A/N: So this story picks up the Monday after Slay Ride. Time to tie up some loose ends for the team as we head into Christmas and New Year's. Enjoy a little Christmas in July, folks!

It's Monday morning at Quantico and back to business as usual after the crazy Seattle case. The team had already had their meeting to discuss new cases and JJ was back in her office pouring over 15 that had come in since Friday. She sighs. It just never ends. A shadow falls across her desk and she smiles up at Ned, the mailroom clerk.

"Hi, Agent Jareau. Got a pile for you as usual."

"Of course. Thanks, Ned."

"Sure. Oh, and I've got this one for Agent Rossi. Should I leave it with you?"

JJ raises an eyebrow. Is it going to take Morgan thumping the boy into the ground for him to get it? "Ned, do I look like Agent Rossi?"

"Oh, no, ma'am!" he says with wide eyes. "You're much prettier."

JJ can't help but chuckle. "Okay. Thanks. So do I look like Rossi's secretary?"

Ned thinks about it a moment. And it is the wrong way to handle the question. The smile fades from JJ's face. She leans forward onto the desk and raises an eyebrow, her blue eyes like ice.

"Ned, I'm a Federal Agent. That means I have a gun and I'm allowed to use it. So, do I look like Agent Rossi's secretary?"

Ned swallows in fear. "NO! No, ma'am! Not at all ma'am. Never, ma'am." Even the guys in the mailroom had heard about her prowess with a firearm. "I'll just…give this to Agent Prentiss!"

JJ slowly stands. "And does Supervisory Special Agent Prentiss look like Supervisory Special Agent Rossi's secretary?"

He looks at the pictures on the shelves behind JJ. Emily is front and center in most of them. "Umm…no? Uh, maybe I should just…put this in Agent Rossi's inbox?"

JJ nods, a humorless smile on her face. "I think that would be safest, Ned. Thank you."

She slowly sits back down as the poor boy nearly falls over his mail cart trying to get away. As soon as he clears the door, two more people step in. Hotch quickly closes the door as he and Emily burst into laughter.

"Geez, Jen, I think he wet his pants!" Emily cracks.

"If he didn't he should have," Hotch says. "Even I was worried for a second there."

JJ joins them in laughter. "Think he'll remember this next time?"

Emily and Hotch exchange a look then glance back at JJ. "No!" They say simultaneously.

JJ nods, still chuckling. "Sadly, you're probably right."

"Maybe next time he walks in you should just take your gun out and caress it a few times," Hotch suggests. "It could jog his memory."

"Or I would definitely end up with a puddle on the floor. And I've got no desire to switch offices again any time soon." She leans back in her chair. "So did you two need anything or were you just eaves dropping for a laugh?"

"Uh, actually, we needed to remind you of something," Hotch states, sobering slightly. "JJ, your return to duty after the Ames, IA case was conditional on getting your nose fixed. It could cause problems with breathing or a minor injury to it could sideline you indefinitely."

JJ groans. "Ugh. And let me guess, Straus wants it done before the end of the year so we can clear the books?" Hotch nods. "Well, I guess I can try to get an appointment and—"

"Yeah, um, I've got it for you, Jen," Emily says.

JJ looks from her wife to her boss. She raises an eyebrow. "Were you two plotting against me? I'm going to be pissed if the answer is yes."

"We weren't exactly plotting, Jen," Emily says.

"JJ, I went to Emily because you had mentioned using a doctor she knows. I wanted to know if it was possible for you to get in before the end of the year," Hotch says. "She made the call at my request."

"And he says he can get you in on Thursday," Emily finishes.

"Thursday?" JJ asks in shock. "This Thursday? But Christmas is coming!"

"Now, Jen, after the first week the facial splint comes off. And the bruising and swelling usually subsides in the next week or so."

"Usually." JJ points out. "And when has our luck ever been that good when it comes to injuries?"

"Total recovery time is about 12 weeks," Emily continues. "But you'll be back to work in two weeks and pretty much okay by Christmas."

"Pretty much okay? Emily, this is Henry's first Christmas. What does 'pretty much' mean?"

Emily looks to Hotch for support before turning back to her wife. "Well, no strenuous activity for 6 weeks, like work outs and, um, lifting kids and—"

"NO! No FUCKING way!" JJ leaps up and begins to pace. "I am not going through the holidays unable to hold my son! Fuck Straus and her God damned rules!"

"JJ, I'm sorry, but if you wait…I will be forced to remove you from the team. My hands have been tied on this. I will do whatever you want," Hotch tells her, clearly torn up by what he's forcing her to decide.

JJ stops pacing and stares at him. "I could have been killed by that brick, Hotch. I went to my wedding looking like a damn zombie. And when I came back I have worked tirelessly and fully at my job. My nose is fine. This is all crap!"

"JJ…Jennifer, the medical clearance was specific. You need to get the nose fixed before it becomes a liability to the team. I'm sorry," Hotch says again.

JJ looks from her boss to her wife and back again. "There's really no other way?" Hotch shakes his head. JJ drops down onto the sofa in her office. "Fine. Set the appointment up. But warn them I'm pissed."

Emily smiles. "I took the liberty of warning them already, Jen."

"JJ, I really am sorry," Hotch says.

JJ sighs and leans back. "I know, Hotch. I just…I feel fine. It hasn't bothered me a bit. It's just ridiculous."

"I know. And any other section chief probably wouldn't care. But, well, you know."

"Yeah, I know. No one better screw up my office," she warns.

He looks around at the stacks of files. He frowns. "I'm not even sure how they could," he admits honestly.

The three agents chuckle. Hotch excuses himself and leaves, closing the door behind him.

"So, how much trouble am I in?" Emily asks.

"A little. Maybe a foot massage worth."

Emily smiles. "I can handle that." She sits down beside JJ. "You know he tried to stop this, right?"

"I know. And thank you for calling for me. Something tells me the 'Prentiss' name got me the appointment."

"Jen…youhave the Prentiss name, too. You'd have gotten in if you'd made the call." Emily strokes her cheek. "You are part of the whole insane wheel that turns in the Prentiss world. You get that, right?"

"Yeah. Just sometimes…it's a lot. You know, we never did get to go over all the financial things you did when we got married," JJ reminds her.

"You're right. Maybe while you're recovering this weekend?"

"Nope. Beforehand. I may not be feeling up to it this weekend and something tells me some of what I hear could make my blood pressure race. I do remember being told to keep my blood pressure down the first time around." She looks away, tears in her eyes. "I didn't have to worry about not hugging my son back then."

"Hey, Jen, come here," Emily pulls her into a hug. "You'll be able to hug him and play with him. And if I hand him to you you'll be able to hold him. You just can't pick him up from the floor." She moves a lock of hair off JJ's face. "You will experience all of the joys of his first Christmas. I promise you."

JJ leans her head on Emily's shoulder. "I know. Keep reminding me of that when I get depressed."

Emily kisses her forehead. "I will. I promise."