Hey! I haven't written anything in a while :p
I've been reading a lot of m-preg lately and it made me want to write some so . . . here it is! [:
Disclaimer: I own nothing :|
"Can you believe it Kendall? We're gonna have a little girl. . ." James whispered lightly with a small smile on his face as he and his fiancé rubbed his large belly bump together, hand in hand, still astonished by the fact that James was carry their little baby girl. They lay cuddled up next to each other in bed, excitement still buzzing in them from their earlier doctor's appointment, where they discovered the sex of the baby. Even though Kendall was hoping for a little boy to teach hockey to, he was still happy to be having a little girl. James was the one routing for a girl, so he could dress her up in cute little dresses, do her hair, play dolls with her, teach her to sing, warn her that if any boy or hell, even girl, broke her heart, they'd die a slow painful death him and Kendall's hands . . . you know, fun stuff like that.
Kendall looked up and smiled wide at James before saying, "No I can't . . . she's gonna be gorgeous, if she looks anything like you." The brunette's smile grew a little bigger and leaned down a bit to peck Kendall's lips. It was crazy that even though they been together for 4 years, a simple peck still made a jolt of electricity run through them both.
"I hope she has your eyes Ken," James told him once he was fully sitting up and looking right at his stomach again, "I love your eyes and if she had my hair and your eyes . . ." James sighed dreamily at the thought. But he knew, even of the baby didn't have those exact physical traits, she'd come out looking like an angel.
"She's gonna come out looking amazing no matter what. You are her mother, right?" Kendall said playfully but truthfully and James just rolled his eyes.
"As long as she doesn't have you monster brows . . ." James mumbled under his breath, hoping the blonde didn't hear him.
Kendall cocked an eyebrow at his fiancé, "What did you say?"
"U-Uhm, I think we should go . . . baby shopping?" Kendall just shook his head and grinned before he hopped off the bed and walked towards the bathroom door.
"You're lucky you're hot and carrying my baby!" He yelled as he closed the door.
"You know you love me Ken-doll; you can't deny it!" He shouted back, holding back a giggle.
James smiled when he heard a slight, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," from the bathroom. Kendall and him were going to be great parents.
I loved this, even if it was so short!
I may do another chapter. I would be of James giving birth to the baby! Review and tell me if I should do it!