A/N: Sorry guys, deleting 'Comforting', but here is my replacement story for all you slashmobbers (supporters of MikexChuck or any other slash that doesn't have a good couple name) enjoy!

Disclaimers: I own nothing

Today was just a typical day around Motorcity...well, if by 'typical' you mean trying to take down Kane, then yes, typical. There was just one thing that was out of place.

"Has anyone seen Chuck?" Mike asked, walking up to the rest of the Burners.


"Haven't seen him" Everyone agreed.

"Well that's weird..." Mike commented.

"Eh, he's probably just working on something, or playing a video-game, or LARP-ing, or something." Texas suggested.

"Yeah, maybe." Mike said, walking out to the garage.

'Where is that kid?' Mike thought, when he heard a soft, sleepy groan from inside Mutt.

"What the?" He asked out loud, then peered in through the window. Sure enough, there was Chuck, all curled up in the passenger's seat.

"Aww." Mike smiled, "He's actually kind of cute when he sleeps, wait, did, I seriously just say that! Out loud too! Crap, what if someone heard that, why am I still staying stuff out loud, cra-" Mike was about to exclaim, when Chuck cut him off.

"You really think I look cute?" He smirked.

"Uh, um, Chuck, how long have you been up." Mike asked quickly.

"Long enough to know you think I look cute."

"I don't think that!"

"Do too."

"Do not!"

"Do too."


"I think you're cute too." Chuck smiled.

"DO- wait, you do?" Mike asked.



"Yuh huh."

"W-wow..." Mike looked away, blushing, not sure what to say.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm trying to sleep." Chuck grinned, then curled back up.

"Mind if I join you?" Mike asked.

"Go ahead." Chuck blushed,as Mike got into the driver's seat, and turned to face Chuck, who was blushing like crazy.

"Wait, what if someone walks in?" The blonde asked.

"Hey, it's just a couple of guys, sleeping together in a 70's muscle car, nothing wrong with that." Mike asked.

"Do you even hear yourself sometim-." Chuck yelled, but was cut off by Mike's lips meeting his. The kiss was a lot like Mike's driving, hot, but it ended too fast.

"Sorry, Chuck, you were talking to loud." Mike winked.

"Of course I was." Chuck argued.

"Want me to kiss you again?"

"Um...I wouldn't mind it."



"So, should I kiss you or not?"

"Just do it!"

"Okay." Mike smiled, and pulled Chuck in for another kiss. And to think this all happened because Chuck took a nap in Mutt.