyed hinges snapping assaulted his ears as the hatch trembled, then fell outwards.
"Phew, good thing I was up here!" Gohan breathed, panting. "Now... Let's see..." leaning over the entrance, Gohan squinted against the dust and smoke that came pouring out of the cabin. Was that something moving?
Dropping down from the roof into the cabin, Gohan crawled toward the prone figure on the floor.
"Oh wow..." he breathed; the alien was humanoid in figure, although much bigger than any man Gohan had ever seen - besides his grandfather, that is - and green. Its ears were long and tapered into points. The four fingered hands ended in sharp claws that complimented the two canines he could see in the slightly open mouth. It also had antennae, and not a single hair on its head. Gohan reached out, touching its cheek, feeling the smooth, human-like skin brushing past his fingertips. Suddenly its eyes snapped open and it snarled, baring the fangs Gohan had merely glimpsed before. He recoiled, whipping his hand back in fear. "Please don't eat me!" the words were out before he realized he had even thought them.
Much to his surprise, lips slipped back over fangs, and the threatening snarl turned into a warning growl. Gohan noted the red irises of the alien's eyes, and he shivered slightly. Once he was certain that the alien wasn't going to eat him, Gohan examined it in a little more detail. Blood - at least he thought it was blood, since it was purple - soaked the floor around its body, coating it's neck and chest. The shirt it was wearing was all but destroyed, torn and soaked with gore. It looked like a man, but he didn't want to insult it...just in case... The alien's heavy, strained breaths worried him; it might not make it. The thought of it dying filled him with an inexplicable sadness.
"I'm going to help you," he whispered. The alien stared at him, saying nothing.