Hello everyone!

Just wanted to say that this is a one-shot. I know there are tons of this out there but please give this a chance. Andrew is also one of Percy's school friends! Review.

Andrew's POV

It was the last day of school before winter break and school was just about to start. I was hanging around outside the school with a bunch of my friends.

"Where's Percy" One of my best friends Ryan complained, "He's always late and I need to ask him about Saturday's meet."

Christina was the one that answered "I'm sure he's on his way. He's always late."

Percy. I thought

All the girls chased after him thinking he was the hottest thing that ever walked the planet. Even all the popular girls asked him out and he always replied the same "Sorry, I have a girlfriend"

His mysterious girlfriend. The beautiful goddess who lived in California. That was all we ever got. No description or clues about her. No one has seen or heard of her. Ever. Which would explain why none of the girls believed him.

But he was oblivious too. He didn't even know that Erin, one of his closest friends was in love with him.

Suddenly everything got quiet. I looked toward the parking lot and saw why. The most gorgeous girl I had ever seen was walking in our direction. She had curly blonde hair which was swept to the side, long legs, a deep tan, and the most starling and beautiful aspect-grey eyes. She was wearing jeans shorts which showed off her legs, a purple top with an owl and black converse.

Every guy, outside, stopped and stared. You could hear the wolf whistles and feel the girl's glares.

Dylan, the most stuck-up guy in the school, starting walking towards her. He pretended to bump into her and caused her to drop her books.

She gave him a deadly glare, picked up her books and continued to walk on.

By this time Ryan, my other friend Kyle and me were all staring at her while Christina, Erin, and Laura looked at us like we were idiots.

The girl's eyes scanned the area like she was looking for someone. Since she was standing next to us, she turned to us to ask a question.

"I'm looking for my boyfriend, would any of you happen to know where he is?" She asked us sweetly but firmly.

Erin answered her "Maybe if you tell us his name we might know him."

"Percy Jackson"

The six of us groaned. "Why does every girl feel like they have a chance with him! Sheesh, Just get over him already!" Erin basically screamed at the poor girl.

"Excuse me, but how do you know I am even lying," She asked her icily.

"Please, every girl wants to be his girlfriend and it's just never ganna happen."

"Wait a sec, Laura." I said calmly. "She might not be lying" Laura really needs to get over Percy, he only sees her as a friend but does she realize that. Nooooo.

"No, I'm not going to wait, Just because he's captain of the swimming team and one of the hottest and most popular guys in school it does not give every girl the right to claim false titles about him." Erin seethed at the girl.

The girl continued to glare at us and was about the say something when we heard a shout.

"Hey guys! Who are you talking to?" Percy said as he ran up to us.

Erin answered immediately "Just some girl that won't get the message that she isn't going out with you!" She stated angrily as she turned to Percy, but his eyes weren't on Erin, they were on the new girl.


Next thing we know Percy is embracing the new girl, recently identified as Annabeth. He had picked her up and swung her around causing all the students to stare.

"What are you doing here?" Percy asked her excitedly as he put her down but left his arms around her waist.

"What I can't come visit by boyfriend? My school had got out a day before yours, so I thought I would stop by and see you before school started."

With that Percy laughed and leaned in "I missed you Wise Girl" and promptly kissed her.

I could feel all the girl's dreams wash away and I heard Erin gasp right next to me. When they came up for air, Percy suddenly remembered us and turned to face us.

"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Annabeth Chase from San Francisco." Well, I thought, that makes it official.

Annabeth turned toward Erin and while looking her in eyes and glaring g at her, said to her "I told you so."